My Anthem

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

CSM 4PKR: on Lina Joy

Desiderata from the beginning of starting this cyber-home has stated a few times that one field of writing he fears to tread into is RELIGION -- God, Life/Death/After-Life and Salvation. It's only with trepidation -- and after much reflection and reluctance -- I had ventured to post on a few topics that intrude into my personal space E.g. Malacca's Mat Skodeng (Moral Snoop Squad) initiative supported by its Chief Minister; whatelse, I can't recall off-hand.

I wrote not a single line on the recent much-publicised LINA JOY case, climaxed with 2-1 decision so expected. "Expected" because it "could not" have gone otherVICE, knowing how justice is often the handmaiden of politics, or is it the Other way around, I'M LOST.

In the huge and ming-twisting mishmash and matrices of opinion swirling with a milliuon words in Blogosphere in the seven days after the highest court in the land decision put an end (?) to a tragic case, I only was transfixedy one word at my saiko jeffooi's screenshots -- "Voyeurism".

I have an idea what Jeff wanted to succictly infer, so here goes and I am prepared to take a rap on my wrist if this doesn't coincide:

"THAT much of all writers and commenters on Lina Joy's situation were mainly spectators at large, savouring as peeping toms do -- if they were honest to admit it! -- an voyeuristic act."

To Desi, Lina's plight is a dilemma to be faced by Lina, yes, her alone, as an individual with a conscience to go the path of her Chosen Almighty. A thousand other voices in support, or in opposition, will not make an iota of difference, to her joy, or pain that kicks at her heartstrings through the seconds, minutes, hours till the dying light of dusk and midnight brings a short cover of relief of penetrating eyes. Let her find her own Path to realisation.

As the case for Salvation (if you believe in such), no individual can seek It on someone else's behalf. No, not even for your spouse, your siblings, your children. This is clearly a territory where everyman/everywoman is for him/herself.

After the long, rambling Intro for my own contemplation, so don't throw pies in my face OK! because RELIGION is one sphere where discourse is one of "till the cows come home" -- And Desi does not have that luxury of patient Time.

__________________COMMUNITY SERVICE MESSAGE starts here_____________

4 Jun 2007


Keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan pada minggu lepas berkenaan persoalan undang-undang yang timbul dari permohonan Lina Joy untuk membuang perkataan 'Islam' dari kad pengenalannya telah menimbulkan lebih banyak kontroversi. Di dalam perbahasan yang timbul, pelbagai pihak telah mengeluarkan berbagai kenyataan yang menggambarkan salah faham terhadap isu sebenar yang mendasari kes tersebut.

Kontroversi ini meruncing sebahagian besarnya kerana kegagalan pihak pentadbiran untuk memperkukuhkan keyakinan orang ramai terhadap Mahkamah Syariah. Perspesi ini timbul kerana prestasi yang kurang memuaskan oleh Mahkamah Syariah sebelum ini. Meskipun wujud keputusan yang baik, kebanyakan keputusan-keputusan terbaru ynag mendapat perhatian ramai memberi gambaran bahawa Mahkamah Syariah gagal untuk menyelesaikan isu-isu pokok yang melanda rakyat Malaysia. Pihak berkuasa juga telah gagal untuk menangani isu ini dengan cara yang dapat memberi keyakinan kepada orang bukan Islam bahawa kebebasan beragama mereka sebagaimana diperuntukkan oleh Perlembagaan tidak dikompromikan. Kerajaan juga tidak berusaha mencapai muafakat bersama dengan menolak sebarang perbincangan antara agama. Adalah amat mendukacitakan kerajaan tidak menunjukkan kepimpinan yang tegas untuk memupuk keharmonian antara agama berikutan keputusan ini, tetapi cuba mengambil kesempatan untuk kepentingan sempit politik mereka.

Meskipun keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan ini menggambarkan seolah-olah kegusaran bukan Islam terhadap kebebasan beragama terbukti benar, pada pandangan saya, keputusan ini tidak bermakna orang bukan Islam tidak dapat terus mengamalkan agama pilihan mereka. Keputusan tersebut juga sama sekali tidak bermakna mana-mana pihak boleh memaksa orang bukan Islam memeluk Islam. Kebebasan beragama secara keseluruhannya masih dipelihara.

Saya berpendapat keputusan tersebut menetapkan bahawa orang Islam mestilah menggunakan prosedur Mahkamah Syariah untuk meninggalkan Islam, sekiranya mereka hendak berbuat demikian secara rasmi, seperti Lina Joy yang telah memohon untuk membuang perkataan Islam dari kad pengenalannya. Ia tidak memberi kuasa yang baru kepada Mahkamah Syariah yang tidak dimilikki sebelum ini. Ia juga tidak memberi kuasa kepada Mahkamah Syariah untuk menentukan status agama bukan Islam sebagaimana pandangan sesetengah pihak. Keputusan tersebut bukan untuk memaksa Lina Joy kembali kepada Islam meskipun beliau secara terbuka telah menganut agama Kristian, tetapi undang-undang dan peraturan mestilah dipatuhi apabila mana-mana individu hendak keluar dari Islam. Saya percaya perkara sedemikian mesti kekal di bawah bidang kuasa Mahkamah Syariah, dan sama ada keputusan tersebut berpatutan atau tidak Mahkamah Syariah lah mesti menentukannya. Ini jelas sekali mengikut peruntukan undang-undang Syariah di setiap negeri sebagaimana undang-undang penceraian, wasiat dan harta peninggalan. Meskipun wujud perbezaan dari segi undang-undang dan prosedur berkenaan murtad antara tiap-tiap negeri, Perlembagaan Persekutuan memperuntukkan perkara tersebut berada di bawah bidang kuasa eksklusif Mahkamah Syariah.

Saya berharap orang bukan Islam secara keseluruhannya dapat menerima bahawa persoalan murtad ini amat sensitif di negara kita dan tidak boleh diperlekehkan. Pada masa yang sama, umat Islam mestilah mengiktiraf hak bukan Islam untuk mengamlkan agama-agama mereka akan terus dipelihara dan dihormati, dan memahami bahawa mereka juga sensitif di dalam isu-isu agama. Saya menyeru semua rakyat Malaysia untuk menjaga kata-kata dan tindakan berkaitan isu ini serta perkara-perkara lain yang mungkin mengeruhkan hubungan antara agama. Setiap rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira kaum dan agama mestilah terus memegang muafakat yang dicapai menerusi Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Selain dari kebebasan beragama, kita juga mestilah berusaha memelihara kebebasan-kebebasan lain yang diperuntukkan Perlembagaan kita.



4 June 2007


Last week's decision by the Federal Court on legal questions arising from the application by Lina Joy for the word 'Islam' to be deleted from her National Registration Department identity card has created further controversy. In the debate that has been generated, much has been said from various quarters that suggest a serious misunderstanding of the issues at hand.

It must be pointed out that this controversy has been largely compounded by the failure of the authorities to strengthen public confidence towards the Shari'ah courts, no doubt in part contributed by the dismal record of their performance. With very few exceptions, recent decisions have lent credence to the general view of their incompetence and inability to resolve otherwise simple issues. The authorities have also failed to deal with this issue in a manner that would reassure non-Muslims that their Constitutional freedom in respect of religion has not been compromised. Instead of trying to achieve a broad consensus, the government has decided to stop any form of discourse on inter-faith issues. It is also most deplorable that instead of demonstrating a new resolve to forge inter-faith harmony in the light of this decision, the government is trying to gain political mileage from it.

Though the Federal Court decision appears to have reinforced certain misgivings about the freedom of religion on the part of non-Muslims as guaranteed by the Federal Constitution, in my view, there is nothing in this decision that should give the notion that non-Muslims will not be able to continue to practice or profess the religion of their choice. Nor is there anything in the decision that would make it lawful for anyone to forcibly convert non-Muslims to the religion of Islam. Freedom of religion remains largely intact.

To my mind, the decision does not concern the propriety or otherwise of Muslims to renounce their religion but only makes it mandatory for erstwhile Muslims to apply to the Shari'ah court should they wish to formalize their renunciation, as in this case of Lina Joy in respect of her application for the word 'Islam' to be deleted from her identity card. It does not confer any new area of jurisdiction to the Shari'ah courts which they do not already have. It certainly does not authorize the Shari'ah courts to determine the religious status of non-Muslims as some views would seem to suggest. The decision is not about compelling Lina Joy to return to Islam despite her professing to be a Christian but about the rules that must be complied with when an individual wishes to renounce Islam as his or her religion. I believe that such a matter must remain within the jurisdiction of the Shari'ah courts and whether or not such a renunciation is appropriate is a matter for the Shari'ah courts to decide. This is clearly in keeping with the established Shari'ah laws in the various States governing the issues of apostasy just as it applies to issues pertaining to the various aspects of the Islamic law of personal status such as divorce, wills and inheritance. Though the substantive law and procedural requirements governing apostasy may vary in degree from state to state, the Federal Constitution provides that such matters are within the exclusive purview of the Shari'ah courts.

It is hoped that non-Muslims generally are able to appreciate that the question of renunciation of religion by Muslims in this country is a very sensitive matter and should not be trivialized. At the same time, Muslims must demonstrate greater commitment to the non-Muslims that the freedom to practice religions other than Islam will continue to be protected and respected and to appreciate that they are also sensitive about matters of religion. I call on all Malaysians to exercise the utmost restraint in speech and action in matters relating to these issues as well as other matters that have the potential to stir up communal tension. All Malaysians regardless of race or religion must hold fast to the social compact that is to be found in the Constitution. Apart from the freedom of religion, we must also strive for the protection of our other fundamental liberties.


_______________________ ends CSM _________________________

Like mGf Elizabeth Wong who blogs more often than Desi on PKR matters, I am not a paid-macai of Parti Keadilan Rakyat or any of its leaders. I had controibuted a bit to its Suara Keadilan when it ran an English section (alongside another mGf the late towering M.G.G. PILLAI (this is mainly for the knowledge of his son Sreejit as he wanted to know aMore about my friendship with his Dad). I am just an ordinary PKR card-carrying member, and I will see how Sdr Anwar I. takes the party the next ten years.-- Desi

I spotted this at where sometimes I find some "truthfool" gems, viz:

Probable as truth

June 4th 2007 18:43
It is probable everyday, isn't?

"It is a truth very certain that when it is not in our power to determine what is true we ought to follow what is most probable." ~~
Rene Descartes, Discourse on Method


zorro said...

Desi, how can there be credibility as each state syriah court interprets it their own way. There exists a need for it for muslims but when it takes supremacy over the Constitution, then it becomes dubious.

chong y l said...


I have always advocate for State and Religion to remain separate and distinct as Politics tends to muddy everything in its path, even the lilies of the field are trampled and scattered.

Let's hope Lina Joy (and other impending cases of similar light) will find a conclusion to Lana's individual best wishes. Other Malaysians are of secondary importance.

Maybe a more suitable forum would be at since he initaited a Forum (but I hesitated to intrude as it's truly quite unfamiliar terrortry for Desi).

(Today being June 7) Zorro, let's celebrate Pak Lah's new beginnigng with Jeanne --raise thy glass of beer to my tehtarik or rut bir!:):)