My Anthem

Monday, February 04, 2008

Missionary and Mercenary Politicians in Verse (3)

Amended slightly~~
The day after:)

"We complain about the government. We complain about the Barisan Nasional hegemony. We complain about the 'Malay' government. We complain about the Umno-led government. The Chinese and Indians complain that they are being sidelined in favour of the Malays. The Malays complain they are being sidelined in favour of the Umnoputras. We complain about the unfair election system. We complain about the gerrymandering that favours the ruling party. We complain about the rampant and blatant corruption. We complain about the abuse of power and police brutality. We complain about the non-independent and biased judiciary. We complain about the cronyism and wastage of public funds. Aiyah.... you name it and we will complain about it.

But what are we doing about it?..."

by Raja Petra
Friday 1 Feb 2008.
Be an obedient ER, GO REaD-lah IN FULL

lazy bummer me! I won't pamper (you art knot a bayi!) thee by C&P in fool:)~ Desi, knotty aSs usual:(


I'm penning this as I promised A Voice, who you must visit at"Hi a voice nigh midnight:

I write this response @10.59pm
Cos i am glad to hear from myGOoDfriend
Spreading muhibbah in blogosphere to bring such gooder cheer
It's like me layering on my bread
three times spread of peanut butter
THis one I'll try to poetise later:

"Desi, you missed out Anwar-Wan Azizah and will Nurul Izzah also be in? "

In 1988 if you are not one constant saying "I don't remember"
The skies rained down lightning but no thunder
A lord president was sacked because he did not toe the line
Five brotther judges who stood firm in integrity also had to taste poison'd wine

A decade later the common people then watched a deputy premier led through heaven and hell
Numero uno told the media: "You wanna me to hug An Ibrahim to show all is well?"
A week later the deputy's crown was smashed to pieces a million
And a person's nakedness and dignity was turned to ashes and dust
Just because the head could not stand any question
From a number two and others He demanded total loyalty and trust

So Anwar I. took his supporters to the streets
UMNO was torn asunder and the country was in upheavel
Then came the General Elections of 1999
The Reformation torch was lit and Malaysians caught on fine

And in lieu of her husband now in jail
Wan Azizah took on the mantle of leading the Opposition trail
In daughter Nurul was permaturely anointed a Princess/Puteri of reformasi
Can mother-and-child lead the quest for a Malaysia re-born to regain her dignity?

Meanwhile UMNO had a change of guards and the people sighed relief
The great doctor anointed His demure deputy as successor to a N. Razak's disbelief
Just one-term the ulama-PM was supposed to serve
But the holy-golly Badawi "gentlemen's agreement" did not observe

Beloved Pak Lah in His now elevated first-year mission
Declared Public Enemy Number One on corruption
Four years later It went from below to above the table, his predecessor declared
UMNO goons are still bolting the gates after the horses have fled the stable running mad

It's now almost a decade later the 22-year-old Master has left the PWTC stage
And the reformist Parti Keadilan Rakyat is again led by adviser cum de facto leader
Will the people wake up from their slumbder
Or will they follow the forever half-asleep premier?

Will the People give Anwar a second chance?
He had paid a heavy price for his UMNO crooked past
Would six years of incarceration reform a man who fell from grace
Or he would fail because this last chance the Voters fail to embrace?

Desi can only appeal
There's still some missionary zeal
If you won't support a Leader who wishes to abolish the root of the country's ills
That is represented by the NEP -- Never-ending Policy -- exploited by the top 10 UMNOputras in their overkills
Then I say: You deserve the government you get
Masochistic Voters, Desi bids thee farewell
Vote again the Dacing if you will, my 3-parter pome I write in vain
and pain
And wit' more than a byte of regret

But if thou want a Change
"V"ote Opposition for once
At least you can't go down any lower
If Anwar and PKR-PAS-DAP can't deliver
Send them the next term to Hell and high-water
I'll help thee my EsteemedVoters to drown these false warriors
Along with the Devils in te South China Sea
Then we will quietly join the Rip van Winkle terrors
Desi will then whisper: I surrender
God then save us from masochistic woes
Into the Abyss VVe fall, each deserving the never-ending burning holes.
~~ Amen/Amin

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