My Anthem

Tuesday, June 26, 2007



Anak Merdeka's casual -- okay, may not be maybe but deeply probing... -- makes me ponder. Her comment at Desi's Sundae Inter:lude reads:

"That's two you pinched off me - why so nostalgic Desi? 31 August is coming up, are you feeling sorry for yourself & our homeland for not living up to the promises of 50 yrs ago?

By Anak Merdeka, at 2:04 PM

Yes,AM, I ponder.

With the whirlwind of predictable giving back by national leaders (Ah, all from UMNO, anf that's all that matters, is it?) from DPM, Foreign Minister Education Minister to the EU Envoy's frank comments on issues related to the NEP and their effects on EU-Malaysia's trade talks and negotitaions (as indeed seen in the US-Malaysia inconclusive FTA negotiations), I as a Malaysian wonder, after 50 years of Indpendence, are we anywhere near towards emerging as "one nation".

Are we still only hearing voice from the UMNO only as representative of Malaysian? What's happending to the voices of MCA, MIC, even DAP and PKR in all things national?

Many yaers ago, a neighbouring republic laeder took on himself the role of commenting on Johor being a "Cowboy State", immediately earning a chorus of protets of a foreigner interfering with Malaysia's internal affairs.

A decade later, the foreign leader's words were proven true and justified because Johor residents marched to the MB's residence to protest the "violent crimes" now prevalent and besieging Johor.

Would my beloved country a decade hence see some foreign envoy's words becoming true and justified when inaction of matters raised by him were deemed "interference" instead of mature minds analysing the issues raised and seeing if there were indeed triuth to the mater and then corrective measures taken to address the said problems?

AnakMerdeka, I will ponder over your question.
In fact, I wonder if I would do the tradional Merdeka Essay Series I had underaken with fellow bloiggers the past two years at end-August. I don't feel there is any point. Mayhaps I can be ALMOST PERSUADED.

Nostalgia, anyone?


Arena Green said...

What's eating Desiderata?

The current political scenario within BN where all the bit players have lost their balls to UMNO bullies shows clearly the direction we will be heading towards 2020.

Unless there's a massive mindset change in the rural voting constituencies, it's all down to how long our oil reserves will last, doesn't it? It's hard to stop a full speed train hell-bent on going over the cliff.

But what about Desi the man?

Is he lamenting unfulfilled dreams of 50 yrs ago too? Surely now is the time to look for sunshine and happiness to brighten up the remaining autumn years, no? Hope Desi doesn't mind AM thinking aloud.

Life is infinitely more tolerable when it's joyfully lived amidst overcast skies.

Helen said...

I doubt this year the Merdeka essays hold much for me in view that the next GE is coming soon. On the other hand, I wait in anticipation for the essay series next year after the GE results.

Plenty to reflect then. :-)

chong y l said...

anak M and helen:

I went around to soundboard several buddies -- the air is so full of pessimism. Contrasted with the nation's Gomen leaders' fool of sound and fury that the economy is forging ahead, citizens are taken care off by the BN Gomen famous with its 50 years' record... but the people seem to be feeling "differently". NO JOYOUS LOOKING FORWARD August 31, 2007.

I wonder.
I ponder.
I haven't decided.

AM~~I welcome this. Mayhaps thou art almost persuaded like Desi? "Surely now is the time to look for sunshine and happiness to brighten up the remaining autumn years, no? Hope Desi doesn't mind AM thinking aloud."

Helen: Join us to ake the bandwago of 3? Let's maketh IT to a dozen, cheaper that way!:)