My Anthem

Sunday, October 09, 2005

money, money, money


At one time in the olde days, when hearts were young and gay, and romantics and writers, artists, and poets still held sway, it was Love that maketh the world go round.

But today, where the world revolves around Fortune Top 500, it's the Bill Gates and Donald Trump, Li Ka Shing and Robert Kuok who hold court, and it is MOney, HOney, that maketh the world spin, and spin, and spin.

It is so tragic that Malaysia has fostered a culture of patronage, cronyism and greed among the polticians, especially within the Barisan Nasional coalition -- noticeably in UMNO, being the main component in the 14-member BN coalition. This was one of the issues that academic Professor Edmund Terence Gomez spoke of in an article "The Perils of pro-Malay Policies" in the regional monthly Far Eastern Economic Review (September issue). (Desiderata may discuss this more at length next week, Insya-Allah.)

Desi had written via this Blog earlier that in the old days, a scandal like the Bank Bumpiputra-BMF scandal of RM2.4billion occurred only once in a blue moon, and people felt outrage for a whole decade.
But in the last ten years, OMG, I've lost count of the billion-dollar scandals that had sapped the country's economic standing; just citing those which come to mind easily -- bailouts of MAS, Perwaja Stel, Bakun Dam, et cetera, et cetera, as The King (in The King and I) would say. So much so the general populace has begun to feel immune to be surprised, or outraged, any more. And that's more than tragic ... for without this sense of outrrage, there won't be a movement for reform, and without reformation, the only way to go is Down, Down and Down.

So let's now just sing the chorus to reflect the Malaysian Reality Today, in Desi's Mind, I don't know if my EsteemedReaders agree. Ne'er mind, as I would tell my YoungOnes, Dare to Be Different, in one's thinking, and action.

Money, Money, Money
Artist: ABBA

I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay
Ain't it sad
And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me
That's too bad
In my dreams I have a plan
If I got me a wealthy man
I wouldn't have to work at all, I'd fool around and have a ball...

Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man's world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man's world
All the things I could do
If I had a little money
It's a rich man's world

I recall mGf YAN -- fellow journalist from Kuching or Catsville I fondly call it (located at -- once wrote on "Money matters" in a post on April 09, 2005 that "If you are like most people, you feel uncomfortable talking about money. This is especially so for writers/authors." (The subject arose when Desiderata started filing stories for The Borneo Post, after Yan sighted Desi's Place and fell in love with WORDS. Bee Gees' rocking number, remember?

"But my other good friend, Angela, said that she wants to work on projects that satisfies her emotionally, spiritually and financially. Because she said, at the end of the day, she still have bills to pay," Yan added.

"Money does provide a sense of worth in some ways. How much your boss pay you indicates how valued you are in the workplace.

But, it is your attitude towards money that shows the direction of your spiritual walk."

She also shared this quote: "The real measure of your wealth is how much you'd be worth if you lost all your money."

YES, if we all woke up one day, like those residents in Aceh, Sumatra, who lost all last December following the Tsunami catastrophe, leaving several hundred thousands residents penniless, or the more recent New Orleans devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina,again making thousands homeless and stranded -- how many of us could stand up soon enough, recover and later walk tall to strive again. Rebuild, regain and reform the human spirits?

I wonder if I could, or I would? Or just Give Up?
How about you?

Reflect on this before tomorrow comes. This is a worst case scenario.
Worth a while for Sunday's rumination, so that WHAT IF ... you would have at least travelled the terrian in your mind once ... yes, it's easy in theory, but at the end of the day, what's possible can happen, and one is put to the real practical test. Man Proposes, God Disposes, believe in it because the human individual is of such narrow&shallow understanding and ken of the world surrounding him ... Man has trifled too much with nature's environment, and always there is a price to pay.

To the Americans, what happened on 911?
To the British, what happened on 7SEVEN?
To Malaysians, can we envisage any scenario as close and devastating as these?

I don't know.

Is Desiderata justified in postulating that on the Economic Landscape, if we are not careful,
some sort of Tsunami will crash down on us, sooner than later?
Call me a Doomsayer if you will. But this nation's "culture of greed" must exact its consequences, so BE PREPARED.

As a counter-point to this gloomy scenario painted above, perhaps Desi must end on a more cheerful note, philosophically anchoring on my Sifu in PoetsWorld, so
I'll close with an excerpt from Max Ehrmann's the desiderata of happiness, edited by Robert L. Bell:

"Do these things pay -- these poems that you write?"
"Oh! yes, so much I am almost ashamed
Of my reward, so very great it is."
"Then tell me why you are so poorly dressed?"
"I did not know that I was poorly dressed."
"Indeed you are. And think of how you live.
You should have blooming gardens, houses grand,
If your reward is great as you have said.
I understand you live in three small rooms."

"And that is two too many, I'm afraid."


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Primrose said...

Ironic, so ironic. I was *just* discussing this issue with a friend.

Yes, love [used to] makes the world go round. Enjoy a hotdog by the beach, look at the brightest star, stare at the moon, listen to the waves, sit on a swing...I still like it that way.

Unfortunately, many has turned practical now. Imbibe in alcohol, clubbing, expensive gifts... Money. Money is [indeed] the root to all evil. Nobody will ever be satisfied as long as they keep thinking about money.

Let's hope that there's still a handful left who believes in romance and love the way it should be.

Sabrina Tan said...


good post at a timely moment. like primrose, was discussing this with one of mGf here about this issue, and sadly Malaysians, Asians are driven mainly by money in life.
the saddest thing though is that religion is dragged into it subsequently. these days you can't hear churches that won't preach about money anad tithing. so, go figure. even our religious institutions are morphing into money making machines.
we lead a sad, sad life.

sweetspirits said...

On the topic of Money Money Money
Cant buy me love hehe , i think i'll have to send you another email in regard to this post Desi
maybe it is time you started n online dating service haha , seems like that will bring in the money for our iland paradise ;)

Take note
Australia's largest dating site,, was recently bought by Fairfax (publishers of The Sun-Herald), for $38.9 million and is expected to generate $4 million revenue a year.

Now there is a site just for millionaire males , yes the women don't have to be wealthy just
GOOD LOOKING haha show ponies i
guess or trophy gals as you guys say.

Anyways we all need monet to survive , but i myself would choose a God Fearing man oner a millionaire any day.

Because money cannot buy love, not true love

cheerz tcz

chong y l said...

Hi Primrose:)

Tropical showers,Spring flowers
The heart flutters, the gal dances
Gallant youths sing of lovers
In enchanted gardens, seashore, pature with subtle nuances

Ne'er mind Primrose that Others are souled to Money
You need just one soul solitaire
Envelope thee in Romance aire

Breathee thee well the scent of blooms
Than suffocate in vast decor but discrimating rooms
In a humble chalet of the beach front
At rest in sincere hearts lies all ty wants

To Primrose&mAtes, Have a L'VEly Sundae
Tehtarik, rut bir and most inportant ingredient
Lavish thy spaghettei generously with grAce
With portions left falso or all at Desi's Place :)

chong y l said...


We Xchange reMINDers, yes we do
Because sumtimes we forget
Me too, Desi two.

I tell mGf Mr Coww
Say a prayer for my soul
While I try to lift your spirit
To see the blloms among te woe

Yan: you take GOoD care of
your significant half, Rachel&Chris
And all will be well
In God's hands do we all dwell

Always with grAce
and peAce

PS: I'll share will all my EsteemedReaders my poem on I>S>A> one day, Insya-Allah:)

chong y l said...

Hi Sbrina:

Your observations down there and back home here are common;
I won't treAd with ease into REligion terrian, I think I Xplained that in one rare post (Faith related, methinks...) before.

Just recall a response by Mother Theresa when the locals invaded her newly Acquired Temple turned into an Hospice: "I'm not here to convert anyone. I'm here to do God's work. If thou be a Hindu, be a Good Hindu. If thou be a Muslim, be a Good Muslim; as I profess to be a Christian, I want to be a Good Christian."

Quite simple really this thing about what FAITH IS -- it's humans who make it complicated, with politics, and yes, even the Church cannot run from politics. Why -- because it's still made up of himans, warts and all, after the fall.

Ne'er mind, LE IT BE; take GOoD care of thyself, and loved ones, others will fall in place -- this is roughly what mGf Coww tells this Lamb, or am I a Kitten, or a Pig be? Let George Orwell mGf in political philosophy tell me.

chong y l said...


Ah, a rare spirit, always reMINDing me of The Beatles
Eight Days a week
and now Money Can't Buy Me Love

Yes, I do agree
Money, and life here, as Yan says, is temporal
There's some Character which is eternal

Yes, a dating service eh?
I'll sign Desi's Place rights to thee
Raise dat RM20million for our spiriedestination
maybe I can then HELP fulfill many of my Visitors/Guests' expectations

Poetry, flowers, tehtarik
SSatay, hots and prime spaghette
topped up wth Garce and L'VE

Meanwhile actually one needs very li'l
It's all mind over matter, plus on'es will
Just think of Acheh (hit again by medium erthquake), New Orlens
We're okay, just be hAPpy we have a life
We make it what we want it to be ...

PS: if I sound too poet-sy,
blame in on last nite's Boston Public
A near death brings the innermost heartstrings above
Everything here's temporal, excpe this Funny, Fanny thing called

chong y l said...

PS to Sweets (well, other Readers may have a use for it2!):

I'm leAving that spammer providing "free web design" services at Desi's Place for sumtime .. may be we can negotiate with him about your proposal to take Des's Place commercial eh? Our motivation is altruistic, it's noble -- just to arrive at Our Spiritedestination. :)

Wishin' Ev'rybody Beaut&Nice Sundae!, and a Spirited Primeday tomorrow as well.

Anonymous said...


Money cannot buy us a lot of things mainly love, happiness, family, etc...

There are a lot of things money can't buy but it may change certain stuff but still sacrifices will be made.

Yes, we do need money but only to a certain amount and no one should be greedy in which all of them do. How sad...

Money... Sigh. We need it for survival though..

chong y l said...


Yes, money is necessary for the basic essentials for survival, maybe a li'l more to lay a good foundation for higher studies for those who wish and have the talents to proceed and persevere. Just remember, a university degree is an added advantage but Bill Gates is testimony of one who just uses his God-given talents to become a millionaire a million times over on TRUE GRIT, GRACE&WILL and, methinks, a BIG&CARING heART:). My 3sen thought, not Gates, but I admire his philantrophy

Given half a chance, most of te millionaires will be enjoying the philandering, darlin'. Remember DAD rich kid who aspires to be tomorrow's minister: EAT, DRINK & BE MERRY, turning what is clearly blatantly a fault into sounding lie an asset ... read my mini-comment about that RM6 wasted on "Off the Edge" ... somewhere, off the cliff off donkeysphere called the youngeest billionaire at 27. Lols, teAch thy goons the art of becoming millionaire by 30, and Malaysia will be flowing with milk and HOney, as in his vocab, MOney falls from durian trees!:(

Kyels, no worries 2much on Desi's wanderings, back to thy studies and Musak
Lay that foundation for a Good start
in L'VE, lad'.:):):):):):)::)
on this PrimeDay.

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