My Anthem

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

RIP: Sarawak Tribune (5)

As I was writing the Valentine Day's post on Special Request,
Desi received from a fellow journalist another piece of heart-breaking news:

GuangMing Daily News has been served with a Show-cause Letter
by the great Ministry of Internal Security.
Another "fall guy" to have his/her head chopped off for merely using a wire agency
photograph showing a reader "looking at a page with a photograph depicyting one of the infamous 12 caricatures".

Who's next in line to the slaughter house.

Desi weeps for Malaysia.
Now it's almost too hard to wish that RIP can also stand for RISE IF POSSIBLE.
Desi was just too optimistic.
Maybe a "Caring Government" has now to prove itself as the "Daring Government"?
I may take another SE7EN DAY INTER:LUDE.

PS: A thousand apologies" if Desi spoilt thy Valentine'sDae celeb.
Man can only propose, God disposes.

Join me for prayers, anyone?



Dangerous Variable said...


I have come to the conclusion that I won't want to bother to fight for freedom of the press issue because I think we are being hopeless bound by the rules are regulations (through discretion of the politicians). Although this is a topic I teach in class; communications, society and culture, my guess will be that we have already prostituted ourselves to the present day government.

What our forefathers fought for and the social contract that has exsited (the constitution) has been tainted with lies, power struggles, ethnocentrism and the self serving politician.

It seem that one can only teach and create awareness, unless there are serious challenges to the hegemon, all we can do is to mourn and to see that the 4th estate has lost its power and authority to check the balances of power.

I too mourn on this Valentine's Day especially for the S'wak Tribune, the journalist at the China Press and many more.

God bless Malaysia. We are going down to the dogs!

I weep!

chong y l said...

Dangerous V:

There is some glimmer of HOPE yet as we bloggers fill in the gap (or lapse)left by the mainstream media.
I mention Cooperation, then COOPTION, finally Copulation -- I hjope most of my ER catcvh what I mean.
If not, ne'er mind, our conversations will continue as long as there is at leaast ONE VISITOR left to guest at Desi's Place ... where's ohohSE7EN?:)

Yes, I join thee in a prayer -
God Bless Us All
God-fearing Malaysians!
A: ....!