My Anthem

Friday, January 04, 2008

JokeR of the New Year

Less than 2 days into the new year 2008, Malaysians heard a loud "Bang" of a minister's world of health crashing into Hell.

Less than another two days after the opening episode comes this JokeR of an arresting (knot yet arrested! No,nyet!:(

nude/nu'e/news headline:

Najib: Let scandal be a warning

DESIDERATA: was having dinner with mGf H.Loo when he recalled reading the headline.I too had read IT at lunchtime with a mutual friend of ours, and of course, the "demise" of a performing MCAA minister hogged the conversations in most coffee shops in Chinoserie streets in gosspiy-cum-Peyton Placesque Furong.

H.Loo remarked that must make it THE STATEMENT OF THE NU'E YEAR,

Desi added: IT maketh the speaker "JokeR of the New Year", and it just started,today being the dying minutes of the 4th day. 4 in Chinoserie is SEI. +Siliau-liau!

+is name of a small town about 20km from Seremban/Furong, I think.

Later I picked up from te NST online for the "beef" for you lazy-bummershave aMore things to do having s'x romps in Port DICKson with a gal knot thy wife then caught by friendly mad skodeng.Wre they given some ang-pow or ang-kong-zee? Don't ask Desi, he's no gambler, jest a cowboi sometimes, a socilaist most times, and a wickedend KAPITALIST!:)

KOTA BARU: Barisan Nasional leaders and members have been told to learn a lesson from the resignation of health minister Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek.

They have also been told to behave themselves so as not to embarrass the party.

Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said party members must exercise discipline and abide by the code of conduct of the party.


Anonymous said...

The Pot Calling The Kettle Black ;)

chong y l said...


that's the fsahion show among Barisan Nasional cuntponents!:(
Esp UMNOO and MCA*A!