My Anthem

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Circus Acts for Cheering Us Up

Regular reader Ginger, discerning too, sensed a slow down and a dampened spirit on Desiderata's side lately, which I admit to -- do they really show through in my recent Posts?

"Hope all's well on the southern front. Here's some to bring a smile back on all
the sullen faces," she adds.

Circus Acts?

There is a Toyo in Sl'ngor
He is good at prying open people's jaws
Lately he has been queer
Spends millions with no fear
Better he retires in the deep jungle of Johor.

Our higher education is in a mess
The Minister couldn't care less
Gomez was not appreciated
KitSiang was celebrated
Poor Pak Lah in HongKong can't even rest.

Students with all A's cry in vain
Same sad tune played over again and again
The selection is not fair
The PSD does not care
Yet we ask why there is a brain drain.

The Negara-ku plays, we stand like a stick
The lights go down, Batman does funny tricks
The popcorn's crispy
The drinks are fizzy
At the end, are we any more patriotic?

"Have a good weekend."


Deiderata joins Ginger in her salutations, also adds:
All Will Be Well that Ends Well! (borrowing from one of the Bard's works)

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