My Anthem

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Bajet 2006 CON BF with One I.Coww

mGf Mr Coww was smiling from ear-to-ear this morning as I joined him for a belated BF – non-CON, that’s for luxury Sunday when we don’t act socialist! I diress pretty early in this post, because that’s a form of masochistic escapism. Let me Xplain.

Coww excitedly told Desi acroos the BF table as the waitress, cute SYT, awaited our orders: “Chong, I can spend uou an Xtra CON BF every week; so we upgrade ourselves from one to TWO CONs from end of this month.”

He had read that "* Pensioners to get a special payment of RM200 every month."

I had a copy of the New Straits Times, Saturday OCTOBER 1, 2005 with me.
I looked under HIGHLIGHTS, page 1 of course, Budget News can’t be in the inside pages, or maybe it can?

.CIVIL servants earning up to
RM1,000 a month will
be paid a bonus of one-and-a-half
months’ salary. Those earning more
than RM1,000 will be paid one
month’s bonus subject to a
minimum of RM1,500.
Civil servants to also get a cost of
Living allowance of between RM50
And RM150 a month.

• PENSIONERS to get a special payment of RM200 THIS month.

“Hey, Mr Coww,” I raised my decibels by twice the level, earning strange looks fromoccupants of adjoining tables: “It says THIS month, NOT every month-lah!!!!!!!” (Digressing, Ignorant cows, do as I say, don’t do as I do. You are NOT to put SEVEN Xclamation marks like I just did. Also, the CAPS are mine, not NST's. One X is just right, even two is no-no, OK! And that’s a rhetorical directive! I know desiderata.english comes on only tomorrow, Sunday, remember?, BUTTTWTH! Desi can’t wait for his CON BF. (WTH! is being promoted as a new magazine to be launched SOON, to help raise that RM20million, yes?...)

So I ordered TWO CON BF to soothe mGf’s eye-sight. My reading of the actual text in the NST brought his visualization of an Xtra CON BF now has flown out of the window, though the Hawker’s Cente we were at – Meng Kee – does not have windows. But angles do have wings, so I ordered CON BF to celeb. I really don’t see any connection between angels, CON BF and celeb.

Well, it’s that period of the year. September has just ended. Mr Coww is down with October blues. I may repeat again (yes, this is redundant, I. Cows, drop the again! But Desi lets it stay so that we all learn to be more alert.) Don’t let your eyesight fail you. Coww did, and now he’s down in the dump.

OK, our CON BF has arrived. Mr Coww, don’t worry – I’m paying for this capitalist meal, until you received that RM200 end-October, 29 days to go. It’s a beggar’s choice. Or a church mouse’s fate, destiny? I call it Cupid, ooops, Stupid Ber-jet! They travel in luxury jets, we travel by bullock carts to Penang from Seremban, we’re starting out tomorrow so We Can Get To The Church On Time to celeb Christmas. One-and-a-half-months from KL to PP indeed!

GINGER, put the chow-keoy-teow in deep freeze for the moment, eh?

mGf Mr Coww is joining me, he's not only red from ear-to-ear, he's also now Misty from Eye-to-Eye as well.:(:(


This lazy I.Cow did a Cut&Paste from the Comments that came in with "Yesterday"'s post, with warts&alls, minat maaf if saome Rojak BM appears with the TehTarik dan Ha=Lia!:( ha, ha, ha, I 'ear YoungKyels yellling: Brudder Imran is back. Bro Imran subah balik kampung!

*******Imran said...
Oh desi,

Kecewa sungguh saya apabila mendengar bajet 2006. Nampaknya yang kaya makin kaya, yang miskin menjadi papa kedana.

Kenapa pemimpin di negara kita semua tidak mengendahkan nasib rakyat? Kenapa mereka semua tamak haloba, menggadaikan nama dan maruah semata-mata untuk wang ringgit?

Tidakkah mereka takut akan balasan yang mereka mengundang? Tidakkah mereka takut dipanah petir 1.28billion kilovolt? Kecewanya saya dalam kekecewaan saya ini.

6:46 PM

Sabrina Tan said...
abang imran:

ini adalah kerana pemimpin in semua sangat "selfish"..
mereka hanya mengutamakan mereka sendiri..

*gosh, just realised i can't type more than 2 sentences of BM now..*

saya turut kecewa dengan pemimpin kita, tetapi saya tidak mampu buat apa-apa pun, kerana saya hanya seorang rakyat biasa, lagi-lagi saya tidak berada di Malaysia lagi..

9:55 PM

desiderata said...
Hai, brudder Imran:

Desi sangat gembita mendapat dengar suara dik ni melawat Desi's Place setelah 'hiatus" panjang ia!:)Selamat datang lagi, 3 tehtarik -- mana kyels itu -- okay-lah, Sab ada di sini, kurang-kurang sikit sebab harga "essential" goods melambung, lebih lagi mesti jaga kesihatan kita ini., kan?

Bajet 2006 (Desi ingat bermakna "Ber-jet" untuk ramai budak ini dalam Kabinet!) memberi benefit TOKEN sahaja kepada yang bergaji rendah.

mGf Mr Coww seorang Pensioner terlalu hAPpy membaca semua "pensioner mendapat RM200 sebulan ..." -- bila I refer NST, Desi memberitahu Coww "Lol, you salah baca -- RM200 SETAHUN-lah!"

Ia-lah, satu saying dalam English berbata __ Beggars can't be choosers!

Mengir "blessing kecil" windfall Mr Coww kata boleh beli satu CON BF setiap bulan, tamvah dua tehtarik lagi!

Imran, tak apalah, mari-mari kita pergi Mamak stall Hari=Hari Does It, jangan ke Starbucks-lah, itu tempat unutk Ling Hee Leong dan Menteri-menteri atau anak-anak Menteri atau pemegang AP!:(

10:31 PM

desiderata said... Sbrina:

Tak apa walaupun Bahasa Malaysia today ada "gaya" -- yang penting kita adalah membawa hAti kita dalam menyumbang 3sen fikiran kita, dari seberang laut pun tidak apa. Kita semua emnganggap negara Malaysia ini OUR COUNTRY.

Jika nak buat Esei lagi dalam BM, tak apalah, dengan bajet baru ini, ramai Pekerja Freelance Writer akan lebih tekun kerja lagi seperi Desi. RAT-tionale, 3sen membeli barang nilainya duasen sahaja-lah, INFLASI!

Tapi menteri-menteri dan konco-konco dalam Dewan Rakyat cakap-cakap lagi "kita tidak minta 10% alllowan tambahan, tetpi bagi kita, kita makan-makan lah, jadi lebih propsperous looking wat! Lagi style mau, cakap-cakap tak mahu SYIOK bukan --- dalam PP ada satu saying -- choi kong lampah song -- Brudder Im, atau Sisdar Sab -- sila bagi translation, boleh tak.

Desi]s Place ini sudan ada standard United Nations, kan?

Bye, tapi Buy-less lah, TehTarik Tiga, kurang-kurang-kurang manis lagi!:(:(:(

Mana Kyels ia, Sab, nampak dia di NorthofSydneysian Haze tak, I tak bump into budak ni di Seremban Maze dan di tanya say semalam : Desi, ada 'Watch Budget 2006' tak. Answer saya melalui teAser -- Tak Nak. MelancholiA-lagi.

Dengar tak? Song Sung Blue...:( walau bukan BlueMonday, tapi bolehjuga hariSabtu!

10:42 PM

1 comment:

chong y l said...


The way the purchasing power of the ringgit goes down as prices of many essential items go up, soon pensioners would wish they could join the Q for dole Down Under.

I wonder where our old folks would land up in a few years time if we go on like this ... many served the nation for some 30-35 years, and you give them RM200 a year -- hey, someone who eats, drinks and be merry spends RM200 just a tip for his doll-in-arms -- yes, for his bloody 'hole band of cronies as well, and we read the bloody crap that "I paid for every cent of ....RM600... of course, itwas just 600 ... to gain control of four listed companies ... KLSE then was sooooo cheap ....

I could've stepped in with my bonus then and bougt a dozen ... but then the banks wouldn't approve my application for RM1.2billion cos me no minister for a Dad or sin-in-law.

I must lodge a complaint against the Govy for being so generous to mGf -- he could take over 1-1/3 listed companies with RM200!

Someone did 4 companeis with 600wat!

Or have I gotten some rich tycoon's habit of Eat, drink & Be Merr, hence I am speaking in tongue? Sorry if my EsteemedReaders don't understand Desi for the forgoing rambling; my confesion at 1.45am Sunday morn is that I don't understand myself much nowadays. Too much satay and tehtarik;(