My Anthem

Saturday, May 10, 2008


this is another midnight voice
with unspoken feelings
for cyber friends
who i feel i had neglected much

for past 30days plus some
as BUM2008 duties beckoned

i know they understand
that's why they are
with unspoken words
but warming feelings
even across the se7en seas

one wit' twisted heels
another experimenting with dogs
pavlova-ing their eccentricities
like a human being
on four legs, amore trusting
than homo sapiens

young johnleemk wanted to meet Desi
at BUM2008
but that happened a few days too early

but friends know
even in absence we speak
with unspoken words
and feelings strung across cyber space
linking mind wit' mind
yours and mine

then tonight
i send out some vibrations
that you also feel
my outstretched hands
connecting letters in order
yet random sometimes

making meaning of
friendship that once a while
takes an hiatus

as many Bloggers do

vve are tired
vve have other distractions
some vve call commitment

i understand
i hope you do too
ditto hear
friendship dear
yet near


Anonymous said...

*clink clank of teh tarik glass*

** but over here, dont have teh tarik glass, but i do have wine glass**

a toast to our friendship thus far! the ups and downs, the trials and tribulations!

TH said...

Nor do I have teh tarik glass. How about a pint of beer? :)

Great to have known you and the DDC still plenty untold!

sweetspirits said...

No matter how far apart , distance nor time , Desi is often in my thoughts n always in my prayers :)

chong y l said...

pavlova on the left, a rightist
theels on the rightist, a pacifist
sweets in the middle, a down under upperer
Desi somewhere a float, a leftist

a float on a tehtari',
or a beor, rut?
on capucino, chinoserie style
linger a w'ile mGf
let's drink to our health
with Lo-caffeine teas or HI spirits
camaradearie, bytes by bits
it's the fun-compagnie that's nit-wIts!