My Anthem

Monday, May 27, 2013

Dear Readers, Do me a favour, cun? -- SEND THY HOME miniSTER THE FOLLOWING POST

I spent almost 15precious minutes early this moUrn to update my fellow Malaysians. Post-GE13, how many of YOU are like Desi: Lamenting...Blackout505...Desi's takin' a BREAK postponed many XX Cos I liketh writing for Thee!
"Adieu for now, You Taketh CareXX ~~ it's not GOoDbye. Nyet!" --YL, Desi

From page 36, MIDNIGHT VOICES and Other Poems, first published about se7en years ago, and &7"th heaven is Desi's ;lucky number!

A Reluctant Lament in May

May 13, 1969 -- do we remember?
Life's fabric is oft strong, yet tender
Can withstand the elements even in a flood
But man's foul mood, tearing all asunder

I want to make this my motherland
Many of fellow Malaysians chorus in similar trend
But ill mouths and ill minds
They can't see our love
Sight closeted within their racial blinds

Some slog to get by with two jobs
Others born into privilege behave like mobs
Ninety percent of us shed
Blood, sweat and tears
So that the other 10 percent
Gallivant in wine, women and bed

They then question our loyalty
Meanwhile they reap the oil royalty
We dutifully pay our taxes
Meanwhile they squander in madness
Monuments are built to meet the sky
Thye see gods and goddesses on high
Wrapped around karaoke lasses' bosoms
Behold, lo and hi
With our blood, sweat and tears

At the slightest sign of trouble
To safer havens they and lovers flee
Meanwhile they "yum seng!" in glee
Thy ask: Why art thou overseas?
Come back to serve your Motherland
****Meanwhile, they who stay, they smother

Oh Mum's the Word
The majority lament
Why bother?

PS on May 27, 2013, See how heART I laboureth for Ye? 

It's just days after GE13
Nue minSTER/MONSter of Home Affairs declare:
If thou no like our electoral system
So my dear fellow Malaysians -- some 47% of you Voted BN/UMNO eh?
You think the leopard of evil regime will change its spots?
My poem writ se7en years ago (see highlighted last stanza...****coloured thus)



AFTER a se7en-year-olde LAMENT, let me share wit' thee a forwaded email-video from a fromer
Judge Datuk who has been peeping at international captures to share laffing vvvvvIT my ER! E N J Y!

Don't miss the action at bottom left.......

Some people just should not be allowed to drive anything. But the system will give them one anyway.

AsS anT AFTER-THOT@3.30PM steaming hot, so let's take a breezy ride!, thinking aloud, steal allowed hear/here e'en it's not yet MidnighT!:)

I wondered if that BIKER could act as the Bike Piper from Hamelin to Putrajaya, will lead this VVIP convoy, with UMNO Youth Oooucriders! -- "GoAway" Zahid Hamidi, "Let's Unite under the Bloody" Keris-muddin, Top rapists on the Malaysian mindscape, Perkosa cheaps Ibrahim Ah-Lah, and ZOOkiflee UMno-oh-No!DIN, VeeWee Chukiok Kiong, flyBYnightSheNyetFoong, Bollywooders S Nalla, WardyaMoorthi ad nauseum  -- go right INTO THAT BLACK HOLE/HOLD and DO NATIONAL SERVICE-lah! DON'T EVER COME OUT! -- YL,Desi, knottyaSsusual

Sunday, May 26, 2013

MAY nearing a close, Desi would like to join the Parisians, MAY !?

The "cultured" people of France are fanatically proud of their traditions -- If you were a tourist asking a local in Paris in Parias: Where do I find the best cake shop in town? You may get a nonchalant look, and the coy Parisan may not answer you in English though he/she knows how to speakIT. He/she will say the equivalent in French, gesturing with his/her dainty and: THAT way!

For this Sundae's RUMINATION, I borrow an article from MI, focusing on why the French ENJOY the month of May; Desi likes IT for different reasons, BUT WE - French and Malaysian -- ARE PROUD OF OUR DEMOCRATIC TRADITIONS, Yes?

ENJOY "the petite wickedends" -- les ponts --the gay Pareesians have inenuously carved out to ENJOY life:~~~~~


Parisians adore May, the month of ‘les ponts’

MAY 26, 2013
Helen Hickey is a British freelance journalist living 40 floors up in New York City's Upper East Side with her hubby, cat and four children who miss everything Malaysian, even those dodgy traffic cops.
PARIS, May 26 — Off with the beret hats, hello dark sunglasses and spiffy sandals. Parisians are smiling (it’s official): spring is in full swing and their much beloved month of May est arrivé
This dreamy month is truly blessed with bank holidays offering the winter and desk weary a chance to escape for an extended weekend away, or “le petit weekend” as the French have so daintily named them.
Not much can stop Parisians in their vigorous pursuit of one; not even a recession, which France quietly slipped into in mid-May. This is because they are not considered a luxury, but a necessity, a series of rehearsals in preparation for the biggie — August’s month-long summer vacation just around the corner. 
May holds the dubious crown of the month of “les ponts” (“bridges” in French). It alludes to the artful way French workers take days off between a given bank holiday and the preceding or following weekends, resulting in rather handsome “p’tit weekends” without impacting too much on their annual holiday allowance. 
There are four public holidays in May: La Fête du Travail, May 1, Labour Day, workers’ day off; Armistice Day WWII, celebrating the end of World War II in Europe, May 8; L’Ascension, May 9 and La Pentecôte, May 20. The latter two are connected with France’s Catholic heritage.
Even by Malaysian standards — having witnessed the birth of Malaysia Day and Thaipusam as public holidays during our posting there — that’s a pretty impressive number. 
May kicks off the start of the silly season of endless holidays in France. — Pictures by Helen HickeyBetter still, two fall midweek making rich pickings for the “pont” aficionados who have the chance of engineering a five-day “not-so-p’tit weekend”, and I suspect causing havoc on the work front. 
My husband bucked the trend and worked for all four. Sweet. If it hadn’t been for the birdsong and my children’s chatter among the gently bobbing boughs of our garden’s horse-chestnut trees, now heavily laden with their lantern-shaped blossoms, it would have been very lonesome on our ghostly street of houses, sealed with their imposing window shutters.
“It’s not quite as bad as August” my French doctor offered on a recent visit, when apparently Paris truly empties. “But don’t expect your children to be doing much work in May.” What I had taken to be a mischievous comment has proven correct: there’s more lethargy than learning in the lessons and the kids are becoming more fractious by the day.
This month, street sellers dotted around the open-air markets of Paris sell the delicately scented May flower called Lily of the Valley.To be fair, France’s President François Hollande has been busy. He should be commended for staying on task, not on holiday, and passing the same-sex marriage “Bill 344” this month, joining 13 other enlightened countries who have done the same. 
Pulling off such a feat in this deeply traditional and predominantly Catholic country was both courageous and astonishing. There’s been mass rightwing street protests over the past months, and in very macabre turn of events, a well-known French historian shot himself at the altar of the Notre Dame Cathedral in a desperate bid to summon up opposition to same-sex marriage in France.
There’s been some whingeing in the press recently about these heavyweight bank holidays: should they be scrapped given France’s economic woes?  
Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris: A well-known rightwing historian shot himself at its 850-year old altar as a rant against the recent signing (May 17) of France’s same-sex marriage legislation.According to a recent study by the French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies “Insee”, getting rid of bank holidays would allow France to save more money. The study showed that the reduction of total workdays in 2013 (two fewer than in 2012) claimed a 0.1 per cent loss in yearly Gross Domestic Product.
Perhaps it’s not such a bad idea, particularly given France’s return to the dark doldrums of recession for the third time in four years. The Portuguese government has just cancelled four national bank holidays for the next five years, claiming the country cannot afford to take time off while it wrestles with its austerity programme. 
France currently ranks fifth on the scale of European countries in terms of the number of annual bank holidays along with Spain, the United Kingdom and Sweden. But given President Hollande’s haemorrhaging approval ratings — currently the lowest of any modern French leader with more than two-thirds of the population giving Hollande the thumbs down — he’ll be in no rush to rock those p’tit weekends, so interwoven into the fabric of the French way of life.
And as I listen to my friend’s alluring accounts of their adventures north in “La Bretagne” (Brittany), arguably the top destination for “les ponts” month — the sailing, the invigorating salt air on breezy coastal walks or grazing on dejeunersof a crisp vin blanc and fresh moules (mussels) — I say: “Vive le p’tit weekend!” 
This is the personal opinion of the columnist.
Lily of the Valley has a spring-rain fresh fragrance with a hint of jasmine and soft undertones of lime.

DESIDERATA: will tell WHY May is so specail to him/her/it when I do come back (Godwilling, insyaAllah, remember?)from his Kapitalistik CONtinental brunch lusting from2.00PM till 5!, then linger for an early dinner sizzling Steak or grilled lambchop at 5**** lunge in Furong if vv can find one, if knot, settle for 3*** can du! --if one of my bourgeosie (check sperring OK!) pardners is paying!

Meanw'ile, be a gOog boi/gal, click hear! ~~


which can mean:

Seeya later OR Come, let's makan!


Keeping my promise to continue poetic recalls, here's somthing sombre @7.11PM:

#wan>: Knot too AP a post BUT still, it's as good as it cometh, Life's a rollercoaster of The GOoD, the Bad and the Ugly! Try to ENJOY, OK! 

From page 36, MIDNIGHT VOICES and Other Poems, first published about se7en years ago, and &7"th heaven is Desi's ;lucky number!

A Reluctant Lament in May

May 13, 1969 -- do we remember?
Life's fabric isoft strong, yet tender
Can withstand the elements even in a flood
But man's foul mood, tearing all asunder

I want to make this my motherland
Many of fellow Malaysians chorus in similar trend
But ill mouths and ill minds
They can't see our love
Sight closeted within their racial blinds

Some slog to get by with two jobs
Others born into privilege behave like mobs
Ninety percent of us shed
Blood, sweat and tears
So that the other 10 percent
Gallivant in wine, women and bed

They then question our loyalty
Meanwhile they reap the oil royalty
We dutifully pay our taxes
Meanwhile they squander in madness
Monuments are built to meet the sky
Thye see gods and goddesses on high
Wrapped around karaoke lasses' bosoms
Behold, lo and hi
With our blood, sweat and tears

At the slightest sign of trouble
To safer havens they and lovers flee
Meanwhile they "yum seng!" in glee
Thy ask: Why art thou overseas?
Come back to serve your Motherland
****Meanwhile, they who stay, they smother

Oh Mum's the Word
The majority lament
Why bother?

PS on May 27, 2013, See how heART I laboureth for Ye? 

It's just days after GE13
Nue minSTER/MONSter of Home Affairs declare:
If thou no like our electoral system
So my dear fellow Malaysians -- some 47% of  you Voted BN/UMNO eh?
You think the leopard of evil regime will change its spots?
My poem writ se7en years ago (see highlighted last stanza...****coloured thus)


NOTE: I'm copying tis in LONG hand, can I come back to cuntinue? NOW DONE in the early hours The Day After ~~ See how heART Desi worketh for THee? Bye me endless rounds of tehtarik by the Parisian cafe, cun, anywan? Bring Audrey Hepburn along OK! Will try to serenade her wit' Moon River, may even reprise Andy Willy's Voiz K!:):)

*************************************************************************************#2>> Sumthin' Nostalgic from about FIVE YEARS BACKm boleh?

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Ode on Lust Dae in May

An Ode is a song normally full of joy. Sometimes man finds joy in big things, some in small things and some rare ones in Nothing.

Desi enjoys the simple things in Life. I'm God-fearing, hence I don't hesitate to chide some Young&Articulates when they boldly declare they don't believe in One. Then how do you distinguish Right from Wrong? Ethics? Is that sufficient because you find Homo sapiens is one quite bent on justifying his own frailties and foibles. I believe we need Conscience -- private to Self, and Public to Community, to lead a life of meaning.

I end the last day in May -- poets somehow eloquently dedicate many of their best works -- of Love and Passion -- to this fifth month in the ...... calendar, and so desi calims no exception.

Here goes an attempt at waxing a lusty wan:)

If thou knoweth thyself
You would not interfere with my thoughts in May
I deem this private domain sacred and sublime
Unless you brigeth me Joy amid Song, Women and Wine
No, I am not solde to lust and crust
It's just that I feel secure on a lass' bosom
Reciting to me Browning's verses not terse
And drowning manmade sorrows in rhythm and rhyme

How much do I love thee?
You have to to count the stars in the moonlit Malaysian sky
How much do you love mmee in return
I careth not lest I miss the fleeting smiles in they eye
It's not of riches on earth that I claim
It's not of Man's temporal fame
I seek a sincere heart
Making soft conversation
With just a French toast by my side
You pile it up with two layerings of peanut butter
served with thy soft touch of a caressing hand
I return the teasing with Ceylon tea with a fragrant additive
of Miss Sunthi (ginger, r'member?) and a smiling lemon
Ah, Malaysian soil can still be a wonderland
Leave alone those political theives
Just carve for thyself a li'l corner of its wondrous gifts
By rising sun, afternoon tropical heat and moonlit nights
We can savour steal a few unique Malaysian delites.


sweetspirits said...
I was almost lost in thy poem , in thy own thoughts
hmm sunrise or sunset the wonder
of nature an thoughts :)
desiderata said...

sometimes poets just hint of their innermost hopes and challenges;
if readers can feel the vibrations, then it's likely they have had experienced similar times;
it does not really matter if one gets "lost" while traversing the verrses,
just enjoy the flowers that touch your heartbeat once a w'ile!:)

AND to top IT up, something more endearing and enduring from The Bard, via: XX:):):):):):):):):) EIgHTeen s-miles for the number XX8th: (XX according to my Ipohlang BUD aweOfHelen stands for KiSsEs innumerable times IF thou have the dimes!:you kixxeth till the face turns blue!)

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date:
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimmed,
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance, or nature's changing course untrimmed:
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st,
Nor shall death brag thou wander'st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st,
   So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
   So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
This is one of the most famous of all the sonnets, justifiably so. But it would be a mistake to take it entirely in isolation, for it links in with so many of the other sonnets through the themes of the descriptive power of verse; the ability of the poet to depict the fair youth adequately, or not; and the immortality conveyed through being hymned in these 'eternal lines'. It is noticeable that here the poet is full of confidence that his verse will live as long as there are people drawing breath upon the earth, whereas later he apologises for his poor wit and his humble lines which are inadequate to encompass all the youth's excellence. Now, perhaps in the early days of his love, there is no such self-doubt and the eternal summer of the youth is preserved forever in the poet's lines. The poem also works at a rather curious level of achieving its objective through dispraise. The summer's day is found to be lacking in so many respects (too short, too hot, too rough, sometimes too dingy), but curiously enough one is left with the abiding impression that 'the lovely boy' is in fact like a summer's day at its best, fair, warm, sunny, temperate, one of the darling buds of May, and that all his beauty has been wonderfully highlighted by the comparison.


The darling buds of May


An appreciation of what is fresh and new.


the darling buds of MayThe phrase refers to the opening buds that point toward the warm summer season ahead and to the freshness and exuberance of youth as it turns toward adult maturity. It probably refers not to the month of May directly but to the May tree (the Common Hawthorn) that flowers in England at that time of year. The hawthorn is important in the mythology of old England and there's a rich symbolism wrought from its standing as an early flowering common tree. Global warming has now given the UK a climate that causes May to begin flowering earlier, but I doubt that the 'darling buds of April' will ever catch on.
The legend of the Glastonbury Thorn is also related to the flowering time of the hawthorn. The story has it that when Joseph of Arimathea arrived in England from the Holy Land he stuck his thorn walking stick into the ground and it began to flower, and continues to flower each year at Christmas to mark Christ's birth. That's a myth but there are some facts that give it a little credence. The Glastonbury Thorn is unusual in that it does flower during the winter. There is a middle eastern form of the tree that flowers at that time and some would have it that this is what Joseph brought with him.
Not all the symbolism relating to the hawthorn is warm and inviting. The tree also has negative associations. In Ireland a hawthorn standing alone in open ground is known as a fairy tree and there is a strong superstition that to cut one is unlucky. Even in recent years roads in Ireland have been rerouted to avoid uprooting hawthorns. It is also considered unlucky and an omen of death to cut the blooms and bring them into a house. This may well have come about from the unpleasant aroma, which is like decaying flesh.
Back to the phrase itself, best known these days as the title of H. E. Bates' story of idyllic country life, which has been made into a successful television series. Bates took the title from Shakespeare who coined it in his celebrated Sonnet 18:)

Friday, May 24, 2013

POST-GE13 PROTESTS -- Beware the ENEMY from WITHIN! (IV)

BECAUSE I wrote in my post yesterday -- PLEASE-LAH LAZYbumMER, read it first cun? -- this:

PS: Desi will continue tomorrow with his take on WHY this turncoat a Tunku is making so much "noise" lately -- "

I have an obligation to come back to update you, my most Esteemed Readers, on someone I would term the "most disdainfullest" --Poetic Licence I learnt from studying Julius Caesar when Brutus' act of betrayal by stabbing the Roman-emperor-2B was described by The Bard as the "...most unkindest cut of all....." -- turncoat in the Malaysian landscape the past five years. (Surpassing katak Ibrahim Ali, S Nalla, tennis pardner extraoprdinaaire, Wee Chukiok Siong, ah, the last BUT NOT the least, Hindraf king WardyaMoorthy, boillywood hunger strike izzit, NOW PR-ed Indian defencder Deputy miniSTER who would achive in 5 years what Samy Vellu and cohorts could NOT in 55! --:) OR :( I pity all the Hindraf and MIC ahli-clowns! BUT FRANKLY, you ArSeKed for it!

As I earlier alluded, I was guilty of "delaying" this writeup by some four to five days because it was not really gifting a good taste to this scribe, and my hesitatncy to put down such "negative" words would soon be overtaken by events.

The evnst included the new IGP warning the public not to take part in rallies even as several hundred thousand people flocked to each of some five to six Blackout 505 gatherings organised by Pakatan Rakyat. I wrote about the one in my hometown Furomng when some 50,000 Serembanknigfhts attended (including Desi plus two young Oppositionists, not opportunists like the self-claimed man of integrity from ex-TI-M or that couple from MCLM, minta maaf I digress agin!

WHAT I WAS LAYING OUT is that this Tunku well quoted below by ALL THE MSM, especially the NST  -- in which he has been writing a Sunday column pre- and post-DAP heydays! ONLY THE IGNORAMUS BIGWIGS IN DAP SEEMED KNOT IN THE NO! as I wrote/recapped yesterday  -- below preparing the GROUNDS FOR THE PAST FEW DAYS' ARRESTS -- student activist Adam Adli (and later more than a dozen of his young suppporters at a candlelight vigil to whom Desi says: BRAVO! ...), Tian Chua and Tamrin Ghafar.

YES, this Tunku has earned his pension for his three-year Senatorship on DAP ticket -- when he rebutted Karpal Singh's challenge to forfeit the RM1,500-odd pension saying he served his nation well!-- but IMHO, it was NATIONAL SERVICE not for the public, but for his SERVICE TO UMNO as the CHIEF HATCHET MAN in the NST, Pre-DAP and post-DAP. Well done, I think you even out-performed that blogger hydeing out in WOEmanchester whom I had lovingly called a liar and a coward. I would call this local TUNKU a sophisticated operator who made all the DAP leaders a laughing stock!


PS: Recopying&Pasting that long-delayed and overly-suffering NST plug on the one among the FEW MEN OF INTEGRITY Malaysia can always depend on to play the role of "NST columnist" -- can I apply for the hatchetman's job, Mr Chairman or GEIC, NSTP, when the vacancy arises on the Tunku's premature departure?...I am even prepared to take a pay-cut withOUT the penchant4integrity&transparency? ~~ YL, Desi, knottyaSsusual

Tunku Aziz Labelled The Opposition Lawmakers As “Anarchists”

tunku azizPETALING JAYA  -  TUNKU Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim came out with guns blazing yesterday and labelled opposition lawmakers as “anarchists” for propagating illegal activities by staging illegal rallies to topple the government.
The former DAP vice-chairman, who is now a harsh critic of the opposition pact, was in a fiery mood when he said opposition leaders had always been belligerent about toppling the government, which was contradictory to their stature as lawmakers.
From spouting ludicrous accusations to holding rallies that threatened public order, Tunku Aziz said such a trait was highly evident during Bersih demonstrations.
On Pakatan’s protests against the general election results, Tunku Aziz said: “The fact that (Datuk Seri) Anwar (Ibrahim) did not make it to Putrajaya, he (and his supporters) should leave other Malaysians in peace.
“They are all lawmakers, the likes of Anwar, (Lim) Guan Eng, (Lim) Kit Siang and others. And yet they are prepared to become lawbreakers by supporting a movement (Bersih) that had intended to break the law.”
And now, in the wake of the circulation text message sent by pro-opposition group Solidariti Anak Muda calling for a rally in Kuala Lumpur to “overthrow the government”, Tunku Aziz described the message as an open declaration to create chaos in the country.
“This is the work of anarchists! Dangerous anarchists, who do not respect the law. They talk about observing the rule of law. That is pure rhetoric.
“What they are saying today is ‘let’s topple the government’. Is this a responsible act? Are these the people we can give our trust to rule this complex, multiracial society? My answer is definitely, no!”
He said the group, led by PKR Sungai Acheh assemblyman Badrul Hisham Shaharin, had even prepared salt and masks for the Sunday rally to imply that they were prepared for a clash with the authorities.
“There is no hidden agenda. The message is an open declaration of bringing down a legitimate government, that has won the recent general election. They could not do it (change the government) through the ballot box.
“What they are doing now is to take it to the streets and cause as much damage as possible, fight the police, overturn cars and burn buildings.
“This is what the opposition is encouraging the people to do,” Tunku Aziz said at a joint press conference yesterday with former DAP leader Tan Tuan Tat.
Tunku Aziz also revealed an email exchange between him and DAP chief of staff Foo Yueh Chuan who had asked him on his possible attendance for a “sit-in” at Dataran Merdeka last year.
“I told Foo that I oppose street demonstrations. DAP life advisor Dr Chen Man Hin, however, replied that he was delighted to participate in the sit-in that could mark the beginning of a “Malaysia Spring”.
“What is the meaning of this statement? Is it in the context of an illegal demonstration? It really has to mean (or relate to) the Egyptian spring or the Arab spring … which is really about what?
“They even tried to insult our intelligence by saying that the Malaysian Spring is about ‘Musim Bunga’.”
Tunku Aziz said he would not subscribe to the leadership of DAP especially if the party supported demonstrations by movements bent on breaking the laws of the country.
On the safety of people and how the matter could be resolved, Tunku Aziz said the government was aware of the issue and steps were being taken to contain the possible formation of rallies.
“The government has the police and other institutions (to safeguard public order). You should have no fear, but just be careful. Because these people who are promoting acts of violence, they do not care two hoots about your safety.”
Badrul Hisham, also known as Chegubard, when contacted said the gathering would be held at a field opposite the Amcorp Mall in Petaling Jaya on Saturday, and not on Sunday as stated in the text message.
He said 50 non-governmental organisations would join the “Suara Rakyat 505″ event and make three demands — re-elections in areas they believe electoral fraud had been committed, disbanding of the Election Commission and for Bersih 2.0 to organise a “People’s tribunal” to look into the hundreds of reports of alleged election fraud.  - NST

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Malaysian Leaders Plead for fellow Malaysians Caught in Dilemma in Singapore


by  on 23 May 2013 Add comments
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Ambiga and Nurul have met officials of the Singapore High Commission in Kuala Lumpur.
PKR had planned to hand over a memorandum to the High Commission, to express solidarity with 21 Malaysians hauled up in Singapore for taking part in a small impromptu gathering following the recent controversial general election in Malaysia.
The memo by Nurul, Sim Tze Tzin, Idris Jauzi and Chua Jui Meng concluded:
Singapore should have nothing to fear from a handful of Malaysians who seek free and fair elections in their own nation. Any country with a robust and fair democracy should in fact welcome any such peaceful calls for the same in their own.
We, the members of Malaysian Parliament from the People’s Justice Party would like to extend our solidarity with Malaysians working in Singapore for pursuing democracy, free and fair elections in Malaysia. We view highly the courage shown by Malaysians for making a stand to seek justice and democracy. They should be commended for their courageous act.
We believe both Malaysia and Singapore value highly our friendship and cooperation between the two, therefore we would like to call upon Singaporean authority to exercise restraints and give those arrested Malaysians a second chance.



'Shut up, Tunku Aziz'

Karpal threatens legal action if he continues to bad-mouth DAP
MONDAY, MAY 20, 2013 - 14:05

 DAP is now claiming it made a mistake by recruiting former Transparency International vice-president Tunku Abdul Aziz Ibrahim, who left to become the party's harshest critic.
DAP national chairman Karpal Singh said trusting Tunku Aziz was a misjudgment on the part of the party.
He said Tunku Aziz caused more damage to the party than the good he was supposed to bring from his experience with Transparency International and as former adviser to the United Nations secretary-general.
Karpal said bringing in Tunku Aziz was a unanimous party leadership decision.
"I've been watching ... and he's been going around spreading lies and revealing confidential details about the party," he said.
"Although he is not sworn to secrecy, he should know better as a gentleman and the refined person he claims to be than to divulge information about an organisation he was once with."
Karpal was speaking to reporters after meeting and thanking his supporters at the Island Park food court and wet market here yesterday.
He said that if Tunku Aziz persisted on attacking the DAP, he might consider legal action against him.
"If he's still stubborn, I will take him to court," he said.
Karpal also slammed Tunku Aziz for enjoying his status as a former senator but, at the same time, bashing the party and state government that gave him the post.
"We made a big mistake by appointing him in the first place; a mistake we deeply regret as we thought he was a prized catch then, but we're paying the price for having had this ungrateful person in the party," he said.
He said he did not know why Tunku Aziz had veered off-course against DAP.
On the attendence of the state government rally at the Esplanade on Saturday night, Karpal said it was affected by the confusion over the venue and the legality of the gathering.
He said the turnout was not as huge as the Batu Kawan rally last week because of the confusion over the venue and uncertainties as to whether it would take place after George Town police chief Assistant Commission Gan Kong Meng declared it was illegal.
Earlier, Karpal, who is also the Bukit Gelugor MP, spent an hour at the Island Park wet market and food court in Jalan Gangsa to meet and greet residents with Sri Delima assemblyman R.S.N Rayer.
Many market goers waited eagerly to take their photographs with Karpal.

DESIDERATA: May I gently tell Karpal Singh it was NOT A MISJUDGEMENT ON YOUR OR DAP's part in recruiting this turncoat into the part and straightaway gave him important posts like ice-Chair and Senator. You and party are GUILTY OF WHAT IN BUSINESS PARLANCE is termed "FAILURE TO CONDUCT DUE DILIGENCE" when making a big investment. Recruiting Abdul Aziz with gifts-package like VC post plus Senatorship is a HUGE INVESTMENT, is it not, dear Mr DAP Chairman. Due diligence as any average corporates will tell you IS TO CONBDUCT A PROPER&COMPREHSENSIVE BACKGROUND CHECK on the subject of your investment -- ie Abdul Aziz. On the surface, Presidency of TI-M is a "great buy" BUT you scratch the surface, Transparency International is a loaded high-profile NGO with questionable entry points and qualifications.

Let Desi just REPRISE an olde post post-Abdul Aziz's departure from the DAP after filling up his BIG TUMMY! Ah, give me more, he tells UMNO, who are more than a willing, endowed gifter at GE time/dimes! -- ENJOY YOUR NATIONAL SERVICE, Mr Abdul Aziz, may your tribe increase within UMNO -- it will help the RAKYAT TOPPLE the government FASTER & TASTIER when GE14 cometh around!


Tuesday, 15 May 2012 18:50

GOOD RIDDANCE TO BAD RUBBISH: Booting out Tunku Aziz from DAP and Pakatan Featured

Written by  YL Chong
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GOOD RIDDANCE TO BAD RUBBISH: Booting out Tunku Aziz from DAP and Pakatan
It’s not just high time that the appointed Vice-Chairman aand Senator was booted out of the DAP – in my opinion, he should not have been accepted by the Democratic Action Party in the first place!, if only a “due dilegence” background check had been conducted
Some three years ago when the Opposition party for lack of big names of Malay leaders in its top ranks, Aziz was welcomed with great fanfare into the party, with a vice-chair post and Senatorship following in douvble quicksteps.
But did the DAP top-guns like Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng do any background check, as minimum “due diligence”? comparable as to when as a top businessman would do when planning to take over another big company?
As a media watcher, I had been sharing with some PKR leaders – okay, YL is a card-carrying member! – my reservations about Tunku Aziz’s qualifications to become part of Pakatan Rakyat (PR). I told some comrades that just before joining DAP, Tunku Aziz had been writing a Sunday column consecutively for several weeks running down Opposition Leaders Anwar Ibrahim.
For the sake of maintaining “solidarity” among PR components – PKR, DAP and PAS – I did not go public with my reservations; hence I adopted a “wait and see” stance. I did copy those few articles from NST, but a recent laptop crash more or less rendered Desi’s inability to “republish” those columns by Tunku Aziz.
With the lead up to Bersih3.0 rally now famously referred to as 428, Aziz showed his true colours. I would even go as far as rank him a “Trojan horse”, along with others like Kita chief ex-chief Zaid Ibrahim, Jeffrey Kitinggan, Star Sabah chief now – all playing Trojan horse roles in PKR, and left the party at about the same time.
And some minor players like ex-MCA tycoon Soh Chee Wen – who now owns, do you readers see any connection with m2day? – and Raja Petra Kamarudin and sidekick Haris Ibrahim, who once famously “boycotted the MSM” but now graciously highlighted in exclusive interviews – sudah mudah lupa ke RPK’s interview with TV3 just before the Sarawak state elections?
Hatchet jobs - first Anwar, now DAP
Sorry for that, minor digression -- which is a journo-blogger’s privilege to abuse! -- I inform regretfully I tried to “google” to retieve Aziz’s articles lambasting Anwar Ibrahim. My news sources had told me earlier this guy was angling for a government-linked post – for retirement, eh ? – so it was NOT a surprise that he joined DAP soon after, with the inference that he must do some hatchet jobs for his political masters first-lah!
The basis for my belief was that Tunku Aziz with his much touted NGO status, especially as President of Transparency International Malaysia, the UMNO bigguns must have sent him into DAP as a Trojan horse to prove his credentails to warrant any “cozy” retirement position as a reward, NO?. So DAP who is so hard up for “reputabe Malay leaders” fell for Aziz’s act and they thought they had a “big catch”! And the rest, the wise men say,
Has Pakatan Rakyat learnt its lessons of MP-turncoats from 308?
In this connection, may I recall a recent political incident which is another potential “big catch” by PKR?
A Negri Sembilan MIC strongman, in his own words, Muthupaliapan, told a press conference he was about to resign from MIC as his party leaders did not give him a chance to play a role in the MIC, so he recently met with PR chief Anwar Ibrahim. Muthu, who I believe had served as exco in the State Assembly a couple of terms, even claimed Anwar promised him the Teluk Kemamng parliament seat cometh GE-13.
Hey, here’s someone who has NOT even joined PKR, and he had the cheek to believe he is such a strongman to replace NS PKR chiefincumbent MP Datuk Kamarul Yassin in Teluk Kemang? I checked with some party leaders, and the reply was that it’s like another of Arabian Nights’1,001 tales, ala-RPK, OK!
I sincerely hope PR component parties have learnt a lesson and NOT allow such outsider candidates like Ibrahim Ali, Zulkifle Noordin and Wee Choo Keong, --and of course, that most expensive Hee Yit Foong ADUN of Perak, where is she hyde-ing now? -- to take the electorate for a ride. In fact such “helicoptered in” candidates did not come cheap!
Is Tunku Aziz that transparent and accountable?
So the question that arises now: Is Tunku Azis that “transparent” a leader around, with his outstanding record as TI (Malaysia) chief always touted, hence that “big catch” tag. Was any carrot dangled before him by alleged paymaster/UMNO and/or UMNO-linked parties to cause Tunku Aziz to cuase a ruckus within DAP before opting out?
Of course, if Desi the blogger says “Yes”, it’s going to be inviting critics’ bombardment like when I alluded to the “geat RPK” having changed in character two years ago. Yes, some of you RPK diehards will come here again to allege YL Chong gets paid RM1,000 for every article I churn out at MC -- Zorro, whisperer, hawkeye and gang,yes?
So let’s examine NST headlined reports about Tunku Azizi’s fall from grace and also what RPK had said::
Tunku Aziz quits DAP
By EILEEN NG | 0 comments
‘DEEP CHASM’: His opposition to Bersih rally earned him rebuke from party
KUALA LUMPUR: OUTSPOKEN DAP politician Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim, 78, is quitting the party three years after he joined it.
In a one-hour interview with ntv7 hosts Norzie Pak Wan Chek and Charles Mohan aired last night, the party vice-chairman said the time had come for him to take a hard look at his position in the party.
He said he had received a lot of “helpful advice” from his family, friends and wellwishers. “And I think based on what they have said and given the deep chasm, very wide differences now that are irreconcilable, there is no other alternative but for me to seek to withdraw with some dignity left.(Ends extract from front page report of NST today)
May I urge my Esteemed Readers here that there is a companion piece which I won’t even bother to quote from except its title on page 6, NST May 15, -- Tunku Aziz: Govt is on the right track” -- for I conclude that all Aziz said is typically UMNOspeak by someone newly recruited into its friendly party ranks, just like RPK’s first interview on TV3 before the last Sarawak State elections, and of course, we must unquestioningly believe the “angel” in Tunku Aziz that he wasn’t paid any money or gift to appear on the ntv7 interview.
May I just say that RPK had given this piece of advice to Aziz,
extracting from an article by Jocelyn Tan of The Star of May 11:
“From far away in Manchester, the one and only Raja Petra Kamarudin wrote: “For someone who has done so much for the nation, you really do not deserve the things they are saying about you or what they are doing to you.”
RPK asked him to quit the DAP because “the longer you remain in DAP, the more they will demonise you”.
Tunku Aziz's fall from grace with the DAP leadership has been severe and abrupt and few see him surviving in that sort of environment. But regardless of whether he survives in or leaves the DAP, he has shown that he is really a towering Malaysian. “
Selling out to the almighty $$$
NOTE from YL: Please note the last line above reflects Jocelyn’s conclusion about Tunku Aziz, again that description “towering Malaysian”
My short retort, can? “Towering, my foot! It’s another case more like RPK selling out to the almighty dollar.
Question asked: WHY DO YOU THINK THE MSM LIKE TV3, NST, UTUSAN and now ntv7 obediently give so much space to “oppositionists” like Tunku Aziz and RPK?
Of course, before that , Jocelyn was full of praise for Tunku Aziz, quoting again from same article:
“The question that many are asking is whether it was necessary for the DAP to act so drastically against Tunku Aziz over what was an individual opinion. He had been welcomed into the party as a “towering Malaysian” and his credentials are simply impeccable he is related to the Kedah royalty, he has served in the United Nations and the World Bank and he was, of course, the founding president of Transparency International Malaysia.
He brought with him unparalleled prestige and credibility. And as the above DAP assemblyman put it, the party will never catch another Malay like him again. The action against him not only suggests that the party cannot handle dissenting views but that it is only interested in token Malay leaders people who are largely yes-men and do not ask too many questions. Or what some call Malay apologists.”
FINALLY may I just quote what Tunku Aziz’s children had to say, according to Jocelyn again:
“His daughter who works overseas sent a message saying: “Dear papa, I may not know the ins and outs of politics, but I am proud of you for speaking out on the right thing.”
Another daughter assured him that he is “on the side of the angels”. His friends have sent him encouraging messages because, as he put it, they “also believe in peace, prosperity and security for the country”. (ends The Star extract”
I agree there are a few angels on the Malaysian stage, but my Thinking Allowed is: How many are actually Devils in Disguise?.
May I cheekily hint that I will be writing of the many angels and devils in Malaysian politics next, and an IBLIS among damned all who is orchestrating many of the moves and shakes nowadays, and until and unless UMNO-BN and its demons are removed, there will always be evil in the Malaysian air. And so BERSIH4.0 must march on, for beloved Malaysia’s and our future generations’ sake.
Signing off,
YL, Desi, knottyaSsusual

PS: Desi will continue tomorrow with his take on WHY this turncoat ATunku is making so much "noise" lately -- along with the ilks of Ibrahim ah-lah! S for Sn ke hsss! Nalla, Wee what! Kiong, Zukiflee Knot!din ad nauseum. ~~ YL, Desi