FOR the past six months, the RAKYAT have been overdosed and sickened to the inner bowels of our stomachs by 1MDB; second only to BR1M.
1MDB -- for nincompoops who dared to aRsEk -- is of course 1Malaysia Development Berhad, which for many of us must have committed to reflex memory recall, with rage building up in our chests every day as new "scandals" were/are being exposed -- thanks lots to SARAWAK REPORT'S CLAIRE REWCASTLE BROWN and Wall Street Journal.
BR1M -- according to DESi's definition, is BRIbeMALYSIA, is a byte less sickening, but steal... -ing from the Rakyat's through various devious ways by the billions, then gift them back in kacang putih instalments amounting to RM500 per year, then raised to RM950, this guy thinks he is being generous and understanding of the poor man's plight! Najib deems this as alleviating the poor people's hardships, BUT ALONG THE WAY, THE people's living expenses per household of a couple plus two kids would have shot up by RM2,000 to RM4,000 per annum --especially since April 1, 2015 when implementaion of GST started -- BECAUSE PRICES OF ESSENTIAL GOODS AND UTILITIES HAVE SHOT THROUGH THE ATTAP/ZINC ROOFS!
DESi was just a little dot among the SEA OF PROUD MALAYSIANS CELEBRATING MERDEKA 1/2DAYS IN ADVANCE-- numbering at least 300,000, my estimate OK, though the local MSM Quoted the Police as numbering with ONE ZERO less! YES, I was in KUAla LUMpur over the past two days, paying from my own pocket lah RM&) for humble abode at budget hotel fronting Puduraya. GLAD TO Report that the BERSIH4.0 people gave out free bottles of mineral water and packets of biscuit near MAYbank gathering point, hence save DESi RM5 le!:)
JUst two days before MErdeka, NAJib RAzak has labelled us "UNPATRIOTIC", saying I ANd thousands of fellow MALaysian brethren at BErsih4.0RAlly as NOT LOVING NEGARAKU!
FRom THe STar ONLine:~~
Sunday August 30, 2015 MYT 12:00:00 AM
Updated: Sunday August 30, 2015 MYT 7:27:23 AM
Updated: Sunday August 30, 2015 MYT 7:27:23 AM
PM: Rally goers don’t love the nation
New venture: Najib studying the model of the new Umno hotel in Temerloh after opening the Temerloh Umno division meeting.
Questioning their patriotism, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak expressed disappointment that a meaningful celebration for the country was marred by a rally.
“Many people have sacrificed their lives and shed blood, sweat and tears for this country so that we can enjoy our independence.
“But instead of honouring the likes of (independence fighters) Dol Said, Mat Kilau and Tok Janggut and the army and police personnel, they are demonstrating and causing a split in our society,” said Najib in his address to delegates at the Jerantut Umno division meeting here yesterday.
“But what is happening only goes to show that these people do not love the country,” the Umno president added.
NOTE: POST TO BE CONTINUED>>>>NEEd to adjourn for more than 40winks OK! IT is another case of the "spirit is willing, but the badan is weak"!
DESI RESUMED WRITING AT 313PM And tried to copy and pastry from SUNDAY MAIL ((I Bought a RM1copy OK!)) an Item which is educational; can you peeps surf to to read -- don't behave like KINdergarten kids waiting to be PAMPERed lah! GO to this LINK:
THere are lots of heART-warming photographs which gift thee some ATMOSPHERE TO those who were not in KL Aug 290/30, be sure you get to BERSIH5.0, dare?!
Najib’s reaction to Bersih 4 pathetic, says G25’s Noor
Published: 31 August 2015 3:13 PM | Updated: 31 August 2015 11:13 PM
spokesman Datuk Noor Farida Ariffin says the prime minister should
listen to the people and not dismissed Bersih 4 rally goers. – The
Malaysian Insider filepic, August 31, 2015. -
See more at:
Najib’s reaction to Bersih 4 pathetic, says G25’s Noor Farida

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's dismissal of Bersih 4 rally goers last night was pathetic and showed that he was in a state of denial over the extent to which Malaysians were unhappy with him, former diplomat Datuk Noor Farida Ariffin has said.
The group of prominent Malays, or G25, spokesman said Malaysians turned
out in full force over the weekend to demand answers from the government, and
he would do well to heed them instead of shrugging them off as
"It's really pathetic. If they are wise, they would listen to the
“But instead, they are in a sheer state of denial and
accusing us of all sorts of things," said Farida, who had also attended
the rally in her personal capacity.
"He made a speech so contrary to the facts of what was happening on
the ground. They are just in total denial of reality.
“If I were him, I would listen to the people and really do something about
accepting and instituting changes that the people are demanding."
During his Merdeka Day message last night, Najib said the rally was
unwise, shallow-minded and showed a lack of national spirit.
He said the government rejected any form of street protests that disrupted
public order, adding that it did not reflect maturity.
But Farida said today that instead of insulting the protesters, Najib and
his administration should have been grateful that the thousands who gathered
near Dataran Merdeka were peaceful.
She said the rally yesterday proved Malaysians were not interested in a
violent overthrow of the government, but were merely voicing out their views.
Farida added that reports of a low Malay turnout were far from the truth,
even though she conceded the Chinese made up the majority of the rally goers.
"There were more Chinese than Malays, yes, but it's not true there
were no Malays at all.
“They came in full force. There were so many makcik, pakcik, youths – I
took pictures with young Malay girls in tudung."
She said that the absence of rural Malays should not be interpreted as a
sign that the country's largest ethnic group supported Najib.
"Rural Malays couldn't turn up because they couldn't afford to.
During previous rallies, PAS was involved, it put them in buses, brought them
into the city.
"They can't afford the trip to Kuala Lumpur on their own, the
overnight stay. It doesn't mean they are apathetic or don't care."
- See more at:
PRIOR To 1MDB, DESi did not quite like DR MAhathir MOHamad's politics; anyway, I won't like any UMNO-dominated politics. BUT DR MAhathir showed SOLIDARITY WITH THe BERSIH4.0 Protesters, TWICE! AND I Salute him for taking the trouble to share with us a COMMON GOAL --WE ARE UNITED THIS MERDEKA To Want NAJIb out of office as PM!
From the malaysian insider:~~
Dr Mahathir says he just wants Najib to go
Published: 30 August 2015 5:26 PM | Updated: 30 August 2015 6:35 PM
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (left), accompanied by former minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, at Central Market where they made a surprise visit to the Bersih 4 rally this afternoon. – The Malaysian Insider pic, August 30, 2015.Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (left), accompanied by former minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, at Central Market where they made a surprise visit to the Bersih 4 rally this afternoon. – The Malaysian Insider pic, August 30, 2015.
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said he is making an appearance at the Bersih 4 rally only to join Malaysians in pressuring Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to step down.
The former prime minister said he did not care about the electoral reform group Bersih 2.0's other demands.
“I just want Najib to step down,” he told reporters at Central Market in downtown Kuala Lumpur today.
Dr Mahathir added that street demonstrations were the only way to bring down Najib now, citing the example of former Philippines president Ferdinand Marcos who was ousted from office more than three decades ago.
"We just want to oust Najib only, BN (Barisan Nasional) must remain," he told reporters while having a drink at a restaurant in Central Market.
Dr Mahathir was accompanied by his wife, Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali, and former Umno minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim.
The former prime minister said the change must come from within Umno itself but added that a lot of them have been bought.
"Najib will not step down. He has to face the courts and maybe jailed.
"If a vote of no-confidence (against Najib) is to be successful, then the Umno MPs who are faithful to the party must support the vote of no-confidence.
"Only then will Najib's administration fall and BN can form the government because it still has the majority." – August 30, 2015.
- See more at:
IN parting, may I remind the clueless PM And his equally clueless DPM some more QUOTES ABOUT PATRIOTISM>>>>
PRIOR To 1MDB, DESi did not quite like DR MAhathir MOHamad's politics; anyway, I won't like any UMNO-dominated politics. BUT DR MAhathir showed SOLIDARITY WITH THe BERSIH4.0 Protesters, TWICE! AND I Salute him for taking the trouble to share with us a COMMON GOAL --WE ARE UNITED THIS MERDEKA To Want NAJIb out of office as PM!
From the malaysian insider:~~
Dr Mahathir says he just wants Najib to go
Published: 30 August 2015 5:26 PM | Updated: 30 August 2015 6:35 PM
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (left), accompanied by former minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, at Central Market where they made a surprise visit to the Bersih 4 rally this afternoon. – The Malaysian Insider pic, August 30, 2015.Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (left), accompanied by former minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, at Central Market where they made a surprise visit to the Bersih 4 rally this afternoon. – The Malaysian Insider pic, August 30, 2015.
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said he is making an appearance at the Bersih 4 rally only to join Malaysians in pressuring Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to step down.
The former prime minister said he did not care about the electoral reform group Bersih 2.0's other demands.
“I just want Najib to step down,” he told reporters at Central Market in downtown Kuala Lumpur today.
Dr Mahathir added that street demonstrations were the only way to bring down Najib now, citing the example of former Philippines president Ferdinand Marcos who was ousted from office more than three decades ago.
"We just want to oust Najib only, BN (Barisan Nasional) must remain," he told reporters while having a drink at a restaurant in Central Market.
Dr Mahathir was accompanied by his wife, Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali, and former Umno minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim.
The former prime minister said the change must come from within Umno itself but added that a lot of them have been bought.
"Najib will not step down. He has to face the courts and maybe jailed.
"If a vote of no-confidence (against Najib) is to be successful, then the Umno MPs who are faithful to the party must support the vote of no-confidence.
"Only then will Najib's administration fall and BN can form the government because it still has the majority." – August 30, 2015.
- See more at:
IN parting, may I remind the clueless PM And his equally clueless DPM some more QUOTES ABOUT PATRIOTISM>>>>
Quotes About Patriotism

“The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part
which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of
the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such
misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public
liberty. ... What country before ever existed a century and half without
a rebellion? And what country can preserve its liberties if their
rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the
spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them
right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost
in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to
time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”
― Thomas Jefferson, Letters of Thomas Jefferson
― Thomas Jefferson, Letters of Thomas Jefferson
“A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.”
― Edward Abbey
Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
-- Samuel Johnson
UPDATED THE DAY AFTER: to please/reward my ESTeemedREAders who have been extremely "Patient" like 95Percent of the BERsih4.0 rally participants, showing SOLIDARITY, SHARING TABLES AT THE KOPITIAM, MAMAK stall or coffee house, exchanging greetings with strangers they just got to be acquainted with (and felt the CAMARADEARie!)and exchanged anecdotes of the crowds at "points" away from where they met to break for LUNCh or dinner or a socialist tehtarik or teh-O-iced limau, DESi's faves!
DESi is CLOSING THIS post with one lust one From the MAlay MAil ONline:~~
“It is our greatest achievement...a very historic event.
“Let it be documented that the event was very peaceful and that despite the number of crowd we dispersed exactly at the stroke of midnight,” Chin told a press conference here.
Chin said the massive turnout was also proof that Malaysians backed Bersih 2.0’s demands for institutional reform.
She said it was clear that Malaysians are demanding for change, with so many openly ignoring the Home Ministry’s ban on wearing the movement’s yellow T-shirts.
“The people’s presence in Kuala Lumpur, which we estimate at about 500,000 over the span of 34 hours is a loud and clear show of support of our demands.
“The rakyat has overcome fear and intimidation, and has proven that the call for institutional reform crosses every line of race and religion,” she said.
Despite Bersih 2.0’s assertions, deputy Home Minister Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed said police estimated the crowd to have reached some 50,000 and not half a million people as Chin claimed. (DESi's aside inserted for CONVENient reading, OK! : YES, Even at BERsih3 rally a few years ago, the OFFICIAL NUMBERs cited DROPPED A ZERO FROM organisers' figures. YOU INTELLIGENT READERS FIgure out which figure is closer to the truth! YL,DESi, knottyaSSusual)
The 34-hour long Bersih 4 rally saw tens of thousands gather at the fringes of Dataran Merdeka throughout the weekend while hundreds remained to sleep on the streets on Saturday night.
The rally ended peacefully despite previous threats by Putrajaya of a crackdown after declaring the rally and its paraphernalia illegal.
Chin thanked everyone including the police for making the event a success, but pointed out that she expected the police to do more to facilitate rally.
But the Bersih 2.0 chairman said they welcomed the assistance given and hoped they would do the same in future rallies.
of Bersih 4 supporters gather during the second day of the
pro-democracy rally in Kuala Lumpur, August 30, 2015. — Picture by Saw
Siow FengKUALA LUMPUR, Aug 31 — Despite the rumours and
threats of a police crackdown after Putrajaya persisted in banning its
signature yellow T-shirts and branding it illegal, the two-day rally by
electoral reform group Bersih 2.0 ended at the stroke of midnight last
night with little incident.
The 34-hour rally that kicked off at 2pm Saturday which drew tens of thousands of government dissenters into the capital city’s streets demanding the prime minister’s resignation, was a mammoth demonstration of civil disobedience, possibly the biggest of all the assemblies in the Bersih series.
Bersih 4 was allowed to run its course—in Kuala Lumpur at least, though those held simultaneously in Kuching and Kota Kinabalu ended prematurely—but was still laced with missteps and will continue to fuel debates that the rally will not change Malaysia’s electoral system nor its parliamentary practices.
However, here are the three takeaways from the Bersih 4 rally:
A Bersih supporter leads a group of Orang Asli, as they march to Dataran Merdeka in Kuala Lumpur August 30, 2015. — Reuters pic1. The people’s anger burns slow and deep
The rally went in with five goals: clean elections; clean government; right to dissent; strengthening parliamentary democracy and saving the economy.
However it was evident that those sentiments were overshadowed by their desire for a new national leadership.
Many Malaysians on the street whom Malay Mail Online spoke with all shared a common thread in their stories: of their daily struggle to earn enough to feed their family.
It didn’t matter what social class they were boxed under, they felt boxed in with the ever increasing costs of living that sharpened with the introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in April and the slide of the ringgit into a 17-year-low that has thrown the country’s currency past the RM3.80 peg to the US dollar in 1998.
Juxtaposed against this was the recent news of the RM2.6 billion donation received personally by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak from a Middle Eastern nation in the lead-up to Election 2013, which had many asking why it had not trickled down to the rakyat.
The people’s discontent was also fuelled by their perception of the government’s missteps in handling 1 Malaysia Development Berhad, proclaimed to be a state-owned investment company that would be the engine to drive the country’s economy forward, but which is seen to be saddled with a growing pile of debts amounting to billions.
As such, they said that their dissatisfaction will linger on well beyond the demonstration so long as the economy is weak and clear signs of democratic changes are not seen.
The rally provided them an avenue to vent that rage. Many protesters believed the time has come for Najib to step down, but did not say how they planned to make it happen, despite opposition MPs mooting the idea of initiating a vote of no-confidence in Parliament.
Police officers stand guard near Dataran Merdeka in Kuala Lumpur, August 30, 2015. — Reuters pic2. History is an effective teacher for both demonstrator and police
Following Bersih 3 in 2012, a Bersih demonstration became synonymous with tear gas and water cannons.
So much so that preparation for a police crackdown became the top concern for most potential demonstrators for Bersih 4, with many in attendance equipping themselves with N95 grade respirators.
But the stand the police had taken this time around was much less intimidating, which barricades restricting access into Dataran Merdeka and the preparation areas where today’s National Day parade will be carried out as opposed to the previous rally which had riot police teams and water cannons at the ready and visible before the demonstration had even begun.
Organisers of the rally had this time around even set up their own limits for demonstrators with banners thanking participants for not crossing the self-imposed line.
With the reportedly 2,000 volunteers mobilised by Bersih 2.0, PKR’s Youth wing and PAS splinter group Harapan Baru’s (HB) newly formed volunteer unit, Arif, this makeshift crowd control measure still managed to be efficient in keeping the peace.
A constant line of communication between representatives of the organisers and the police going back and forth between their own barriers, resulted in the rally ending with no major scuffles breaking out, with only a handful of provocateurs throwing firecrackers being hauled up.
And even that was managed by the organiser’s own volunteers.
While rebel rousers were disappointed that they did not get the chance to fight the proverbial “man”, pharmacies had the last laugh with the spike in sales of face masks.
2.0 chairman Maria Chin Abdullah (centre) at the Bersih 4 rally in
Kuala Lumpur, August 30, 2015. —Picture by Saw Siow Feng 3. RM 2.4 million helps make a rally
The support that the Bersih 4 rally received was tremendous. In a matter of couple of weeks, the organisers managed to raise RM2.4 million in total from donations and the selling of merchandise.
However, the organisers of the rally were smart to put the money to good use. Apart from setting up a makeshift stage on a 3-tonne lorry complete with sound system and lighting, Bersih 2.0 also planned an array of events which helped fill up the 34-hour period of the rally.
There were various mini-stages set up around the heart of Kuala Lumpur as well as the mobilisation of security detail to help keep the rally in check, which definitely cost a good amount of money.
The security personnel were furnished with walkie-talkies and bibs. The politicians and civil society leaders including Bersih 2.0 chairman Maria Chin Abdullah had professional bodyguards trailing them everywhere.
The crowd that came for the two day rally was also provided with free water and food by the truckloads for all three meals.
More than that, overall Bersih proved that in this day and age with enough funds even an “illegal” street rally can be made into a well-oiled machinery that works.
- See more at:
― Edward Abbey
Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
-- Samuel Johnson
UPDATED THE DAY AFTER: to please/reward my ESTeemedREAders who have been extremely "Patient" like 95Percent of the BERsih4.0 rally participants, showing SOLIDARITY, SHARING TABLES AT THE KOPITIAM, MAMAK stall or coffee house, exchanging greetings with strangers they just got to be acquainted with (and felt the CAMARADEARie!)and exchanged anecdotes of the crowds at "points" away from where they met to break for LUNCh or dinner or a socialist tehtarik or teh-O-iced limau, DESi's faves!
DESi is CLOSING THIS post with one lust one From the MAlay MAil ONline:~~
Bersih declares fourth rally a success, claims half a million turnout
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Related Content
An aerial view of the crowd
gathered at the Bersih 4 rally in Kuala
Lumpur, August …
KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 31 — Electoral reforms group
Bersih 2.0 declared today its fourth and biggest rally a success, claiming that
as many as 500,000 people had participated in the two-day event that took place
peacefully here at the heart of Malaysia’s capital city.
Bersih 2.0 chairman Maria Chin Abdullah said Bersih 4 was a
“historic” achievement that proved a mass protest does not necessarily have to
end in violence.“It is our greatest achievement...a very historic event.
“Let it be documented that the event was very peaceful and that despite the number of crowd we dispersed exactly at the stroke of midnight,” Chin told a press conference here.
Chin said the massive turnout was also proof that Malaysians backed Bersih 2.0’s demands for institutional reform.
She said it was clear that Malaysians are demanding for change, with so many openly ignoring the Home Ministry’s ban on wearing the movement’s yellow T-shirts.
“The people’s presence in Kuala Lumpur, which we estimate at about 500,000 over the span of 34 hours is a loud and clear show of support of our demands.
“The rakyat has overcome fear and intimidation, and has proven that the call for institutional reform crosses every line of race and religion,” she said.
Despite Bersih 2.0’s assertions, deputy Home Minister Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed said police estimated the crowd to have reached some 50,000 and not half a million people as Chin claimed. (DESi's aside inserted for CONVENient reading, OK! : YES, Even at BERsih3 rally a few years ago, the OFFICIAL NUMBERs cited DROPPED A ZERO FROM organisers' figures. YOU INTELLIGENT READERS FIgure out which figure is closer to the truth! YL,DESi, knottyaSSusual)
The 34-hour long Bersih 4 rally saw tens of thousands gather at the fringes of Dataran Merdeka throughout the weekend while hundreds remained to sleep on the streets on Saturday night.
The rally ended peacefully despite previous threats by Putrajaya of a crackdown after declaring the rally and its paraphernalia illegal.
Chin thanked everyone including the police for making the event a success, but pointed out that she expected the police to do more to facilitate rally.
But the Bersih 2.0 chairman said they welcomed the assistance given and hoped they would do the same in future rallies.
Monday August 31, 2015
07:04 AM GMT+8
07:04 AM GMT+8

The 34-hour rally that kicked off at 2pm Saturday which drew tens of thousands of government dissenters into the capital city’s streets demanding the prime minister’s resignation, was a mammoth demonstration of civil disobedience, possibly the biggest of all the assemblies in the Bersih series.
Bersih 4 was allowed to run its course—in Kuala Lumpur at least, though those held simultaneously in Kuching and Kota Kinabalu ended prematurely—but was still laced with missteps and will continue to fuel debates that the rally will not change Malaysia’s electoral system nor its parliamentary practices.
However, here are the three takeaways from the Bersih 4 rally:
The rally went in with five goals: clean elections; clean government; right to dissent; strengthening parliamentary democracy and saving the economy.
However it was evident that those sentiments were overshadowed by their desire for a new national leadership.
Many Malaysians on the street whom Malay Mail Online spoke with all shared a common thread in their stories: of their daily struggle to earn enough to feed their family.
It didn’t matter what social class they were boxed under, they felt boxed in with the ever increasing costs of living that sharpened with the introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in April and the slide of the ringgit into a 17-year-low that has thrown the country’s currency past the RM3.80 peg to the US dollar in 1998.
Juxtaposed against this was the recent news of the RM2.6 billion donation received personally by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak from a Middle Eastern nation in the lead-up to Election 2013, which had many asking why it had not trickled down to the rakyat.
The people’s discontent was also fuelled by their perception of the government’s missteps in handling 1 Malaysia Development Berhad, proclaimed to be a state-owned investment company that would be the engine to drive the country’s economy forward, but which is seen to be saddled with a growing pile of debts amounting to billions.
As such, they said that their dissatisfaction will linger on well beyond the demonstration so long as the economy is weak and clear signs of democratic changes are not seen.
The rally provided them an avenue to vent that rage. Many protesters believed the time has come for Najib to step down, but did not say how they planned to make it happen, despite opposition MPs mooting the idea of initiating a vote of no-confidence in Parliament.
Following Bersih 3 in 2012, a Bersih demonstration became synonymous with tear gas and water cannons.
So much so that preparation for a police crackdown became the top concern for most potential demonstrators for Bersih 4, with many in attendance equipping themselves with N95 grade respirators.
But the stand the police had taken this time around was much less intimidating, which barricades restricting access into Dataran Merdeka and the preparation areas where today’s National Day parade will be carried out as opposed to the previous rally which had riot police teams and water cannons at the ready and visible before the demonstration had even begun.
Organisers of the rally had this time around even set up their own limits for demonstrators with banners thanking participants for not crossing the self-imposed line.
With the reportedly 2,000 volunteers mobilised by Bersih 2.0, PKR’s Youth wing and PAS splinter group Harapan Baru’s (HB) newly formed volunteer unit, Arif, this makeshift crowd control measure still managed to be efficient in keeping the peace.
A constant line of communication between representatives of the organisers and the police going back and forth between their own barriers, resulted in the rally ending with no major scuffles breaking out, with only a handful of provocateurs throwing firecrackers being hauled up.
And even that was managed by the organiser’s own volunteers.
While rebel rousers were disappointed that they did not get the chance to fight the proverbial “man”, pharmacies had the last laugh with the spike in sales of face masks.
The support that the Bersih 4 rally received was tremendous. In a matter of couple of weeks, the organisers managed to raise RM2.4 million in total from donations and the selling of merchandise.
However, the organisers of the rally were smart to put the money to good use. Apart from setting up a makeshift stage on a 3-tonne lorry complete with sound system and lighting, Bersih 2.0 also planned an array of events which helped fill up the 34-hour period of the rally.
There were various mini-stages set up around the heart of Kuala Lumpur as well as the mobilisation of security detail to help keep the rally in check, which definitely cost a good amount of money.
The security personnel were furnished with walkie-talkies and bibs. The politicians and civil society leaders including Bersih 2.0 chairman Maria Chin Abdullah had professional bodyguards trailing them everywhere.
The crowd that came for the two day rally was also provided with free water and food by the truckloads for all three meals.
More than that, overall Bersih proved that in this day and age with enough funds even an “illegal” street rally can be made into a well-oiled machinery that works.