My Anthem

Monday, August 29, 2005


Barriers to Forging Lasting Malaysian Friendships


She used to be a good friend. However, now I can’t say the same anymore.
Why? It’s just because we were both Malaysians, but of a different race.

She asked me out for lunch one day, and we agreed to catch up at one of the cafes.
I was happy to be in her company.
She has always been a nice person, though she has her strange ways of managing her life, but she’s nice nonetheless.

We were talking about Malaysia, and how it’s sad that we both can’t really relate to Malaysia anymore.

She is under a government scholarship to further her postgraduate studies in the humanities.

She used to stay in the best room in the hostel. However. after a year or two later, the local university that funded her education decided to stop her living expenses here in New Zealand. She complained. She is also a Permanent Resident herself. She could enjoy NZ benefits, i.e. student allowance (for which she doesn’t need to pay back at all), student loan, etc. Yet she complained.

I remained silent.

Malaysia Continues to Lose Some of The Best Talents

We were talking about how the brain-drain situation in Malaysia is getting worse.

I was hesitant, yet I braved myself to speak.

“ It’s very sad, it’s so sad to see Malaysia’s brightest minds are all over the world except Malaysia. The person who is researching into getting water for Singapore is a Malaysian. The head of Parasitology in Cambridge is Malaysian. The best doctors in the world are Malaysians. Yet, they are no where near Malaysia.”

“ Yea, there just isn’t a comfortable place for Malaysians anymore…”


“I find that the thing that causes the brain drain is because the government awards merit to people who don’t deserve it. The benefits that some groups of people get, they don’t deserve it.”

She was silent. She was stunned.

“What do you mean, the undeserving, Sabrina?”

“ Well, I am not saying that it’s not right that you get these benefits or anything. If anything, we were to be blamed because we agreed to it when we signed the constitution decades ago. Our forefathers agreed to it. Fine, perhaps there was a reason why they agreed to it. However, it just seems that the people that are benefiting from these benefits are not deserving.”

She was silent again. I continued.

“ Look at the farmers, the fishermen, the rubber tappers. They also belonged to the supposedly ‘deserving’ group, yet why do they get poorer and poorer, yet the rich get richer? I am merely saying that yes, these benefits should be given, but to the people who truly deserved it.”

She remained silent throughout the whole conversation. After we gave each other hugs, we have never seen nor heard from each other ever since.

That was four months ago.

To be honest, I felt guilty that I said it out loud. Yet at the same time, I felt that I was just saying what I truly feel.
The angst in me increases in size whenever I hear friends from the ‘deserving’ group complaining.
Complaining the government is not giving them enough money.
Complaining that the mentality of their fellow countrymen doesn’t change.

Yet where do I fit in when I hear this?

They say that the government is not treating them fairly. To me, I don’t even know what is fair anymore.
My friends who did brilliantly in high school got scholarships for Engineering in GERMANY. It’s a hard life there. They feel like an outcast, severe racism, do not speak the language. Yet they are thankful that they at least got the scholarship.

What about the ‘deserving’ group?
They get to go to Western countries. Some even are coming here to New Zealand.
And what to they do in the end? They get married. Yes, the girls get married while doing their demanding course of Medicine or Dentistry.
One wouldn’t be surprised to hear that few years down the road, they quit their degree to have babies.

The Malaysian Dilemma?

Can the ‘deserving’ group and the ‘commoners’ ever be good friends?
Perhaps, someday this phenomenon might change.
Perhaps, there would be an understanding between us.
Perhaps, there would be divine intervention that would change everything for us.

Written by Sabrina Tan
August 2005


Sabrina proved she’s lots to say – and why not? – sharing with fellow Malaysians and caring for Our Country – such characteristics are what I would define under my book-for-the-future Desiderata.OurMalaysia, if Desi can take all these Young&Idealistic minds through a tested time of endeavours and struggles for a Malaysia across Race, Creed and Colour, and of course regardless of age and gender. We’ve just begun the Cyber-Journey trying to band together to promote Malaysia as a Towering Nation, as expounded and promoted by the Prime Minister, which is a noble goal and a good start to the new millennium after entering the fifth or sixth year.

I believe Pak Lah is sincere and means well.
I don't know about the Cabinet he inherited,
I don't even know about the Civil Service today.
i don't even know if my Endearvour will bear any meaning fruit. I just am determined to give it A FAIR GO.

BUT there are just many PERHAPS on Sabrina's side, and too many I don't know's on my side, along the way. I share Sabrina's concerns and wonderings.How about you?


Howsy said...

At 12 years old, we have UPSR. 'Deserving ones' go into residential schools while the 'commoners' go to normal schools.

At 15 years old, we have PMR. 'Deserving ones' go into MRSMs while the 'commoners' go to normal schools.

At 17 years old, we have SPM. 'Deserving ones' go for matriculation/JPA-sponsored overseas studies while the 'commoners' go for STPM/expensive A levels.

At 20 years old, 'deserving ones' are ALREADY in degree programmes in IPTAs while the 'commoners' are just barely lucky enough to step into IPTAs.

At 23 years old, 'deserving ones' graduated with mediocre results and with the aid of 'rent-seeking' while the 'commoners' graduated by studying day and night.

At 24 years old, 'deserving ones' already are tutors in IPTA, bound to leave to overseas for fully-sponsored postgrad studies soon, while the 'commoners' had to 'beg' for scholarships around the world for postgrad studies.

At 26 years old, 'deserving ones' are already lecturers, bound for rapid promotion and doing 'mickey mouse' research, while the 'commoners' still suffer from a dilemma whether to return or not.

At 30 years old, 'deserving ones' are already head of departments, while the 'commoners' are still on the postdoc 'threadmill.'

At 40 years old, 'deserving ones' are already Professors while the 'commoners' have just only secured a tenure track position in academia overseas.

The list goes on and on as we age...

Just how can we stand tall side by side each other?

Anonymous said...

Dear Sab,

Keep it up. Love your writing!

And yeah, I do agree with Howsy that how can we stand tall side by side each other.. It seems impossible.. *sigh*


chong y l said...

mistyeiz: I don't know abot you -- te only escape plan I have in mind is Change the System where it rots if I can, working in concert with other like-mided Malaysians. The more personal escape is to steal flowers from your Garden of Poems in the dark of the night, when I can also hear the whispers of my grArts like E.Dickinson, R. Frostie, Shake-the- Spears and of course, Max!(I'm trying to confuse readers like Moses & Sweets here! Pullin' their legs in exchange for Ttariks...).

I'm waiting fro Sabrina to come back to play "Ho(r)st"! I'm filling in as co-TTarikgal!

John said...
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Sabrina Tan said...

Hi Desi:

Shall relieve you off your duties. Am multitasking anyway...( wathing the doco abt the impact of divorce on children)

Anywayz..I digress

Just bear in mind that there shall never be unity among us if meritocracy is not in place.
We shall always be vengeful of what the deserving people have.
They shall always complain, without consideration of the other groups of people.
We shall live in this silent hate and angst, as a result inpeding the growth of Malaysia.
Will there be hope, I echo Desi " I don't know"
At the rate that this is going, our political arena is a laughing circus.
What with people giving back Protons and all...
I shake my head...

chong y l said...

Hi Sab:

Thanks for holding fort here, but you too have to mind the store at yesterday's post, or thou shalt be charged for desertion.

The scarfer has visited with some interesting points, so you need to travel back in time (remember Einstein taeching: at c plus a little more spped greater than the speeed of light, you are there! I did respond to one of her points, but the rest is in your court.

Meanwhile, MistyEiz will help me spread around some good cheer with TehTarik kurang manis! Hey, MistyEiz, hurry up, and also some Nasi Lemak if you can, it's 7.41pm, Malaysian dinner time!

Sab, dinner yet? Or art thou out for a CON -- tell yGf DU Sweets what a CON is...wiltya?

Sabrina Tan said...

oo...Desi, looking forward to a CON...
To my fellow Aussie, ssspirits-- CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST...

* the image in my wee head is bacon and scrambled eggs...hash browns...tomatoes with herbs...*

** arrggh!! tummy grumbling!!***

Desi, don't quite get the light thing with Einstein..
Perhaps it's too late for me to think now?
It's zzzzz time....

Anywayz..looking forward to another day! :D:D

chong y l said...

Hi Yan:
That's good observation by AFP -- if foreign eyes could see through u so clearly, how come our leaders seem to choose not to see?

I guess it's not an easy hing -- to admit that we have failed in many areas, but the first setp towards progress and redress is to recognise the mistakes, admit them, then move on with vigour.

But with Sab, she has her doubts, many other readers share her concern. I too, but all of us in varying degress and from diffreent vantage points.

We really need to be very honest, and reflective, of ourselves and OUR COUNTRY.

Yan, thanks for the latest news update, you're a journo, aren't you, or just a beesybod like Desi! That's another rhetorical Q!)

Hi Sab, your horsting here is not to wonder about Einstein theory of relativity, which in theory says if one can travel at faster than c--the scientific symbol for the speed of light, you can go back in time, like from today a Monday, to yesterday, a Sunday!

You are supposed to take care of the guests comments ... while I & MistyEiz serve the TehTarik.

Ah, ne'er mind/e, you're off to (new)Zzzzzland.

H J Angus said...

Hi Desi
Since you are rambling about Einstein, there are some basic laws of physics that can be applied to why the government cannot change.

Under one law of dynamics, object will continue in its path of motion unless it meets an opposing force.

So sorry lah, my memory is rather rusty - mostly given back to the lecturer!

chong y l said...

h j angus :

You've jogged my memory, I think te relevant law is from Newton's 3 laws of force and motion.

In humaan affaits pertaining to good civic behaviour,To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
The second says An object in motion wil continue unless it is stopped by a force greater than itself. (The concept of decelleration taking place ie. relevant perhaps in the decaying of our society -- robber baronry? Or maybe you'd call it Padi Makan Padi sampai semua habis -- lagi kata SEMUANYA OK?)

chong y l said...

Hi Sab: woken up from puteri lilin sleeeeep?

Now get back to Sunday's post, stand sentry there till Merdeka morn, meanwhile, THe Scarfer's comment needs your urgent follow-up == and that's an order, NOT a request. The earlier hint DID not work becos I sued Einstein language which was certainly beneath thy level of communication.ow I resort to military rule...

Have a nonCON on me today, buy SsssssSpirit a CON she'll ne'er forget, say it's with compliments from Desi, but Sab has to pay for making me stay up in the devilish hours after midnite to Edit 2 of your Essays!;);)

chong y l said...

hj angus:

Oooops Pagar makan padi ...pukul 8.20am sekarang, belum makan pagi -- CON BF hari ini, special sebab lapa sangat selepas tulis Karangan tu semuanya last minute -- Journo's punya habit-lah. You sama juga?

Bye,(jumpa lagi!) atau Buy (me a BF!).

Primrose said...

Sabrina's post reminded me of one recent achiever (no naming names and ages and qualifications here now, can I?). And my job? Was to select the best (and most expensive) boarding school abroad for her because the government is going to sponsor her in full right up to a medical degree, if she achieves once more.

Sauntering into our office one day was the achiever (and a guardian from the ministry), well-clad in pale pink, rolex-adorned wrist (and not the plain one too. I'm talking about a sparkly, studded one) with make-up too heavy for her age and bags and shoes which screamed 'Converse'.

*sigh* Tell me about 'deserving ones'...

chong y l said...


I like Converse, but each time you visit Desi's Place for Converse, howcome you ne'er brought one?

Your episode telling is all too common -- in life, when things come so easy for some, the Riggit also goes out easily too. Problem is when bad times strike, like in 1997/98, an instant millionaire can become an instant papuer just depending on playing the stockmarket or collecting commissions/rentals.

I dunno, primrose, do you have a million blue or black roses in your Garden. I'm thing of becomeing a Gardner, and call myself a Million-Bloom.Sound cool, even if pocket no-money. Gaya mau, kan?

And where's Sabrina, you're supposed to engage in CONverse, remember?

Primrose said...

I've got my poodle, Million trotting around my garden blooms. Want or not? Can or not? I might open applications for Gardeners. Two of mine are not trimming the hedges well. *winks*

chong y l said...

Hi Primrose:

Do you receive many applications? For Gardners, I mean, not propositions, dontwan land up like that itchyfied Oz politician, but at least he resigned with some dignity, yes?

I want the CERTIFICATION after my training -- 12 months 'nuff, I believe you're a fantastic trainer -- after that, CONVO,at PWTC yes? I need to take pix so that I can append to my PR application, see, Desi has become a victim (cut!) just affected by many readers (writers too!) talking about the rich havens abroad.

I think I saw Gardners on THAT immigration list at the AHC when I peeked in last week, Serious. Will te Chief Gardner join me, I miss the Blooming ------laah!

Hey, Happy Merdeka, I'm writing this specially for you at 8.49am, adjourning for two CONs, if you dont understand what this means, ask my most constant Guest Blogger -- hey, Sab, where art thou? She also constanly wanders into the Perthian Haze, or Seremban Maze .. will Million help to track, or trace her down?