My Anthem

Monday, May 14, 2007

When your orifice giveth out a foul smell

Just shudup!

God gifted us each a most powerful gap
It is meant to connect members of the human race
Yes, sometimes we rant and rave
Smetimes we wanna show "I'm brave"

But when that BIG MOUTH of yours emits
a smell most foul
MP from out of deepest jungle of Sabah
Whose name I won't dignify to mention
lest I insult his Mum's non-intended heritage
Please spare us more reeks
Don't demean your sisters' monthly leaks

If a Homo sapiens member can't do justice to God's gift
Which is meant to communicate and the best the heart to lift
Then shut the blardy hell up!
Go back to reside within that black hole
When the sun don't shine
And thy odour most foul
can pollute the den that's only thine
Then by me, it's fine

You be don't deserve to be in that House an august shrine

You constantly pollute the air other more respected
Wakil Rakyat try to shine
You pollute even the most sublime
You don't show repentance, such arrogance
Maybe like other SAs becoming more useful
Adjourn immediately to that quiet residence
Or hyde-ing six feeeeet underground

Poster by mob1900.

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