My Anthem

Friday, February 17, 2006

Oh, no! Shit!

The first time I indulged in some proFANity at Desi's Place was in the spirit of pro-FUN-unity. In a way it was done as a Third Party reference so I could blame in all on Young&Articulate Chris.

Chris the "speaker" and story-teller in Mark Haddon's Incident of the Dog in the Nightime ... Yan knows very wella the Chris IO'm talking about because she too has one Y&A aspiring to be a Lawyer-and-meanw'ile-diverted-by-the-Nurse-in-the-ward!:)

I arrived at work this moUrn just after 9; first thing I did was what I do every morn if the PC is working -- checked Yahoo! mail.

First the good news: john wriote me NOT a dear Chong letter to confirm he's attending the deferred G7 meet tomorrow.
Then the bad news -- kyels sent her regrets -- felt too "down-heArted" I think to say it in her email, referred Desi to "Beware" at her weblog.

Kyels -- as many of my regular E would know by now -- is one of a few EsteemedReaders who promoted themselves to become Desi's most times "mentee" and sometimes "mentor".

She injured herself trying to fend off two "bastrads" snatching off an "invaluable" bag from her as it contained an equipment borrowed from a friend. Yes, reflex action often spurs one to protect one's "belongings" -- especially a precious item borrowed from a sincere buddy...(Read about it first-person at, I agree with her:
"Oh, shit those Fuckers!"
Sumtimes a fowl word or two is aloud, yes? And that, definitely, is a rhetorical Q!

I can understand Kyels' feelings.
I am sure evryone of us would have similar experiences to recount --happening to ourselves, family members, friends. Just over the recent CNY period, my nephews had their house "burgled" -- second incident in two CNY breaks! -- and their father "losing" his Proton car parked right ioutside their house.

Luckily mGf kyels suffered -- hopefully I pray -- temporary injuries. But the sense of being "terrorised" . Yes, terrorism comes in the form of having your sense of safety compromised -- especially in places like your own residential neighbourhood. Since some 10 years back, Desi has been telling friends -- especially young teenage girsl, also older women too -- that it's no more safe to venture out alone!

With millions of "aliens" roaming our country, I wonder whether the authorities have not been using the "ISA" on the right targets? My dear EsteemedReaders, oplease tell me!

Meanwhile, Desi and our GoodFriends would say a prayer for kyels -- also Koi Kye Lee
formally to us who have the pribilege of her friendship -- "We wish you speedy recovery" and may the Almighty watch over her and Keep Thee Well."

Yes, Desi is humbnle to 'fess that I learnt more than I've given to the Y&A ones qho in Blogsworld travels stop to converse. Learning is ALWAYS a two-way process. Ne'ver forget that! I'm saying this to remind myself -- and other OldDownStarts like bro Imran!

Today's post was started at abot 10.10AM -- I only managed to put the last full-stop at . A reluctant piece of shit writing -- it spoilt my day -- tomorrow's as well. But we have to make the besta of it!

Wonder if the police has been using the other ISA on the right people? Most times Desi thinks they are barking up the wrong tree -- Opposition party leaders, NGO activists, some diehard hardcoore wrieters ... but they don't see the wolves in their midst! Set up more Commissions of Inquiry?

Butt CitizenJoe and Jane -- what are we going to do about it?

Some 1-2 million "illegals" in Our Country, and this IS not a security situation?

Before the day's over, I may have to say I. S. A: amen at least a few more times!
Come GE2008-9, mark the Cross against the Dacing, nyet agin?

Masochistic Malaysians?
Stop ranting, stop raving, stop, yes, Stop Komplening!
You blardy arsed for it!
Think I've exhausted my quota of proFUNities for the 'hole of 2006...
Bleah! :( whispered my Doggie borrowed from Peanuts.


Anonymous said...

Just sent you my extremely late e-mail...Sorry, hope you received it.

Howsy said...

OMG! An uncle just swore! LOL!
Enjoy yourselves at the G7 Croco Farm Gathering tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mentor. I will be well soon. No worries .. And those fuckers will get their karma soon enough ...

JOEPSC said...

Hi, Desi,

I saw your typo error, it has got to be fockers rite? :):)

Blame on the "aliens" (including over-stayers) who blame on the "snake-heads" who bring them in illegally, who in turn blame on the 'porous' security fence, which in turn can blame on the low budget, which is blamed on poor economy, which is blamed on bad governance, which is blamed on the voters. Well, after all that effort, it comes one full circle! Oh, shit! Who should the voters blame? hehehe

John Lee said...

Ouch, that sucks, kyels (to say the least). Hopefully PDRM will perform, with the recent scandals and all. How hard can it be to trace a motorcycle if you have the licence number?

chong y l said...

to dreamerI:

to Auntie Howsie:

Esp: to Kyels, the V.Gal:)



I have consolidated my response as ONE this morn cos when I logged on at after I had a L&E BF --- not CON cos that's 24 away -- I was "relieved" to see Y&A Koi Kye Lee up, up and away with her thoughts on Ever-lasting Friendship.

That means she's alright, at least soulfully and spiritedly, and that is L'VE, man, woman, lad'!

I had once recommended to Mentee kyels to list to Matt Monro to learn Xquisite English -- esp enunciation -- I see auntie nodding hiss/her head -- and I'm list'ning to BORN FREE as I typed this. (In fact, I was planning to pass the album to you, kyels, at sat's G7 meet -- another dae, another Croc meal then...:) with Crocodile Rock2!

We now know kyels -- the V.Gal -- wil-be-o'Rit' as long as she writes with such art...
Gracious and courageous as She goes!

PS: V, BTW, stands for Victory.:)
PPS to joe-sey: oops, f'cker should read "li" for the apostrophe -- the thing that flicks, 'member?
May the Force Be With Us,
Writ(H)ers All-in-Awe!
A: ....

A new mon has broken...