Cos my fave palindrome dareth ask, Desi must oblige.
"I know it's a late notice, but hopefully it can still do some good.
The discussion is outlined below, and I really hope all of you who have been concerned about what's been going on will stop by so that we can all (myself included) get a better picture as to how the law can and will affect us as internet writers and concerned citizens.
Again, there will be a little tea after the event just as a teeny thank you to all the great people who took the time, effort and risk to show support for me during my four day detention. I can never repay you, but I hope you'll take a few curry puffs as a small token of thanks :)
Really hope to see you there!!
Facing & Surviving the Internet Clampdown: Our Liabilities, Rights and Responsibilities
Time: 28th July, 2007 - Saturday, 3pm
Venue: KL-Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall
With the authorities' upsurge of threats regarding the internet, there is a growing need for the public to know its rights, responsibilities and liabilities with regards to what they write online.
Recent cases have also shown that since even the innocent are likely to be targetted, it is also important for those working towards change in Malaysia to be prepared for all eventualities.
Being fully aware of one's legal rights and a familiarity with proper police and legal procedure could make all the difference in the case of wrongful arrest or detention.
This discussion will explore these issues with the aim of educating the public as to how to stay on the right side of the law, and what to do if the 'law' comes after you anyway.
Lawyer R. Sivarasa will briefly discuss laws that apply to internet writers as well as the legal procedures surrounding arrests and detention, activist S. Arutchelvan will talk about what the police can and cannot do to people under their custody, while blogger and journalist Soon Li Tsin will share some experiences regarding activism in the face of wrongful arrest. Recent arrestee Nathaniel Tan will moderate this discussion, which will be largely informal and be more of a dialogue in nature.
We will continue to see if other experts in this field will like to come by and share. An open invitation is extended to Raja Petra Kamarudin, who has been the latest target of the authorities.
Members of the public who are concerned both about knowing as well as safeguarding their rights and fundamental freedoms are encouraged to attend. Light refreshments will be served following the discussion.
If you can leave a comment at to indicate your attendance, that will also be most helpful. Thank you!
DESI: I have to give this a 'miss' (yeah, will miss thee, dear Eli, always reminds Desi of Ally McBeal:) but my spirit will be dare with the awesome crowd, especially fellow Bloggers, and my greAting is: KEEP THE FAITH; IN SOLIDARITY WE WILL OVERCOME.
My Anthem
Friday, July 27, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
along with this Post inspired by awe the lovely Lisas/Lizas of the world.
A recuperating patient benefits much from music therapy. I have always grown up song song and poetry, rhythm and rhyme. Besides, I can recover faster on the s-MILES swirling all around me -- loved ones, friends near and far. We may be seprated by vast land and the se&en seas; but I close my eyes and I can visualise the shadow of a s-mile from miles away. From mGf -- myGOoDfriend in the singular or plural.
I am not naming names. If thou art one in Desi's mind, I assure thee "you too are oft on my mind". I hope you feel it too. It's not only with the eyes you see -- the essential things in life are oft seen by thy heart. So take care of your heart. Live healthy. Eat healthy. THINK HEALTHY THOUGHTS -- like reaching out to touch thy neighbour's hand, lightening up his/her eyes with your mystic smile.:)
As a child, the first base touched was with an Elizabeth was Queen of England, head of Commonwealth -- of which Malaya was a member -- followed by Malaysia after gaining Independence on August 31, 1957. Hers was the regal face on Malayan stamps, and we still pen-palled using the slow mail, don't you remember, my puppy-loves? But still in the 1950s hand-writ letters travelled faster and more reliably -- just two days! -- than a semi-valued bullockart serbis in early 2000s from KL-Penang -- 1-1/2 months!
Then I grew olde enough to enjoy Elizabeth Browning's (and her significant Other Robert's) poems. How much do I love thee? Let me count the ways. On balance, just that my new freinds think Desi as innocence of a babe defined at 13 -- I was knotty to peek at my best friend David Yen's PlayGirl and Penthouse (I thoght that was the adult spelling for Henhouse:).
Then I became besotted with Eliza Doolittle, or was it more with Julie Andrews playing the part in George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion aka My Fair Lady. Primroses and Mei and Sweets -- do you steal dance all night?I still can recite "On the street where you live"; and for those who want to upgrade your language, learning y rote some unforgettable lyrics will help thy grammar along. Please as a claimed scribe, don't flag off, in BOLD somemore slogans like "May the Truth Kills Us All"!
Then Johnny Mathis enthralled with his memorable Mona Lisa, also The shadow of your smile; and when Julia Roberts flashes her effervescent s-MILE last night on TV8, I also received a "Get wellA soon" greAting from one eWong (If you guess right who she's, I'll give thee a signed kopi of my First Anthology, but you have to buy Desi CON BF on Sundae at Meng Kee, buried somewhere in the Furong mazeworthTHEw'ile?) This kopi may be worth as much as Leonardo Da Vinci's "The Lady with the mystic smile" painting because as always, artworks are always priceless when the artiste is cold and gone from this sometimes cruel mother Earth, so also expyred poets' weaked wroks.
Skeeter Davis lyrics
Smile though your heart is aching smile even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky you'll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through for you
Light up your face with gladness hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be ever so near
That's the time you must keep on trying smile what's the use of crying
You'll find that life is still worthwhile if you just smile
Light up your face with gladness...
(aMore to flow while I take my lunch break, and of course, GOoD willing...:)
A recuperating patient benefits much from music therapy. I have always grown up song song and poetry, rhythm and rhyme. Besides, I can recover faster on the s-MILES swirling all around me -- loved ones, friends near and far. We may be seprated by vast land and the se&en seas; but I close my eyes and I can visualise the shadow of a s-mile from miles away. From mGf -- myGOoDfriend in the singular or plural.
I am not naming names. If thou art one in Desi's mind, I assure thee "you too are oft on my mind". I hope you feel it too. It's not only with the eyes you see -- the essential things in life are oft seen by thy heart. So take care of your heart. Live healthy. Eat healthy. THINK HEALTHY THOUGHTS -- like reaching out to touch thy neighbour's hand, lightening up his/her eyes with your mystic smile.:)
As a child, the first base touched was with an Elizabeth was Queen of England, head of Commonwealth -- of which Malaya was a member -- followed by Malaysia after gaining Independence on August 31, 1957. Hers was the regal face on Malayan stamps, and we still pen-palled using the slow mail, don't you remember, my puppy-loves? But still in the 1950s hand-writ letters travelled faster and more reliably -- just two days! -- than a semi-valued bullockart serbis in early 2000s from KL-Penang -- 1-1/2 months!
Then I grew olde enough to enjoy Elizabeth Browning's (and her significant Other Robert's) poems. How much do I love thee? Let me count the ways. On balance, just that my new freinds think Desi as innocence of a babe defined at 13 -- I was knotty to peek at my best friend David Yen's PlayGirl and Penthouse (I thoght that was the adult spelling for Henhouse:).
Then I became besotted with Eliza Doolittle, or was it more with Julie Andrews playing the part in George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion aka My Fair Lady. Primroses and Mei and Sweets -- do you steal dance all night?I still can recite "On the street where you live"; and for those who want to upgrade your language, learning y rote some unforgettable lyrics will help thy grammar along. Please as a claimed scribe, don't flag off, in BOLD somemore slogans like "May the Truth Kills Us All"!
Then Johnny Mathis enthralled with his memorable Mona Lisa, also The shadow of your smile; and when Julia Roberts flashes her effervescent s-MILE last night on TV8, I also received a "Get wellA soon" greAting from one eWong (If you guess right who she's, I'll give thee a signed kopi of my First Anthology, but you have to buy Desi CON BF on Sundae at Meng Kee, buried somewhere in the Furong mazeworthTHEw'ile?) This kopi may be worth as much as Leonardo Da Vinci's "The Lady with the mystic smile" painting because as always, artworks are always priceless when the artiste is cold and gone from this sometimes cruel mother Earth, so also expyred poets' weaked wroks.
Skeeter Davis lyrics
Smile though your heart is aching smile even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky you'll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through for you
Light up your face with gladness hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be ever so near
That's the time you must keep on trying smile what's the use of crying
You'll find that life is still worthwhile if you just smile
Light up your face with gladness...
(aMore to flow while I take my lunch break, and of course, GOoD willing...:)
CSM from the Desk of DSAI...
I am always happy to be a messsenger for CSM (Community Service Messages) delivered bi-lingually. It puts across an important issue of the day as well as promotes Bahasa Malaysia -- killing three birds with one stone.
Oh, the third birdie? A s-MILE from this knotty hoRst, raring to a-Go-GO!:)
"Subject: DSAI's Statement on Raja Petra Kamarudin
25 Julai 2007
Saya mengecam tekanan terbaru dari pihak kerajaan dan polis terhadap pengendali laman Malaysia Today, Raja Petra Kamaruddin.
Tindakan ke atas Raja Petra ini bermula dengan laporan polis dan disusuli oleh ucapan-ucapan mengkritik pengendali blog oleh beberapa pimpinan UMNO termasuk Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak. Ini merupakan siri terbaru tekanan terhadap pengendali laman web dan blog selepas penahanan setiausaha saya Nathaniel Tan baru-baru ini.
Saya menyeru agar pihak polis menggunakan masa mereka untuk menyiasat dakwaan rasuah melibatkan pelbagai pimpinan kerajaan yang disiarkan di Malaysia Today dan membanteras jenayah yang sudah menjadi-jadi. Sudah begitu banyak laporan yang dibuat terhadap pimpinan kerajaan dahulu dan sekarang yang tidak disiasat langsung, tetapi laporan terhadap pengendali laman web mendapat tindakan segera polis.
Rakyat Malaysia memerlukan pemimpin yang bersifat terbuka dan memandang ke hadapan, bukannya yang masih terikut-ikut dengan budaya politik lama dan tidak dapat menerima realiti teknologi hari ini. Ketika pemimpin UMNO hebat menuntut pengendali blog untuk bertanggungjawab di atas penulisan mereka, saya menyeru pemimpin UMNO dan polis agar jangan lupa amanah mereka kepada rakyat.
25 July 2007
I condemn the intimidation by the government and police towards Malaysia Today's webmaster, Raja Petra Kamaruddin.
The action against Raja Petra began as a police report and followed by speeches criticising bloggers by a few UMNO leaders including Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak. This is the latest intimidation on webmasters and bloggers following the arrest of my secretary Nathaniel Tan recently.
I demand the police to use their time to investigate the numerous allegations of corruption involving government leaders published by Malaysia Today and to fight the rising rate of crime that is plaguing the country. Various reports have been made on present and former government leaders that have not been followed up, yet a report against a webmaster is immediately investigated by the police.
Malaysians need open-minded and forward-thinking leaders, not those still trapped by an outdated political culture and unable to grasp the technological realities of today. At a time when UMNO leaders are demanding bloggers to be responsible for their writing, I urge the UMNO leaders and police not to forget their responsibilities towards the Malaysian rakyat.
Oh, the third birdie? A s-MILE from this knotty hoRst, raring to a-Go-GO!:)
"Subject: DSAI's Statement on Raja Petra Kamarudin
25 Julai 2007
Saya mengecam tekanan terbaru dari pihak kerajaan dan polis terhadap pengendali laman Malaysia Today, Raja Petra Kamaruddin.
Tindakan ke atas Raja Petra ini bermula dengan laporan polis dan disusuli oleh ucapan-ucapan mengkritik pengendali blog oleh beberapa pimpinan UMNO termasuk Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak. Ini merupakan siri terbaru tekanan terhadap pengendali laman web dan blog selepas penahanan setiausaha saya Nathaniel Tan baru-baru ini.
Saya menyeru agar pihak polis menggunakan masa mereka untuk menyiasat dakwaan rasuah melibatkan pelbagai pimpinan kerajaan yang disiarkan di Malaysia Today dan membanteras jenayah yang sudah menjadi-jadi. Sudah begitu banyak laporan yang dibuat terhadap pimpinan kerajaan dahulu dan sekarang yang tidak disiasat langsung, tetapi laporan terhadap pengendali laman web mendapat tindakan segera polis.
Rakyat Malaysia memerlukan pemimpin yang bersifat terbuka dan memandang ke hadapan, bukannya yang masih terikut-ikut dengan budaya politik lama dan tidak dapat menerima realiti teknologi hari ini. Ketika pemimpin UMNO hebat menuntut pengendali blog untuk bertanggungjawab di atas penulisan mereka, saya menyeru pemimpin UMNO dan polis agar jangan lupa amanah mereka kepada rakyat.
25 July 2007
I condemn the intimidation by the government and police towards Malaysia Today's webmaster, Raja Petra Kamaruddin.
The action against Raja Petra began as a police report and followed by speeches criticising bloggers by a few UMNO leaders including Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak. This is the latest intimidation on webmasters and bloggers following the arrest of my secretary Nathaniel Tan recently.
I demand the police to use their time to investigate the numerous allegations of corruption involving government leaders published by Malaysia Today and to fight the rising rate of crime that is plaguing the country. Various reports have been made on present and former government leaders that have not been followed up, yet a report against a webmaster is immediately investigated by the police.
Malaysians need open-minded and forward-thinking leaders, not those still trapped by an outdated political culture and unable to grasp the technological realities of today. At a time when UMNO leaders are demanding bloggers to be responsible for their writing, I urge the UMNO leaders and police not to forget their responsibilities towards the Malaysian rakyat.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
First they came ...
I paid a belated catchUP visit with saiko's Screenshots today, and I think it timely to remind us of a little poem attributed to:
"...Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) about the inactivity of German intellectuals following the Nazi rise to power and the purging of their chosen targets, group after group.
"[edit] History
An early supporter of Hitler, by 1934 Niemöller had come to oppose the Nazis, and it was largely his high connections to influential and wealthy businessmen that saved him until 1937, after which he was imprisoned, eventually at Sachsenhausen and Dachau concentration camps. He survived to be a leading voice of penance and reconciliation for the German people after World War II. His poem is well-known, frequently quoted, and is a popular model for describing the dangers of political apathy, as it often begins with specific and targeted fear and hatred which soon escalates out of control.
Wikipedia has a collection of quotations related to:
Martin Niemöller if your interest goes beyond what's currently of relevance to Malaysians, especially the Blogging community:
[edit] Poem (1976 version)
Als die Nazis die Kommunisten holten,
habe ich geschwiegen;
ich war ja kein Kommunist.
Als sie die Sozialdemokraten einsperrten,
habe ich geschwiegen;
ich war ja kein Sozialdemokrat.
Als sie die Gewerkschafter holten,
habe ich nicht protestiert;
ich war ja kein Gewerkschafter.
Als sie mich holten,
gab es keinen mehr, der protestieren konnte.
When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.
When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.
When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.
DESIDERATA: Visit also and for aMore ... I did not intend to Post new stuff but the recent actions against fellow Bloggers against Sdr Nat Tan and Raja Petra Kamaruddin are turning points too important not to put on record, and we Bloggers must continue to stay informed and vigilant so that we are well equipped to face the real enemies -- from within and without.
MEANWHILE, I heed my regular verse-loving MadMonk's counsel and retreat for another SE7EN DAYS' R&R and Reflection as I am now about 70% back to normal pinkish health. Drink lots of H20, okay as compromise, I drink more fruit juices and plain water doesn't appeal to Desi!:)
Take rest,
It's your best,
Don't worry,
You won't be sorry,
There a season for eveything,
It's rest and rest, and not think,
You will be fine,
Later you will find,
The world can go by,
Health, money cannot buy,
Just take it easy,
Be lazy,
You will be tip-top,
Busy before, now you just stop,
Sleep and rest, my friend,
Be well soon, my friend.
By Anonymous, at 7:11 PM *** "
My Chronicled experience offers some lessons to share: Eat more vegetables -- yes, YL has been a lover of red meats like kambing curry (meet Desi at Lingam's Curry House, anyone?); weekly con BF of lamb or beef chop and double spread of peanut butter on French toast! -- Mates, you add to the menu:)
Yes, find time to R and R and Reflect.
Till then Chow! Chow as in "See You", also someone chicky from Ipoh says it can be an invite to "Let's Eat"!:)
"...Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) about the inactivity of German intellectuals following the Nazi rise to power and the purging of their chosen targets, group after group.
"[edit] History
An early supporter of Hitler, by 1934 Niemöller had come to oppose the Nazis, and it was largely his high connections to influential and wealthy businessmen that saved him until 1937, after which he was imprisoned, eventually at Sachsenhausen and Dachau concentration camps. He survived to be a leading voice of penance and reconciliation for the German people after World War II. His poem is well-known, frequently quoted, and is a popular model for describing the dangers of political apathy, as it often begins with specific and targeted fear and hatred which soon escalates out of control.
Wikipedia has a collection of quotations related to:
Martin Niemöller if your interest goes beyond what's currently of relevance to Malaysians, especially the Blogging community:
[edit] Poem (1976 version)
Als die Nazis die Kommunisten holten,
habe ich geschwiegen;
ich war ja kein Kommunist.
Als sie die Sozialdemokraten einsperrten,
habe ich geschwiegen;
ich war ja kein Sozialdemokrat.
Als sie die Gewerkschafter holten,
habe ich nicht protestiert;
ich war ja kein Gewerkschafter.
Als sie mich holten,
gab es keinen mehr, der protestieren konnte.
When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.
When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.
When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.
DESIDERATA: Visit also and for aMore ... I did not intend to Post new stuff but the recent actions against fellow Bloggers against Sdr Nat Tan and Raja Petra Kamaruddin are turning points too important not to put on record, and we Bloggers must continue to stay informed and vigilant so that we are well equipped to face the real enemies -- from within and without.
MEANWHILE, I heed my regular verse-loving MadMonk's counsel and retreat for another SE7EN DAYS' R&R and Reflection as I am now about 70% back to normal pinkish health. Drink lots of H20, okay as compromise, I drink more fruit juices and plain water doesn't appeal to Desi!:)
Take rest,
It's your best,
Don't worry,
You won't be sorry,
There a season for eveything,
It's rest and rest, and not think,
You will be fine,
Later you will find,
The world can go by,
Health, money cannot buy,
Just take it easy,
Be lazy,
You will be tip-top,
Busy before, now you just stop,
Sleep and rest, my friend,
Be well soon, my friend.
By Anonymous, at 7:11 PM *** "
My Chronicled experience offers some lessons to share: Eat more vegetables -- yes, YL has been a lover of red meats like kambing curry (meet Desi at Lingam's Curry House, anyone?); weekly con BF of lamb or beef chop and double spread of peanut butter on French toast! -- Mates, you add to the menu:)
Yes, find time to R and R and Reflect.
Till then Chow! Chow as in "See You", also someone chicky from Ipoh says it can be an invite to "Let's Eat"!:)
Monday, July 23, 2007
In the footsteps of royal Blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin from whom I glean useful gems of information and reap much free entertainment, I am trying to do an unusual post -- a Chronicle. Of someone I know well. I titled it 7D n 7N because this episode would account for that period -- it was not as exacting as the storyteller of Arabian 1,001 nights who had to spin a new story every 24 to keep his neck intact. I spin this quite factually for the record of an event which proved quite an Awakeningin my mostly mundane living.
Just share that when I refer to YL, that's the journo in me; when I say Desi, that's the creative in me. If you have been unlucky to have been bombarded with Desi's First Anthology of Poems, that would be an overdose of my ass-piring poetic endeavours, and a chronicle today is less imposing of self on thee.
First off, let me get the niceties done. Over the past 10 days, some mates have sms-ed, phoned or emailed (I answered the first Email just an hour ago...) enquiring after my status because of my MIA ... rumours in the vein of Tom Sawyer-Desi having moved on prematurely and had the privilege of listening to his own eulogy might have made it to the terrible blogosphere, but that would be vainglorious of Desi to deem himself of such importance. I felt impotent during tis absence wit' or without leave.
Future digression will be within brackets just to capture what is in my mind at the instance as I pen my first online chronicle. As a journalist's inclination (IMHO), YL Chong does not like being made a subject. Pressmen used to spotlight others -- VVIPs, VIPs, newsmakers and nincompoops and other important poops. In fact, if I could, I would like to be part of the backdrop on the Malaysian landscape and voyeur at all the funnies, cunnies and cannies, and the uncanny and canine goings-on...
Day 1Thursday, July 12
About to leave for the Pos Opis when the first pain hits -- right lower abdomen, excruciating. It is repeated at regular intervals, doubling me over. Keeps mum about it. Reaches for my "self-help"" tonic -- Panadol. And to ease the spasms of pain -- down left over "pain-killer" of May's dosage for my Shingles.Night fall; I could go to sleep. Thought my prayers have been answered that self-med has once again triumphed.
Day 2
Morning dawns but realises I have no appetite. Not even my morning cuppa, what more solids like roti or noodles. Make do with plain water and banana cake. I thought I can cope with occasional spasms which come when I move from lying down in bed. Still could focus on some light reading to keep my mind diverted from the abdominal pulling-and-punching attacks.
The pains linger, increasing in frequency, doubling me up by reflex.
Brother-in-law, a health wroker, rushes YL to Emergency Ward, Furong GH. About 8.00pm. Strangely, the anaesthetic air of a hospital and perhaps similar-healthwise companions seem to drive away my pains, and I am inclined to "go home" as I await two hours before my number comes up.
A pleasant doctor A (lady) examines YL in the abdomen area, moves to other parts gently with some pressing and I report no similar pains. I am ordered to be admitted for suspected Appendicitis. Put on a saline drip, handled with care by MA and nurses. Wheel-chaired to Bed 16 Ward 3B. Close to midnight,
Day 3
A few doctors come around, check with me about pains in what areas. Report it's just one area -- focused, regular, excruciating. Believe I am given pain-killers intravenously, also other nutrients, I guess. A surgeon examines me, consults with some trainee MOs/surgeons. Surgeon sounds very knowledgeable, authority, instill much confidence in YL. I hear instructions for an X-ray and Ultra-Sound to be done following morning.
Today I am fully on intavenously drip though I can drink plain water orally. No food. Completely bed-bound, I can't move by myself, so now also connected to tubes to urinate and to enable passing motion. (But no, there was no faeces emitted -- no input of solids-lah!)
So wait it out until noon (?) -- (time recalls are not accurate as I am relying entirely on recall some 10 days later!) -- when some less "serious" HAs wheel me several floors away to take the X-ray, done within 15 minutes, then for Ultra-Sound. This is well-executed by an MA or doctor (?), and later repeated by a senior doctor, and I steal "some glances" at the TV monitor as they confer. Some mention of toxic areas in the large intestine (YL thinks), not at the Appendix; also some gallstones but this is "not" a concern at present.
I describe less "serious" MAs because I wait for 30 minutes along the corridor for them to re-appear to wheel me back to the ward. Grewing impatient, ask the nurse nearby what's happening (My guess is the "boys"/MAs had gone for their lunch-break.) Small problem is solved when a nurse from Ward 3B soon wheels me back to my bed.
Several more examinations and blood samples taken and injections and the surgeons and doctors -- assisted by the X-ray and Ultra-Sound scans results -- confrim the need to operate. Again I hear whispers of "perforation", but the diagnosis to me as a patient is that it's suspected to be Appendicitis. I am scheduled for surgery. It can be anytime, the MO or staff nurse replies whenever I enquire for the rest of latter half of the day. I remian calm and philosophic -- and family members, and a couple of close friends who visit, all take it in stride, with their own prayers. Yes, most of my circle of mates and buddies are God-fearing people.
Day 4
Just about 30 minutes past midnight, the staff nurse says I am next for operation. Just one SMS to my BIL about the surgery, and in less than 30mniutes, I am wheeled onto a stretchered-bed into OT (Operation Theatre), bright lights flashing, all eerily clean and quiet except for the soothing presence several nurses and an MO (is he the anaesthesist, I wonder?)
I am asked my official name -- Yes, I am Choong Yen Loong -- I consent to the Op? Yes, I sign on the dotted line. There is advice I would be put on anaesthesia (Is it chorolform?) -- I say Yes, maybe nodding my head as affirmation that my faculties are totally in my control for rational decison-making. I believe I was saying some prayer as I go into NOTHINGNESS ... It's not even like sleep, because you get periods of consciously and interruptions of dream and half-consciousness.
This is TOTAL NOTHINGNESS. Second experience in my life. (Old episode I may keep for another day if you treat Desi well enough, OK!)
I open my eyes at about 6.00am. I check my Handphone for the exact time.Family members statethat I was wheeled out of the OT at 4am -- this means the Op lasted three hours. I was totally unconscious for solid five hours until I open my eyes at the break of dawn of another blessed day on Mother Earth.
I am encouraged to drink lots of water. Since I am on painkillers intra-venously, I feel comfortable in bed, advised to rest as much as possible. I feel weak, but the pain is gone except when I move and feel "nausea" accompainied by the urge to cough.
Then a funny routine takes place.Nurse B gives me a toy-like gadget which contains three coloured balls in three connected parallel tubes, and as I am asked to breathe in and out "deeply" via a connecter-tube.
Theoretically, with suction, there will be vacuum created and the red ball will be the first to rise. Followed by the second yellow ball, and eureka! the third green ball if all is well. This is obviously a lung exercise to get me back on normal breathing mode.
I take a deep breath in and blow hard into connecter-tube. NO ball rising. I repeat a few times -- the three different coloured seem to mcok me by staying put at the bottom of the tube.
Then a friendly docor R smiles in my direction, says "Kawan, try sucking in and not blowing out into the tube."
So I obey like a kindie kid -- two balls rise. I have been blowing in the opposite direction. (I believe out of the corner of my eyes I saw some MO's and trainees' "coy" smiles at Desi's expense, but they did not now any better!)
Day 5:
I am allowed to take in "fluids" only, so family restrict me to hot drinks only. I long for iced Orange or Apple or A&W Rut Bir! But it's a choice between Mil0 3-in-1, Nescafe and Teh-tarik 3-in-1. I want something sweet. That first cup of MILO tastes heavenly -- better than all the best cocktail of beverages one can get anywhere. Believe me -- "heavenly" because after a human has been just given H20 for three consecutive days, your first sweetened drink borders on getting a marijuana high. (YL is using this metaphor based on a newshound's reading, I have never tried ganja or any stuff close to marjuana, swear by Scout's honour:)
I get regular bouts of nausea, and this puts me in a dilemma because every time I drink more water (as encouraged), the nausea would come, impacting on the operated areas, hence followed by the intense pain. I report to the mnedical staff that I do not reach the stage of "vomitting" though the feelings/urges are there. (I did not realise the "significance" when the doctors on ward rounds always check if I am urinating, passing motion and "feel like vomitting".
When my food menu is upgraded in the evening to "nutritious liquids", a huge smile must have spiced up my face as I gulp down the much awaited iced barley water and apple juice. Two glasses of the best fruit juices top the best whisky in the world (That's hyperbole and figuratively speaking because I can't down any liquor and do not know how whisky tastes like though I see my businesssmen-mates must enjoy it better than sex when they challenge each other to down glass after glass at that 8-course dinner.)
All this while, I cleanse my body with a piece of towel wet with water in a basin several times a day. It's easily done as I wear just a "sarong" (wrongly tied up, so if it's a dead knot, so what? I have built up a repute for being "knotty".)
At about 5pm, the brealthrough arriveth! I finally go beyond the urge to vomit to actually spit out the VOMIT -- in the form of jelly-looking, weed-like black mass. RELIEF. RELIEF. RELIEF as the whole body seems to be rid of a hole coagulated big black blob of all the wastes of the past few days.
One minute feeling pain as I move in bed, the next minute the pain does not come anymore. I take the first bold step of climbing out of bed onto seating myself in the steel chair with arm-rest.RELIEF. RELIEF. RELIEF.
As night-falls, as I report the first "faeces" plotting to come out, the tubes to enable urination and passing motion are removed. I can move myself about and sit comfortably for long periods in my chair, facing the evening breeze that blows from the outside overlooking the main roading leading OUT of the hospital compound.
CONTINUED on Tuesday July 24, 2007--Desi
Day 6
Food is graduated to "soft foods" this morning. A sandwich plus hot tea. Followed by iced apple juice for BF. (NO<,not CON BF, that can wait until sext Sundae!:)
Lunch consists of porridge; spiced with curry fish, half body portion. (Humble "Tawkey" vege tinged with curry never tasted as sweet in my life. I swear I won't look down on such veges from now on ... in fact, I believe I'm now half-a-vegetarian when I was mostly a carnvore last week and eon years back...)
I now go to the washroom by myself and the stools starting with being "watery" become more solid, a good sign. Urination also comes without any pain. The only time brother Pain visits when I get the occasional cough, partially due to some remaining nausea (remember I still get intravenous pain-killers...).
The nigh round doctor is happy with my progress, says if everything goes as smoothly, I should be discharged in a day or two. Sweetest message to reach YL's ears for a long time.
Day 7
My menu progresses to "solids". So a heart BF of curry puff, two hrad-boiled egg and coffee and a slice of honey dew fruit. All gulped down with gusto except for the egss -- too hard, and without sauce and pepper -- that's like eating lamb chop without coleslaw and mint sauce, No?
I feel "uncomfortable" wearing the stockings (since Day 2 I think...); so stealthily I removed them without asking official permission, and I can see the disapproving look on my trained-as-a-nurse Sis' face. I mumble it's just common sense; I can ease the blood flow by pressing the soles of the feet against the bed railings (a sort of reflexology, yes?)
I walk about lots; do deep breathing exercises, could shoot the three balls up (hey, Eureka! touching Green wtith just half an effort! A few pats to myself. Helps the blood flow too.
That night the surgeon (normally does his rounds at about 8-9pm) asks me about my ability to walk about, also any lingering pain, and my "passing motion". I happily report I have beein going to the washroom to ease myself four to five times the past half-day; there is no pain anymore excepy when I cough, and my stools are getting back to normal. He checks the blood and temperature readings and pronounce YL fit to be "discharged" the next morning. Excepy I have to undergo one last blood extraction and one more injection of antibiotic (?).
At about 10pm the MO/Staff nurse (?) comes smiling -- she needs one good point in my left arm to put in the needle to extract the blood sample. She chats like a pal and says I may feel some pain as the needles pricks; it's okay, I reassure her. First time fails; second time fails, third time still unlucky, and she seems apologetic as her voice is tinged with some nervousness. After five "unsuccessful" places, I still reassure her: "Don't worry, it's not your fault. It's that I am on the plump (gemuk) side."
"Let me try one last time," switching to my left arm. She asks: If I fail this time, I may have to recommend another treatment, is it okay? I reply naturally: You are the doc, whatever you say. Just buy me a teh-O limau iced! (Half in jest...)
Oh, RELIEF, this time on the MO's face. The last time succeeds. (It's similar to that paradoxical Q oft asked: Why is it the blardy last place you look that you find your missing thing?)
We both say a pretty long GOoD NIGHT...
I think I dreamt of singing with family and friends my olde favourites like Mornin' has broken, Like a bridge o'er troubled water and LET IT BE as I go confidently into the most blessed night; at last reciting from Max Ehrmann's Desiderata:
"Go placidly amid the noise and the haste and remember what peace there may be in silence..."
Day 8:
At 7.30am, I imagine I heard the cock crow; the warm sun rays stream in with the cooling breeze. The bread with choc cream in the middle (I used to pay RM1 for such a bun) goes sailingly smooth with the piping hot kopi-o. Finis in five-to-SE7EN minutes! (Oh, I want a re-fill, but the ward's BF server has moved three beds beyond normal requesting desibelle; further, being a cultured writer, I can't yell after him, can I?)
The next hour is spent settling the dues -- I have only to pay RM123 -- yes, I did NOT leave out any zeroes! -- for SE7EN DAYS and SE7EN NIGHTS of five-star hotel-like treatment and service. What more can a patient Malaysian ask for. You tell me your chronicle while I bid my ward mate -- in after a fall, and he has asked for an extended two days' stay in hospital because he's covered by Insurance:) I can understand why you wish to stay back -- the wonderful service and awe -- Mr Wong Fatt Yu (means 'expand or promote' "friendship")as we promise we'll catchUP one day soon.
I head for Home, Sweet, Home.
In the footsteps of royal Blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin from whom I glean useful gems of information and reap much free entertainment, I am trying to do an unusual post -- a Chronicle. Of someone I know well. I titled it 7D n 7N because this episode would account for that period -- it was not as exacting as the storyteller of Arabian 1,001 nights who had to spin a new story every 24 to keep his neck intact. I spin this quite factually for the record of an event which proved quite an Awakeningin my mostly mundane living.
Just share that when I refer to YL, that's the journo in me; when I say Desi, that's the creative in me. If you have been unlucky to have been bombarded with Desi's First Anthology of Poems, that would be an overdose of my ass-piring poetic endeavours, and a chronicle today is less imposing of self on thee.
First off, let me get the niceties done. Over the past 10 days, some mates have sms-ed, phoned or emailed (I answered the first Email just an hour ago...) enquiring after my status because of my MIA ... rumours in the vein of Tom Sawyer-Desi having moved on prematurely and had the privilege of listening to his own eulogy might have made it to the terrible blogosphere, but that would be vainglorious of Desi to deem himself of such importance. I felt impotent during tis absence wit' or without leave.
Future digression will be within brackets just to capture what is in my mind at the instance as I pen my first online chronicle. As a journalist's inclination (IMHO), YL Chong does not like being made a subject. Pressmen used to spotlight others -- VVIPs, VIPs, newsmakers and nincompoops and other important poops. In fact, if I could, I would like to be part of the backdrop on the Malaysian landscape and voyeur at all the funnies, cunnies and cannies, and the uncanny and canine goings-on...
Day 1Thursday, July 12
About to leave for the Pos Opis when the first pain hits -- right lower abdomen, excruciating. It is repeated at regular intervals, doubling me over. Keeps mum about it. Reaches for my "self-help"" tonic -- Panadol. And to ease the spasms of pain -- down left over "pain-killer" of May's dosage for my Shingles.Night fall; I could go to sleep. Thought my prayers have been answered that self-med has once again triumphed.
Day 2
Morning dawns but realises I have no appetite. Not even my morning cuppa, what more solids like roti or noodles. Make do with plain water and banana cake. I thought I can cope with occasional spasms which come when I move from lying down in bed. Still could focus on some light reading to keep my mind diverted from the abdominal pulling-and-punching attacks.
The pains linger, increasing in frequency, doubling me up by reflex.
Brother-in-law, a health wroker, rushes YL to Emergency Ward, Furong GH. About 8.00pm. Strangely, the anaesthetic air of a hospital and perhaps similar-healthwise companions seem to drive away my pains, and I am inclined to "go home" as I await two hours before my number comes up.
A pleasant doctor A (lady) examines YL in the abdomen area, moves to other parts gently with some pressing and I report no similar pains. I am ordered to be admitted for suspected Appendicitis. Put on a saline drip, handled with care by MA and nurses. Wheel-chaired to Bed 16 Ward 3B. Close to midnight,
Day 3
A few doctors come around, check with me about pains in what areas. Report it's just one area -- focused, regular, excruciating. Believe I am given pain-killers intravenously, also other nutrients, I guess. A surgeon examines me, consults with some trainee MOs/surgeons. Surgeon sounds very knowledgeable, authority, instill much confidence in YL. I hear instructions for an X-ray and Ultra-Sound to be done following morning.
Today I am fully on intavenously drip though I can drink plain water orally. No food. Completely bed-bound, I can't move by myself, so now also connected to tubes to urinate and to enable passing motion. (But no, there was no faeces emitted -- no input of solids-lah!)
So wait it out until noon (?) -- (time recalls are not accurate as I am relying entirely on recall some 10 days later!) -- when some less "serious" HAs wheel me several floors away to take the X-ray, done within 15 minutes, then for Ultra-Sound. This is well-executed by an MA or doctor (?), and later repeated by a senior doctor, and I steal "some glances" at the TV monitor as they confer. Some mention of toxic areas in the large intestine (YL thinks), not at the Appendix; also some gallstones but this is "not" a concern at present.
I describe less "serious" MAs because I wait for 30 minutes along the corridor for them to re-appear to wheel me back to the ward. Grewing impatient, ask the nurse nearby what's happening (My guess is the "boys"/MAs had gone for their lunch-break.) Small problem is solved when a nurse from Ward 3B soon wheels me back to my bed.
Several more examinations and blood samples taken and injections and the surgeons and doctors -- assisted by the X-ray and Ultra-Sound scans results -- confrim the need to operate. Again I hear whispers of "perforation", but the diagnosis to me as a patient is that it's suspected to be Appendicitis. I am scheduled for surgery. It can be anytime, the MO or staff nurse replies whenever I enquire for the rest of latter half of the day. I remian calm and philosophic -- and family members, and a couple of close friends who visit, all take it in stride, with their own prayers. Yes, most of my circle of mates and buddies are God-fearing people.
Day 4
Just about 30 minutes past midnight, the staff nurse says I am next for operation. Just one SMS to my BIL about the surgery, and in less than 30mniutes, I am wheeled onto a stretchered-bed into OT (Operation Theatre), bright lights flashing, all eerily clean and quiet except for the soothing presence several nurses and an MO (is he the anaesthesist, I wonder?)
I am asked my official name -- Yes, I am Choong Yen Loong -- I consent to the Op? Yes, I sign on the dotted line. There is advice I would be put on anaesthesia (Is it chorolform?) -- I say Yes, maybe nodding my head as affirmation that my faculties are totally in my control for rational decison-making. I believe I was saying some prayer as I go into NOTHINGNESS ... It's not even like sleep, because you get periods of consciously and interruptions of dream and half-consciousness.
This is TOTAL NOTHINGNESS. Second experience in my life. (Old episode I may keep for another day if you treat Desi well enough, OK!)
I open my eyes at about 6.00am. I check my Handphone for the exact time.Family members statethat I was wheeled out of the OT at 4am -- this means the Op lasted three hours. I was totally unconscious for solid five hours until I open my eyes at the break of dawn of another blessed day on Mother Earth.
I am encouraged to drink lots of water. Since I am on painkillers intra-venously, I feel comfortable in bed, advised to rest as much as possible. I feel weak, but the pain is gone except when I move and feel "nausea" accompainied by the urge to cough.
Then a funny routine takes place.Nurse B gives me a toy-like gadget which contains three coloured balls in three connected parallel tubes, and as I am asked to breathe in and out "deeply" via a connecter-tube.
Theoretically, with suction, there will be vacuum created and the red ball will be the first to rise. Followed by the second yellow ball, and eureka! the third green ball if all is well. This is obviously a lung exercise to get me back on normal breathing mode.
I take a deep breath in and blow hard into connecter-tube. NO ball rising. I repeat a few times -- the three different coloured seem to mcok me by staying put at the bottom of the tube.
Then a friendly docor R smiles in my direction, says "Kawan, try sucking in and not blowing out into the tube."
So I obey like a kindie kid -- two balls rise. I have been blowing in the opposite direction. (I believe out of the corner of my eyes I saw some MO's and trainees' "coy" smiles at Desi's expense, but they did not now any better!)
Day 5:
I am allowed to take in "fluids" only, so family restrict me to hot drinks only. I long for iced Orange or Apple or A&W Rut Bir! But it's a choice between Mil0 3-in-1, Nescafe and Teh-tarik 3-in-1. I want something sweet. That first cup of MILO tastes heavenly -- better than all the best cocktail of beverages one can get anywhere. Believe me -- "heavenly" because after a human has been just given H20 for three consecutive days, your first sweetened drink borders on getting a marijuana high. (YL is using this metaphor based on a newshound's reading, I have never tried ganja or any stuff close to marjuana, swear by Scout's honour:)
I get regular bouts of nausea, and this puts me in a dilemma because every time I drink more water (as encouraged), the nausea would come, impacting on the operated areas, hence followed by the intense pain. I report to the mnedical staff that I do not reach the stage of "vomitting" though the feelings/urges are there. (I did not realise the "significance" when the doctors on ward rounds always check if I am urinating, passing motion and "feel like vomitting".
When my food menu is upgraded in the evening to "nutritious liquids", a huge smile must have spiced up my face as I gulp down the much awaited iced barley water and apple juice. Two glasses of the best fruit juices top the best whisky in the world (That's hyperbole and figuratively speaking because I can't down any liquor and do not know how whisky tastes like though I see my businesssmen-mates must enjoy it better than sex when they challenge each other to down glass after glass at that 8-course dinner.)
All this while, I cleanse my body with a piece of towel wet with water in a basin several times a day. It's easily done as I wear just a "sarong" (wrongly tied up, so if it's a dead knot, so what? I have built up a repute for being "knotty".)
At about 5pm, the brealthrough arriveth! I finally go beyond the urge to vomit to actually spit out the VOMIT -- in the form of jelly-looking, weed-like black mass. RELIEF. RELIEF. RELIEF as the whole body seems to be rid of a hole coagulated big black blob of all the wastes of the past few days.
One minute feeling pain as I move in bed, the next minute the pain does not come anymore. I take the first bold step of climbing out of bed onto seating myself in the steel chair with arm-rest.RELIEF. RELIEF. RELIEF.
As night-falls, as I report the first "faeces" plotting to come out, the tubes to enable urination and passing motion are removed. I can move myself about and sit comfortably for long periods in my chair, facing the evening breeze that blows from the outside overlooking the main roading leading OUT of the hospital compound.
CONTINUED on Tuesday July 24, 2007--Desi
Day 6
Food is graduated to "soft foods" this morning. A sandwich plus hot tea. Followed by iced apple juice for BF. (NO<,not CON BF, that can wait until sext Sundae!:)
Lunch consists of porridge; spiced with curry fish, half body portion. (Humble "Tawkey" vege tinged with curry never tasted as sweet in my life. I swear I won't look down on such veges from now on ... in fact, I believe I'm now half-a-vegetarian when I was mostly a carnvore last week and eon years back...)
I now go to the washroom by myself and the stools starting with being "watery" become more solid, a good sign. Urination also comes without any pain. The only time brother Pain visits when I get the occasional cough, partially due to some remaining nausea (remember I still get intravenous pain-killers...).
The nigh round doctor is happy with my progress, says if everything goes as smoothly, I should be discharged in a day or two. Sweetest message to reach YL's ears for a long time.
Day 7
My menu progresses to "solids". So a heart BF of curry puff, two hrad-boiled egg and coffee and a slice of honey dew fruit. All gulped down with gusto except for the egss -- too hard, and without sauce and pepper -- that's like eating lamb chop without coleslaw and mint sauce, No?
I feel "uncomfortable" wearing the stockings (since Day 2 I think...); so stealthily I removed them without asking official permission, and I can see the disapproving look on my trained-as-a-nurse Sis' face. I mumble it's just common sense; I can ease the blood flow by pressing the soles of the feet against the bed railings (a sort of reflexology, yes?)
I walk about lots; do deep breathing exercises, could shoot the three balls up (hey, Eureka! touching Green wtith just half an effort! A few pats to myself. Helps the blood flow too.
That night the surgeon (normally does his rounds at about 8-9pm) asks me about my ability to walk about, also any lingering pain, and my "passing motion". I happily report I have beein going to the washroom to ease myself four to five times the past half-day; there is no pain anymore excepy when I cough, and my stools are getting back to normal. He checks the blood and temperature readings and pronounce YL fit to be "discharged" the next morning. Excepy I have to undergo one last blood extraction and one more injection of antibiotic (?).
At about 10pm the MO/Staff nurse (?) comes smiling -- she needs one good point in my left arm to put in the needle to extract the blood sample. She chats like a pal and says I may feel some pain as the needles pricks; it's okay, I reassure her. First time fails; second time fails, third time still unlucky, and she seems apologetic as her voice is tinged with some nervousness. After five "unsuccessful" places, I still reassure her: "Don't worry, it's not your fault. It's that I am on the plump (gemuk) side."
"Let me try one last time," switching to my left arm. She asks: If I fail this time, I may have to recommend another treatment, is it okay? I reply naturally: You are the doc, whatever you say. Just buy me a teh-O limau iced! (Half in jest...)
Oh, RELIEF, this time on the MO's face. The last time succeeds. (It's similar to that paradoxical Q oft asked: Why is it the blardy last place you look that you find your missing thing?)
We both say a pretty long GOoD NIGHT...
I think I dreamt of singing with family and friends my olde favourites like Mornin' has broken, Like a bridge o'er troubled water and LET IT BE as I go confidently into the most blessed night; at last reciting from Max Ehrmann's Desiderata:
"Go placidly amid the noise and the haste and remember what peace there may be in silence..."
Day 8:
At 7.30am, I imagine I heard the cock crow; the warm sun rays stream in with the cooling breeze. The bread with choc cream in the middle (I used to pay RM1 for such a bun) goes sailingly smooth with the piping hot kopi-o. Finis in five-to-SE7EN minutes! (Oh, I want a re-fill, but the ward's BF server has moved three beds beyond normal requesting desibelle; further, being a cultured writer, I can't yell after him, can I?)
The next hour is spent settling the dues -- I have only to pay RM123 -- yes, I did NOT leave out any zeroes! -- for SE7EN DAYS and SE7EN NIGHTS of five-star hotel-like treatment and service. What more can a patient Malaysian ask for. You tell me your chronicle while I bid my ward mate -- in after a fall, and he has asked for an extended two days' stay in hospital because he's covered by Insurance:) I can understand why you wish to stay back -- the wonderful service and awe -- Mr Wong Fatt Yu (means 'expand or promote' "friendship")as we promise we'll catchUP one day soon.
I head for Home, Sweet, Home.
CSM for Tony Pua because he dareth ask...
This is another Community Service Message: I do this for Causes I also beleivein promoting, and to collect Brownie points-lah:)
From the desk of up-and-coming DAP politician Tony Pua, also a Blogger:
"Hi guys,
Yes, the DAP is holding another forum. But this time, it is certainly an issue of utmost importance for the future of our country. First, Najib has unilaterally declared Malaysia an Islamic State and second, all debate on the issue in the Media by all parties, including BN component parties has been officially banned. These actions are a direct affront to 2 critical principles enshrined in our constitutions - its secular nature, and freedom of expression.
In essence, we have be denied our rights to discuss the future direction of this country of ours. Hence, once again, i hope that you will be able to put up the details of the forum below on your blogs, and to forward this mail to our friends, family and colleagues. We hope for a strong turnout to demonstrate our resolve in protecting our Merdeka Constitution.
Alternatively, you can visit my blog post on the forum -
No Debate on Islamic State?
As reported by Bernama, the Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak proclaimed on 16th July that "we have never, never been secular... we are an Islamic state."
Subsequently, as reported in Malaysiakini, the Internal Security Ministry has confirmed that they have given a directive to all mainstream media not to publish any news on the issue of Malaysia being an Islamic state.
Publications Control & Al-Quran Texts Unit senior officer Che Din Yusof said, "Yes, we have given the directive to all mainstream newspapers. Islam is a sensitive issue. They cannot publish any news on whether the country is secular or Islam."
However, he said newpapers can still publish statements from Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and his deputy Najib Abdul Razak on the country being an Islamic state.
Reaction from political parties and the public cannot be published especially the negative reactions,he said.
In light of the seriousness of the above two major development on a 'democratic', multi-racial and multi-cultural Malaysia, and the reluctance of other BN component parties to pick up the gauntlet, the DAP is organising a public forum to discuss the above issues:
Panel of Distinguished Speakers
Lim Kit Siang, Parliamentary Opposition Leader
Ambiga Sreenevasan, Malaysia Bar Council President
Malik Imtiaz, Human Rights Lawyer
Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, PKR Treasurer
Rev Dr Hermen Shastri, General Secretary, Council of Churches*
Lim Guan Eng, Secretary-General to DAP
* To be confirmed
Venue: KL & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall
Date: 25th July 2007 (Wednesday)
Time: 7.30 pm
If you feel strongly about the above issues, please bring friends and turn up in full force! Please forward this post to all concerned parties."
I will be hovering around in spirirt. -- Desi:)
From the desk of up-and-coming DAP politician Tony Pua, also a Blogger:
"Hi guys,
Yes, the DAP is holding another forum. But this time, it is certainly an issue of utmost importance for the future of our country. First, Najib has unilaterally declared Malaysia an Islamic State and second, all debate on the issue in the Media by all parties, including BN component parties has been officially banned. These actions are a direct affront to 2 critical principles enshrined in our constitutions - its secular nature, and freedom of expression.
In essence, we have be denied our rights to discuss the future direction of this country of ours. Hence, once again, i hope that you will be able to put up the details of the forum below on your blogs, and to forward this mail to our friends, family and colleagues. We hope for a strong turnout to demonstrate our resolve in protecting our Merdeka Constitution.
Alternatively, you can visit my blog post on the forum -
No Debate on Islamic State?
As reported by Bernama, the Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak proclaimed on 16th July that "we have never, never been secular... we are an Islamic state."
Subsequently, as reported in Malaysiakini, the Internal Security Ministry has confirmed that they have given a directive to all mainstream media not to publish any news on the issue of Malaysia being an Islamic state.
Publications Control & Al-Quran Texts Unit senior officer Che Din Yusof said, "Yes, we have given the directive to all mainstream newspapers. Islam is a sensitive issue. They cannot publish any news on whether the country is secular or Islam."
However, he said newpapers can still publish statements from Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and his deputy Najib Abdul Razak on the country being an Islamic state.
Reaction from political parties and the public cannot be published especially the negative reactions,he said.
In light of the seriousness of the above two major development on a 'democratic', multi-racial and multi-cultural Malaysia, and the reluctance of other BN component parties to pick up the gauntlet, the DAP is organising a public forum to discuss the above issues:
Panel of Distinguished Speakers
Lim Kit Siang, Parliamentary Opposition Leader
Ambiga Sreenevasan, Malaysia Bar Council President
Malik Imtiaz, Human Rights Lawyer
Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, PKR Treasurer
Rev Dr Hermen Shastri, General Secretary, Council of Churches*
Lim Guan Eng, Secretary-General to DAP
* To be confirmed
Venue: KL & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall
Date: 25th July 2007 (Wednesday)
Time: 7.30 pm
If you feel strongly about the above issues, please bring friends and turn up in full force! Please forward this post to all concerned parties."
I will be hovering around in spirirt. -- Desi:)
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
May BN wakil rakyat live in interesting times!
For those feeling low and lost because the damn'd leaders you elected about four years ago just have eyes but do not see;
have ears but do not hear;
have brains but the owners could not find.
Join DESIDERATA in this chorus:
Now, some of my dear ER may ask Desi: Why do I wish only a sub-set of Malaysians that they live in interesting times? Be patient as Ms P is also virtuous, let's leave the best part till the ***lust!
Malaysians at large live in challenging and uncertain times. Lots of woes at personal, community and state and national levels. But the ship seems to be sailing withOOUCH a kepten!
There's lots of baggage at the LOST & FOUND department. KLIA. Parliament House. State Assemblies.
Especially at the Dewan Undangan Negeri NS. Where Wakil Rakyat elected on the Rocket ticket jumped ship to the Dacing...Kacing, kacing, kacing! We deal in USD, not RM or Rupiahs. You want names? How about Tiger Lee, Khoo Seng Hock, Lim Fui Meng ... Well, art thou surprised? Not Desi, for they have a taiko with MP status for decades but NO PUSAT SERBIS ala-Michael Chong to show!
Who's sext?
I have a list pending ...You wanna a peep, write me that check in USD. My fool name is ... and my PB bank AC no. is .... Hey, let's meet under the Rasah bridge tonight, K!
So you have a problem/masalah, first pit stop is MCA Headquarters, izzit?
But this office is tainted with a Chinese daily reportedly carrying articles calling tre top dog a "King of Alongs".
So meantime, should he be left in this self assumed domain of being a sort of ombudsman, notwithstding a Tan Si Lee LT, flagged off by Pieces on the Hill as an iconic model for Young&Articulates. I almost died laffing or choking on my non-CON BF when I heard it from the horse's mouth. Don't believe me? Ask brudder Nathaniel Tan.
Isn't better for him to just LET IT BE till his NS days of glory elevate his status to the ultimate TUN-ship? And for the lesser ombudsman, from Datuk to nyet another Tan Si...
There are too many suts to wear and display -- I think Malaysians at large would be happy to help dispose of some clothings? Any sheepskin out dare? Or wolves' ...?
"Disposed of"...nice connotations nowadays. C4; SeiFour ...hmm, been seeing too many espionage -- damn those Americano cultural colonialists! -- movies lately to recuperate.
These pesky media have lately been reporting too much hanky panky with do-gooders nowadays, and you think they don't expect something in return?This latter part of the sentence in a Q form is addressed to no one in particular, Okay!
Even in certain churches, as recently blogged by knotty Desi just days ago, the "pastor" will do a song&dance, emphasising many times during a service that the flock should give generously of their tithes ... Brownie points remember? Also tighten those breasts acting according to the physical law of gravity; firm those buttocks with a few slaps by pastoral hands ... in the steal of the night?
I'm writing such potentially fire, brimstone and hellA suff on a Sunday, and I still can't have my CON BF! Damn, damn dammed ... this mouth.
I was once mising with a crowd/cloud where one mate's pastor was always reminding of a good disciple's duty -- SO THAT THE PASTOR&FAMILY CAN GO FOR AN ANNUAL HOLIDAY OVERSEAS, at least once a year. So a common feature is DINNER FUNCTONS AT RM300 PER TABLE? (That each church member must sponsor at least one table?)
Can't help but recall that "Poor blighter you, Mr Politician" -- the spitritual head may even chant some prayers ala-bomoh and Mona Fandi stylo? -- and ask thy daughter be left with him alone for the night?
It's common Chinese custom that when someone has done you a favour, you gift the doer an ang-pow.
BIGGER the favour, BIGGER the angpow. It goes without saying.
Are these angpows accounted for?
Or the recipient shepherd has every right to keeping it because it's freely given by the sheep?
Now, Desi may just set up another "DO GOOD" counter. Let me check out my olde buddy Charles Schulz' Peanuts for the rates ...
5sen for a quickkie consultation.
Good place to start.
RM5mil for a politikus' district problem -- like erecting "small" house of four storeys withoouch local planning approvals.
Now dear ER, please do a simple calculation for Desi: How many consults before I get to 20million?
DID I HEAR ONE IPOHlang whisper: You have a problem on Ethics?
Ha, that's a laugh. You tell it to that august House -- after almost 50 years, they are still drafting and huffing and "thinking seriously" about a Code. My DDC was born overnight just on some instigation/motivation by some ER.
Mayhaps I'll set up a Peanuts counter at Parliament lobby where the roof doesn't leak. Other holes mounted on some monkey shoulders leak nah mind. They of BN special breed -- close one eye, even both eyes like Rip van Wrikled -- indeed are born with four legs but are trying to walk on two.
Yang Berhormat, any masalah?
SEXT please!
***LUSTLY, when someone wishes thee "May you live in interesting times!", it's not done out of chilvary or charity.
I don't send such greAting to my fRiends unless I plan to drop that "R" after a betrayal ala Et tu, Brute!
The grathing is to tell the idiotic recipient e.g. BN politikus, can be UMNO, MCA or MIC-key -- that his life might be filled with many negative barriers quite impossible to cross. Like having his small house of a crooked four-storey mansion levelled by the new PKR-government in the following footsteps; like the bank auctioning off his Rolls Royce for which import duties had not been paid; and last, but not least, his daughter running off with an Opposition leader whose guts he (SA) hates, or his fave poodle Alsation being dadah-ed so that the illegal immigrant workers he had sponsored to enter Port du Kelang could walk off with his millions in cash-and-carry valuables like diamonds, Viagra and Tongkat Abang&Adik Ali Baba dan Croni.
to niCe Malaysians. Jest don't wish thy neighbours that they live in interesting times.
have ears but do not hear;
have brains but the owners could not find.
Join DESIDERATA in this chorus:
Now, some of my dear ER may ask Desi: Why do I wish only a sub-set of Malaysians that they live in interesting times? Be patient as Ms P is also virtuous, let's leave the best part till the ***lust!
Malaysians at large live in challenging and uncertain times. Lots of woes at personal, community and state and national levels. But the ship seems to be sailing withOOUCH a kepten!
There's lots of baggage at the LOST & FOUND department. KLIA. Parliament House. State Assemblies.
Especially at the Dewan Undangan Negeri NS. Where Wakil Rakyat elected on the Rocket ticket jumped ship to the Dacing...Kacing, kacing, kacing! We deal in USD, not RM or Rupiahs. You want names? How about Tiger Lee, Khoo Seng Hock, Lim Fui Meng ... Well, art thou surprised? Not Desi, for they have a taiko with MP status for decades but NO PUSAT SERBIS ala-Michael Chong to show!
Who's sext?
I have a list pending ...You wanna a peep, write me that check in USD. My fool name is ... and my PB bank AC no. is .... Hey, let's meet under the Rasah bridge tonight, K!
So you have a problem/masalah, first pit stop is MCA Headquarters, izzit?
But this office is tainted with a Chinese daily reportedly carrying articles calling tre top dog a "King of Alongs".
So meantime, should he be left in this self assumed domain of being a sort of ombudsman, notwithstding a Tan Si Lee LT, flagged off by Pieces on the Hill as an iconic model for Young&Articulates. I almost died laffing or choking on my non-CON BF when I heard it from the horse's mouth. Don't believe me? Ask brudder Nathaniel Tan.
Isn't better for him to just LET IT BE till his NS days of glory elevate his status to the ultimate TUN-ship? And for the lesser ombudsman, from Datuk to nyet another Tan Si...
There are too many suts to wear and display -- I think Malaysians at large would be happy to help dispose of some clothings? Any sheepskin out dare? Or wolves' ...?
"Disposed of"...nice connotations nowadays. C4; SeiFour ...hmm, been seeing too many espionage -- damn those Americano cultural colonialists! -- movies lately to recuperate.
These pesky media have lately been reporting too much hanky panky with do-gooders nowadays, and you think they don't expect something in return?This latter part of the sentence in a Q form is addressed to no one in particular, Okay!
Even in certain churches, as recently blogged by knotty Desi just days ago, the "pastor" will do a song&dance, emphasising many times during a service that the flock should give generously of their tithes ... Brownie points remember? Also tighten those breasts acting according to the physical law of gravity; firm those buttocks with a few slaps by pastoral hands ... in the steal of the night?
I'm writing such potentially fire, brimstone and hellA suff on a Sunday, and I still can't have my CON BF! Damn, damn dammed ... this mouth.
I was once mising with a crowd/cloud where one mate's pastor was always reminding of a good disciple's duty -- SO THAT THE PASTOR&FAMILY CAN GO FOR AN ANNUAL HOLIDAY OVERSEAS, at least once a year. So a common feature is DINNER FUNCTONS AT RM300 PER TABLE? (That each church member must sponsor at least one table?)
Can't help but recall that "Poor blighter you, Mr Politician" -- the spitritual head may even chant some prayers ala-bomoh and Mona Fandi stylo? -- and ask thy daughter be left with him alone for the night?
It's common Chinese custom that when someone has done you a favour, you gift the doer an ang-pow.
BIGGER the favour, BIGGER the angpow. It goes without saying.
Are these angpows accounted for?
Or the recipient shepherd has every right to keeping it because it's freely given by the sheep?
Now, Desi may just set up another "DO GOOD" counter. Let me check out my olde buddy Charles Schulz' Peanuts for the rates ...
5sen for a quickkie consultation.
Good place to start.
RM5mil for a politikus' district problem -- like erecting "small" house of four storeys withoouch local planning approvals.
Now dear ER, please do a simple calculation for Desi: How many consults before I get to 20million?
DID I HEAR ONE IPOHlang whisper: You have a problem on Ethics?
Ha, that's a laugh. You tell it to that august House -- after almost 50 years, they are still drafting and huffing and "thinking seriously" about a Code. My DDC was born overnight just on some instigation/motivation by some ER.
Mayhaps I'll set up a Peanuts counter at Parliament lobby where the roof doesn't leak. Other holes mounted on some monkey shoulders leak nah mind. They of BN special breed -- close one eye, even both eyes like Rip van Wrikled -- indeed are born with four legs but are trying to walk on two.
Yang Berhormat, any masalah?
SEXT please!
***LUSTLY, when someone wishes thee "May you live in interesting times!", it's not done out of chilvary or charity.
I don't send such greAting to my fRiends unless I plan to drop that "R" after a betrayal ala Et tu, Brute!
The grathing is to tell the idiotic recipient e.g. BN politikus, can be UMNO, MCA or MIC-key -- that his life might be filled with many negative barriers quite impossible to cross. Like having his small house of a crooked four-storey mansion levelled by the new PKR-government in the following footsteps; like the bank auctioning off his Rolls Royce for which import duties had not been paid; and last, but not least, his daughter running off with an Opposition leader whose guts he (SA) hates, or his fave poodle Alsation being dadah-ed so that the illegal immigrant workers he had sponsored to enter Port du Kelang could walk off with his millions in cash-and-carry valuables like diamonds, Viagra and Tongkat Abang&Adik Ali Baba dan Croni.
to niCe Malaysians. Jest don't wish thy neighbours that they live in interesting times.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Solomonesque wisdom is required
When I was greeted by The Star frontpage this morning at BF table, the first thought was about Nik Aziz, the wise old man of Kelantan. Dear MB of Kelantan had often impressed mne with his King "Solomon"-like decision-making. SIMPLE solutions to COMPLEX issues. If only we used God's unique gift to man. Mankind. Yes, we are naturally born to be kind, but along te way, the devil swaps our clothings...?
Tuesday July 10, 2007
PM: Find out grouses of those wanting to leave Islam
PUTRAJAYA: The Prime Minister wants the religious authorities to find out the grouses of Muslims who renounce Islam.
Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said he had repeatedly told the religious officers to listen to their problems, to learn why they want to leave the faith, and in the case of converts, why they wish to return to their former religion.
“Find out what they are disappointed with, why a Muslim convert would return to her earlier religion after the death of her husband,” he told newsmen after opening the 18th Conference of International Islamic FIQH Academy here yesterday.
The Prime Minister, who was asked to comment on the spate of court cases involving people seeking to leave the faith, admitted that he did not know why “suddenly these things seem to be coming out one after another.”
He recognised, however, that there was a problem and wanted to know the reasons why Muslims were leaving Islam.
He also said he had not heard of people being tortured at religious rehabilitation centres, and brushed off such claims as wild allegations.
Venturing into a territory I often said "with trepidation", I can tell our PM that an obvious reason (NO NEED-LAH TO PASS THE BUCK!) why Muslims or converts renounce Islam (which is commonly '... in the case of converts, why they wish to return to their former religion') is that one of them had "embraced" the religion out of the compulsory requirement in order for the couple to get married.
That's the belief that when we are in love, LOVE CONQUERS ALL.
It's a quick and practical way to overcome the "religious" barriers -- the non-Muslim embraces Islam in name, not in faith -- so why blame the reluctant convert?
So what's Desi's SIMPLE solution?
Let each and every individual freely choose his/her own religion before he/she enters marriage.
A COMPLEX issue: Yes, in NegaraKu because the authorities do NOT allow Muslims to convert to another faith in order to marry the Other (e.g. to Hinduism, Christianity if the Other is a Hindu or Christrian, respectively). ONE-WAY ONLY ... JALAN seHALA...
_____________ FOOD or FODDER for THOUGHT ________________
What's in a religion or name?
Life and death for Lina Joy, go ask her.
Hella of a fight for equality in treatment, go ask Mr Hell and his son.
Hell's angel barred from
Catholic school
Sydney: Australian Alex Hell claimed a
Melbourne school was living in the Dark Ages
after it turned away his five-yeart-old son
because of his demonic surname.
"It's 2007, not 1407 -- it's not the Dark
Ages," 45-year-old Hell said yesterday after his
local Catholic primary school refused to enrol
young Max.
St Peter the Apostle School headmaster
Michael McGrath admitted he had offered Max
a place on conditionthe boy was regis-
tered in his mother's maiden name of
"The school is working with the family in
the best interests of the child," McGarth told
Australia's AAP news agency.
Austrian-born Hell said he would sooner
move his son to another school than appease
"We are victims of our name.," Hell said, noting
that in German, rather than having a satanic con-
notation, "hell" means "light" or "bright". - dpa
DESI: Blardy hell, just to please my ER, I had to type out in 'long'-hand
the item sighted in theSun July 10, 2007 page 11 under "briefs". Now get me
that cuppa of tehtarik, or get the blardy hell ouch of hear! You Ingrates!
So we learn a li'l about each other as we interact aMore -- Desi can be aggressive,
you know why? Cos many Malaysians enjoy pain -- masochistic every 4-5 years
Voting for the Devil they know (BN-lah, who else?), then soon after complain, complain, complain about the blardry gomen not performing.
So what else is nu'e?
This is new to Desi! "...that in German, rather than having a satanic con-notation, "hell" means "light" or "bright":)
And from the latest Corrditors of Power's closing paragraph from well-read Raja Petra Kamarudin's of July 9, 2007 entry:
Calling someone a Jew or Political animal, it's done in awe!:), says RPK!
Without fear or favour writer!Salute!
"Well, with Tan Sri Dato’ Azman Hashim behind ECM Libra Avenue and Tun Daim Zainuddin, the other Malay Jew, behind Scomi, how can the ‘First Family’ go wrong? We have two of the best Malay financial ‘brains’ in Malaysia helping the ‘First Family’ acquire billions. Of course, this is all done through floating paper and getting their hands on Malaysia’s ‘liquid gold’. Sure, paper, just like a house built from a pack of cards, can collapse and can become worthless, while Malaysia’s oil reserves would eventually run out. But this will not happen that soon and in the meantime, while Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is still able to hold on to his post of Prime Minister, they can all laugh all the way to the bank.
Oh, and before you slam me as a racist for using the term Jew, stand corrected that I use it not in a degrading manner in the same way as when I refer to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad as a ‘political animal’. The term is used in awe rather than in disgust. "
DESI: I am only a messenger for RPK, don't shout at Desi!:( "If you wanna shoot someone, hey, look at that mirror in thy bedroom, that's the right target staring handsomely at thee! Right dare with YOU!:)"
Tuesday July 10, 2007
PM: Find out grouses of those wanting to leave Islam
PUTRAJAYA: The Prime Minister wants the religious authorities to find out the grouses of Muslims who renounce Islam.
Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said he had repeatedly told the religious officers to listen to their problems, to learn why they want to leave the faith, and in the case of converts, why they wish to return to their former religion.
“Find out what they are disappointed with, why a Muslim convert would return to her earlier religion after the death of her husband,” he told newsmen after opening the 18th Conference of International Islamic FIQH Academy here yesterday.
The Prime Minister, who was asked to comment on the spate of court cases involving people seeking to leave the faith, admitted that he did not know why “suddenly these things seem to be coming out one after another.”
He recognised, however, that there was a problem and wanted to know the reasons why Muslims were leaving Islam.
He also said he had not heard of people being tortured at religious rehabilitation centres, and brushed off such claims as wild allegations.
Venturing into a territory I often said "with trepidation", I can tell our PM that an obvious reason (NO NEED-LAH TO PASS THE BUCK!) why Muslims or converts renounce Islam (which is commonly '... in the case of converts, why they wish to return to their former religion') is that one of them had "embraced" the religion out of the compulsory requirement in order for the couple to get married.
That's the belief that when we are in love, LOVE CONQUERS ALL.
It's a quick and practical way to overcome the "religious" barriers -- the non-Muslim embraces Islam in name, not in faith -- so why blame the reluctant convert?
So what's Desi's SIMPLE solution?
Let each and every individual freely choose his/her own religion before he/she enters marriage.
A COMPLEX issue: Yes, in NegaraKu because the authorities do NOT allow Muslims to convert to another faith in order to marry the Other (e.g. to Hinduism, Christianity if the Other is a Hindu or Christrian, respectively). ONE-WAY ONLY ... JALAN seHALA...
_____________ FOOD or FODDER for THOUGHT ________________
What's in a religion or name?
Life and death for Lina Joy, go ask her.
Hella of a fight for equality in treatment, go ask Mr Hell and his son.
Hell's angel barred from
Catholic school
Sydney: Australian Alex Hell claimed a
Melbourne school was living in the Dark Ages
after it turned away his five-yeart-old son
because of his demonic surname.
"It's 2007, not 1407 -- it's not the Dark
Ages," 45-year-old Hell said yesterday after his
local Catholic primary school refused to enrol
young Max.
St Peter the Apostle School headmaster
Michael McGrath admitted he had offered Max
a place on conditionthe boy was regis-
tered in his mother's maiden name of
"The school is working with the family in
the best interests of the child," McGarth told
Australia's AAP news agency.
Austrian-born Hell said he would sooner
move his son to another school than appease
"We are victims of our name.," Hell said, noting
that in German, rather than having a satanic con-
notation, "hell" means "light" or "bright". - dpa
DESI: Blardy hell, just to please my ER, I had to type out in 'long'-hand
the item sighted in theSun July 10, 2007 page 11 under "briefs". Now get me
that cuppa of tehtarik, or get the blardy hell ouch of hear! You Ingrates!
So we learn a li'l about each other as we interact aMore -- Desi can be aggressive,
you know why? Cos many Malaysians enjoy pain -- masochistic every 4-5 years
Voting for the Devil they know (BN-lah, who else?), then soon after complain, complain, complain about the blardry gomen not performing.
So what else is nu'e?
This is new to Desi! "...that in German, rather than having a satanic con-notation, "hell" means "light" or "bright":)
And from the latest Corrditors of Power's closing paragraph from well-read Raja Petra Kamarudin's of July 9, 2007 entry:
Calling someone a Jew or Political animal, it's done in awe!:), says RPK!
Without fear or favour writer!Salute!
"Well, with Tan Sri Dato’ Azman Hashim behind ECM Libra Avenue and Tun Daim Zainuddin, the other Malay Jew, behind Scomi, how can the ‘First Family’ go wrong? We have two of the best Malay financial ‘brains’ in Malaysia helping the ‘First Family’ acquire billions. Of course, this is all done through floating paper and getting their hands on Malaysia’s ‘liquid gold’. Sure, paper, just like a house built from a pack of cards, can collapse and can become worthless, while Malaysia’s oil reserves would eventually run out. But this will not happen that soon and in the meantime, while Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is still able to hold on to his post of Prime Minister, they can all laugh all the way to the bank.
Oh, and before you slam me as a racist for using the term Jew, stand corrected that I use it not in a degrading manner in the same way as when I refer to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad as a ‘political animal’. The term is used in awe rather than in disgust. "
DESI: I am only a messenger for RPK, don't shout at Desi!:( "If you wanna shoot someone, hey, look at that mirror in thy bedroom, that's the right target staring handsomely at thee! Right dare with YOU!:)"
Monday, July 09, 2007
CSM cos Eli dareth ask ...
Pls forward to anyone interested in this workshop. To reserve a spot and any enquiries, please contact Faisal at 019-2232002.
Workshop on Election Reporting for Journalists and Bloggers
Date: 15 July 2007
Place: Crystal Crown, Petaling Jaya
0900 - 0930 am Registration
0930 - 0945 am Opening Remark
0945 - 1000 am Section I: Newsworthiness in Election Reporting: What in store if the PM dissolves the Parliament today? Presenter: Mr. Liew Chin Tong (REFSA/Bersih secretariat)
1000 - 1100 pm Section II - Trend in Electoral Reporting: Past Record and Future Prospect
Presenter: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anuar K. Mustafa (USM)
1100 - 1115 am Tea break
1115 am - 100 pm Section III: Meaning in Electoral Reporting: Why we may have Elections without DemocracyPresenter: Mr. Wong Chin Huat (IKMAS, UKM / WAMI)
100 - 200 pm Lunch
200 - 430pm Workshop 1-6: What and How to inform the citizenry about/in the event of ......
+Political Debates and Mudslinging - real v pseudo issues, negative campaigning
+Civil Society and Citizen in Elections
+Polling Irregularities - phantom voters, exclusion/transfer of voters, missing ballots
+Campaigning Irregularities - intimidation, vote-buying (with private money)
+Administrative Neutrality - vote-buying (with state funds and policies), caretaker government
+Electoral System - gerrymandering, mal-apportionment and disproportionality
Coordinator: Faisal Mustaffa (BERSIH secretariat)
430 - 500 pm Wrap-up session
Coordinator: Ms Gayathry V. (CIJ)
500 pm Tea break
Further Details:
Organizer: Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (BERSIH)
(a) To enhance professionalism, depth and reflectivity in election reporting amongst professional and amateurish journalists;
(b) To promote free and fair elections in the citizenry via quality election reporting
Participation: by invitation, free of charge
Target Participants: Journalists, Bloggers, Media/Journalism Students
Any enquiries, please contact 019-2232002
Now, dear Faisal and Eli, where's the mandatory, like voting!, tehtarik?
Workshop on Election Reporting for Journalists and Bloggers
Date: 15 July 2007
Place: Crystal Crown, Petaling Jaya
0900 - 0930 am Registration
0930 - 0945 am Opening Remark
0945 - 1000 am Section I: Newsworthiness in Election Reporting: What in store if the PM dissolves the Parliament today? Presenter: Mr. Liew Chin Tong (REFSA/Bersih secretariat)
1000 - 1100 pm Section II - Trend in Electoral Reporting: Past Record and Future Prospect
Presenter: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anuar K. Mustafa (USM)
1100 - 1115 am Tea break
1115 am - 100 pm Section III: Meaning in Electoral Reporting: Why we may have Elections without DemocracyPresenter: Mr. Wong Chin Huat (IKMAS, UKM / WAMI)
100 - 200 pm Lunch
200 - 430pm Workshop 1-6: What and How to inform the citizenry about/in the event of ......
+Political Debates and Mudslinging - real v pseudo issues, negative campaigning
+Civil Society and Citizen in Elections
+Polling Irregularities - phantom voters, exclusion/transfer of voters, missing ballots
+Campaigning Irregularities - intimidation, vote-buying (with private money)
+Administrative Neutrality - vote-buying (with state funds and policies), caretaker government
+Electoral System - gerrymandering, mal-apportionment and disproportionality
Coordinator: Faisal Mustaffa (BERSIH secretariat)
430 - 500 pm Wrap-up session
Coordinator: Ms Gayathry V. (CIJ)
500 pm Tea break
Further Details:
Organizer: Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (BERSIH)
(a) To enhance professionalism, depth and reflectivity in election reporting amongst professional and amateurish journalists;
(b) To promote free and fair elections in the citizenry via quality election reporting
Participation: by invitation, free of charge
Target Participants: Journalists, Bloggers, Media/Journalism Students
Any enquiries, please contact 019-2232002
Now, dear Faisal and Eli, where's the mandatory, like voting!, tehtarik?
If pigs could fly...
If there was someone who is not qualified to criticise Tian Chua for his artistic spoof, it's the keris-waving politician who created fear and tried to incite mayhem and discord at the UMNO Youth General Assembly!
And his imagination (plus The Star too?) grows richer and richer by the next comment, to wit (Desi's comments within brackets in italics, thus) ~~~
From The Star,
Monday July 9, 2007
Hisham: Punish Tian Chua to stop such acts
KUALA LUMPUR: Umno Youth is concerned that if Tian Chua’s act of doctoring a photograph that implicated the Deputy Prime Minister is not stopped, more people will go overboard in their actions in the name of “freedom and democracy.”
Its chief, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein, said if the authorities did not reprimand the Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) information chief, this would mean his deed had been legitimised. (Desi: who decides it was not legal in the frst place? Education Minister or UMNO Youth leader?)
“Such a deed will then be accepted as a culture and practice in the country,” he said on the doctored photograph posted in Tian Chua’s blog that depicted Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda and a look-alike of Altantuya Shaariibuu at the same table. (Desi: wrt to "political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda and a look-alike of Altantuya Shaariibuu", it is Hisham's own inference for it was never stated in Tian Chua's artpiece about the identities of the dinner companions of Najib TR...)
Abdul Razak is one of three people accused in the murder of Altantuya, a Mongolian translator.
“The day might come when they use transparency and freedom as an excuse to insult the Prophet Muhammad, just as what has happened in the West. (Desi: Rich imagination by Hisham, incitement to cause mayhem like at the UMNO Youth Assembly? Dangerous ground you're treadinmg into, Mr Education Minister! )
“This is how it starts so we need to curb it. I am not equating the Prophet to our leaders but if the act is not stopped, it will become a norm,” he said in reference to caricatures of Prophet Muhammad carried by a Danish newspaper that led to an worldwide protests by Muslims. (Desi: Where's the relevance of this point or extrapulation. And to The Star, EWdtor, did you bother to ask of the Education Minister the relevance? Othervice, you are accomplice to such fanciful extrapolation!)
Speaking at the opening of the Gombak Umno Youth divisional meeting yesterday, he said that Tian Chua’s action and that of PKR advisor Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim who defended him, showed their true character.
Umno Youth deputy chief Khairy Jamaluddin said the act by Tian Chua was to distract attention from the party’s weaknesses.
“His refusal to apologise, although it is slanderous, shows that he is rude and arrogant. Stupid people don’t know how to say sorry because they do not understand the meaning. (Desi: so now you act as judge, jury and executioner as to what's 'slander', Mr SIL? Did you also not wield a keris to show your mettle, and enhancing your Chief's politics of fear?)
“We will show them in the next general election. We will bury PKR and make sure there is no place for Tian Chua or other PKR leaders,” he said at the Bukit Bintang Umno Youth divisional meeting yesterday.
Meanwhile, Tian Chua insisted there was nothing for him to say sorry for.
“No one has told me exactly what I have done wrong. If the authorities think I have committed a crime, they should investigate me,” he said.
DESI: If these two UMNO Youth leaders are to set the standards of what constitutes ethical and credible behaviour, I weep for NegaraKU soon to celebrate its 50th birthday.
Accompanied by MCA counterparts like Yew Teong Look and Ling Hee Leong (expyre-d youngest billionaire-at-27 now trying his luck again preaching his Eat, Drink and Be Merry politics, I am very afraid for the Younger Generation.
If these BN leaders could wipe out PKR by their antics and more saleable politics, then their ***3Cs politics has succeeded. I continue to weep for NegaraKu.
Under their thype of leadership, Malaysia wishes to achieve developed nation status in another 13 years?
If only pigs could fly...
*** Cooperation
** Cooption
* Copulation
__________________ WANNA SEE THE TRUTH? __________________
A satirical poem follows, NOT for People who have eyes,
but do not see: ~~ Desi
If Truth Be Told
In a land not far, far away
So near you hear its heartbeat every day
Once the minister of television declared
“We’ll manufacture a local series to outclass Dallas!”
After decades and much murky water
Had flowed under the Bridge of Scandals
Leaders continue to exhort of the populace:
Don’t watch blue movies or VCDs, it’s a social evil.
Meanwhile, they yumseng till the break of dawn
And under the cover of darkness chieftains plundered
Yet others plucked the flowers
Off under-aged virgin girls.
Politicians and court jesters are so creative
This land needs no fiction writers
‘Stead of soap operas, TV offers wayang and sandiwara
Their juiciness surpassing the Collins’ wildest imagination.
There’s the saga of one with millions headed Down Under
Apparently he’d not heard of cheques or Amex
Poor chap – onetime a graduate teacher - he landed up in court
He hardly understood “that darn’d bastard immigration form” in Inggeris.
Then another made a girl full of body
Claimed the fruit was donated by a best friend
Well, in typical Asian cheer, the reluctant host must not decline
The guest’s bosomy generosity in any kind.
Live episodes entertain the people more than Hollywood’s Dynasty
Proving true blue that “Fact is stranger than fiction”
When naked Truth is revealed, sometimes ingenuously concealed,
Of under-cover trails and trysts in KL’s penthouses.
When lesser souls are caught in similar bind with their pants down
In cheap lodging houses, or even just holding hands in public parks
They charge the poor blighters with khalwat (close proximity)
While upper classes continue to frolic with impunity cum immunity.
And his imagination (plus The Star too?) grows richer and richer by the next comment, to wit (Desi's comments within brackets in italics, thus) ~~~
From The Star,
Monday July 9, 2007
Hisham: Punish Tian Chua to stop such acts
KUALA LUMPUR: Umno Youth is concerned that if Tian Chua’s act of doctoring a photograph that implicated the Deputy Prime Minister is not stopped, more people will go overboard in their actions in the name of “freedom and democracy.”
Its chief, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein, said if the authorities did not reprimand the Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) information chief, this would mean his deed had been legitimised. (Desi: who decides it was not legal in the frst place? Education Minister or UMNO Youth leader?)
“Such a deed will then be accepted as a culture and practice in the country,” he said on the doctored photograph posted in Tian Chua’s blog that depicted Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda and a look-alike of Altantuya Shaariibuu at the same table. (Desi: wrt to "political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda and a look-alike of Altantuya Shaariibuu", it is Hisham's own inference for it was never stated in Tian Chua's artpiece about the identities of the dinner companions of Najib TR...)
Abdul Razak is one of three people accused in the murder of Altantuya, a Mongolian translator.
“The day might come when they use transparency and freedom as an excuse to insult the Prophet Muhammad, just as what has happened in the West. (Desi: Rich imagination by Hisham, incitement to cause mayhem like at the UMNO Youth Assembly? Dangerous ground you're treadinmg into, Mr Education Minister! )
“This is how it starts so we need to curb it. I am not equating the Prophet to our leaders but if the act is not stopped, it will become a norm,” he said in reference to caricatures of Prophet Muhammad carried by a Danish newspaper that led to an worldwide protests by Muslims. (Desi: Where's the relevance of this point or extrapulation. And to The Star, EWdtor, did you bother to ask of the Education Minister the relevance? Othervice, you are accomplice to such fanciful extrapolation!)
Speaking at the opening of the Gombak Umno Youth divisional meeting yesterday, he said that Tian Chua’s action and that of PKR advisor Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim who defended him, showed their true character.
Umno Youth deputy chief Khairy Jamaluddin said the act by Tian Chua was to distract attention from the party’s weaknesses.
“His refusal to apologise, although it is slanderous, shows that he is rude and arrogant. Stupid people don’t know how to say sorry because they do not understand the meaning. (Desi: so now you act as judge, jury and executioner as to what's 'slander', Mr SIL? Did you also not wield a keris to show your mettle, and enhancing your Chief's politics of fear?)
“We will show them in the next general election. We will bury PKR and make sure there is no place for Tian Chua or other PKR leaders,” he said at the Bukit Bintang Umno Youth divisional meeting yesterday.
Meanwhile, Tian Chua insisted there was nothing for him to say sorry for.
“No one has told me exactly what I have done wrong. If the authorities think I have committed a crime, they should investigate me,” he said.
DESI: If these two UMNO Youth leaders are to set the standards of what constitutes ethical and credible behaviour, I weep for NegaraKU soon to celebrate its 50th birthday.
Accompanied by MCA counterparts like Yew Teong Look and Ling Hee Leong (expyre-d youngest billionaire-at-27 now trying his luck again preaching his Eat, Drink and Be Merry politics, I am very afraid for the Younger Generation.
If these BN leaders could wipe out PKR by their antics and more saleable politics, then their ***3Cs politics has succeeded. I continue to weep for NegaraKu.
Under their thype of leadership, Malaysia wishes to achieve developed nation status in another 13 years?
If only pigs could fly...
*** Cooperation
** Cooption
* Copulation
__________________ WANNA SEE THE TRUTH? __________________
A satirical poem follows, NOT for People who have eyes,
but do not see: ~~ Desi
If Truth Be Told
In a land not far, far away
So near you hear its heartbeat every day
Once the minister of television declared
“We’ll manufacture a local series to outclass Dallas!”
After decades and much murky water
Had flowed under the Bridge of Scandals
Leaders continue to exhort of the populace:
Don’t watch blue movies or VCDs, it’s a social evil.
Meanwhile, they yumseng till the break of dawn
And under the cover of darkness chieftains plundered
Yet others plucked the flowers
Off under-aged virgin girls.
Politicians and court jesters are so creative
This land needs no fiction writers
‘Stead of soap operas, TV offers wayang and sandiwara
Their juiciness surpassing the Collins’ wildest imagination.
There’s the saga of one with millions headed Down Under
Apparently he’d not heard of cheques or Amex
Poor chap – onetime a graduate teacher - he landed up in court
He hardly understood “that darn’d bastard immigration form” in Inggeris.
Then another made a girl full of body
Claimed the fruit was donated by a best friend
Well, in typical Asian cheer, the reluctant host must not decline
The guest’s bosomy generosity in any kind.
Live episodes entertain the people more than Hollywood’s Dynasty
Proving true blue that “Fact is stranger than fiction”
When naked Truth is revealed, sometimes ingenuously concealed,
Of under-cover trails and trysts in KL’s penthouses.
When lesser souls are caught in similar bind with their pants down
In cheap lodging houses, or even just holding hands in public parks
They charge the poor blighters with khalwat (close proximity)
While upper classes continue to frolic with impunity cum immunity.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Or should it be OUTAGE?
With some segment of Malaysians, their minds empty out selectively.
That's when it, the mind, suffers from an outage because it has been occupied with loads of garbage and overflowing with Ringgit, Dollar and Renminbi. Some of these blinkered minds are, on close inspection, so shallow that even my niece and nephew at primary school shows better IQ outputs. Check out if my dear EsteemedReaders agree.
MCA's YEW TEONG LOOK's one seemingly uprighteous politikus (to be distinquished from fellow Blogger host at her new abode showing his Outrage. Wow, what courage indeed, but Desi sometimes wonders he has been asleep the past 12 months somewhere in Timbuktwo? Could not see what's happening in the royal town of Port Klang and the cowboy town of Johor Bharu.
From the NST, page 9:
Politician’s use of fake photograph ‘disgraceful’
KUALA LUMPUR: Tian Chua is under fire for refusing to apologise over a fake photograph of Datuk Seri Najib Razak, political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda and an Altantuya Shariibuu lookalike dining together.
Politicians want the Parti Keadilan Rakyat information chief to apologise for using the "doctored" photograph showing Najib and the others together.
Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin said Tian Chua had no excuses for publishing the photograph on his web blog.
"What he claims is art or humour is not only in bad taste but also offends the sensibilities of every rational Malaysian."
He said Tian Chua’s actions were disgraceful and an example of dirty tactics used by the opposition party.
Tian Chua had admitted to superimposing the pictures but claimed that it was a work of art for use in his own private space.
He also refused to apologise or retract the photograph.
Federal Territories Ministry parliamentary secretary Yew Teong Look said the photograph proved that Tian Chua had failed as a politician.
"Politicians need to lead by example and Tian Chua’s actions are not exemplary (in this respect). Don’t talk about politics. Even on moral grounds, it wasn’t the right thing to do," he said.
This was echoed by Suhakam human rights commissioner Datuk N. Siva Subramaniam who said it was not Tian Chua’s right to show disrespect to Najib.
"His actions have nothing to do with human rights. It’s an issue of respect. Regardless of one’s political leaning, respect should be given to the leadership, more so the office of deputy prime minister."
Siva Subramaniam was also worried that Tian Chua’s actions might mislead some people into thinking that the photograph was real. This could result in the people not trusting the administration, he added.
Putera Umno chief Datuk Abdul Azeez Abdul Ibrahim urged Tian Chua to apologise for his actions.
"He should apologise, admit his mistake. What he has done is an insult to our national leaders and Umno. It must not be tolerated."
Okay, for those still not in the know, here's Tian Chua's mistresspiece which is trying to challenge Desi's Midnight Voices cover design for 20million. Judging by the desibelles raised in public domain in terms of hits and voices raised,including from these "righteous" BN politikus, I guess I am trailing far behind the PKR Information Chief.
Photo reprised from the original author's album "French Dinner for Three", July 4 entry.
To Desi, many politikus from Barisan Nasional have been guilty of worse commissions of outrageous acts, or omissions of duty, but I shan't sing the litany lest I bore my EsteemedReaders and I register zero readership and I will be captain of a ship for one/wan which is not much fun-D!
But Desi has always preached "write with a basis to your claim, show thy RATionale, however mousey!" So Desi can't help but pluck out a few recent examples (stolen or borrowed or plagiarsied from some fellow Bloggers' imagination -- sue me if you care, I don't have much in my bank accounts unlike the few Protagonists mentioned in the news rerport above; my educated guess-lah. No, I'm not privy to their assest or liabilities. But their bases of OUTRAGE? I suspect it's more suitable to term as OUTAGE...It's on public record.
Politikus KJ, Yew TL, Abdul Azeez: where is your OUTRAGE when the following pictures (NO, these are not someone's imagination out of fertile minds or photoshopped creations!) were all over town?
Zakaria Md Deros' small house amidst all the squatters towering mansions in Port Klang.
Squatter houses in Kampong Berembang being demolished in broad daylight, making the developers damned happy that the local council people, for once, were so efficient!
Photo4 (to come, Miss Patience is also Virtuous!:)
A tete-A-tete tea for three!
And springtime in Paree is the bestA for people poetic, where's Desi?
BIG mansions in Kampung Berembang being demolished. Temples too in other parts of Selangor. For being there with no planning approvals -- like Zakaria's small house, it too had no planning approvals, but Zak is a Datuk, and he's a BN politikus, that's the righteous platform he's serving from. So KJ, Yew TL, Azeez, are your God-gifted brains suffering from OUTAGES? Have eyes but eyes no see? See-liau-liau, You Tian Look!
Before some of you start throwing stones, please check if your small houses have glass windows, Okay! -- by Madmonk (?), I believe said this original, and I suspect he also composed another poem for Desi -- THanks -- but too shy to claim credit. Hey, it's okay, I don't ask my guests for their MyKad wan, I only need to see a S-mile from the heart.:)
And when Johor residents marched to the Menteri Besar's residence to protest the growing violent crime rates in the state -- rape, murder, robbery -- did YEW TL show his empathy and OUTRAGE with them? SH*T, one of Yew TL's brethren leaders of ministerial rank even issued an official statement "dissociating" the party from the demonstrators' outrage.
Talk about "disgraceful" behaviour"?
Bad taste?
Yew, you take a look into the mirror ... Oh poor you,
yours is made of gold, can't see your own reflection!
The majority of the people are "silent" most times, but when it comes to showing their OUTRAGE, they gathered in front of Zak's "small house".
They also gathered in front of Ghani Othman's residence.
Where were the MCA, UMNO and MIC big guns?
Where were you Yew TL, and KJ and Azees?
At the nightclubs and K-joints -- Eat, Drink and Be Merry?
Last but not the least, from someone in blogosphere who's in touch with
the pulse of the Rakyat, but not shouting at the top fo their voices
labelling Tian Chua's spoof as "disgraceful" and demanding Apologies left, right and centre cometh, like fresh spring water to calm our nerves and jagged souls~~~~
From nigh a nunnery in the highlands towering above mantin near furong:
For Desi,
So many laws, so many creeds,
No wisdom, the heart bleeds,
Rituals, traditions all importance,
No wisdom, intuitive impotence,
So much hypocrisy, so much bigotry,
No wisdom, the blind's entry,
So much confusion and compulsion,
No wisdom, adherents' revulsion,
So little questioning,
No wisdom, only positioning,
Where are you, my child?
The centre of universe, or in the wild?
You have to listen to your heart,
And your silence shall guide you to your heart,
Listen carefully, my child,
In there, wisdom shall speak, my child,
Be gentle with yourself, be courageous,
Be strong against the outrageous,
The light shall come and guide you,
For there, it is the guiding light for you,
It's there you will learn,
And yearn,
The harmony of the ying,
And the Yang,
It's separateness, an illusion,
Together, there is no delusion,
It's emptiness, they say,
And in emptiness, ying and yang lay,
It's there, you will find harmony and Oneness,
Till eternity in open-ness.
ha,ha..........may you be always happy and healthy, Desi
By Anonymous, at 7:12 PM
DESIDERATA on Sundae, 1.08pm:
This Post was updated from Yesterdae's rendering.
By now, Tian Chua's famous/infamous artwork Dinner for Three ... -- in Paris (?) or in Furong (?) or in Timbucktree (?) -- would have travelled the wrold and back to Kuala Lumpur at least a few times. Must have reaped benefits for VMY2007 if not for any politikus or polytikus.
I also posted up several "Photos" -- you have eyes, yet did NOT see, right?
But many of my reguilar ER discerned, even minus the photos, right?
Yes, most of you know what Desi's writing about. Don't pretend you don't know, unless you have been converted by the *Three Cs of BN politikus?
* Cooperation; Cooption; Copula.... you know, I know-lah --
so well demonstrated recently at Machap and Ijok, Right? Wrong; Leftist.
It set you God-gifted mind thinking, right?
So what's in a photgraph, original or created as an "arty spoof"?
As long as the audience or readers are set to ponder, ah, that's the 'hole point, isn't it. Right?
So my point in leaving those "photos with just captioned references would have conjured in thy fertile minds more or less justified images, so I don't need to insult my ER' intelleigence by taking their hands, andexplaining each bit or byte of what each photo shows.
Likewise, Tian Chua's artistic experiment shows one thing.
There is more ...or aMore ... than meets the eye!
He did not say who the DPM's tea companions were ... and many had jumped to the conclusion it must be Altantuya and Razak Baginda ...
Is the artist responsible for how his readers' mind works? Or conspires? Or is titilated?
Being a lazy, hazy Sundae when I miss'd my CON BF because I overslept due to late night outing, here's C&P from a Komen I left at O Contraio's:
I agree you are indeed asking viewers to see the Truth through the mind on top of seeing through their eyes. I wsih there are more philosophers than politicians among our Malaysian people — then I believe NegaraKu would not be in such a mess. We can do with more soul searching among ourselves so that we can discern beyond the surface message of three people having a French dinner — it’s a tete-A-tete of any combination of three people, enanged in a simple meal, or in the darkest conspiracy that mankind can descend into when certain forces will it; but you are right that “intuition” sometimes works magic in arriving at the truth of the matter more than sighting a photograph showing the easily IDed protagonists because modern technology has enabled more artistic fakery than mere words can conjure.
“They could see what the picture does not show, have people already intuited the truth?” Right dare with you:)!"
DESI: My examples above were jest an experiment rto show that TRUTH can indeed by discernible by readers who see with their mind and their heart -- they do not need proof by photogrpahs alone. It's the public image of the Protagonists involved -- Zakaria M(a)d Deros, The Close-One-Eye and Leaky MPs who would conjure in the minds of the readers the images of Truth about their greed and selfish ways. Nobody need to be present in the Selangor State Assembly or that House of Monkeys in Jalan Parlimen to "know" the truth of their low IQs and their predilection to insult the ordinary citizens.
A "small" house indeed -- four-and-1/2-story high, it can only accomodate 50 people. Yeah, those squatters at Kg Berembang have had BIG mansions with leaky roof and living room-bedroom-kitchen all combined in one, 5-Star Status that even Zakaria would deem too "expensive" to build.
Let's see if our BN politikus can see as The Little Prince:
"On ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux" (It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye).
With some segment of Malaysians, their minds empty out selectively.
That's when it, the mind, suffers from an outage because it has been occupied with loads of garbage and overflowing with Ringgit, Dollar and Renminbi. Some of these blinkered minds are, on close inspection, so shallow that even my niece and nephew at primary school shows better IQ outputs. Check out if my dear EsteemedReaders agree.
MCA's YEW TEONG LOOK's one seemingly uprighteous politikus (to be distinquished from fellow Blogger host at her new abode showing his Outrage. Wow, what courage indeed, but Desi sometimes wonders he has been asleep the past 12 months somewhere in Timbuktwo? Could not see what's happening in the royal town of Port Klang and the cowboy town of Johor Bharu.
From the NST, page 9:
Politician’s use of fake photograph ‘disgraceful’
KUALA LUMPUR: Tian Chua is under fire for refusing to apologise over a fake photograph of Datuk Seri Najib Razak, political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda and an Altantuya Shariibuu lookalike dining together.
Politicians want the Parti Keadilan Rakyat information chief to apologise for using the "doctored" photograph showing Najib and the others together.
Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin said Tian Chua had no excuses for publishing the photograph on his web blog.
"What he claims is art or humour is not only in bad taste but also offends the sensibilities of every rational Malaysian."
He said Tian Chua’s actions were disgraceful and an example of dirty tactics used by the opposition party.
Tian Chua had admitted to superimposing the pictures but claimed that it was a work of art for use in his own private space.
He also refused to apologise or retract the photograph.
Federal Territories Ministry parliamentary secretary Yew Teong Look said the photograph proved that Tian Chua had failed as a politician.
"Politicians need to lead by example and Tian Chua’s actions are not exemplary (in this respect). Don’t talk about politics. Even on moral grounds, it wasn’t the right thing to do," he said.
This was echoed by Suhakam human rights commissioner Datuk N. Siva Subramaniam who said it was not Tian Chua’s right to show disrespect to Najib.
"His actions have nothing to do with human rights. It’s an issue of respect. Regardless of one’s political leaning, respect should be given to the leadership, more so the office of deputy prime minister."
Siva Subramaniam was also worried that Tian Chua’s actions might mislead some people into thinking that the photograph was real. This could result in the people not trusting the administration, he added.
Putera Umno chief Datuk Abdul Azeez Abdul Ibrahim urged Tian Chua to apologise for his actions.
"He should apologise, admit his mistake. What he has done is an insult to our national leaders and Umno. It must not be tolerated."
Okay, for those still not in the know, here's Tian Chua's mistresspiece which is trying to challenge Desi's Midnight Voices cover design for 20million. Judging by the desibelles raised in public domain in terms of hits and voices raised,including from these "righteous" BN politikus, I guess I am trailing far behind the PKR Information Chief.
Photo reprised from the original author's album "French Dinner for Three", July 4 entry.
To Desi, many politikus from Barisan Nasional have been guilty of worse commissions of outrageous acts, or omissions of duty, but I shan't sing the litany lest I bore my EsteemedReaders and I register zero readership and I will be captain of a ship for one/wan which is not much fun-D!
But Desi has always preached "write with a basis to your claim, show thy RATionale, however mousey!" So Desi can't help but pluck out a few recent examples (stolen or borrowed or plagiarsied from some fellow Bloggers' imagination -- sue me if you care, I don't have much in my bank accounts unlike the few Protagonists mentioned in the news rerport above; my educated guess-lah. No, I'm not privy to their assest or liabilities. But their bases of OUTRAGE? I suspect it's more suitable to term as OUTAGE...It's on public record.
Politikus KJ, Yew TL, Abdul Azeez: where is your OUTRAGE when the following pictures (NO, these are not someone's imagination out of fertile minds or photoshopped creations!) were all over town?
Zakaria Md Deros' small house amidst all the squatters towering mansions in Port Klang.
Squatter houses in Kampong Berembang being demolished in broad daylight, making the developers damned happy that the local council people, for once, were so efficient!
Photo4 (to come, Miss Patience is also Virtuous!:)
A tete-A-tete tea for three!
And springtime in Paree is the bestA for people poetic, where's Desi?
BIG mansions in Kampung Berembang being demolished. Temples too in other parts of Selangor. For being there with no planning approvals -- like Zakaria's small house, it too had no planning approvals, but Zak is a Datuk, and he's a BN politikus, that's the righteous platform he's serving from. So KJ, Yew TL, Azeez, are your God-gifted brains suffering from OUTAGES? Have eyes but eyes no see? See-liau-liau, You Tian Look!
Before some of you start throwing stones, please check if your small houses have glass windows, Okay! -- by Madmonk (?), I believe said this original, and I suspect he also composed another poem for Desi -- THanks -- but too shy to claim credit. Hey, it's okay, I don't ask my guests for their MyKad wan, I only need to see a S-mile from the heart.:)
And when Johor residents marched to the Menteri Besar's residence to protest the growing violent crime rates in the state -- rape, murder, robbery -- did YEW TL show his empathy and OUTRAGE with them? SH*T, one of Yew TL's brethren leaders of ministerial rank even issued an official statement "dissociating" the party from the demonstrators' outrage.
Talk about "disgraceful" behaviour"?
Bad taste?
Yew, you take a look into the mirror ... Oh poor you,
yours is made of gold, can't see your own reflection!
The majority of the people are "silent" most times, but when it comes to showing their OUTRAGE, they gathered in front of Zak's "small house".
They also gathered in front of Ghani Othman's residence.
Where were the MCA, UMNO and MIC big guns?
Where were you Yew TL, and KJ and Azees?
At the nightclubs and K-joints -- Eat, Drink and Be Merry?
Last but not the least, from someone in blogosphere who's in touch with
the pulse of the Rakyat, but not shouting at the top fo their voices
labelling Tian Chua's spoof as "disgraceful" and demanding Apologies left, right and centre cometh, like fresh spring water to calm our nerves and jagged souls~~~~
From nigh a nunnery in the highlands towering above mantin near furong:
For Desi,
So many laws, so many creeds,
No wisdom, the heart bleeds,
Rituals, traditions all importance,
No wisdom, intuitive impotence,
So much hypocrisy, so much bigotry,
No wisdom, the blind's entry,
So much confusion and compulsion,
No wisdom, adherents' revulsion,
So little questioning,
No wisdom, only positioning,
Where are you, my child?
The centre of universe, or in the wild?
You have to listen to your heart,
And your silence shall guide you to your heart,
Listen carefully, my child,
In there, wisdom shall speak, my child,
Be gentle with yourself, be courageous,
Be strong against the outrageous,
The light shall come and guide you,
For there, it is the guiding light for you,
It's there you will learn,
And yearn,
The harmony of the ying,
And the Yang,
It's separateness, an illusion,
Together, there is no delusion,
It's emptiness, they say,
And in emptiness, ying and yang lay,
It's there, you will find harmony and Oneness,
Till eternity in open-ness.
ha,ha..........may you be always happy and healthy, Desi
By Anonymous, at 7:12 PM
DESIDERATA on Sundae, 1.08pm:
This Post was updated from Yesterdae's rendering.
By now, Tian Chua's famous/infamous artwork Dinner for Three ... -- in Paris (?) or in Furong (?) or in Timbucktree (?) -- would have travelled the wrold and back to Kuala Lumpur at least a few times. Must have reaped benefits for VMY2007 if not for any politikus or polytikus.
I also posted up several "Photos" -- you have eyes, yet did NOT see, right?
But many of my reguilar ER discerned, even minus the photos, right?
Yes, most of you know what Desi's writing about. Don't pretend you don't know, unless you have been converted by the *Three Cs of BN politikus?
* Cooperation; Cooption; Copula.... you know, I know-lah --
so well demonstrated recently at Machap and Ijok, Right? Wrong; Leftist.
It set you God-gifted mind thinking, right?
So what's in a photgraph, original or created as an "arty spoof"?
As long as the audience or readers are set to ponder, ah, that's the 'hole point, isn't it. Right?
So my point in leaving those "photos with just captioned references would have conjured in thy fertile minds more or less justified images, so I don't need to insult my ER' intelleigence by taking their hands, andexplaining each bit or byte of what each photo shows.
Likewise, Tian Chua's artistic experiment shows one thing.
There is more ...or aMore ... than meets the eye!
He did not say who the DPM's tea companions were ... and many had jumped to the conclusion it must be Altantuya and Razak Baginda ...
Is the artist responsible for how his readers' mind works? Or conspires? Or is titilated?
Being a lazy, hazy Sundae when I miss'd my CON BF because I overslept due to late night outing, here's C&P from a Komen I left at O Contraio's:
I agree you are indeed asking viewers to see the Truth through the mind on top of seeing through their eyes. I wsih there are more philosophers than politicians among our Malaysian people — then I believe NegaraKu would not be in such a mess. We can do with more soul searching among ourselves so that we can discern beyond the surface message of three people having a French dinner — it’s a tete-A-tete of any combination of three people, enanged in a simple meal, or in the darkest conspiracy that mankind can descend into when certain forces will it; but you are right that “intuition” sometimes works magic in arriving at the truth of the matter more than sighting a photograph showing the easily IDed protagonists because modern technology has enabled more artistic fakery than mere words can conjure.
“They could see what the picture does not show, have people already intuited the truth?” Right dare with you:)!"
DESI: My examples above were jest an experiment rto show that TRUTH can indeed by discernible by readers who see with their mind and their heart -- they do not need proof by photogrpahs alone. It's the public image of the Protagonists involved -- Zakaria M(a)d Deros, The Close-One-Eye and Leaky MPs who would conjure in the minds of the readers the images of Truth about their greed and selfish ways. Nobody need to be present in the Selangor State Assembly or that House of Monkeys in Jalan Parlimen to "know" the truth of their low IQs and their predilection to insult the ordinary citizens.
A "small" house indeed -- four-and-1/2-story high, it can only accomodate 50 people. Yeah, those squatters at Kg Berembang have had BIG mansions with leaky roof and living room-bedroom-kitchen all combined in one, 5-Star Status that even Zakaria would deem too "expensive" to build.
Let's see if our BN politikus can see as The Little Prince:
"On ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux" (It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye).
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Desi's First Anthology of Poems


A word that exudes a glow
Most times incorporates the "I luv you"
An Upper in Desi's vocabulary
Embracing and Engaging with bod language
that two souls just met can paint a landscape
where actors dance and writers speak
and everybody feels young and gay
Yes, life's A stage and we awe have parts to play
Except that many bloggers want to have the lust say!
Desi does, that's why he avows he's socialist
Plays socialite, elitist and whate'er you tag him you may
Jest repay with a kind word
Admit we've grown intiMATE ~~ Embrace & Engage
and let not our conversations abAte
From the
intimation Also found in: Wikipedia
in·ti·mate 1 play_w("I0201900") (nt-mt)
adj. 1. Marked by close acquaintance, association, or familiarity. 2. Relating to or indicative of one's deepest nature: intimate prayers. 3. Essential; innermost: the intimate structure of matter. 4. Marked by informality and privacy: an intimate nightclub. 5. Very personal; private: an intimate letter. 6. Of or involved in a sexual relationship.
n. A close friend or confidant. [Latin intimtus, past participle of intimre, to make familiar with; see intimate2.]
inti·mate·ly adv. inti·mate·ness n. in·ti·mate 2 play_w("I0202000") (nt-mt) tr.v. in·ti·mat·ed, in·ti·mat·ing, in·ti·mates
1. To make known subtly and indirectly; hint. See Synonyms at suggest. 2. To announce; proclaim. [Latin intimre, intimt-, to make known, from intimus, innermost; see en in Indo-European roots.] inti·mater n. inti·mation n.
Noun 1. intimation - an indirect suggestion; "not a breath of scandal ever touched her" hint, breath proffer, proposition, suggestion - a proposal offered for acceptance or rejection; "it was a suggestion we couldn't refuse"
2. intimation - a slight suggestion or vague understanding; "he had no inkling what was about to happen" glimmering, inkling, glimmer suggestion - an idea that is suggested; "the picnic was her suggestion"
Writing from the heart
I know I must write first true to my heart's desire.
The desiderata of happiness is to seek the Truth within one's soul
to be able to separate the precious from the banal
to discern the right from wrong
to find meaning and tranquility in the dance of life
While we may stumble, even fall,
we learn the language of overcoming the tests
So we won't lose the rhyme, nor the rhythm
As a quest can end in failure
because of corruption of the soul
by discordant notes and unsound distractions.
I just completed the first and second years' movements.
I am still composing the symphony of Life.
The third movement has just begun.
Do be one of my travelling companions
to be entranced by this common dance of life.
I Rest
I rest
I wait.
Times passes restlessly
You make me wait
My case
INTIMATION4: from BLOGOSPHERE~Beauty and the Beast
Now you want to know aMore INTIMATIONS, wait until tomorrow (May 22) and we'll oblige.
Meanwhile, be a good soul and email
to place a Mail Order at RM15 copy.
BULK PURCHASES at 10 copies or more get a 20% DISCOUNT
e.g. RM120 for TEN copies. Don't say Desi is a Scrooge.
Okay-lah, a Chinoserie Scrooge, not that Shylocky S!:)
UPDATEd May 22, 2007:
(or I Say Amen)
When you play Politics
You must master double speak
And watch out for the nemesis
Lest thou be trodden sick and weak
Linger a while
the opposition will attack you
It's all part of the Game
Linger more than a w'ile
When comrades hug you, kiss you
They honey you
Set thee for The Sting
Then say your prayers
knightly, nightly, frighfully
That thy mother's Angels watch o'er you
I do that too, yes, I do
"O' Lord Almighty, protect me from all evil
The Opposition enemy I can handle
It's the Devil from within I shudder!"
But the *AP is that Archangel in disguise
You saw Him attired in Dunhill shirt and tie
Then in the Steal of the night
They come for you
Chanting the internal Security Act
And a thousand "Amens"
Can't secure you.
A Reluctant Lament in May!
May 13, 1969 -- do we remember?
Countless Malaysians shed their blood
Life's fabric is oft strong, yet tender
Can withstand the elements even in a flood
But man's foul mood, tearing all asunder
I want to make this my motherland
Many of fellow Malaysians chorus in similar trend
But ill mouths and ill minds
They can't see our love
Sight closeted within their racial blinds
Some slog to get by with two jobs
Others born into privilege behave like mobs
Ninety percent of us shed
Blood, sweat and tears
So that the other 10 percent gallivant
in wine, women and bed
They then question our loyalty
Meanwhile they reap the oil royalty
We dutifully pay our taxes
Meanwhile they squander in madness
Monuments are built to meet the sky
They see gods and goddeses on high
Wrapped around karaoke lasses' bosoms
Behold, lo and hi
With our blood, sweat and tears
At the slightest sign of trouble
To safer havens they and lovers flee
Meanwhile they "yam seng!" in glee
They ask: Why art thou overseas?
Come back to serve your Motherland
Meanwhile, they who stay, they smother
Oh Mum's the Word
The majority lament
Why bother?
UPDATed May 25, 2007
Chapter 9 Conclusion
The overall objective of my exercise is to show the special qualities, versatility and advantages of using poetry as a medium of communication, and its effectiveness under special circumstances when prose writing would have been inadequate. The discipline, and careful and the right choice of words has been demonstrated through the samples cited. Poems can be short, and the words used can be simple, as demonstrated by Ehrmann’s works, but yet they achieve their purposes and objectives of sharing the experience and creating deep impressions on us. Indeed, poetry is the most concentrated and condensed form of communication achievable using language as the medium, and as in anything “digestible” like ice-cream or chocolate, often the higher degree of concentration yields a higher degree of enjoyment, and appreciation, and hence a longer period of retention, in the receivers.
9.1 Read Some Poetry
The writer is glad to observe that in the past few years, the Malaysian government has re-emphasised the importance of English in the schools and at university studies, and this indeed augurs well for the nurture and advance of this rich heritage. It is heartening to note that English literature has been incorporated into secondary school syllabuses again, after two decades of absence. From now on, it is hoped that when a teacher quotes from any poems of Shakespeare or Dickinson, he does not receive blank stares (as indeed this writer experienced when tutoring some sixth form students two years ago, and when the opening stanza from Leisure (What is this life if, full of care/ We have no time to stand and stare …) was quoted, it didn’t draw any response in the form of recognition from the students!). It is hoped that this thesis will spur more studies on poetry in the Malaysian education context, beginning at the school level, and continuing at the undergraduate and post-graduate, to promote a rich legacy inherited from the British which in no small measure has contributed to our country’s development and progress since we gained Independence in 1957.
It is even recommended that perhaps the Government might consider requiring that a Form 5 students must score a Credit in the English Language paper, and encourage English Literature as an optional subject, in Form 6 or matriculation studies. English proficiency, and appreciation of poetry in the English language – will not only make Malaysians more competitive internationally, but also enrich our journey in life, reminding us that in the hustle and bustle of the materialistic life, “A poor life this if, full of care/ We have no time to stand and stare” (closing lines from Leisure, by W. H. Davies).
9.2 Toward a Civil Society
Our country aims to become a fully developed, First World nation by 2020 – in materialistic, economic terms, the objective implied by developed nation status can be well defined, as measured in gross domestic product terms and other economic such as per capita figures. But in the intangibles – the character, soul and spirit, and the mindset of the people, that’s where the difficulty lies! We are still far from having attained a mature, civil society. Recently, many quarters, including (then) deputy premier Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, have lamented that while the country can boast of infrastructure that rival the best in First World countries like the US, Britain or Japan. the people’s mindset is still of the Third World. This is evidenced by the people’s general lack of civic consciousness, with daily media reports of common littering, unkempt public toilets and “uncivil” behaviour when motorists take to the highway. Hence, while the country focuses on physical development, the mental and spiritual life of the individual Malaysian must not be neglected.
For Vision 2020 to be achieved in the “holistic” sense, then both physical and economic features, and the soul and character of the nation. must progress in unison and tandem. Poetry has a significant role to play in the “civilisation” process of Malaysians. May the day dawn quickly so that while we proudly trumpet the Petronas Twin Towers as the highest such structure in the world, the citizens can also stand tall in terms of their grace, culture and heritage, displaying First World civic behaviour and tastes.
Malaysians may do well to heed this wise observation from Thoughts on Virtue* by one of history’s great thinkers, Charles Darwin (who propounded the ‘Theory of Evolution’ in his opus, “Origin of Species”):
If I had my life
to live over again,
I would have made a rule
to read some poetry
and listen to some music
at least once a week….
The loss of these tastes
is a loss of happiness,
and may possibly be injurious
to the intellect,
and more probably
to the moral character.
I conclude with Bell’s recall in his Introduction (p.7) to Desiderata that Ehrmann once told an interviewer: “At De Pauw I contracted a disease which I have never shaken off. The disease was idealism. Because of it, I did the thing in life I wanted to do – Writing.”
* The Forbes Leadership Library, "Thoughts on Virtue" Synergy Books International p.65
Or should it be OUTAGE?
With some segment of Malaysians, their minds empty out selectively.
That's when it, the mind, suffers from an outage because it has been occupied with loads of garbage and overflowing with Ringgit, Dollar and Renminbi. Some of these blinkered minds are, on close inspection, so shallow that even my niece and nephew at primary school shows better IQ outputs. Check out if my dear EsteemedReaders agree.
MCA's YEW TEONG LOOK's one seemingly uprighteous politikus (to be distinquished from fellow Blogger host at her new abode showing his Outrage. Wow, what courage indeed, but Desi sometimes wonders he has been asleep the past 12 months somewhere in Timbuktwo? Could not see what's happening in the royal town of Port Klang and the cowboy town of Johor Bharu.
From the NST, page 9:
Politician’s use of fake photograph ‘disgraceful’
KUALA LUMPUR: Tian Chua is under fire for refusing to apologise over a fake photograph of Datuk Seri Najib Razak, political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda and an Altantuya Shariibuu lookalike dining together.
Politicians want the Parti Keadilan Rakyat information chief to apologise for using the "doctored" photograph showing Najib and the others together.
Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin said Tian Chua had no excuses for publishing the photograph on his web blog.
"What he claims is art or humour is not only in bad taste but also offends the sensibilities of every rational Malaysian."
He said Tian Chua’s actions were disgraceful and an example of dirty tactics used by the opposition party.
Tian Chua had admitted to superimposing the pictures but claimed that it was a work of art for use in his own private space.
He also refused to apologise or retract the photograph.
Federal Territories Ministry parliamentary secretary Yew Teong Look said the photograph proved that Tian Chua had failed as a politician.
"Politicians need to lead by example and Tian Chua’s actions are not exemplary (in this respect). Don’t talk about politics. Even on moral grounds, it wasn’t the right thing to do," he said.
This was echoed by Suhakam human rights commissioner Datuk N. Siva Subramaniam who said it was not Tian Chua’s right to show disrespect to Najib.
"His actions have nothing to do with human rights. It’s an issue of respect. Regardless of one’s political leaning, respect should be given to the leadership, more so the office of deputy prime minister."
Siva Subramaniam was also worried that Tian Chua’s actions might mislead some people into thinking that the photograph was real. This could result in the people not trusting the administration, he added.
Putera Umno chief Datuk Abdul Azeez Abdul Ibrahim urged Tian Chua to apologise for his actions.
"He should apologise, admit his mistake. What he has done is an insult to our national leaders and Umno. It must not be tolerated."
Okay, for those still not in the know, here's Tian Chua's mistresspiece which is trying to challenge Desi's Midnight Voices cover design for 20million. Judging by the desibelles raised in public domain in terms of hits and voices traised,including from these "righteous" BN politikus, I guess I am trailing far behind the PKR Information Chief.
Photo reprised from the original author's album, July entry.
To Desi, many politikus from Barisan Nasional have been guilty of worse commissions of outrageous acts, or omissions of duty, but I shan't sing the litany lest I bore my EsteemedReaders and I register zero readership and I will be captain of a ship for one/wan which is not much fun-D!
But Desi has always preached "write with a basis to yuour claim, show thy RATionale, however mousey!" So Desi can't help but pluck out a few recent examples (stolen or bolorrowe or plagiarsied from some fellow Bloggers' sue me if you care, I don't have much in my bank accounts unlike the few Protagonists mentioned in the news rerport above; my educated guess-lah. No, I'm not prvy to their assest or liabilities. But their bases of OUTRAGE? I suspect it's more suitable to term as OUTAGE...It's on public record.
Politikus KJ, Yew TL, Abdul Azeez: where is your OUTRAGE when the following pictures (NO, these are not someone's imagination out of fertile minds or photoshopped creations!) were all over town?
Zakaria Md Deros' small house amidst all the squatters towering mansions in Port Klang.
Photo4 (to come, Miss Patience is also Virtuous!:):
BIG mansions in Kampung Berembang being demolished. Temples tooin other parts of Selangor. For being there with no planning approvals -- like Zakaria's small house, it too had no planning approvals, but Zak is a Datuk, and he's a BN politikus, that's the righteous platform he's serving from. So KJ, Yew TL, Azeez, are your God-gifted brains suffering from OUTAGES? Have eyes but eyes no see? See-liau-liau, You Tian Look!
Before some of you start throwing stones, please check if your small houses have glass windows, Okay! -- by Madmonk (?), I believe said this original, and I suspect he also composed this for Desi -- THanks -- but too shy to claim credit. Hey, it's okay, I don't ask my guests for their MyKad wan, I only need to see a S-mile from the heart.:)
And when Johor residents marched to the Menteri Besar's residence to protest the growing violent crime rates in the state -- rape, murder, robbery -- did YEW TL show his empathy and OUTRAGE with them? SH*T, one of Yew TL's brethren leaders of ministerial rank even issued an official statement "dissociating" the party from the demostartors' outrage.
Talk about "disgraceful" behaviour"?
Bad taste?
Yew, you take a look into the mirror ... Oh poor you,
yours is made of gold, can't see your own reflection!
The majority of the people are "silent" most times, but when it comes to showing their OUTRAGE, they gathered in front of Zak's "small house".
They also gathered in front of Ghani Othman's residence.
Where were the MCA, UMNO and MIC big guns?
Where were you Yew TL, and KJ and Azees?
At the nightclubs and K-joints -- Eat, Drink and Be Merry?
Last but not the least, from someone in blogosphere who's in touch with
the pulse of the Rakyat, but not shouting at the top fo their voices
labelling Tian Chua's spoof as "disgraceful" and demanding Apologies left, right and centre cometh, like fresh spring water to calm our nerves and jagged souls~~~~
From nigh a nunnery in the highlands towering above mantin near furong:
For Desi,
So many laws, so many creeds,
No wisdom, the heart bleeds,
Rituals, traditions all importance,
No wisdom, intuitive impotence,
So much hypocrisy, so much bigotry,
No wisdom, the blind's entry,
So much confusion and compulsion,
No wisdom, adherents' revulsion,
So little questioning,
No wisdom, only positioning,
Where are you, my child?
The centre of universe, or in the wild?
You have to listen to your heart,
And your silence shall guide you to your heart,
Listen carefully, my child,
In there, wisdom shall speak, my child,
Be gentle with yourself, be courageous,
Be strong against the outrageous,
The light shall come and guide you,
For there, it is the guiding light for you,
It's there you will learn,
And yearn,
The harmony of the ying,
And the Yang,
It's separateness, an illusion,
Together, there is no delusion,
It's emptiness, they say,
And in emptiness, ying and yang lay,
It's there, you will find harmony and Oneness,
Till eternity in open-ness.
ha,ha..........may you be always happy and healthy, Desi
By Anonymous, at 7:12 PM
Parting shot to ponder, from The Little Prince (French: Le Petit Prince), published in 1943, which is French aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's most famous novel:
"'On ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux' (It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye)."~~ The Little Prince
With some segment of Malaysians, their minds empty out selectively.
That's when it, the mind, suffers from an outage because it has been occupied with loads of garbage and overflowing with Ringgit, Dollar and Renminbi. Some of these blinkered minds are, on close inspection, so shallow that even my niece and nephew at primary school shows better IQ outputs. Check out if my dear EsteemedReaders agree.
MCA's YEW TEONG LOOK's one seemingly uprighteous politikus (to be distinquished from fellow Blogger host at her new abode showing his Outrage. Wow, what courage indeed, but Desi sometimes wonders he has been asleep the past 12 months somewhere in Timbuktwo? Could not see what's happening in the royal town of Port Klang and the cowboy town of Johor Bharu.
From the NST, page 9:
Politician’s use of fake photograph ‘disgraceful’
KUALA LUMPUR: Tian Chua is under fire for refusing to apologise over a fake photograph of Datuk Seri Najib Razak, political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda and an Altantuya Shariibuu lookalike dining together.
Politicians want the Parti Keadilan Rakyat information chief to apologise for using the "doctored" photograph showing Najib and the others together.
Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin said Tian Chua had no excuses for publishing the photograph on his web blog.
"What he claims is art or humour is not only in bad taste but also offends the sensibilities of every rational Malaysian."
He said Tian Chua’s actions were disgraceful and an example of dirty tactics used by the opposition party.
Tian Chua had admitted to superimposing the pictures but claimed that it was a work of art for use in his own private space.
He also refused to apologise or retract the photograph.
Federal Territories Ministry parliamentary secretary Yew Teong Look said the photograph proved that Tian Chua had failed as a politician.
"Politicians need to lead by example and Tian Chua’s actions are not exemplary (in this respect). Don’t talk about politics. Even on moral grounds, it wasn’t the right thing to do," he said.
This was echoed by Suhakam human rights commissioner Datuk N. Siva Subramaniam who said it was not Tian Chua’s right to show disrespect to Najib.
"His actions have nothing to do with human rights. It’s an issue of respect. Regardless of one’s political leaning, respect should be given to the leadership, more so the office of deputy prime minister."
Siva Subramaniam was also worried that Tian Chua’s actions might mislead some people into thinking that the photograph was real. This could result in the people not trusting the administration, he added.
Putera Umno chief Datuk Abdul Azeez Abdul Ibrahim urged Tian Chua to apologise for his actions.
"He should apologise, admit his mistake. What he has done is an insult to our national leaders and Umno. It must not be tolerated."
Okay, for those still not in the know, here's Tian Chua's mistresspiece which is trying to challenge Desi's Midnight Voices cover design for 20million. Judging by the desibelles raised in public domain in terms of hits and voices traised,including from these "righteous" BN politikus, I guess I am trailing far behind the PKR Information Chief.
Photo reprised from the original author's album, July entry.
To Desi, many politikus from Barisan Nasional have been guilty of worse commissions of outrageous acts, or omissions of duty, but I shan't sing the litany lest I bore my EsteemedReaders and I register zero readership and I will be captain of a ship for one/wan which is not much fun-D!
But Desi has always preached "write with a basis to yuour claim, show thy RATionale, however mousey!" So Desi can't help but pluck out a few recent examples (stolen or bolorrowe or plagiarsied from some fellow Bloggers' sue me if you care, I don't have much in my bank accounts unlike the few Protagonists mentioned in the news rerport above; my educated guess-lah. No, I'm not prvy to their assest or liabilities. But their bases of OUTRAGE? I suspect it's more suitable to term as OUTAGE...It's on public record.
Politikus KJ, Yew TL, Abdul Azeez: where is your OUTRAGE when the following pictures (NO, these are not someone's imagination out of fertile minds or photoshopped creations!) were all over town?
Zakaria Md Deros' small house amidst all the squatters towering mansions in Port Klang.
Photo4 (to come, Miss Patience is also Virtuous!:):
BIG mansions in Kampung Berembang being demolished. Temples tooin other parts of Selangor. For being there with no planning approvals -- like Zakaria's small house, it too had no planning approvals, but Zak is a Datuk, and he's a BN politikus, that's the righteous platform he's serving from. So KJ, Yew TL, Azeez, are your God-gifted brains suffering from OUTAGES? Have eyes but eyes no see? See-liau-liau, You Tian Look!
Before some of you start throwing stones, please check if your small houses have glass windows, Okay! -- by Madmonk (?), I believe said this original, and I suspect he also composed this for Desi -- THanks -- but too shy to claim credit. Hey, it's okay, I don't ask my guests for their MyKad wan, I only need to see a S-mile from the heart.:)
And when Johor residents marched to the Menteri Besar's residence to protest the growing violent crime rates in the state -- rape, murder, robbery -- did YEW TL show his empathy and OUTRAGE with them? SH*T, one of Yew TL's brethren leaders of ministerial rank even issued an official statement "dissociating" the party from the demostartors' outrage.
Talk about "disgraceful" behaviour"?
Bad taste?
Yew, you take a look into the mirror ... Oh poor you,
yours is made of gold, can't see your own reflection!
The majority of the people are "silent" most times, but when it comes to showing their OUTRAGE, they gathered in front of Zak's "small house".
They also gathered in front of Ghani Othman's residence.
Where were the MCA, UMNO and MIC big guns?
Where were you Yew TL, and KJ and Azees?
At the nightclubs and K-joints -- Eat, Drink and Be Merry?
Last but not the least, from someone in blogosphere who's in touch with
the pulse of the Rakyat, but not shouting at the top fo their voices
labelling Tian Chua's spoof as "disgraceful" and demanding Apologies left, right and centre cometh, like fresh spring water to calm our nerves and jagged souls~~~~
From nigh a nunnery in the highlands towering above mantin near furong:
For Desi,
So many laws, so many creeds,
No wisdom, the heart bleeds,
Rituals, traditions all importance,
No wisdom, intuitive impotence,
So much hypocrisy, so much bigotry,
No wisdom, the blind's entry,
So much confusion and compulsion,
No wisdom, adherents' revulsion,
So little questioning,
No wisdom, only positioning,
Where are you, my child?
The centre of universe, or in the wild?
You have to listen to your heart,
And your silence shall guide you to your heart,
Listen carefully, my child,
In there, wisdom shall speak, my child,
Be gentle with yourself, be courageous,
Be strong against the outrageous,
The light shall come and guide you,
For there, it is the guiding light for you,
It's there you will learn,
And yearn,
The harmony of the ying,
And the Yang,
It's separateness, an illusion,
Together, there is no delusion,
It's emptiness, they say,
And in emptiness, ying and yang lay,
It's there, you will find harmony and Oneness,
Till eternity in open-ness.
ha,ha..........may you be always happy and healthy, Desi
By Anonymous, at 7:12 PM
Parting shot to ponder, from The Little Prince (French: Le Petit Prince), published in 1943, which is French aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's most famous novel:
"'On ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux' (It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye)."~~ The Little Prince
Friday, July 06, 2007
Heading for Yin and Yang in Life
Today I reprise two contrasting scenes -- One Uplifting, the other Downcasting.
Malaysians need to lend weight to voices of leaders like the Raja Muda of Perak, Dr Nazrin Shah, who has been by action and word always leading by example. If more royalty members and Government leaders are somewhere close to his wavelength, I think there is HOPE yet for NegaraKu.
Malaysians must always strive for harmony in their daily lives -- resembled by the two halves of Yin and Yang knit as one unit in perfect balance. Especially in our spiritual values as these govern our daily lives. But there will always be wolves prowling at the back alleys and highways on the Malaysian landscape which strike fear and instability in most peace-loving Malaysians. It is the small numbers of evil miscreants -- check them before they grow into uncontrollable numbers! -- who are an insiduous cancer eating into the healthy fabric of a 50-year-old -- IMHO, neither young nor old -- adult named Malaysia still unsure of some of the directions we as a nation have to take. Important crossroads, we must pause and ponder.
Take 1, Uplifting we must salute and emulate:
From theSun, July 6, 2007, frontpage:
Good ulama are neutral,
non-communal and apolitical
IPOH: Excellent ulama are those who are neutral, non-communal and apolitical
This is necessary to build the credibility of ulama who are responsible for making judgments, interpreting the law and issuing fatwas so that their views are respected and recognised by the authorities, said the Raja Muda of Perak, Raja Dr Nazrin Shah.
"Excellent ulama should have the wisdom, (are) scholarly, free from the influence of any group, neutral and politically non-partisan.
"Ulama must have high integrity, set a fine example, not influence(d) by rank, position, material and uphold the truth," Raja Nazrin said when delivering the main address on the topic "Ulama and Leaders In National Development: History, Reality and Future" at the Ulama Conference 2007 yesterday.
He said ulama and leaders, two entities at the top of hierarchy and institutional structure, are leaders in their own right and thus should be united to ensure the unity of Muslims. Raja Nazrin said ulama and leaders should collectively be responsible to ensure justice for the continued prosperity and well-being of the community.
"The community is a reflection of the leaders' characters. Unity between ulama and leaders will lead to unity among Muslims. On the other hand, Muslims will be split if the ulama and leaders are at loggerheads."
He said a country which is fair and prosperous needs leaders who have the wisdom, integrity, transparency, fair and truthful in upholding justice.
"Islamic values like free from corruption, honesty, respect for scholars, leaving the qualified to do their jobs, and passing judgment on the guilty no matter how difficult be should be put into action.
"Ulama must play the role of balancer to check against poor administration and to ensure that honesty is given priority, advise against acts of sinful politic and economy as they are accountable to Allah," he added.
Opening the conference, the Sultan of Perak Sultan Azlan Shah said in a multi-racial country like Malaysia, ulama and leaders should know that some things could be misunderstood if wrongly interpreted.
"Ulamas and leaders who are wise can carry out their duties and fulfill the trust placed by Allah without causing fear to anyone.
"Islam propagates moderation and justice to all. The voice of moderation which makes Islam strong must be practised by ulama and leaders."
The highlights in the news report (thus BOLDED) are Desi's.
If we substitute "ulama" with either "church pastors", "temple priests" or generally with "leaders of religious orders", the message delivered by Raja Nazrin in essense would apply to ALL Malaysians spanning all the various religious faiths. It is a fundamental right that we still enjoy -- a basic freedom to puruse one's own religious path, a right held in high regard by all citizens. Of course we must remain vigilant for there have been instances when some fellow Malaysians take on the zealout's role to usurp "personal faith" paths from the individual to make it their kaypoh concerns. Not chic, and definitely which Desi would not celebrate with an offer of tehtarik. Wella, if someone laces it with arSENic, I dunno know mann, if I have the guts to hand over the poisoned goblet...
Take 2 is a Downcasting, and sorry episode which Desi would like to see checked, if not eradicated. The little Napoleons in local councils have started to proliferate in the religious dark alleys, and like vermins scurrying in the night, rightful and timely action must be taken to wipe out these dangerous specimens from multi-racial Malaysia before they mushroom into a plague.
From The Star, page N3:
Friday July 6, 2007
Singer held over dressing
IPOH: The Perak Religious Department (JAIP) has ordered a singer to appear before the Syariah Court for “exposing her body” during a performance and “encouraging immoral activities”.
However, an indignant Siti Noor Idayu Abd Moin, 22, said she was wearing a sleeveless top and long pants when JAIP officers raided an entertainment outlet in Sunway City where she was performing on Tuesday.
“Our band had just finished and it was a little past midnight when they came in and rounded up all the Muslims.
“They asked to see our MyKad but one officer refused to touch the cards, referring to them as najis (unclean),” she said.
Siti Noor Idayu said the JAIP officers later detained seven people, including four employees of the outlet, and brought them to the department office.
“They put us in a tiny room and turned up the air-conditioner. I heard one officer tell the other: Bekulah dia orang (Let them freeze),” she said.
Siti Noor Idayu also said the male officers kept taking photographs of her, adding that she was made to stay overnight in that room until 10am.
She said the officer who finally came to record her statement at 8am, accused her of consuming alcohol and drugs, being involved in immoral activities, and that her MyKad was a fake.
“I took the breathalyser test twice and when the reading remained at zero, the officers looked frustrated.
“I heard one tell the other: Tapi dia tak minum lah (But she did not drink),” she said.
Siti Noor Idayu said an officer even told her that the money she earned working in the outlet was duit haram (illicit money) and that her parents, children and future generations would all be tainted for using such money.
“They finally wrote me a notice accusing me of dressing sexily and encouraging immorality just because I sang there,” she said.
The notice ordered her to appear before the Syariah Court here on Aug 6.
When contacted, JAIP director Datuk Jamry Sury said he was confident that his officers had not acted outside of their jurisdiction in issuing the notice.
“According to Islamic laws, a Muslim woman is not allowed to serve or entertain a man who is not her husband in a place where immoral activities usually take place,” he said.
And who's qualified what action constitutes "encouraging immoral activities”?
From the infamous Mat Skodeng snoop squad much backed by the Malacca CM, to the FT Religious Department clones that followed in action in Putrajaya, and now the little Napoleons in Ipoh, will these moral guardians never learn where their terrortry ends and private citizens' human rights begins?
Desi won't venture more into this territory but let it be stated that increasingly in Malaysia, common citizens have too often have their individual space violated by nosey parkers who should just restrain themselves and bring up their "own children properly" before venturing out as guardian angels of morality. Othervice, one day the last laugh will be on them when the "misbehaving" neighbours they used to chastise for immoral conduct could be entering the pearly gates, and they are still stranded in the lavatory...Ooops! purgatory.
" a place where immoral activities usually take place ..."
Malaysians need to lend weight to voices of leaders like the Raja Muda of Perak, Dr Nazrin Shah, who has been by action and word always leading by example. If more royalty members and Government leaders are somewhere close to his wavelength, I think there is HOPE yet for NegaraKu.
Malaysians must always strive for harmony in their daily lives -- resembled by the two halves of Yin and Yang knit as one unit in perfect balance. Especially in our spiritual values as these govern our daily lives. But there will always be wolves prowling at the back alleys and highways on the Malaysian landscape which strike fear and instability in most peace-loving Malaysians. It is the small numbers of evil miscreants -- check them before they grow into uncontrollable numbers! -- who are an insiduous cancer eating into the healthy fabric of a 50-year-old -- IMHO, neither young nor old -- adult named Malaysia still unsure of some of the directions we as a nation have to take. Important crossroads, we must pause and ponder.
Take 1, Uplifting we must salute and emulate:
From theSun, July 6, 2007, frontpage:
Good ulama are neutral,
non-communal and apolitical
IPOH: Excellent ulama are those who are neutral, non-communal and apolitical
This is necessary to build the credibility of ulama who are responsible for making judgments, interpreting the law and issuing fatwas so that their views are respected and recognised by the authorities, said the Raja Muda of Perak, Raja Dr Nazrin Shah.
"Excellent ulama should have the wisdom, (are) scholarly, free from the influence of any group, neutral and politically non-partisan.
"Ulama must have high integrity, set a fine example, not influence(d) by rank, position, material and uphold the truth," Raja Nazrin said when delivering the main address on the topic "Ulama and Leaders In National Development: History, Reality and Future" at the Ulama Conference 2007 yesterday.
He said ulama and leaders, two entities at the top of hierarchy and institutional structure, are leaders in their own right and thus should be united to ensure the unity of Muslims. Raja Nazrin said ulama and leaders should collectively be responsible to ensure justice for the continued prosperity and well-being of the community.
"The community is a reflection of the leaders' characters. Unity between ulama and leaders will lead to unity among Muslims. On the other hand, Muslims will be split if the ulama and leaders are at loggerheads."
He said a country which is fair and prosperous needs leaders who have the wisdom, integrity, transparency, fair and truthful in upholding justice.
"Islamic values like free from corruption, honesty, respect for scholars, leaving the qualified to do their jobs, and passing judgment on the guilty no matter how difficult be should be put into action.
"Ulama must play the role of balancer to check against poor administration and to ensure that honesty is given priority, advise against acts of sinful politic and economy as they are accountable to Allah," he added.
Opening the conference, the Sultan of Perak Sultan Azlan Shah said in a multi-racial country like Malaysia, ulama and leaders should know that some things could be misunderstood if wrongly interpreted.
"Ulamas and leaders who are wise can carry out their duties and fulfill the trust placed by Allah without causing fear to anyone.
"Islam propagates moderation and justice to all. The voice of moderation which makes Islam strong must be practised by ulama and leaders."
The highlights in the news report (thus BOLDED) are Desi's.
If we substitute "ulama" with either "church pastors", "temple priests" or generally with "leaders of religious orders", the message delivered by Raja Nazrin in essense would apply to ALL Malaysians spanning all the various religious faiths. It is a fundamental right that we still enjoy -- a basic freedom to puruse one's own religious path, a right held in high regard by all citizens. Of course we must remain vigilant for there have been instances when some fellow Malaysians take on the zealout's role to usurp "personal faith" paths from the individual to make it their kaypoh concerns. Not chic, and definitely which Desi would not celebrate with an offer of tehtarik. Wella, if someone laces it with arSENic, I dunno know mann, if I have the guts to hand over the poisoned goblet...
Take 2 is a Downcasting, and sorry episode which Desi would like to see checked, if not eradicated. The little Napoleons in local councils have started to proliferate in the religious dark alleys, and like vermins scurrying in the night, rightful and timely action must be taken to wipe out these dangerous specimens from multi-racial Malaysia before they mushroom into a plague.
From The Star, page N3:
Friday July 6, 2007
Singer held over dressing
IPOH: The Perak Religious Department (JAIP) has ordered a singer to appear before the Syariah Court for “exposing her body” during a performance and “encouraging immoral activities”.
However, an indignant Siti Noor Idayu Abd Moin, 22, said she was wearing a sleeveless top and long pants when JAIP officers raided an entertainment outlet in Sunway City where she was performing on Tuesday.
“Our band had just finished and it was a little past midnight when they came in and rounded up all the Muslims.
“They asked to see our MyKad but one officer refused to touch the cards, referring to them as najis (unclean),” she said.
Siti Noor Idayu said the JAIP officers later detained seven people, including four employees of the outlet, and brought them to the department office.
“They put us in a tiny room and turned up the air-conditioner. I heard one officer tell the other: Bekulah dia orang (Let them freeze),” she said.
Siti Noor Idayu also said the male officers kept taking photographs of her, adding that she was made to stay overnight in that room until 10am.
She said the officer who finally came to record her statement at 8am, accused her of consuming alcohol and drugs, being involved in immoral activities, and that her MyKad was a fake.
“I took the breathalyser test twice and when the reading remained at zero, the officers looked frustrated.
“I heard one tell the other: Tapi dia tak minum lah (But she did not drink),” she said.
Siti Noor Idayu said an officer even told her that the money she earned working in the outlet was duit haram (illicit money) and that her parents, children and future generations would all be tainted for using such money.
“They finally wrote me a notice accusing me of dressing sexily and encouraging immorality just because I sang there,” she said.
The notice ordered her to appear before the Syariah Court here on Aug 6.
When contacted, JAIP director Datuk Jamry Sury said he was confident that his officers had not acted outside of their jurisdiction in issuing the notice.
“According to Islamic laws, a Muslim woman is not allowed to serve or entertain a man who is not her husband in a place where immoral activities usually take place,” he said.
And who's qualified what action constitutes "encouraging immoral activities”?
From the infamous Mat Skodeng snoop squad much backed by the Malacca CM, to the FT Religious Department clones that followed in action in Putrajaya, and now the little Napoleons in Ipoh, will these moral guardians never learn where their terrortry ends and private citizens' human rights begins?
Desi won't venture more into this territory but let it be stated that increasingly in Malaysia, common citizens have too often have their individual space violated by nosey parkers who should just restrain themselves and bring up their "own children properly" before venturing out as guardian angels of morality. Othervice, one day the last laugh will be on them when the "misbehaving" neighbours they used to chastise for immoral conduct could be entering the pearly gates, and they are still stranded in the lavatory...Ooops! purgatory.
" a place where immoral activities usually take place ..."
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