Saturday, 28 April 2012 00:02
Rain or shine, I'll be at Dataran because I too have a family and their future to think of
Written by donplaypuks
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I am not braver than anyone else out there. I too have family, a wife and children and their future to think about.
But every now and then some major issue will emerge that will test your mettle and courage. How you respond to these challenging issues will determine whether you will be be held in any esteem at all by your family, wife, children, friends and acquaintances. It will ascertain whether you continue to walk with your head held high among your peers, or not.
Ask yourself more than anything else, what lessons you are teaching your children. What legacy will you leave behind? If you allow yourself to be trampled over without any resistance, you might as well tell your wife and children to emigrate.
Enough of the idiocy, we will not be ruled by greedy corrupt clowns
Bersih 3.0 is not just about our dissatisfaction with the machinations of the Election Commission. They have had over ten years to rectify the errors discovered in the electoral roll by the Opposition. CLICK HERE for a brilliant analysis into the shortcomings of the Electoral Roll by Dr.Ong Kian Meng. All the recent changes to the EC Rules are attempts to subvert the Rule of Law, by Rule by Law.
Every time an error is discovered, the EC dismisses it with "it is only 0.00xxx% of the electoral roll." It shows pathetic idiocy reigning at the EC since these errors are discovered at random. Imagine what a full independent audit of the electoral roll will uncover. This point seems to have escaped the EC Chief, but more likely, they are wilfully guilty of maintaining an irregular electoral roll.
Today's breaking news that both the EC Chief and his deputy have been card carrying registered members of UMNO proves once and for all that the EC has not been independent for a very, very long time. The correct presumption is that the EC kow-tows to the whims and fancies of the ruling UMNO/BN government which has been in power since 1957.
Two-faced deceivers
The right to peaceable assembly without arms by citizens is an inalienable right of all Malaysians. An inalienable right means that even if our Constitution is silent on that matter, our rights cannot be reduced one jot by any earthly power, because it is given to us by GOD!
So, we must not allow ourselves to be intimidated by two-faced Ministers for Home Affairs or worse, unelected Mayors, when we have GOD on our side.
Had Samad Said and Ambiga originally selected Merdeka Stadium as the venue for Bersih 3.0, KL Mayor Ahmad Fuad would have pronounced it out of bounds for "historic" reasons, and suggested they convene in the middle of the jungle to avoid affecting adversely the livelihoods of our oh, so poor petty traders, hawkers and taxi drivers in Masjid India.
Let us be very clear. OUR elected Minister for Home Affairs has publicly announced that Bersih 3.0 is not a security issue. Therefore, unelected Mayor of Kuala Lumpur, Ahmad Fuad, go suck your fuckin' thumbs, court order or not.
A lousy leader in Najib
Many may feel that tomorrow's planned gathering of Bersih 3.0 will be a nuisance, an unwelcome disruption to their placid lives. I can only urge and exhort you to get off your posteriors, because if you don't, the day is not far off when you might soon be squatting in some refugee camp in Thailand or Burma, ruing that you did not get up and stand up for your rights.
Even if you are afraid, come and stand, even if it is far from the madding crowd. Your mere presence in the vicinity will send a strong signal to the government, unelected mayor of Kuala Lumpur and these Stalinists that we shall not accept their dictatorial ways.
As for me, I shall be at Dataran Merdeka on Saturday 28 April 2012, i.e. tomorrow, come hell or high water. No government shall tell me which colour t-shirts shirts I cannot wear, or an unelected mayor get away with over-ruling a Federal Minister, albeit a two-faced one.
In any event, I hold Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak responsible if anything untoward transpires tomorrow, because he has, by continuing to remain silent, confirmed that he has sub-contracted the Nazi Gestapo shenanigans to the dirty tricks brigade at City Hall.
If I am arrested, I won't pay the fine and will signal two fingers if the judge puts me behind bars. There is no way I am going to contribute one cent more than legally necessary to the coffers of one of the most corrupt rogue regimes in modern human history!
We Are (sometimes regrettably) All of 1 Race, The Human Race
- Comment Link
Saturday, 28 April 2012 08:14 posted by ylchong
Hear HEAR BRO BUMmer. I will joineth Thee:), DEsi BUMmer2, matey:) - Comment Link
Saturday, 28 April 2012 07:16 posted by chinl_li
Yes, brother , we have God on our side.
Psalm 56 : 4 - Comment Link
Saturday, 28 April 2012 06:15 posted by CHEWLIN
support Bersih 3 and fight against the most dirtiest BN , SMELTY, ROTTON , CROOK BN.ALLNATION SUPPORT bERSIH. - Comment Link
Saturday, 28 April 2012 03:07 posted by proPeR
Sir, every single word is the truth. Thank you. I couldn't say it better. We will pray for your safety and well being.. To all you patriots at the rally, May The All Mighty God Be With You. - Comment Link
Saturday, 28 April 2012 01:55 posted by Nay UMNOBN
Well said, it has been too much and for too long, it is time to tell them no, rakyat will not be gullible anymore, rakyat care and love the country. Will not see the country being exploited and go down the drain. Say no to the corrupt and rotten to core UMNO-BN, people power will prevail. - Comment Link
Saturday, 28 April 2012 01:53 posted by jiminy
DontPlayPuks !..Dont worry ! We will be there at Dataran too to support !!!!!! - Comment Link
Saturday, 28 April 2012 01:03 posted by my2cents
This is it people. Let's take back what is rightfully ours. Screw the kurang ajar his ham, bollocks to the fuak mayor, middle finger to the prdm.
Give me liberty or give me death. CU THERE!!!! - Comment Link
Saturday, 28 April 2012 01:02 posted by DS Yong
Malaysia Chronicle likely forced by BN to shut down by 30th. this month.
Can we work on something else ?
Maybe operate in a third country !
Chances are good to overrun BN at this moment.
MOCS a little lagging, be ready for more steam. - Comment Link
Saturday, 28 April 2012 00:41 posted by Tun
Lets pray, God the Mighty will bless all our Brothers & Sisters, any untoward incident Najip got to answer for it.
Hopefully, he realize of his unpopular deeds, if not protest never ends and may comes to a situation like the Thais, Philipines, Nyamar and Middle East.
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