My Anthem

Thursday, March 08, 2007

International Women's Day: Solidarity

with a Malysian air stewardess fighting for the dignity of awe female workers at Malaysian Airline System (MAS). As a fellow human being, and in recognition that there be no discrimination on gender grounds at any workplace -- as the Dark Ages of the Caveman had long passed us by -- Desi would like to join fellow Bloggers like 2020Freelunch and Bernard Khoo to lend support to:

Audra Atkinson Yew
A pregnant air stewardess facing alleged "unfair dismissal" from MAS who has a track record of discriminating against pregnant stewardesses.

Borrowing freelunch's words:

"Dear Audra,

May you stay strong as you fight the mighty MAS. But know that God will always be with those who were unfairly treated.


Visit mGf the hoRst for more wisdom. If you catch him at a certain haunt (izzit M&NPSee? )in Jalan TankSi I think, fool of Bloggies and hardpressed hounds, he may offer thee a pint or two. Please bring a chauffeur along, like I do!:)

1 comment:

zorro said...

Desi, your support is greatly treasured.See you this Friday (with your Ahmad?)Yours is the first case of a chauffeur who drinks instead of the chauffeured. TQ again blog brother.