My Anthem

Friday, December 14, 2007

CSM from PKR de facto Chief

A Coomunity Service Mesage on an urgent issue of the day
from a key player: Desk of Anwar Ibrahim:)

As the press statement is BILINGUAL, it's also doing my wee byte
to promte Bahasa Malaysia along with lingua franca of the Globalised Village.

NB: YL Chong declares he's just an ordinary member of PKR, Seremban division, after jumping ship from DAP with some bitter/better lessons to share:):):):):):):)

If any ER dareth ask what is PKR, please getdehellavuoouch of hear!:(
And the curio cats among you wanna know what those lessons are, seek desi out at
Men Kee on Sundae, pay for CON BF, OK!
When he's dunk on tehtarik, anything will go forth his big/medium/small mouth.
"small" as used by Zak who buit that RM7million hut in Port Klang:( VVe jeles!

14 December 2007


December 14, 2007


After I first made public the Lingam video clip nearly three months ago, the government has finally announced the composition and terms of reference of a Royal Commission to investigate judicial corruption.

In spite of the initial stonewalling and the much belated setting up of a three-man panel, we view this concession by the government as a positive first step in restoring the integrity of the nation's judiciary. We applaud the thousands of Malaysian people who have demanded reform of the judiciary.

The terms of reference of the Royal Commission unfortunately fall short of a broad mandate to initiate a comprehensive investigation into the crisis facing the judiciary, which was widely demanded by the Bar Council, NGOs, and other institutions of civil society. The video provides proof that the rot is pervasive and has corrupted the highest levels of the judiciary. We regret that the Commission will not be empowered to address the entirety of the problems represented by the video.

The inclusion of Tan Sri Haidar and Tan Sri Steve Shim as commissioners also raises some concerns. The Royal Commission has been charged with investigating matters concerning all the names mentioned in the tape, including my own, referred to as the "Anwar Case" in the tape. However, it must be pointed out that Tan Sri Haidar and Tan Sri Steve Shim were among the judges who heard my case in the Federal Court. In this regard, we believe that the onus is on them to remove any semblance of bias or conflict of interest which may arise in the course of the proceedings pursuant to the Royal Commission's inquiry.

Nevertheless, we remain committed to giving our full cooperation to the Royal Commission with the sincere hope that the members will not shirk their responsibilities in carrying their duties without fear or favour. Bribery, judge fixing, injustices perpetuated against many and wrongful conviction are serious problems which demand serious attention.

In fulfilling my earlier promise, I am releasing the entire 14-minute video clip and I pledge to cooperate fully with the Royal Commission. The video can be viewed at:



Setelah saya mendedahkan klip video Lingam kepada orang ramai kira-kira tiga bulan yang lalu, kerajaan kini telah mengumumkan keanggotaan dan terma rujukan Suruhanjaya DiRaja untuk menyiasat rasuah kehakiman.

Pada mulanya, kerajaan tidak mengendahkan isu ini tetapi kemudiannya hanya bersetuju membentuk panel tanpa bidang kuasa jelas. Justeru itu, keputusan menubuhkan Suruhanjaya Di-Raja kami anggap sebagai langkah positif untuk mengembalikan integriti kehakiman Negara. Kami mengucapkan tahniah kepada ribuan rakyat Malaysia yang telah menuntut reformasi kehakiman.

Malangnya, terma rujukan Suruhanjaya DiRaja ini tidak memenuhi bidangkuasa yang sewajarnya untuk memulakan siasatan menyeluruh terhadap krisis yang dihadapi institusi kehakiman, sebagaimana yang dituntut Majlis Peguam, badan-badan bukan kerajaan dan lain-lain pertubuhan masyarakat. Kewujudan video ini merupakan bukti bahawa krisis ini cukup mendalam dan telah melibatkan peringkat tertinggi institusi kehakiman. Kami kesal bahawa Suruhanjaya ini tidak diberikan bidangkuasa yang secukupnya untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang telah ditimbulkan oleh video ini.

Penglibatan Tan Sri Haidar dan Tan Sri Steve Shim sebagai pesuruhjaya juga menimbulkan beberapa persoalan. Suruhanjaya DiRaja telah dipertanggungjawabkan untuk menyiasat semua perkara berkaitan dengan nama-nama yang disebut di dalam video ini, termasuk saya, yang dirujuk sebagai "Kes Anwar" di dalam video tersebut. Walaubagaimanapun, saya perlu menarik perhatian disini bahawa Tan Sri Haidar dan Tan Sri Steve Shim adalah antara hakim yang mendengar kes saya di Mahkamah Persekutuan. Di dalam perkara ini, kami berharap mereka bertindak waras bagi mengenepikan sebarang tanggapan negatif yang mungkin bersangkit di dalam penyiasatan Suruhanjaya DiRaja.

Namun demikian, kami masih komited untuk memberikan kerjasama penuh dengan Suruhanjaya DiRaja dengan harapan bahawa anggotanya mempunyai keberanian melaksanakan amanah mereka dengan jujur dan ikhlas. Rasuah, muslihat perlantikan hakim dan ketidakadilan yang dilaksanakan di dalam penghakiman adalah masalah serius yang perlu ditangani.

Untuk memenuhi janji saya sebelum ini, saya dengan ini memberikan klip penuh video tersebut selama 14 minit dan akan memberikan kerjasama penuh kepada Suruhanjaya DiRaja. Video tersebut boleh ditonton di:


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