My Anthem

Monday, November 06, 2006

a malaysian sexfest

The following ditty is inspired after reading mGf based in London's expose on the Malay Mail's sexfest expose:

Should you steal
Steal big not small
Should you eat
Eat smart not smut

like a palace
Small like a mansion
Smart like a CEO
Smut like the sleepers of a railroad
or mistress of a railway gate-keeper

If you are caught
Just squeal: Others are doin' it
Better steal
To human hearts appeal
Shed some crocodile tears
Whsiper I'm so sorry
Then all's okay
"Just don't do it again," says kindly chief
It takes a thief to catch another thief
"Until after the next election"

Boy meets girl, and he says:
You have such lovely eyes
Can we do it on our first date
She says Yes, oh so cute

And they go home
To that mansion
They do it in the hall
They do it everywhere, and all

Hi Dad! who comes home late
Meet my latest babe, Sonny says

Yeah, I'd seen her lots already
I used to call her Honey.
Now she's history
After I gave her the Money

Now Sonny just be careful, okay!
Remember to use the rubber
The last time I was careless
She gave me the Crap and mess

Oh, it's too late! Daddy
I've finished one round already
We did not use the rubber
Mummy said It's more enjoyable that way
She said she found out the secret

Doing' it with another Sugar Daddy
Now go meet him in the study.


Anonymous said...

Sex is banned on book, but copulate sells ;)

Why Mer-lays incest books/magazine published by NST/Putra-publication escape without screening? Another project of NEP ;)

Anonymous said...

The next time when sonny make love with another girl, he told his dad, "i tried using rubber, but it was so painful".

Dad is curious, he said, "show me how u use it" then he realised little sonny tied his dickhead with a rubber band.

"I mean condom when I said rubber, son", said dad. Poor Sonny cried, "school never teach".

Anonymous said...

Hey, where's your tagline...something something Durex, and something, something Dumex? I like it!

chong y l said...


Hope you could give Desi a "ID" link..otherwise, my engagement with you woud be curt and short, as I've appealed several times to my ER that I truly wish to have an intimation of the "persona" behind the name, can?

chong y l said...


Hey, I hope you are above the Age of Non-Dissent?

I don't want some parents charging into this place and accuse Desi of Corrupting young minds!

Or isit roile reversal? Some under=aged Y@&A soming in in the steal of the night to subtly miss lead the hoRst up some dark alleys? Chelshire cat, Helen, did you see?

chong y l said...

PS to O2dep:

Thanks for your input -- I enjoyed it, now I believe the copyright belongs to Desi -- I offer thee some tehtarik left!:)

chong y l said...


I grew uo on Dumex
You knotty Mal-aysian A broad
Introced Desi to Mimi, Nicole
and Durex

What's sext?
Viagra and Cialis?
I dou wanna go on dialysis
You first Ipohlang into the best