My Anthem

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Universal Truth and Godliness

In aMore chicky mood, I would have said: GodlyNURSE.
Sundaes for Desi are to go for mindful excursions and if I am tempted to appraoch anywhere near God's territory, it's always with trepidation. But today I venture forth because a few "encounters" need to be recorded. Okay, also to be shared as I am going public. You may react but I urge that you be NOT personal, hence no naming names.

As I had told some close friends, I was brought up in a Christian home, exposed to many activities fom childhood into teenage years until early adulthood in environs closely associated with Christ very much in the air.

But working as a journalist from age 25 slowly tempered my religious bent as I interacted lots with other faiths, even fully secular beings including non-God believers -- you call them agnostics or atheists, to me it does not matter, it's all terminology anyway, still manmade -- so I describe myself as a "highly critical, liberalised" Christian if any "classification" (again articially defined by man) was needed. Most fervent born-again ones would often be on collision course with Desi once we venture into Religious Discourse, hence my reluctance to tread into this TERRORtry. Oft said here, it doesn't serve useful purpose as it is debate of the "Till the cows come home" variety. Desi admits he doesn't have that Patience to wait till the last lembu gets back as some -- like some members of Homo sapiens-lah -- are pretty obstinate. Yes, some are also pretty as Madonna but still stubborn like a mule.

If the foregoing is an INTRO, I don't know where I am headed. Guess the next few lines welcome the BODY.

My esential premise today is to endorse what one visiting Dr Karen Armstrong strongly stated as reported thus in The Suday Times, page 14:

Author: Religion makes sense when you practise it

Religion is a matter that should be put into concrete practice in order to discover the truth, says well-known author on world religions, Dr Karen Armstrong.

She said people should not stop with just having thoughts of the religion they professed but must put them into practice.

"Religion makes sense when you practise it," she told an audience of about 1,500 at a public lecture on the "Role of Religion in the 21st Century" here yesterday.

The lecture was part of the two-day International Conference on Islam and the West: Bridging the Gap, organised by the Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations Malaysia, which ended yesterday.

British-born Armstrong, a former nun, has written on Islam, Christianity, Buddhism and Judaism. Some of her books, however, have been banned in Malaysia.

Armstrong said despite the changes and challenges the world was undergoing today or would be in future, religion would not disappear.

"Each tradition has challenges... and, of course, religions have to adapt to changing times."

She also said it was important for young people to be taught the traditions of others so that they would not harbour any ill feeling or hatred towards others.

"Violence that is happening today should not be solved with violence but is an opportunity for a revolution of spiritual awakening." — Bernama


Key words are "put into concrete practice".

Oh, how many members of this species called Homo sapiens can put into practice whatever they profess as their "religion"?

I am posing this question and won't say more than that I believe my answer is: Mighty Few.

Now this is ONE BLARDY INDIVIDUAL'S VIEWPOINTS expressed by Desi at Desi's Place today; you, dear EsteemedReaders, are not begged to agree or disgree. What I'm writing this Sunday is rarely done, as rare as Desi ingesting Steak-Rare wit' blood still oozing from the meat! as I still think "timely" for the following encounters:


Last week, one "church elder" accidentally bumped into Desi at a noodle centre quite near MengKee (Why I used MK as reference point, please track down Furongite AnakMerdeka and she'll oblige...methinks). Anyway, the first few lines of CONversation went like this:

"(*Desi) I haven't seen you for a long time -- don't waste your talent God has given you! Come back to The Lord..." (and you can get the drift-lah!)

"I must get ....(name of Christian author)....(Title of book) for you to read. You will learn to come back to the Right Path..."

"(**Jack), before you ramble on, can I also recommend you read Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist?" was my short response. (I also said something to the effect "Get a copy of my First Anthology, read it and come back next time and we will discuss our life's journeys more...You, discerning ER, get the drift2.)


Obviously the church elder thinks Desi is a lost soul just because he had not seen me around the church and other places where his church members gather. He straight away judged that Desi's a lost soul and need to "come back to The Lord...". Hence, the recommended text to read.

Can I swear a bit/byte?

NOTE: NO, this following monologue was not expressed in front of Jack.
This is my Sundae's Inter:Lude for June 17, 2007.

"Hey, Jack what the hell makes you think it's me who's lost?

"You had not seen me for two blardy years and first off you start to preach from a moral high ground. Is that what the revelation of thy religious journey has taught you?

DESI has so often encountered such similar scenes myself, also wirnessed similar acts played out involving my non-Christian mates meeting a new "Christian" born-again type trying to preach to him (maybe a Buddhist, perhaps a Hindu, mayhaps, an atheist...)

The trouble is that so many "believers" want to impress othesr with their religious knowledge, quoting this, quoting that from The Holy Book -- but do they even pause about what and how the listener/s (especially first-timers) would react to their proclamations from on-High?

It is the daily lives the believers of any faith lead that witness for their faith, not the high and mighty pontifications of The Truth.
The truth is sought by an individual in his/her own unique journey as he/she encounters various tests and obstacles as he/she strugles, fumbles seeking the truth.

I believe there is a universal Truth in every individual's quest for finally attaining that level of enlightenment -- and no other second person can promise him/her that "sate of consciousness" of attainment. THat point is an epiphany in itself.

If Desi could find epiphanic turning points in Life's short journey, I wish there are less Jacks around, and more Paulo Coelho to share their lessons in Life to help me attain the peak of that Symphony of Life. Till then, Jack, it's not Godliness you are really after. You may find a GodlyNURSE like Florence Nightingale. Read and digest Dr Karen Armstrong and it will make the world around us a happier place to all people of all faiths to conduct decent and gracious conversations.

I seek my discernment and solace from within my soul and heart's daily beats that concord with my unique rhythm and rhyme. Hopefully, I also sometimes touch the vicinity of Truth. Other times, I continue my quest like the little shepherd boy from Andalucia, Spain, seeking his heart's desire in a wanderlusting journey into strange lands and unexpected encounters.

* and ** are not the actual names used in reality.

cometh next Sunday if the GoOD Lord so allows. ~~ Merci! Desi


Helen said...

Pray to the Lord to furnish this brother 'elder' with tact and discernment so he can be a beacon for the Lord. lol

I understand how you feel. Believe me. I recently went to my church camp where a 'powerful' speaker was invited to give sermons throughout the 3 nights. The speaker was supposedly into prophecies and prophetic words.

When I got back, I was asked to share my camp experience with other cell members who did not make it. I told the truth - I am doubtful of this modern prophet.

The MIL of my deacon was in my group and immediately quote me 1 Thessalonians 5:20 - "do not despise prophetic utterances".

Pleez, they asked what I think and I gave them straight. Undiluted.. not even on the rocks, and she's not happy. I was tempted to quote back to the holy MIL 1 Thessalonians 5:21 - "But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good;"

It's amazing how different (line 20 & 21) the bible verse meant if we read the whole thing.

Anyway, unlike desi, I answered back.... "I doubt God would have chosen to have DVDs, VCDs and books as vessel for his prophecies." ;-(

*the speaker was asking the people to buy his VCDs and DVDs if we wanted to know more about his prophecies..*

Helen said...

Hey, forgot to add, you didn't tell your elder you are now speaking in tongues? :-P

Arena Green said...

When I was a teen, I went with a group of friends on a 3D/2N Christian fellowship camp to Cameron Highlands. Soon, word got out that I was the "only" unbaptised sheep in the flock and one guy nominated himself to "convert" me, even though I "confessed" that I only went on the trip to have some fun away from home. Well, in the end, it was no fun at all, as you can imagine!

The worse part was that he continued to hound me for months after. Needless to say, he succeeded in doing just the opposite.

I agree with you Desi. No one can understand our personal journey with God and no one can undermine the faith that we have in God based on outward appearances.

The ones who like to judge us have conveniently forgotten that God is the ultimately judge at the end of the day. Not some self-elected representative on earth.

"Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, repent and you shall be forgiven." This is something that is best done during our private conversations with God.

I pray for happiness always in like-minded seekers Desi & Helen!!

chong y l said...


I always ENJOY thy personalsharings-- yes,unvarnished,undiluted,and most important,I can tell it's awefromthe heart.
I also came back reading your Jehovah's WitNURSE XXperiience&encounters.

AM hear,here!

It must have brought a broad smile to AnakMerdeka's face. Knot that shekept her randywoo-ed at MengKee,ikt's Desi's Oscar-winning wilde imagination.:)

chong y l said...


Can I get thelocaleof theStesyenPolisie nearest thy homeah? I wanna tapau RM15kopi from MidnightMoonbucks for thee!:)

TKS for thy lovely thoughts--Hlen'd wanna return with homenuggeted pastRIES!:)

Arena Green said...

Someday, someday, Desi -
probably when you'd least expect,
In the meantime don't go hounding
poor AM,
She's trying to keep up
the invisible act! ;-P

Anonymous said...

I agree with what Anak Merdeka said...

No one can understand our personal journey with God and no one can undermine the faith that we have in God based on outward appearances.

1. Religions are just mere paths and they are not the final goal.

2. Self-Realization is the final goal.

3. Salvation or self-realization can be achieved by any one who search after truth, irrespective that person is a Hindu or a Jew or a Christian or a Moslem or an atheist.

4. TRUTH & GOD are universal. No religion no culture no nation has monopoly over it.

chong y l said...

am i a hindu? -- welcome with a tehtarik, as is a tradition hear! to first timers.

Your input does lend weight to my beliefs -- yes, a religious journey is pretty a personal one, and nosey parkers sometimes do more harm than good.:)