My Anthem

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Anwar Ibrahim breaks new grounds

PKR Advisor Anwar Ibrahim does listen to feedback while blogging, and he takes "personal" time out to engage the Commenters personally. Not many bigwigs do that. Often they -- read mainly politicians -- use some paid "macai" to give stock answers based on certain guidelines. Invariably, these responses become boring, sometimes, burdensome to both parties.

In an initiative Friday May 11, the former DPM invited a dozen-odd bloggers under the newly minted National Alliance of Bloggers (NAB), led by Interim Committee President Ahiruddin Attan aka Rockybru for an hour-plus dialogue. This writer was able to "gauge" the former UMNO second-in-command "up close and personal" and could see a truly focused politician dedicated to "fight for change" of a system now deeemed highly incompetent system, entrenched in corrupt ways that need nothing less than a complete "reform".

Several interesting questions were asked, touching on PKR's New Economic Agenda, which will feature at the topf of the agenda at te party's Annual Congress in Seremban May 25-27, 2007 (Yes, in my hometown, so I hope to report on the event as a professional newshound, but you have to hunt Desi down!); Anwar's relationship with Raja Petra Kamaruddin, former director of Free Anwar Campaign post the DPM's release; Anwar's views of Dr Mahathir's current views on politics, especially constant attacks on current Prime Minister.

Desi won't go into reporting in detail as he went in for an off-the-record chat, mentally not prepared to take notes, so I won't risk committing Errata doing journalistic writes. Sorry to some Readers who anticipated otherwise, butwe can chat over dinner May 19, 2007 at Lake View Club, SJ, bring a friend armed with RM60, k?

Just a general comment: Anwar apperas mentally spirited to take on the Opposition leader's role, and he leads his fellow leaders in EMBRACING THE NEW MEDIA and ENGAGING BLOGGERS with exuberance. I am impressed.

Another indicator Anwar does "listen" is the proactive measure in putting out his press releases in two languages, as shown by the latest, which I run as a Community Service Message. No payment required to exapnd your mind:


12 Mei 2007


Pembatalan dialog antara agama Islam-Kristian antarabangsa, Building Bridges pada saat-saat akhir amat memalukan memandangkan kerajaan seringkali mendakwa merupakan pentadbiran Islam Hadhari yang sederhana.

Persidangan di Malaysia tersebut sepatutnya menjadi yang keenam di dalam siri Building Bridges, yang dianjurkan untuk mempromosikan dialog dan pemahaman berikutan serangan 11 September 2001.

Sebagai seorang Muslim, saya kesal dengan tindakan kerajaan Malaysia yang langsung tidak menunjukkan rasa hormat kepada Ketua Bishop Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams. Beliau telah menjadi pendorong kuat dialog antara agama secara terhormat dan bertanggungjawab dan diakui masyarakat Islam bukan sahaja di Britain malah umat Islam di seluruh dunia. Ini juga menggambarkan sikap kerajaan yang tidak menghormati masyarakat Anglikan tempatan yang membentuk sebahagian dari rakyat Malaysia.

Sebelum ini, negara-negara Islam seperti Qatar dan Bosnia Herzegovina telah menjadi tuan rumah acara ini. Ulama' dan sarjana Islam terkemuka seperti Allahyarham Dr. Zaki Badawi, Mufti Bosnia Dr. Mustafa Ceric, Dr. Ishtiyaq Ahmad Zilli, Proffesor Mustansir Mir, Professor Azyumardi Azra dan Professor Tariq Ramadan telah turut serta di dalam dialog-dialog Building Bridges sebelum ini.

Ada banyak isu yang disepakati bersama umat Islam dan Kristian. Dengan adanya dialog akan dapat meredakan ketegangan yang timbul dari perbezaan kita. Islam telah lama menyeru umat Islam agar berdialog dengan agama lain, sebagaimana diamalkan kerajaan Abasiyyah di Baghdad sehinggalah kerajaan Andalusia di Cordoba. Apatah lagi umat Islam di Nusantara telah lama diiktiraf di atas hidup mereka yang rukun dan damai dengan masyarakat-masyarakat agama lain.

Sempena sambutan 50 tahun Kemerdekaan Malaysia, pihak berkuasa sepatutnya menganjurkan lebih banyak dialog dan pemahaman di antara pelbagai kaum dan agama di negara ini. Sebaliknya, kerajaan telah meneruskan usaha untuk mengadakan dialog secara bertanggungjawab dan positif, sehingga mengeruhkan lagi ketegangan dan salah faham antara rakyat Malaysia. Peristiwa terbaru ini menunjukkan mereka telah pergi lebih jauh lagi dan mensia-siakan peluang untuk menampilkan tradisi dan warisan Malaysia sebagai negara majmuk dengan menjadi tuan rumah kepada sarjana Islam dan Kristian sederhana di dalam melakar masa hadapan yang positif di dunia yang semakin terpisah.



12 May 2007


The cancellation of global Muslim-Christian interfaith dialogue, Building Bridges, at the last minute makes a mockery of the government's claims of being a moderate Muslim administration.

The conference in Malaysia was supposed to be the sixth in a series, organised to promote dialogue and understanding following the 11 September 2001 attacks.

As a Muslim, I am embarrassed by the action of the Malaysian government which shows no respect to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams, the most senior clergyman of the Anglican Church. The Archbishop has been a proponent of inter-faith dialogues in a respected and responsible manner, which has been acknowledged not only by British Muslims but by the international Muslim community. This also illustrates the government's lack of respect Malaysia's Anglican community which forms an important and integral part of our society.

Previously, Muslim countries including Qatar and Bosnia Herzegovina have hosted the prestigious event. Distinguished Muslim scholars and academicians such as the late Dr. Zaki Badawi, Dr. Mustafa Ceric, Dr Ishtiyaq Ahmad Zilli, Professor Mustansir Mir, Professor Azyumardi Azra and Professor Tariq Ramadan have all participated in previous Building Bridges dialogues.

There are many common issues and values that Muslims and Christians share. A dialogue can enable us to quell the tensions that arise from our differences. Islam has always enjoined Muslims to engage in dialogue with other religions, from the Abbasids in Baghdad to the Andalucians in Cordoba. Furthermore, Muslims in South East Asia have always been noted for their peaceful and harmonious existence with the other religious communities.

As Malaysia celebrates its fifty years of Independence, the authorities should promote more bridge building and understanding between the various religions and races in the country. Instead, the government has continued to suppress any attempt at responsible and positive dialogue, resulting in greater tension and discord between Malaysians. Now, they have gone even further and lost the opportunity to showcase Malaysia's traditions and heritage as multi religious nation in hosting moderate Muslim and Christian scholars from finding a positive way forward in our polarised world.


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