My Anthem

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A dead hero is no more a hero

up your a***hole!
the Guy shows the man in blue
that universal sign
the middle finger raised to the sky
i also have feelings you know,
so Smack! goes the
Truncheon to the Guy's backside

he stumbles,
then a louder Smack to his left eye

it's always the Left Eye
I don't know why
maybe because of its
ociation with leftists
like Lenin, MaoZedong and Castro

f***k you bastards!
and more expletives
as more defiant Voices
join in the chorus

the man in blue gives a few
thai kickboxer kicks
and for added finality
shuffs the Truncheon up the Guy's a***hole

then all is silent
deadly silence
a few gasps for air
now the hero lies motionless

another hot statistic
in the Red Devils' roll
of (dis)-honour

a dead hero is no more

so you brave young heroes
use your blardy head
God gave you a unique mind
before you storm into that
battle field
think twice, yes, think thrice!

martyrdom is not for you to claim
it's for history to lay at thy
tombsstone's grassland
perhaps with some flowers
which have not
to the men in blue

but expect no drums roll
just an Imagined and Lonely Trumpet
sounding more than an Adieu
it's forever Good-bye

The Last Post

so Stay Alive!
Don't become a dead hero before time
it's unkind

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