If some of you feel the heat, don't come into this Sunday's kitchen because this morning I am lighting up the fire. If you don't know how to read in between the lines, I won't sympathise because some subjects are best writ riddled with potholes, puddles and sinkholes -- and if you emerge from the battlefield unscathed and clean, you are a winner. Othervice/otherwise (the first is DDC, the second is normalised English which is for uninitiates or first-timers at MBH, who I also raise a cup of tehtarik to, like to one Skading Yesterday whose troubles with F&N seemed forever will stay...), join the club of whiners which YL the Essayist doeth belong not.
A one paragraph will do as Introduction, I told two pre-University students at a quick-fix lesson Yesterday -- for us in Furong, all of troubles seemed so far away:) -- it's the body-count that counts. No less than four paragraphs, each well enunciated with a core point. Cut out the fluff, gift the meat as we all savour the juicy parts and ENJOY! Yes, writing a student's ESSAY is like cooking up -- if you wrote 'down' instead of 'up', who am I to defer? -- a meal, each ingredient is a body part. The introduction is alike the Chef's willing hands.
Now B2 -- the foregoing is B1, follow the logic? -- is to smoothly move from one anatomical part to the next. If I were to employ DDC, which stands or sits for Da Desi Code, I would have writ "sext". The "s" draws thy attention, right? God created not two Adams or two Eves alone. He in all His Wisdom created one Adam plus one Eve. So the most natural instinct in Man took over, he graduated to have sex with Eve -- you couldn't forver sing lullabies to the birds and bees in the Garden of Eden, could you? So you did the most natural act -- again, and again, and again; most students would use etc, etc, etc ... but actually the right phrase would be ad nauseum. I know adam and Eve would beg to disagree (Don't follow with 'or refute'...I told S1). One man's meat is another woman's poison. Ah, sex is universally considered a dessert, quoting one Desiderotica, or I am told by my good friend zorro, entree. Front or back, it does not matter, as long as the couple Enjoy! sayethDAfool. The main course is suckling piglet, chicken chop, or Lingam's kambing rendang.
B3 is the penultimate part, which means the one before the last (I would have used 'lust" if DDC were the practice, but no, I restrain on Sundays, when I am 100percent a Capitalist and I just helped myself to two helpings of Continental Breakfast; this is a hint to my student/s that if they wish to repay my tuition, treat me on a Sunday. I'm no Connie Francis piping away of "Never on Sunday" -- I believe Adam and Eve were in Desi's class three. So if any dumbbell should ask: Why three? Here's the answer -- Adam is one, Eve is one more, Desi is another one more, so what's 1+1+1 =...?) A threesome is exhilarating, eh? This is a rhetotorical question, which means YOU don't respond, okay! An exception I maketh is zorro because he entiecth with an exciting/excitable CatherineZetaJones by hisside. (Yes, hisside is one word, for the twain shalt be joineth as unity forever, and no forces shalt maketh asunder!) I noted most electronic texts spell the verb form for practice as "practice" which I told my Americanised disciples is bastardising Shakespearean English. The right spell is "practise", as in "VK practises law -- like a chambering student."
Ah, we arrive at B4, which is body part four, not my favourite number. Mine is se7en which by the way, was also Phelps' Yesterday when the American swam to this numbered heavenly gold. In the preceding paragraph I used the word "bastardised" -- yes, I had the Americans in mind. Because the United States became, and still remains, the sole superpower in the world following the collapse of the Soviet Union into a dozen parts, the Americans singlenationally determine worldwide trends, including rendering the English language into the simplest form. Drop the "u", as in labo(u)r, drop another u, as in hono(u)r. Desi sometimes wryly adds: drp the "R", as in f(R)iend...
In conclusion, I put on record that today's rumination -- two words having a similar meaning are reflection and contemplation -- is chiefly, (the "i" added is to show I make a good cook sometimes, with words asmy ingredients and bodily part-components) for the benefit of S1 and S2. Okay, enough of suspense, S1 is for student one, and S2 is... One lesson I've leart in Blogging is to "Never insult your readers". Esteemed. The "esteemed" refers to this writer.
***************** Formal tutorial ends ***************
which can mean --
See ya later!
Come, le's eat some more! (aSs pays!:)
*four in the Blog Title intimates C4 -- didn't I trick thee?
But Altantuya refused entry into the Garden of Eden -- someone "stopped" her. mGf Raja Petra Kamarudin has the full story. Courtly gentleman, he will entertain us with the TRUTH in GOoD time. Adieu, it's not goodbye. Nyet!
Dessert to follow wit' a sweet friendship poem:)
from across the se7en seas ~~~~~~~
How little in me is not touched by you!
By John Sankey
How little in me is not touched by you!
A friendship is a light that fills the heart,
Painting with its gold each darkened hue,
Providing warmth to each sequestered part.
You are the mirror of my better self,
Verifier of the best in me,
A bridge across the unsuspected gulf
Lodged between what can and ought to be.
Expectations can be wings, not bars,
Necessary to sustain our flight.
The faith of friends in us is wholly ours,
Incoming to uplift us to its height.
No soul can see itself, but must depend,
Each on each, upon a trusted friend.
Hi Desi
I thank God i have a trusted friend in thee :)
woke up this morning feeling fine
that's that sweet, someimes funny, familiar, forgotten feeling on my mind...:)No Mondae blues at MBH4shore:):)
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