My Anthem

Friday, May 13, 2005

What is the Truth?

The follow-up to Malaysia's first dodger paying the price of going to jail under the hastily constructed National Service programme today was summarised by the Attorney-General, as indicated by this headline in the NST, page 8 (May 12, 2005):
Ahmad Harizal should have told the truth, says AG

But what really is the Truth here?

According to the AG, Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail, when the police asked Ahmad Harizal his reason for skipping the training, he replied: "Saya malas nak pergi" (I was lazy to go).

Gani said the magistrate had read the probation report by a welfare officer on the background of Ahmad Harizal, just 18 years old, and his family.
"That was his only response.
"So we had no choice as there was nothing to consider."

Desiderata: After all the hue and cry of the Perlis MB promptly paying the RM600 fine the following morning(the lad thus stayed one night in jail), after the AG said he would apply to the High Court for a revision of the sentence (of the Kangar magistrate's court for a RM600, in default 14 days' jail)to a lighter sentence, I am still wondering: What is the Truth here?

From what I know about a welfare officer's probation report, the details about Admad Harizal's (I call him a victim!) plight of facing financial difficulties as he had to work to support the Family First would have been seen, as clear as the light of day, by any caring heart.

Aren't the justice system equipped with well-trained officers who are supposed to temper justice with mercy? Seeing to it that justice is not only done, BUT seen to be done?

The Truth is hovering somewhere in the Victim (I term him such, yes) Ahmad Harizal's mind, and we are NOT hearing from him.


Lone said...

Support the TRUTH, go sign the FOIA online petition found at this link

Bkworm said...

A thing like this only serves to highlight the 'gungho' attitude of some people in authority. You know, like throwing their weight around and in the end, making themselves look like fools because they were not thinking with their hearts or even their heads when making decisions or passing judgements!

chong y l said...

LOne: Done. Will pass the WORD around. Thanls you guys for the INItiaTIVE! Keep up the steam!

de BW: Yes, we just have to keep watch over public officials -- in line with our PM's lofty goralf creating Towering Malaysians.
I just hope others do have a Caring Heart like Pak Lah, what a shame His juniors seem to be letting him (and us the Rakyat) DOWN, DOwn, down!

PS: Hope the Victim Ahmad Harizal settles down to a BETTER life and the incident did not traumatise him long!