My Anthem

Friday, March 10, 2006


DESIDERATA is way too OP -- according to feedback from mGf, whose opinions I hold in Hi 'Steam!

OP may be for OPinionated, too for his own goode.
OP perhaps is for OPague, indulging in too much WORD-PRAY so that some Readers -- or isit most? including a most times Mentee kyels -- getting quite LOST in the Perthian Haze, or the Fu Rong Maze!

OP is mayhaps for OPtimistic.
Which Desi admits to, often enough, and has pondered over, especially the few times being chastised by another Y&A most times Mentee2 Sabrina, who has gone MIA back in LOTR country enjoying the conpamy of Elves, Goblins, Gailos & Gaipoes, and B'g, B'g, Wolves?
I took note of her NZ currency of Being Positive, which is optimism (small o) bathed in Reality (BIG R!).
See, my Mentor sumtimes? And that can be Rhetorical or non-. Sequitur, anyone?

But for writers, Being Optimistic is a characteristic tool for him/her to survive.
OtherWISE, Desiderata would have jest fought thhree rounds and retired to the corner. No, he's steal fighting, after 15 rounds!
Foolhardy perhaps, too much bravado, maybe. Suicidal, mayhaps.
But that's the fate befalling any scribe worth his bread&butter, Okay, add some salt.
Rite, being a li'l ego-istic here, working&sing(E)ing out Blood, Sweat and Tears.

Like for DJunglePeople,
You need to learn to Light a Fire,
Don't You?
Life's many Downers always sink one's spirits.
Like Mondaes always bring on The BLues.
Tuesdays may be uplifting if you can find MORRIE.

Sext's WedNURSEdae, ah, I suspect I was borne on such a day.
Call it a day to keep company with Miss Melancholia.
Call it one of Quiet Sadness. Call it WedNURSEday's Woes.
I'll call it PENsiveNess.
Writers like Desi - aspiring Poets? - need to think deep, think hard
Sometimes it's heart wrenchig, sometimes, yes, it's so blardy hard!

But for the majority of people, I THINK, their fate is like being born on a Thursday
For they work from 9-t-5, and into the night, yet the work, like a cowboy's, is never done.

But lucky are those born on a Friday
Which is today -- and Heaven forbid, not Oz style - for to die
Two mGf intimated to me they are Fridaye Childe
Born to win at love, and always giving
That helping hand, and that Optimistic Smile.

The Ides of March is nigh
Can it be unconventional WedNURSEdae's high?
It's some lucky bloke's BIRDdae, if I may say
And he wishes to stay bonnie, young and gay.
But my fave months I told you are in Mei
Whe poets break into song, dance and pray-play
and Remember, Try to remember, The kind of September?
That's for another Season, another highway
For now, it's onemGf's Way, My Day.

Nu'e Desiderata ChallengiA:
What do you think will happen next WEDnurseDAY?
PS: mGf from nigh Catsville is not aloud to play.

DEADLINE: 8PM, Saturday, March 12, 2006
PRIZE: Attendance at a G6 or G7 Bloggers Meet planned for
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

PPS: Following stylo!
Learn a nu'e word todae only:)

non sequitur

When I googled Heritage Dictionary

non se·qui·tur (nŏn sĕk'wĭ-tər, -tʊr')
An inference or conclusion that does not follow from the premises or evidence.
A statement that does not follow logically from what preceded it.
[Latin Lanōn sequitur, it does not follow : nōn, not + sequitur, third person sing. present tense of sequī, to follow.]

CONfession time: Hey, my ER, how many before jest reading this definition, have bothered to check Da Dick despite all the hoo-haa over that Comic Strip that stripped many of their insanity and commonsense?


fishtail said...

WedNURSEday, lolz! I'll tell my gf about this :)

Anonymous said...

Meet up next Tues?

JOEPSC said...

WEDnurseDay NEx(S)T?

Desi's wedding day? right?

The pensive mood,
into oblivion shall pass.
Why should we brood?
for nothing is eternal
in our world;
nothing will last.

Every sunrise brings
a new beginning,
a new spring;
every sunset takes away
our breath,
we are far from death.
If you allow tears of day,
to well in your eyes,
how could you sight
the stars of night,
high in the sky?

chong y l said...

what is so "telling", mGf.
It's jest Desi playing around with words only-lah: fore-, mid-, post- also can!:) BUTT no prey-pray...that's PCK ltd's trademark.

chong y l said...

Yes, brudder Imran.
What's thy answer to the Challengia: deadline is tomorrow March 11, NOT 12!:( deliberate MISStake to MISSLead some folks:(

chong y l said...

Art Thou proposition-ing Desi?

If thou art nigh Cybil Shepherd's symmetry,
and we also match in chemistry:
I'll gladly CONsider.
But in Fu Rong we practise MenangKerbau chivalRY,
The preetty lady pays RM20m dowRY!:)

Second attempt aloud, butt get your Passepaport lady, kenORknot?:)