My Anthem

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


English is a funny language
DDC is intriguing knot funny

when you say a guy is not gay
it can mean he's not happy
but some interpret that he's not homosexual

when Desi 'writHed' which is PL
- poetic licence in MBH vocab --
(past tense for 'writHe')
he has many mGf like Kim Quek
Antares thinks Kim, knot outa Rudyard but
from Johor Baru
is my "gal"

For the record so that there is no
stands for myGOoDfriend
and is gender neutral
so Prose and Kyels and Sabbie and Crystal DAN Helen are awe mGf
so johnlee, and IMPran2, and dreameridiot and ancientmariner DAN mindfoolmariner

So yee blardy brudder dan sisdar writHers
riders and righters out hear!
come meet wit' YL-Desiderata
FoolOFerrata dan knot necessarily erotica
I'll bye thee tehtari'
and you'll start danzing on thy dainty feet
or just s'x foot 'all
don't twist thy heels eh!
I'm knot dare to break thy fall!:)

Dedicated to Antares-- methinks onceUPONadime he's also Kit Leee!? -- and Sdr Kim Q -- onceUPONmytime he's also Yong Thye Chong!? -- who must so-ON engage in a THREEsum -- no video taping K! -- wit'
YL-Desi in a book
XXXchange, not on Bursaa Malaysia, that's headed south!
Twist Adoi! midnight voices dan Where to, Malaysia?
niCe potpoorry goes wellA wit' Lingam's curry. KAMBING?

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