My Anthem

Sunday, May 06, 2007

An NZ Rose Rambles...

Or is it a Rumble?

I recently re-visited my early mates newly acquainted at Blogosphere about two years ago. Invariably I would think of two friends resident abroad. The first is an Oz lady I have not met, but we share much in song and ramblings from the heart; and I know without a doubt, she's a sweetspirit; the other is a Penangite then at a university in New Zealand studying the final years in Dentistry. During a study break we met up at a G7 Blogger-delegates' Meet in Petaling Jaya.

This morning I plucked from the latter's home some message I could connect with easily. So this Inter:lude is borrowd from A+ Pavlova rambling, served on on top of Sundae:

Is God in the picture?

In countries like the U.S, evangelising is happening big time. Almost anything has God in the picture. Even the songs that people sing and speeches that Presidents make. Other countries like the E.U, and to a certain extent Aus/ NZ, the gospel isn't spreading as far. In fact, the more 'exotic' religion like witchcraft, Buddhism etc are slowly taking it's place.

By preaching the gospel, does it mean that we have to shove the Bible down one's throat? Do we ridicule other religion? Do we point out that "this is wrong" and "mine is right?" I have been to so many churches that say "Now, you see, Buddhism is wrong because...."

Why is it that it has to be a "Only mine is right, and yours isn't" sort of theology??? I believe that to promote one's religion, the best way is in our action.

I like churches who do social services at the local community level. I like to see them doing stuff like providing free clothing, food to the deserving.I also like it when they provide counseling service to the people who really need it.I like it when they don't preach about "give more money to the church, and God will bless you strongly".

I believe by doing good things at a smaller scale, you are showing God to others.By caring the person next to you, to show some concern, to give silent support it's all how we can portray God's love.There's the simple saying of "God makes us in His image"...

Posted by pavlova on Saturday, April 28, 2007 at 7:49 PM

DESI: Reading this rambling by mGf Sabbie resident in LOTR country as a full-fledged Dentist, a poem I composed eons moons ago, or once upon a dime, came immediately to mind. If you have read it before, ypu are correct, as I am good at re-cycling. To keep healthy as any good doc would advise!

Questioning Mind

They talk in many tongues
Preaching salvation
And monopoly of the Truth
Breathing hellfire
On those who'd not stay
To sing the same saccharine song
You're a traitor to the Cause
If you should raise just a murmur of any question
You'd die a thousand deaths
If you'd doubt the Elder's tongue
Or God forbid,
Challenge the wisdom of his Word
So remain a meek lamb
Another number in his obedient flock
Or else, bid farewell
Jump off this wagon quick
So that Heaven has one more
Vacancy to dwell.

Chong Yen Long

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