My Anthem

Friday, May 05, 2006

An Ode Composed in Heaven

I'm going for a three-day BREAKAWAY from tomorrow.
So I've giving out TWO BONUS TRACKS which are NUTGIFTS
stolen from another Young&Articulate who laments and sings
(which enjoys higher priority, Y&A?) Frus and Fuss Jest because Desi imposes himself as
D'Artagan (have you checked the spell?) on her triumvirate comprising her GOoDself disguised as a Musketeer with bruddders (Seee 3-D!) HOWSY and MAVERICK SM, she said "YES" to all my requests. Fu Ronglang, be careful when you're in Ipohlang terrortry! Hey, Mave, which land do you hail from?

An ode composed in Heaven, Swell isn't it?
Another jest C&P! -- for Anak Merdeka's take,
please visit her at her warm abode --
she may serve thee Seremban Siew Pau!
If you can tracke Desi down through the Maze,
I offer Haridas tehtarik by the barrelfool2!


Someone said he'd done it well,
And presto!
his head began to swell;
Bigger and bigger
the poor thing grew -
A wonder it didn't split in two.

In size
a balloon could scarcely match it;
He need a fishing-pole
to scratch it; -
But six and a half was the size of his hat,
And it rattled around on his head at that!

"Good work," somebody chanced to say,
And his chest
swelled as big as a load of hay.
About himself, like a rooster,
he crowed;
Of his wonderful work
he bragged and blowed.

He marched around
with a peacock strut;
Gigantic to him
was the figure he cut; -
But he wore a very small-sized suit,
And loosely it hung on him,
to boot!

HE was the chap who made things hum!
HE was the drumstick and the drum!
HE was the shirt bosom and the starch!
HE was the keystone in the arch!

HE was the axis of the earth!
Nothing existed before his birth!
But when he was off from work a day,
Nobody knew that he was away!

This is a fact
that is sad to tell:
It's the empty head
that is bound to swell;
It's the light-weight fellow
who soars to the skies,
And bursts like a bubble
before your eyes.

A big man is humbled
by honest praise,
And tries to think of all the ways
To improve his work
and do it well; -
But a little man starts
of himself to yell!

by Joseph Morris

DESIDERATA: I believe poet Joseph Morris
has vision 2020
I'd think he does our future to see
His Poem rings so true and blue
Is it about Someone New/NU'e
Or all along, AM, you knew?


Arena Green said...

It's D'Artagnan. Yes, this is a really lovely little ditty, isn't it? It just so happened that I was struck by a lightning bolt of inspiration on a thunderstorm afternoon to come up with that connection. Sometimes I amaze myself, hehe ... but most times, I lament my ignorance - more misses than hits. And I'm also a poor dancer, always stepping on people's toes.

Hope you have a lovely break Desi. Have one tehtarik cukup manis on me (to erase the bitterest brew being passed around lately!). Cheers.

Maverick SM said...

Hi Desi, have a good break, if you had plan to do so.

I am Ipoh-lang; originally!

I am now a Vagrant.

Arena Green said...

OMG! Another Ipohlang!

chong y l said...

Mave sm dan anak merdeka:

Yeah, another Ipohlang, they sure art more productive up Utara, where the air is fresher and condusive to Dr Mahathir's avowed productive 70million goal, and World Cup is nigh. Score Howsy! Score Helen mui mui, Score!

Furonglanf like AM and Desi will bring the Siew Pau & boucakes.

AM -- thanks for being a sumtimes Dr Watson besides being a Musketeer.
thou shalt not lament making more misses than hits -- thou livest up to thy gener, leave along the hits to the knotty number.

Breakaway is always goode for the body soul, esp when buddies like thee and Mavercik sm have such kind wishes to sail wit'.

ENJOY my Tuesday's post with glee I miss thy Converse&*gay company

*gay is not what Sir Jo'n represents
it's the spirit of scouts like Mave, Howsy and Desi like presents