This Post can offend certain types of readers, which BTW in DDC (by the ways in non-Da Desi Code), and MBH rakes in millions of voyeurs lust night to see what this 5th estater was up to, but were disAP to obly see Black. It was a moonless night and all the candles were used up on Christmas DayNnight, and the Furong power station gave up because all the residents lighted up their Christmass tress at the same time -- that stroke to deem midnight's clear and hear! So like the H*** Angels, be forewarned some ****words may offend. If the sext paragraph onwards gives ye a repulsive reaction, please ST*P DARE! And **** words are all I have To take your heART away!Yes, I sang many BeeJees, cos we were letting Oh Geeze! many times throughout those rounds. When I was small, and Christmas trees were tall...,
Do you remember, even 'tis not September?
As I was saying, there will be a lot of asterisks, represented by this * symbol -- if you don'tknow, it's second row 9th positioned UPPER CASE on your keyboard. I jest SIRvived 12 rounds on Boxing Day, and we exchanged lots of 4-letter F***-words which is not a traditional habit in this Season of GOoDwill, GOD forbid! (One example of potentially offensive word, it means "screw" and rimes with Jurassic Park:) But InsyaAllah, my conversationists and I may yet make it to HEAven as I was told early that if I behaved myself under the mistletoe tree on Christmas day, I won't go straight to HELLa! That "a"is added to rime with the sext word, it's wellA!
1st round: wit' a new groupie -- or izzit gropie? -- named jack ho-ho-ho, plus a genteel PKR bud called NOr I; yes, you add an R but take out that Dr from James Bond's act which had one ob-scene of Urusula Undressong herself as she emerges from the sea. That I represents a threesum -- as Desi had to pay the bill, as George Sorrows did not make the AP, some barbarians stopped him at the Gates, another Bill? You miss'd it -- our 3-in-1 randywoo? Poor sod! Go back into thy mum's womb and re-emerge 40 years back to the fture if you can -- ask Harrison who can af-ford it for a tic.
1st round ended in a DRAW: we each had three rgasmic highs.
Round 2: wit' C, my Counsellor, who provides YL -- which stands for Young Listener, BTW -- and BTW means "by the wayside"for once; normaly it's for BY THE WAY, like stating an afterthought. Now, it's a forethought, a li'l like that act they knottily call foreplay on the bed, and they diplomatically call forehand in the tennis court. Whta's the difference? Ah, one uses more anatomical parts than the hand/s. Many idiotic reporters and editors spell it Councillor and they get blardy 6months' bonuses a few adys ago, and puritannical English purists like Desi get pee-nuts for my 'rites.
C advised me to avoid using any F***word wit' him during our annual pow-wow which vve promised to c'untinu'e in our best birthday suits the day after surving the tsunamic attack on Boxing die. Yes, we were passing by Tanjong Bungah that faithfull day in spirit, as the body -- two bodies -- could not make it dare. Ah, the reporters had 2 less bodies to tote up, or down, that fateful day,how many years ago, ah?
C and I survived three rounds each, peppering our con wit' deep thoughts about H'aven, HellA and that place in-between where Desi thinks he's presently positioned. It rimes with "LAVAtory" but it smells 1k times worse. small k stand for 1,000, BIG K stands for Kingdom come which C and YL are trying to avoid arriving at for as long as possible, living p to one third of my NAMA, which I am vely de prod off. Somewhere a u said goodbye and an f arrived on the scene as we prepared for Round3. Again,Round2 ended in a Draw because a pupil which is YL cannot under any circumcisedses beat his/her mentor in a game, OK!
Round3: Be Ms patience eh! We are waiting for Richard Roundtree to get off the stage.
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