MANY key institutions in NegaraKu are either dead OR DYING; the love-OR-hate him ex-PM DR MAhathir MOHamad pronounced recently that "Democracy is dead..."; THE 4-Member TASK FORCE IS ALSO DEAD! -- digressing a byte, BANK NEgara GOVrernor, ZEti AKhtar AZiz, WHERE ART THOU? WHY THE "elegant silence"!? (UPDated August 14, 11.28AM: ZETI held a 2-hr PC yesterday...see NEXT POST! YL, DESi)
THE Parliament's Public Accounts Committee (PAC ) is as good as dead for the past and coming few weeks...wit' one stroke of genius, NAJIB (ala NEro waking up from his nightmare...) crippled PAC by PROMOTIng its chairman JAzlan MOHamed and 4 (SEi liau liau!) others into his wooden cabinet...
We the RAKyat weep for the dead ones, and we howl even louder for the DYING BECAUSE the latter are HAPPENING RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES. IT'S SURREAL -- like watching THE EMPEROR NERO PLAYING THE FIDDLE AS ROME BURNED...
As I heard it over the radio while driving to town for lunch, the RINGGIT BREACHED the RM4.0 mark against the GREENBACK on Tuesday, as predicted by many business analysts the week before, although closing a byte higher. JUST reproducing part of theSUN REPORT (PRINT++++) yesterday, headlined
No breather for ringgit as China devalues its currency
NOW copying from its ONLINE EDITion with a slightly different headline:~~
No breather for ringgit as China devalues yuan
Posted on 12 August 2015 - 05:40am
JAYA: The ringgit and the local stock market
took a big hit yesterday after China
shocked markets by devaluing the Yuan in a move that spiked the US dollar
almost instantly.
In the wake of China's record 1.9% currency
devaluation, the ringgit slid further to a mere 0.037 points away from the RM4
to the dollar level as at 5pm yesterday.
The local currency strengthened to 3.9735 to the dollar, up
23.67% from a year ago, while the FBM KLCI index lost 17.66 points or 1.07%
China's move to devalue the yuan, an attempt to boost its exports, has put all
eyes on Bank Negara Malaysia's on next move as one foreign currency (forex)
trader reckons that the central bank will have to put the brakes on the
"runaway" ringgit if it breaches the 4.00 per dollar level.
He said Bank Negara have not really made a significant
effort to stop the ringgit fall although there has been speculation the central
bank is buying the currency to stem its losses.
Malaysia's foreign-exchange reserves dropped below US$100
billion (RM397 billion) last month for the first time in five years, partly due
to capital outflow from some withdrawal of portfolio funds by investors
resulting in further depreciation of the ringgit.
Meanwhile, the KLCI extended its sell down after closing
lower at 1,636.71 points despite chalking up gains early morning on the back of
AS I said earlier, there's lots of reprising parts of OLD POSTS HERE -- to put in context the latest (part III) in the ESSAY SERIES, dear ER,
please go back to read PART II, partially reprised *** BELOW.
ALSO, Read the COMPANION ESSAY SERIES ****"WHY I Say MALaysia IS movingTowards the ABYSS" PART IV:~~
NOTE: I WILL ALSO need to do LOTS OF CUT&PASTry from older posts here to show the TRENDING THAT leads to the FINAL UNRAVELLING OF 1MDB, plus the IMPLOSION OF UMNO-oh-NO party, and its CEO-cum-PM NAJIB RAZAK -- aka "MODERN NERO", cun? -- AND hopefully, MALAysians will see PAKATAN RAKYAT'S DE Facto LEADER DS ANWAR ANWAR rising as the proverbial PHOENIX... (MY hope and prayer, OK!:) ~~ YL, DESi
FIRSTLY< FRom my post here dated AUGust 10, 2015, headed "Have a good
laugh", ex-PM ON current PM, partial extract follows:Dr Mahathir said that what Najib was doing was unprecedented and that the people are at a loss.
He added that the prospect of Najib continuing to rule the country is
depressing and that the Malaysia where elections can even see
opposition parties winning whole states will be no more.
“Democracy is dead. It is dead because an elected leader chooses to
subvert the institutions of Government and make them his instruments for
sustaining himself. There is no more democracy for anyone to
undermine,” he said.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
THE UNRAVELLING OF 1MDB CONTINUES -- almost reaching its peak! --PART II
DEAR ESteemedReaders, treat this post as PART II of my post dated:
Tuesday, July 07, 2015
THE UNRAVELLING OF 1MDB CONTINUES -- almost reaching its peak! Don't be like DESi -- lots of CUt&PAStrying these past few months, C! -_- go read the first part before you continue reading a borrowed piece from mGf -- myGOODfriend, knot gal! -- KIM QUEK, viz:
Freedom or totalitarianism?
By Kim Quek
It is all
too apparent that Prime Minister Najib Razak’s lightning move to remove the
Attorney General and reshuffle his cabinet on July 28 was done for the singular
purpose to neuter criminal investigations and impending prosecution arising
from the 1MDB scandal and the RM2.6 billion in Najib’s personal bank accounts.
By removing
AG Gani Patail and offering cabinet positions to members of the PAC (parliamentary
account committee), Najib hopes to avert impending prosecution and postpone
imminent PAC hearings on key players in 1MDB, which in all certainty, will
expose the massive multi-billion heist that will grievously hurt Najib.
Friday, May 22, 2015
Why I say Malaysia Is Moving Towards the Abyss... IV
MAY I seek thy indulgence by quoting the INTRO from my first part of this ESSAY SERIES, viz:Saturday, March 07, 2015
Why I say Malaysia Is Moving Towards the Abyss...
The Impending Unravelling of IMDB could lead towards the UNRAVELLING OF NAJIB RAZAK, described by many quarters as the "weakest PM" Negaraku ever had, including by none-other-than Dr Mahathir Mohamad -- love or hate hime PM who ruled Malaysia for 22 years, no joke! As a journalist-blogger for past 10 years, Desi takes Mahathir seriously, at least he quotes Shakespeare occasionally! Mahathir's nemesis now in-jail-on-trumped-up-sodomy-charges second time around, Sdr Anwar Ibrahim -- also quotes Shakespeare often enough, more than the good doctor around the Putajaya house!
Now the Opposition Leader once oppressed by Mahathir, continues to be persecuted by the current UMNO regime, but Anwar's salvation may come from a surprising quarter -- from the infighting within UMNO. The almigthy Vitamin M may save Najib from the EGM called by his "bodeking" division heads/supporters for tomorrow, but the looming national crisis brought on by the falling world oil prices, (and casuing Petronas to report its first loss of some RM8billion in the closing quarter of 2014), and the concurrent dwindling ringgit excahnge rate, is now compunded further by the UNRAVELLING OF THRE FIVE-YEAR OLD 1MALAYSIA DEVELOPMENT BERHAD.
PLease also NOTE that this FOURTH PART OF"Why I say Malaysia Is Moving Towards the Abyss... IV" WILL serve as the CONCLUSION OF THE SERIES AND IS still a piece in progress ok!. later, IF THERE is a need to re-open the case, DESi will start a CHapter 2, cun?! -- Digressing another byte, like I would like TO RE-OPEN the ALTantuya and DS ANwar IBRAhim's SOdomy2 cases -- BUT THAT WILL BE ANOTHER LONG STORY FOR LATER! -- AND we as responsible CITIZENS WILL Have to rise up to MAKE IT HAPPEN, K!
IN this blog started some 10 years ago, DEsi has writ a few times that MALAYSIA HAS BECOME A LAUGHING STOCK IN THE WORLD. WEll, a few EXTRACTS (Will do so later, cun?) of news headlines/partial reports would confirm this world status for NegaraKu, proud eh?
From THE STAR, 1st example now, others will follow, Patience, eh!:
Sunday May 17, 2015 MYT 12:00:00 AM
Updated: Sunday May 17, 2015 MYT 6:46:48 AM
Updated: Sunday May 17, 2015 MYT 6:46:48 AM
‘BR1M was Bank Negara idea’
sweet home: Najib chatting with the owner of one of the newly launched
Melana Indah flats, Hassan Mohammed @ Hashim, 49. Sitting on his lap is
two-year-old Mohamed Waiz Hafiy Shawal. Looking on are (from left) Abdul
Rahman and Mohamed Khaled.
Dispelling talk from naysayers that the handout had made Malaysians lazy, he said BR1M was meant to help the recipients cope with the rising cost of living.
He said BR1M was neither politically motivated nor a form of vote-buying.
DESI: THIS clueless PRIME MINISTER THINKS THE BANK NEGARA GOVERNOR IS HIS BOSS! Najib now sees the tide of criticms of those against HIs pet project BR1M Is OVERWHELMING, AND POor ZETI is being scape-goated. THIS has become clueless NAJIB's habit, disowning any programmes failing in the RAKYAT's eyes, BUT STEPPING UP TO CLAIM credit for any "Successful" people's projects! TYPICAL OF COWARDS WHO DON'T KNOW THE MEANING OF responsibility!
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