My Anthem

Saturday, January 07, 2006

KACHOO! The nurse caught the flew!

This story is fictional. Any resemblance of plagiaism or resemblance to any person, dead or alive, is strictly and entirely coincidental or accidental because either great minds think alike or this great mind chooses to defer to another.
If I sound a little cuckoo, it's because someone sneezed KACHOO!
Cos someone sneezed Kachoo! the bugs went awry and spread the flew
The nurse came running though it was not WedNURSEdae
It happened on a FRI(ght)dae you see
Cos that's the day we all win at LOVE
And that's not wisdom according to Desi
It's CONventional, to some cheeky rhymer whose nama I do not know
But I know the secondhand messeger MM - not Merrilyn, Bro Imran
JPsc will tell thee, it's that MATt Sally Monroe!

But mGf are gettin' IMpatient
What's that got to do with KACHOO?
You ask're asking me?
I also don't know

I can only tell thee in all seriousness
I'm down at ward oo7 with the nurse
Because someONE sneezed Kachoo!
Desi has now caught the flew!

To that someONE who inspired this Saturdae's (OR Isit Fridae steal?)post
thic cool and chic'ky morn, I say: Thank yo, ArkChoo!

PS: On behalf on my boss, I invited a could-be TheGalNextDoor from nigh Catsville for dinner lust night.

Jest past Angkasapuri, she gave me a FRIght -- wanna if Desi was up to a Herculean task, she gave me some paper with black ink splashed on Both Sides Now. I told her it's JUST ...not fair! Making Desi work for his pre-supper.

Hence, I did a 1/2 trick gifting her a Booker UPside down and the KACHOO 1/2 undone. Fair. I did not realise I had to turn the pages. See Both sides Now2.

After the handover (someone from the UN witNURSED this == I think the nama was some Coffee Addon == I assure thee, and so I told the recipient I'm picking on the rain check from her for Kafe on her next trip down SJ way! (SJ is somethin' like Sing-a-JurongORBurong ... sometin' close-lah.

Then she asked Desi where was then my cheque for a Fridae's Childe "luvy" folksy album she gifted Desi earlier. I told her I was writin' out the some on the paper, but cos the rain came and it was "misty" inside for the driver, I wound down the window screen.

Then someONE sneezed KACHOO! and the cheque got caught in the wind and flew out of the window. And that, in a summary, was how Desi got the flew.The winsome nurse2!


imran said...


This time I really am lost! Heellpppp!!

chong y l said...

bro imran:

i'm sending thee a PRIMEr in Engrish for Kindie kids -- by Kereta Lembu male -- Be Patient eh, when I gotta out of ward 007, pls dontcumwithflour, the Knotty Nurse has got the flew2!

Maybe I'd wait for next wedNURSEdae to pass on the flew to you.
Be kind to thy neighbour,
But dont put him thro Labour
007 is NOT the maternity ward:)
Butt art thou covered by Paternity Suit?:(

chong y l said...

SOS response to bro imran:

Read Desi's INAUGURAL Sundae Inter:lude
Hope you got outa
Fu Rong Maze.:(

Did you bump into
Sisdar kyels?:)

imran said...

I read it, but it's still hazy. And no, I did not bump into Sisdar.