My Anthem

Friday, March 09, 2007

This Commenter and His Post Are *uckingly ala-Desi Spirited!

I spied mGf's comment at another Blogger's; be initiative and act like a Sherlock Holmes disciple by tracking them -- the referred Blogger, and the referred Commenter! why do I need to be so kaypohly detialed wan? -- down.

I also ask of the "Writing Without Fear or Favour" Raja Petra, ex-colleague Susan Loone, "Et tu, brute/+bruteine?"

+bruteine is Des's closest coinage to a femail brute. If you don't agree, it's in mGf's lingo, none of your f*cking business! -- Desiderata with no AP!

2 juslo 9 March 2007 @ 11:31 am

Et tu, Aisehman??

the relevant person owes it to the people to clarify certain types of rumours. but for certain other types of rumours, such as those concerning his personal, private relationship and life (which does not suggest anything improper), he doesn’t have to.

because it’s none of our damn f**king business, frankly.


Anonymous said...

There is hidden agenda on such "none of your business" issue. Juslo and many still fail to get it : take the hint of Son In Law episode. This mean a new "rising power" on the Ogliarchy.

You will never know ability of new queen and her family inside the Ogliarchy.

Nevertheless, I think some blogger are shooting below the hips. But Mr Blah is no better. If he want to act like PM, show us some result, don't waste time working PR with the MSM.

Juslo said...


wah, u sure r quick to claim 'credit', aye?!?!!

well, i have to admit that my piece was "*uckingly Desi-esque", coz u r 1 of my inspirations mah... ;P

the 'influence' is inherent, no doubt, but i forbid myself to make more 'admission' coz i want to avoid the 'P' charge for not having attributed my style to my "semi-semi-seefool"... (deja vu??) ;)

thanks for the link/promo, which i'm sure brought in heavy loads of lorries traffic to my humble site... don't mind u "claiming credit by ASSholeciation!" coz i haven't found a way to repay that '30%' for last times, not to mention this... (don't deface my blog like the ah loongs ya...)


i think u might have jumped the gun too much there... not everybody is power-crazy like oxford grads. (hang on - did jean graduate from oxford by any chance??)

so, we shouldn't try to sabotage his private life now. when she gets naughty, we'll deal with it THEN. let them old couple enjoy the honeymoon for now lah...

but my actual, serious concern (if one day i'm interested to become a POLITIKUS, or if any of my child (god willing...) is) is this:

"Because all our best and brightest are just too fucking willing to fuck up their privacy and lose their right to a private life, in order to serve the soil upon which they spill their blood. That’s why each and everyone of our ‘elected leaders’ is world class. I guess now we know why."

what do u think about that perspective? would YOU, having a decent n bright-future job, want to live in an aquarium, if u have a choice?

if not, what kind of POLITIKUS does that leave us? IMHO, that's the bigger picture which we should bear in mind...

chong y l said...


Oligarchy will fade in time when Malaysians become more informed and Globalisation makes mincemeat of people depedent on handouts. There is no more such a thing as a freelunch once the poil runs out -- in two decades.

Meanwhile, some UMNOputras need to be hung from the highest tree in the country -- MB/CM no-eye-see, MP close-one-eye, and SA lkiving in palace claims he's on welfare steal.

chong y l said...

I'm the disciple, you my (Wo?)Mentor!

Thanks mate, just being in thy HI-spirited company -- maybe we rub off into each other. Either you or I wished one was a fe-mail, rite!?
(Hope other ER are not voyeuring-Us!:(:(

We'll meetUP one day and banter aMore -- hopefooly the likes of Y&A Imran, Kyels, johnlee, Freeluch, Nat and senoir like Howsy, Xpyre minus da d, maverick and AMoi joineth Us:) Vive la Malaysians, Vive la NegaraKu!