My Anthem

Sunday, November 12, 2006

PM Interlude: Sitdown comedy & a Sirmon

20. And finally, there was the person who sent twenty different puns to his/her friends, with the hope that at least ten of the puns would make them laugh. No pun in ten did. :-)

Desi received a wickedend of Jokes from mGf Primrose -- she knows I was weighed down (and vice versa) and tried to make me sitUP, so I'm telling that her Jokes worked so mush I'm reprising just the lust one, the wan after *Juan. It's numbered twenty, which means there's plenty.

*18. A woman has twins, and gives them up for adoption. One of them goes to a family in Egypt , and is named "Ahmal." The other goes to a family in Spain ; they name him "Juan." Years later, Juan sends a picture of himself to his birth mother. Upon receiving the picture, she tells her husband that she wishes she also had a picture of Ahmal. Her husband responds, "They're twins! If you've seen Juan, you've seen Ahmal."

Many lazybummers with the gift of the gap/s in America earn a decent living doing StandUP Comedy; Desi today debuts trying a rehearsal at one SittingDown -- SitCom, my dear ER?

If no one applauds, I may be left To Die, seated, it's alright, better than Die standing! Mayhaps, they'd give me a standing ovation as the coffin is being lowered six feet -- make that eight! -- under ground. (My foes cried, and my friends laughed, because they took Desi literally when I prompted damn to: ROTFDWL -- Rolling On The Floor Dying With Laughter!)

The Hollywood series like Everybody Loves Raymond would be pimctuated with yes, Canned Laughter -- to instigate the audience to laugh along even they didn't caych the joke. But there is this saying -- A sucker is born every secoond around the world -- and hence the Peoples of the world all contribute to raising the standards of living of the Americanoes, whose debt keeps rising year by year, into Trillions, in USD, that's short for Greenbacks -- and hey, please laugh on Desi's Q! -- some of you think GB refers to the turtles now in danger of becoming extinct off Trengganu and Kelantan shores.

At one time, FedEx refers to the international forwarding company, then some stewpid sports circus refers it to some Tennis champ named Federer or sumthi'. I thought it was the old Federal cinema along Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, or was it Ipoh? Never mind, but in high finance, wehn The Fed was mentioned up till two-three years ago, it meant Alan Greenspan. Yes, he alone spun the value of the grenback, hence in tandamn, all the currencies of the small world. "Small" ued here is similar in conext to the fact that in Malaysia, a four-storey mansion is classified as "small" and hence requires no re-approval building plans. You built first, we'll issue the permit later. In my generous presconct, the SA even extends advances of 20million for any Constituent's needs at the most critical hour -- a Death in the family. They deliver in what is termed Hella-of-H'aven note on BiG denomination, yes, 20 pieces in million. Entrance to Hella-of-Pearly-Mansion. I don't knpw if they givs it royal status or not. Friends and fiends of Desi don't qualify -- we are socialists, and they are Iblis.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wnds Sitcom with two tehtarik, pne for me and one for thee,
of you believe Desi I did not add any arsenic, not that Ilove you,
but I treat my Guests with respect in order that they return the same. Have a good wickedend remaining. There is always one more six days hence. No worries. I Strive To Be Optimistic and happy.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

If so far I have been giving you dark humour, let me end with a winding topical "sensitive" subject that actually was olde history but revived just last week because some people abused the SMS to spread rumours. Please bear with me if you choose or beg to differ. I have said it before and I say in again -- I tread with TREPIDATION wandering into any discussion on REligion and Faith, but today I stick my head out ready for any chopper to fall, and any pepper spray. It's okay, I bear no malice towards any partry. If you think you can't take Desi's THINKING ALLOWED, please don't visit again.

Several years ago I had already heard about the famed sailor Azhar Mansor's conversion from Ilam to Christianity -- which I dismissed as rumours when conveyed this "exciting witness account by cjarismatic mates" to score some Brownie points for their church group. Azhar -- awarded a Datukship even a she sailed around the world through choppy waters alone in his yacht (Some pronounce it as the Yar sould in graveYARd, other say it with the YO sound as in YOgurt, but I digress, Mercies on Desi!)

I told these rumur-mongers then over several occasions,that I had already read in a Malay newspaper when Azhar specifically "denied" the rumours that he had embraced Christianity. This latest round rose to e higher level leading to an unwelcome crowd gathering outside a church in Ipoh that sprang from falsehood spread that Azhar was scheduled to "baptise" a large congregation of former Muslims into accepting Christianity.

But rumours when repeated iften ennough -- and among these adding salt&pepper to the grapevine were graduate teachers who said they heard it from church friends and therefore must be true. At the bakc of my mind, I was thinking then: EVEN IF IT WAS TRUE (Azhar's emrace of Christianity, which I must say unequivpcably was/is not true!), WHAT WAS THE POINT THESE NARRATORS WERE TRYING TO CONVEY WITH THAT CLAIM?

Does the fact that an world-renowned leader's conversion into another religion score points for that religion? I had turned down invitations from some sealouts trying to sell attendance at dinner-talks because a famed AMERICAN ASTRONAUT WAS IN TOWN TO "WITNESS" FOR HIS RELIGION. Frankly, Desi can't care a damn whether you are a hawker, a petty thief even, or a medical doctor or any professional -- that person's acceptance of any faith is his/her own spiritual encounter which will determine only his/her own salvation or damnation, whatever the case may be. His/her salvation/damnation has no relevance or bearing on his mates, relatives, friends or foes. PERIOD.

I had been very reluctant touching on this subject, but the fact that these rumpurs keep re-surfacing -- leading Azhar and his brother to tell the prsss in Langkawi just a few days past --I felt it benefits my ER to be reminded not to use rumours to "score points" for ANY RELIGION.

My Counsellor Mr Coww and exchanged views on this topic at the BF table this morning, and he answred with a biblical reference -- that one can witness the goodness oof a subject by the fruit that he/it bears. Good fruits can only come from a Good Tree, and likewise, a BAd Tree cannot bear Good Fruit.


Here is one beautiful story mGf wrote many years ago -- I stole the rfuit in broad daylight andthe polce nigh catsville closed both eyes, so I am able to have this for dessert at CON BF:)
Furthermore, it's BI-LINQUAL. I think she got a subtle message from Desi some of my ER want to learn Mandarin so tha they are not 100% banana!:)



從前有一顆樹, 它愛一個小男孩…….


每天這個小男孩必會到樹下, 采它的果實, 以樹枝打秋千,或從它的樹干滑下去,或拾起其落葉編織成皇冠裝扮成森林國王. 樹很快樂.

小男孩漸漸長大, 來的次數少了, 所要求的卻多了. 樹將它僅有的果子, 樹枝及樹滿足小男孩的需求, 直到它只剩下一個樹椿.

當小男孩到老年時, 再來到樹旁, 樹說它已經一無所有, 小男孩說他已經沒有要求, 只是累了. 樹說- - -

來, 坐在我的樹椿上歇息吧!


這個故事不但我女兒百听不厭, 我也百讀不厭, 故事平凡, 惟它牽動人心弦的不外乎, 不外乎情.

女兒喜歡將故事中的樹以母親, 父親, 爺爺, 奶奶甚至所認識的人取代之. 每次都能以她有限的文字編出很溫馨的故事.

現代人因被競爭追逐, 一切都要爭先, 爭新, 爭奇; 只能得, 不能失; 只能取, 不能舍; 只能成, 不能敗; 只能進, 不能退; 只能強, 不能弱. 總之, 樣樣爭第一, 不能第二.

有人說, 人一生都在追証書. 出世時追出生証書, 然后是一連串的証書, 如畢業証書, 婚姻証書, 專業証書, 到最后還需一份死亡証書.

在這追逐中再也無暇顧及周圍的人和事, 盡管多美好的事都不能引起他們的注意.

女兒天天陪我一起閱報, 我告訴她當天的要聞, 她也時常將她所聞告訴外婆. 有一天, 我媽媽責問我為什麼告訴女兒這麼多不幸的事情, 我才惊覺我沒選擇性的灌輸, 己使她小腦袋中裝了不少人間慘事.

生活里, 其實有許多感人的故事 - - 屬于你的, 我的, 他的, 父母子女之間的, 親戚朋友之間的, 夫妻之間的, 兄弟姐妹之間的, 甚至素不相識的人之間的. 只要以真, 以情描述的故事必能引起別人真心深處的共鳴.

您願意試試以您周圍的人來代表這顆樹講述出同樣牽動心弦的故事嗎? 讓彼此共享生命的愛與關懷, 讓社會減少一些冷漠與無情吧?

On her fourth birthday, I gave my daughter Rachel a book, The Giving Tree by shel Silverstein.

The beautiful story of a tree and a boy begins ….

"Once there was a tree and she loved a little boy. And everyday the boy would come and he would gather her leaves and make them into crowns and play king of the forest.

He would climb up her trunk and swing from her branches and eat apples. And they would play hide-and-go-seek.

And when he was tired, he would sleep in her shade. And the boy loved the tree very much. And the tree was happy.

But time went by. And the boy grew older. And the tree was often alone.

Then one day the boy came to the tree and the tree said, “Come, Boy, come and climb up my trunk and swing from my branches and eat apples and play in my shade and be happy.”

“I am too big to climb and play,” said the boy.

“I want to buy things and have fun. I want some money. Can you give me some money?”

“I’m sorry,” said the tree, “but I have no money, I have only leaves and applies. ?Take my apples, Boy, and sell them in the city. Then you will have money and you will be happy.”

And so the boy climbed up the tree and gathered her applies and carried them away.

And the tree was happy.

But the boy stayed away for a long time …. and the tree was sad. And then one day the boy came back and the tree shook with joy and she said, …..

The beautiful story continues … until the Boy took all the tree can offer for him to have money.

And after a long time the boy came back again. “I am sorry, Boy,” said the tree, “but I have nothing left to give you - my apples are gone, my branches are gone, you cannot swing on them, my trunk is gone, you cannot climb… I am sorry, I wish that I could give you something… but I have nothing left. I am just an old stump. I am sorry….”

“Well,” said the tree, straightening herself up as much as she could, “well, an old stump is good for sitting and resting. Come, Boy, sit down. Sit down and rest.”

And the boy did.

And the tree was happy.

YAN: Thank You! Terima Kasih! Sieh-sieh.

UPDATEd Nov 13 @12.21PM, after almost one hour of heavy rain -- fresh H2O that cleans the streets and air and humans' unbnerved and teetering spirits that their bodies withsatnd Lif'es burdens and strifes to fight another battle, 24.

Three conversationists found time to reflect on Soup for the bloodied Soul yesterday or in the refreshing hours at te dawning hours of another Monday blue, but not bluesey: ~~~


imran 提到...
Why are you down in the dumps like me? Feeling heartbroken or something?

10:37 PM

DESI: Brudder, art thou within or without the count'y?

It's not affairs at the person's level, it's the NegaraKu's (POlitico-CivilSociety blog, remember?). But I still see some flicker of HOPE if Young&Articulates like thee see issues through NON-racial, NON-religios, NON-colour eyes. WE'll continue to say some common prayers, won't we, even if in different tongues. God bless Malaysia. ISAmen.

Helen 提到...
Hello Mr Desi, hope you had a great weekend. :-)

Talking about 'famed' people witnessing for God, I agree with you 50/50. I think you have to look at the situation from both sides... 1) the person who share their testimony 2) the people who 'brag' and like in your words, try to score brownie points with the testimony of another individual.

Witnessing and sharing testimonies are actually a norm in churches. Church members share testimony to edify each other on a regular basis. Of course most of us being 'nobody', our testimonies are usually heard among brothers and sisters in Christ only. When there is a well known personality sharing, there is a better chance of attracting an audience of non-believers. Like you said, a 'well-known' personality is no different from a hawker, doctor or housewife, there is no reason why the person is denied from sharing on the basis of his/her fame. Everybody is equal, right? (even femes people) If anyone can testify for Christ, whether the person is femes or not, should not be an issue. :-)

Having said that, I got to agree with you on those people who uses other people's testimony to score. That's a different thing.

I had heard a former Minister's testimony before and I applaud his honesty. The thing that turns me off are those church official who kept insisting on addressing the embarassed ex-min 'datuk' this and 'datuk' that... Angkat bola!

11:21 AM

DESI: I am humbled by your sharing. Yes, it's NOT that I decry personal witnessing per se, but that I highlighted the other 50% (more of the dark side!) which elicited your common sense response. I am well reminded and remain your mentee; just as I know I've learned from sisters like YAN (who peeps in and listens, maybe nods her head, or shakes it -- but leaves no Comment because she chooses Elegant Silence, and I respect that...:)

Helen, I also respect you for always giving your point of view which gives a situation we are discussing a BALANCE, which is a desideratum in all issues under discussion really, so that we won't be consumed and self-destruct by extremism. EXTREMISM, in any form and colour, is a deadly poison.

Thanks again, four tehtraik kurang manis -- w'ile taking care of our souls, remember to water the plant with H20 or tehtarik so it grows into a fruitful, sturdy TREE called Malaysia.

L'VE and PeACE to Awe!:`` DEsi

moo_t 提到...

I prefer the little prince. Alas, not the putra ler, but from Antoine Exupéry.

Moo_t ending version of the tree story will be scary : At the end, the boy come back again. The tree say, "you chop off all my trunks,leave no apples for me to growth my next generation. If not due your greediness, there will be nothing for your next generation."


DESI: Yes, I am a little princess who shares your love for The Little Prince. We have enough room for more passengers to get on board the train of a child's imagination to travel the world with childlike understanding and a heart that ses more clearly than the I-I, which must surely be a good compass to many of today's Instant Gratification Gen. Don't mind Desi, Y&A, if you disagree, but Moo_t here still utrges that you give Antoine Exupéry's creation a Read this Christmas, OK!


Anonymous said...

Why are you down in the dumps like me? Feeling heartbroken or something?

Helen said...

Hello Mr Desi, hope you had a great weekend. :-)

Talking about 'famed' people witnessing for God, I agree with you 50/50. I think you have to look at the situation from both sides... 1) the person who share their testimony 2) the people who 'brag' and like in your words, try to score brownie points with the testimony of another individual.

Witnessing and sharing testimonies are actually a norm in churches. Church members share testimony to edify each other on a regular basis. Of course most of us being 'nobody', our testimonies are usually heard among brothers and sisters in Christ only. When there is a well known personality sharing, there is a better chance of attracting an audience of non-believers. Like you said, a 'well-known' personality is no different from a hawker, doctor or housewife, there is no reason why the person is denied from sharing on the basis of his/her fame. Everybody is equal, right? (even femes people) If anyone can testify for Christ, whether the person is femes or not, should not be an issue. :-)

Having said that, I got to agree with you on those people who uses other people's testimony to score. That's a different thing.

I had heard a former Minister's testimony before and I applaud his honesty. The thing that turns me off are those church official who kept insisting on addressing the embarassed ex-min 'datuk' this and 'datuk' that... Angkat bola!

Anonymous said...

I prefer the little prince. Alas, not the putra ler, but from Antoine Exupéry.

Moo_t ending version of the tree story will be scary : At the end, the boy come back again. The tree say, "you chop off all my trunks,leave no apples for me to growth my next generation. If not due your greediness, there will be nothing for your next generation."