My Anthem

Sunday, May 08, 2005

CreativeOnes, Destinies&Happiness

Since starting this Blog a short while back -- short is for 7even Weeks, compared with Manyears for some fellow-travellers in cyberspace), I seemed to have covered tremendous grounds. I've made some friends along the way whom I treasure as eternal jewels in my crown. It's dear friends over such short, short time, but no real testing required, because One Knows, from the feeling emerging from the deepest pearls of your mind and heart (I hope it's mutual with the other party!) that we've known each other a long, long time.

And that really opens my eyes to one component of the Desiderata.Happiness.

When you've gained a recent FriendShip, the voyage seems so joyful, delightful it appears to have been with us since so long ago. That's that quality of such common destiny between two people when engaged in Life's journey.
One such traveller I've known whom I've yet to meet shall have the honour of sharing with thee what this elusive dream of hapPIness is all about. Read a surprise Post here tomorrow and enjoy what young&caring SabrinaTan brings all the way from New Zealand on what constitutes the Desiderata of Happiness.

One of the three broad objectives of YLChong when he launched this Blog consists of the Pursuit of Truth, and generally this comprises the subclass of hapPIness, starting with a fresh look from a pretty and youthful, but discerning, lens.

I welcome other ReadersWrite on the same topic, to email to: By now, the visitors to my humble cyberhome would know I especially enjoy the company of creatives -- writers, poets, anyone who cares to speak and 'rite From the Heart. And of course the esteemed Appreciators of Exquisite 'tings! Exquisite company for exquisite minds, and ideally, for an exquisite feast of travellin' and readin'. A Warm Welcome on Board this Ship of Life's Voyage. Desiderata Bids Thee Come Sail With Me, and Bon Appetit. One more, anyone?

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