My Anthem

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Another Short Story to Post

Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Entry #44

Kak Left With the Postman

by YL Chong

"Boys and girl, we are back!" both Caron and her husband announced as they tiptoed into the living room, expecting to be greeted by two lads and their four-year-old sister they had missed for seven days. Perhaps, it's good to see the maid, Kak, too, as absence makes the heart fonder.

There was a distinctive "stink" of stale food in the air. Dad eyed the remnants of some fried chicken and hamburger left on a plate near the television.

The couple peeped into the master bedroom, the boys', then Abigail's rooms, and finally, Kak's.

Not a soul, and Caron's voice now hinted some alarm. "I'm afraid, Gary, there's no one around!"

"What a mess!" Caron let out a shout as she entered the kitchen -- eyeing in dismay unwashed dishes, stale food on the plates that emitted such stench that Gary had to hold a handkerchief to his nose.

"I'm gonna fire that blardy maid!" his voice was raised, but the only sound answering back was some running water from a tap at the sink.

Just then the front door burst open. In rushed three kids as they ran to embrace their parents.

"Now where have you been?" demanded Mum.

"We went to KFC for our dinner plate," explained the eldest child.

"And where's Kak?" Dad's voice was still stern.

"Kak left the morning after you people left for your vacation," chirped in the second boy.

"She left the second morning, riding pillion with the postman," said Abigail.

posted by jason evans at 11:44 AM

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