My Anthem

Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Philosophic Mind

At the close of business (COB)-- this COB term was introduced by the Da Desi Coder the past two days I think, and from THIS INTRO I'm confirming mui-mui Helen's thinking allowed that I am returning to normal turf after the several-day MENJ romp. I thank Mave SM, Helen, Anak Merdeka whose mind I could read well -- they too mine, which is my mind -- that Desi could still be somewhat "troubled" with my final decision to DISCONTINUE THE INITIATIVE as an amicable solution was reached with/by the main protagonist/actor. This last bit pertains to Desi's Bardist inclinations that hold that The World's A Stage...

Also, All's Well That Ends Well.

Helen, tell Desi what led to your concern -- strangely enough, all these three ER have had just about 3-4 months' engagement with this Blogger. No, there was no exchange of rings, Mave can confirm dat!:) But we seem to have known each other eon years, rite? Treat this as a semi-rhetoric Q, which translates into "You may answer if you wish, which means in a positive manner; OR you may decide NOT to respond, which means you have nothing nu'e to add, or withhold one's blessed tongue on something negative. If I were to use 'sumthin'' negative, it impplies 'badly' on my trio-readers, and I don't want them to run away. Those "hits" remember, many a Blogger's obsession. And AM - what is it that made thee think Desiderata2000 is "femes" ? ~~ from an eralier Conpliment. Is there a typo there -- you'd wanted "fe-mail", NO?

Desi would be lying if he said that his "blood pressure" did not rise from reading some of the postings by people who do not know how to focus on debating an issue, one central and some(just a few!) secondary ones, but chose to use "four-letter" words like a WMD, F---ing people everywhere.

F, F, F and F everywhere but not a single drop to drink. Left, right, centre, even hittting his ..ther, ..ther, ...ther, and ...ter, most likely? -- but I won't go into that terrortry today. Next Tuesday mayhaps, to post the Ultimate Update mainly to "share" with my Esteemed Readers. To those F---ing Bloggers/Commenters, dammed you I carez! I dunno until now why that 'z' is there, but this is cuntsistent with Blogs lingo in the tradition of Anywayz/anyways, the Mafai king's My Way, Your ways, My wayz. It's okay -- this is what Blogosphere journey's about, chiefly to ENJOY OURSELVES...

Okay, life returns to normal.

And to accord some appreciation, please bear with me I reprise some "Concerned and Assuring Voices" that came yesterday evening, and others in Da Steal of Da Knight. Talking strange now, DDC not the BBC, that I leave to Howsy steal trysting with Miss Mimi and Nicol or Nicole, both BTW, are female, so make no misstake about mGf's tendencies. But one tendency I can confirm is he's prone to taking Hiatus. I may just become a disciple. Mentor-mentee role reversal.

Maverick SM
Are you OK? Sure? Nice to hear that it's all over .... those shitty things.

5:55 PM

Does that mean you're going back to writing codes and poetries?? lol

Hey, watched DaVinci Code already or not??

6:18 PM

Anak Merdeka said...
Whether its truly over or not, some things are just not worth it on closer look. Take care Desi.

6:31 PM

mave SM; Helen, Anak Merdeka:

Thanks for your concern.

I always will move on with Blogosphere friends I've made -- including you guys,w hich include Fe-mail, OK! -- some of whom I've met over at least THREE gatherings we call the G7 or G7+ meets.

You 3 will be informed on Sext outing, rite! KL, PJ, FuRong or Ipoh ~~ "Have Fun-D, Wilt Travel" rite!

Yes, Helen and other ER who read this:

Desi will come back after a wickedend Hiatus -- refreshed and raring to go,
"Here, There and Everywhere"
as the Beatles jump and sing;

I know Mave and Howsy will join Desi,
Anak M
and Helen would have to indicate their Preferences.
Cannot force-lah,

This is a Free/Flee World:)

Take carz!
God Bless:):):):)

8:11 PM

Emmanuel said...
Hehe either way thanks man.Will probably be linking all you guys up soon, the least i can do.Have a good one.

10:33 PM


Thanks, Desi, you have a big heart! Have been following your post, still your ever-faithfull reader. Not completely silent, but rather, watch and pray!

Many things happen over the past few weeks. Your "updates" on the turn of events came in exactly the same time of another event of sensitive nature with the same happy ending. When you pray, things happen!

You are great - that's what I read when I visited a client's office yesterday. I really saw the greatness in this person in doing things very professionally. His son, Ryan, wrote the card to him.

Friend, you are great! I want to share this verse with you - for encouragement,

Matthew 25:40
"...whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me."

6:41 AM

DESI: To Emmanuel, who is just a 'babe' visitor to Desi's Place, I say a Big Than You, because I say in all sincerity, your views on the MENJ issue coincide a lot with Desi's (I had been following your views plus others at other Blogs too...)
Welcome, please stay for a Haridas' cuppa; with many Happy Rerturns I hope because you truly are an articulate one. I enjoy discoursing with many Y&A ones in my one-year-plus blogspheric journey. Some we'll meet For a Reason, others for a Season, a lucky few for a Lifetime. As I said months back (Christmas?), I'm proceeding to counting the MisTheToes.

And among the early fingers and "toes" here I have counted is of course, mGf Yan; visit her gem writes; I do get some bemefits doing promo at my own Blog, there's a tradition called 30% CONmission...

(Witch/Which can explain why the Matrade Building was delivered 9 years late -- how about entering THIS into the Malaysain Buku Rekod? Digressing first time today, lucky for you guys! exercising a Blogger's privilege&luxury ~~~)

Did myobservant ER -- which is short for EsteemedReaders, BTW to newer comers here, there &everywhere-- observe that big turkey of a word *Penultimate in yesterday's Post Title?
When teaching English, Da Teacher will tell you, avoid using the same word, or words from the same root, in the same sentence. I wrote IT that way to demo this point. Subs (witch is short for Substitute...with discern/notice/see ... this is to demonsrate -- which is the long form for demo -- that our discourses become more lively and enriching, instaed showing off your les-than-pigs'level minds flaunting your great vocab with shooting of F..., fu.., fuc.! used by one stupid 'ducky' that left a lingering bad taste. Someone should get his Mum's permision for a dental appointment to get a really good Mouth Wash! before venturing into certain Blogs terra/terror~ tory.

Okay, where was I?
Ah, big word, *Penultimate.
Okay, Guess the meaning from the following poem/Limerick~~?

There once was a runner so fit,
During practice he merely would sit.
So the day of the race,
He retired in disgrace,
After finishing penultimate

My ER are well advised, at leisure, to visit Yan's blog because when Desi is "wearied" by all the politic and "economic/business dampeners" such as reflected in today's NEWS HEADLINES:

HL1: Power rates up 12%

with rising c
ost of living

HL3: Matrade fiasco
eye-opener, says TI

HL4: 'Don't expect fall
in oil prices so soon'

BTW, "4" in Kantonis or another dialect sounds like "See" which means "Die"

Butt I get inspiration reading gems such as this, which I "steal" in da still ...~~~

"...I bought it - the most expensive watch I have ever owned. My mother left with her children a treasured legacy of "living within means". She is a living example of a wonderful chorus that I still hum to myself -

This world is not my home

I'm just a-passing through

My treasures are laid up

Somewhere beyond the blue

The angels beckon me

From heavens open door

And I can't feel at home

in this world anymore."

Extracted from Time and eternity May 12, 2006 recalling Mother's Day by mGf Yan, to whom I vowed that Desderata2000 will go one IF there were just ONE reader I am sure will visit, whatever sharks fin or ikan bilis or cili crab I offer here...because she would point Desi to the Right Path IF I should offer crap instead!

As I close, Desi says a BIG THANK YOU to his Blogsworld companions, for mutually keeping tabs on each other, for mutual sharing and caring, enhancing each other's enjoyment with words, from the heart, on a journey that's free except for our time and passion.

Often using poetry, or Prose which flows as poetry in motion.

Like the following Passion -- You guess plucked from which gardnern?She offered me Carte Blanche at lunch, so I offer this Dish~~

"..Monday, May 22, 2006

Peace be with you, even if you disagree

"Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish that they are after!"

- Henry David Thoreau

We cannot expect to find peace and harmony in our lives if we are only looking for people who agree with us.

The world consists of all types of individuals, each with their own perspective, each with their own individual opinions.

If we find happiness only when someone agrees with us, our moments of peace and joy will be very rare indeed.

We must learn to accept disagreement. We must learn to respect other points of view, other perspectives. We can find mutual harmony and peace if we can learn to agree to disagree.

As we begin to learn this on a personal individual level, agreeing to disagree without a fight, without an argument, we can then begin to pass this lesson along to our friends and our neighbours, our family and our co-workers.

As we begin to accomplish this on a daily, individual basis, then we are contributing towards peace for all humanity.

(from TIME FOR JOY, Daily Affirmations by Ruth Fishel)

posted by Anak Merdeka at 8:00 PM | 5

Thanks to philosophic minds like Anak Merdeka and Yan for borrowing thy Kopilefts, from a sometimes Rightist, especially on a Sundae. Treat this Post as my Wickedend treat, arriving early because the heart deems it timely.:)

Oh, my heart, which according to mGf is "big", sometimes suffers from high, and hence "being big" inclined to "bigger pressure" when you bump into unfortunates like ducky, but more often I am greAted by fRiends like above-mentioned, and others not mentioned in today's post I garnered via Blogsworld, I don't need Thernomin or Athenolol. Jest LOLs!

PS: In my haste this morning to close, I forgot the following List of Honourable Mention~~~~~~~ the subjects know why. I plead Ignorance.

1. Howsy
2. johnleemk
3. maverick SM
4. Anak Merdeka
5. Emmanuel
6. Twisted Heels
7. Mark
8. Helen
9. joepsc
10.Nizam Zakaria


Arena Green said...

PeAcE, rite D'Art?

I just came off the couch from a happy sojourn at Kodak Theatre where my grey-haired guy won the BIG prize and made me cry ...

But those are tears of happiness .. and pleasure.

Have a happy weekend, which is coming right up, Desi! One tehtarik for you, super kau-kau and a cyber hug to squeeze away the blues, hehe. :) *Huggy hug* (Also one more for Mave, mgF.)

chong y l said...

anak m:
I envy thee for keeping the company of Ray Charles and oh Man!
I walked away with thy Henry David Thoreau and Yanny's gems in Da Steal of Lust Nite:)

Tears are goode, cleans up some tired mind and shattered soul. I'll try to ketchUP the repear of AI -- transparent or "3-sec" or "3min-" blank?

Oh yes, I'll enjoy the coming wickedend You go to redang yes? Dance, dance dan Tari menari, kaki dua or tiga!

TH said...

After the hiatus, more stress for me okay? I might be cut off from the world for the whole summer! (no internet apparently..*sniff*)

Btw, hehe, it's Atenolol (Ternomin). Can't close a blind eye on the spelling. We can't prescribe anything if it's wrong!

Take care there now..go get some sea, sand and more money (heh, plucked from Helen's post!)

Like AM, *hugs* :)

Primrose said...

Wow, continuous post and reaching the end at last! Political issues, Primrose stays out. :)

chong y l said...

twisted heels:

yeah, thanks DOC -- for changing RIGHTing the prescription for this Leftist, whatever that's left of him after going 3-4 rounds of MENJ-ism, stll able to stand up for the belle c'unt!:)

And don't go around "correcting" the sperring -- it's part of the DDC that Helen mui mui has got addicted to, can't live on sea, sand & Vitamin M alone.

I need my tehtarik,

maybe join Primrose for sum dim some?!:) kenORknot?

chong y l said...


That comes unde "civil issue", knot exactly politikus, I protesteth

but for a Rose, by any other name, smells just as sweet
thou art forgIv'n Dame
OtherVice, Desis NO genteelman

The Bard'd decry ~ Beat *It!:)

*e e cummings caled some salesman an IT,
I wob\nder what lower term he has got for a politikus-ey?

PS: Join thee for 3D hiatus -- NOT at Redang with helen, don wanna spoil her sandy castle (still building castle by the seashore!:(

Nither joining PRose, becos I dunno where her hi-OR-lo-atus locus is...

Mayhaps join Theels at the lundun bridge
But AirAsia bosss not giveth poor mousey writer any dis- OR
MIS-count! cos I'm a mistER

Potato anyone?

Maybe I'll meet Anak Merdeka, Furonglang
Art thou steal-ing vege at Cameronian terra-tree?
Please come down to bring UP Desi!:)

---Huggies all round, shoes for
Twised Heels & broke' kakianyone? ---

Helen said...

Desi, I respect your decision not to pursue this matter further. Your right and doing right is 2 different thing.
Many ppl prefer to cope and take the easy way out in the name of peace. Gee, I'm sleepy now.. Can't think straight. Will continue tomorrow. *good night*

chong y l said...

Gee, Helen, you just righted another of my Sperrring poofs _ I had IT as Jee and someone thot I yelled at him!:(

Your are so dependable, a Rightist always support this leftist Desi; t'anks and bullets:)

Go fly, fry as high as the sky
Below is sand, sea and wah, money, hoeny! (Lsut is jest BT2ofUS), alttho I no Theels is watching, another Seagurl?