My Anthem

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Monday blues

I used to strum the guitar a little
We used to sing the CowBoy's ditties and blues
But as reality and adulthood dawns earlier
We found that Life is not just B&W but of various hues

Some of my best buddies headed west
To seek fortune and maybe a dame
But after several long years of wanderlust
Many found that a Cowboy's life's merely a game

Life says firends are to stick it out
Through thick and thin
But when the pocket's empty on the walkabout
You scrummage a meal from the rubbis' bin

Now you're wiser and with family
The young ones start on their journey with glee
But you again wonder come some Mond'y
Would it be just you, your blues and memory?

Desiderata: This short poem is composed on inspiration on a less than shiny day (the heavens are dark and foreboding in Seremban!)-- or maybe I was still under the influence of penning yesterday's The Ides of March piece!-- after reading some posts like Jeffooi's Screenshots with many young Malaysians pondering their future from abroad, and I know I miss'd several of my buddies to foreign shores. An unending cycle, so sad yet so viciously real -- to the young ones caught in such dilemma -- my poem is merely soup for the soul on reflection. To each his own song -- and its different echoes.

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