My Anthem

Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Writer Has to be an Optimist

Maybe sometimes he's also a Masochist.

I believe a writer's drive must include "inspiring Self" if not his Readers -- in order to grow -- and he must never insult his esteemed readers lest they desert him/her, for what good is a write if no one reads? There is an "ego" to be fed in every individual, right?

That's just me, ONE blardy writHer, writing this postulation. The "H" dare is to demo that I am also like a snake sometimes, I byte.
Sarcasm is the weapon of those can get away also wot' swearing 4-letter words -- like RPK's famous/infamous Hell! and F***! I don't know if the late Shannon Ahmad -- MP and literati -- 's puki+++ falls within the same definition. Ah, I digress.

(NOTE: The apostrophe ass stands separate in a unique permit Iuse under Poetic Licence -- if thou at no poet-aSspirant like Desi, you aren't not allowed to use it!:(


You can beg to differ. I prefer "defer" to Desi badder. And 'badder' is good English if you are a Beatles fan. REF: Hey, Jude. Like one NSTman, who I wish would ID himself at BUM2008 cometh next Thursday. And if by now you don'tknow what BUM2008 is, please invest iRM1.50 on the Sunday Star today, turn to page .
Another more gooder reason to justify this small investment -- don't boycott MSM-lah, here's my rationale, okay except for Tuesdays, when you have Morrie for compagnie -- turn to page F28, read EVOLVE OR PERISH.

Jest a few extracts of a wonderrful write by ZAINAH ANWAR:

>> The massive public
repudiation of
Barisan Nasional
was not just a
repudiationof the
Prime Minister's
rule, but of all the
authoritarianism in
Barisan politics and
governance in its 50
years of

and the closing para in the weekend column "SHARING THE NATION":

This is the last chance for this government to get it right
or else the usual 10-year electoral cycle of 'rise and fall'
in the performance of the ruling party will be broken. It
will be the fall and fall.

I wrote about Malaysian Voters' propensity for inflicting on themselves -- yeah, their masochistic tendency. Complain, complain and complain against the BN administration for four long years, cometh the General Elections, they still put the "cross" against the Dacing in the polling booth.

All these have come to pass as history on March 8, 2008.
Fellow Malaysians, I know we have finally taken a quantum leap in political maturity.
We Have Embraced CHANGE!

And it was a pleasant Change in reading some MSM pieces like Sdri Zainah Anwar's on a Sunday.My day of rumination, and capitalistic indulgences -- three layers of Skippy on my French toast, no cap:) to my tehtraik!

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