My Anthem

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

From Moment to Moment

To One of mGf I Count on My Hands' Fingers
Life is the Infinite Band of Continuous Minute Moments ... Desiderata Dedicates this Collection of Love Is in the Air poems.From Moment to Moment.

Yan and The Significant Other, Hope Thou Will Treasure This Day of 26th of the Seventh Month of the Year 2005, And More Returns of the Same to Echo Shakespeare's Dedication unto Infinity.

My bounty is as deep as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite.

~ William Shakespeare

Those informed in English literature would know of the great love story of Robert Browning (1812-1889) and his wife, Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861). Many can easily recite some lines from the following:

How much do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of every day’s
Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith.

I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints – I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life! – and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.

And from another of her well quoted poems, a stanza is reproduced here:

If thou must love me, let it be for naught

Except for love’s sake only. Do not say

“I love her for her smile – her look – her way

Of speaking gently – for a trick of thought

That falls in well with mine, and certes brought

A sense of pleasant ease on such a day” ...

And from the other significant half, Robert Browning comes:


So the year’s done with!
(Love me for ever!)
All March begun with,
April’s endeavour;
May-wreaths that bound me
June needs must sever;
Now snows fall round me,
Quenching’ June’s fever –
(Love me for ever!)

PS: I sing in high decibels that echo from peninsular Malaysia across the South China Sea to touch the silvery shores of Sarawak, CONGRATULATIONS!, just trying to do some justice to Sir Cliff Richard.


kennysia said...

Your echo has reached Sarawak and sent tingles of shivers down my spine.

I think I need a hot shower now.

imran said...

When to the sessions of sweet silent thought
I summon up remembrance of things past,
I sigh the lack of many a thought I sought,
And with old woes new wail my dear time's waste:
Then can I drown an eye, unused to flow,
For precious friends hid in death's dateless night,
And weep afresh love's long since cancelled woe,
And moan th' expense of many a vanished sight.
Then can I grieve at grievances foregone,
And heavily from woe to woe tell o'er
The sad account of fore-bemoanèd moan,
Which I new pay as if not paid before.
But if the while I think on thee, dear friend,
All losses are restored and sorrows end.

chong y l said...

Hi Ken, Kuching's fave Cl(r)own?
I didn't know you're in Sban town;
Minta maaaf, No hot showers here
Water rationin' 2 weeks now, my Deer!

But if you join me in song
To congrat hometown girl next door
I'll serve thee coconut D-water
Just don't ars(e)k for more, more.

Brudder Imran:

WoW, the BarD would go green
Hope Moses not say we're "mean"
"Apologies" to BroMoses,on a hap occasion like this
We sprinkle thee and thou, for PL's not a-miss

Yan: my Muse and mGf most dear
For those IgnorantCows out here
Sarawak offers thee more
Ne'er heard of Kenny's Nuts, and the PrettyGalsNextDoor?
I'll send the headhunters after thee
Unless tou sayeth Sorry to Yan, Ken and me

sweetspirits said...

What more could we ask for ;)

chong y l said...

Hi sweetsweetspirit -- Joy is to hear thy Voice.
Keep writin eh, even righting
For there's Sun DownUnder 'sides Moonlighting
