My Anthem

Monday, May 28, 2007

Sundae went by peacefully

Yesterdae was no Ides of March
Cows and sheep did not fall from the sky
Though Furong mornin' landscape was slightly grey
Maybe one witch did not brew too well
Mother Nature's fury Desi did not fell
The neighbour dogs bayed a little, the cats meowed
The kids and ma'ams went to market for a while
And me and my kaki down to CON BF were not shy
We tarried till capitalistic roast lamb lunch
We waited for a free lunch, not e'en deliver'd by da specialbrunch

My sifu Max Ehrmann must have heard his disciple's prayer
Yes, I wish to go placidly into the dae and the 'night
If silence be my companion and I need to down a pint of beer
Zorro and his bar mates like Shar and Mob I'd oblige far and near
It's the common heart beats that compose Life's symphony
I know I am in the right sort of company
No one's goin' to remove Desi's innards tonight I pray
O' Lord, no doubt todae it's Monday blues
Continue to bless Desi with bosomy Gdae
Keep me sober and give me rainbow's hues
Don't rain dogs and cats on the Seremban parade
Protect Desi from witches' toxic brew for the sext decade

12.13pm May 28, 2007

*PS: I heard my fave palindrome nat nat whisper "Alhamdillah".

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