My Anthem

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Saturday's Reverie in a Black Hole

Okay, slight qualification -- IN A NIGH BLACK HOLE. Of the State of Affairs in NegaraKu today.

Conversatioist Din Merican an I adjourned for HI-n-LO tea after I accomplished official deadlines matters/(mission?)with an hour to spare yesterday 1.05PM.

Black Hole is a hyperbole description but writherrrrrrrrrrs with errrrrrrrrrrring ways sometimes do exaggerate.

Din in a Nutshell said for the past three years we have been "moving on auto-pilot". Pak Lah started -- stratled Desi too -- on a HI-note promising transparency, acountability and Walking the Talk, especialy in the Fight Against Corruption. But after lots of reiteration and reasurances, nothing definitive or initiative has really moved forward.

In general, it's the same in 2005, in 2006 and soon in 2007. More of the same. Promises, more promises, yet ...(It's become boring, no wonder someone is touted as "Sleeping Beauty PM", or did I hear FreeLunch whisper: Rip van Winkle?

As a Blogger, who coopts Din sometimes as a Guest, I so agree (is this good English? Meaning I agree 100%. I listened at attention, elegantly silent too. Silence means general agreement though not in the fine points and nuances, lest I be labelled a bodeker, sycophant or worse... (like an UMNOputra or MCA-SuperBumi-lack-eye!)

Now where was eye?
Oh, in that Black hole called Bolehland with pride mainly, and with despise with certain unpariots. (PLease don't include Desi in eeether or ayether!)
Is I was saying, using Din's Nutshell, I could re-cycle from last year's Posts and in the main, the contents remain in tact. Unchanged. Black hole seems inpenetrable.

World petrol prices go up, our local pump prices go up.
Desi blogs about how when world prices come down, and with Petronas reporting indecently rising 40billion net profits, LOCAL PUMP PRICES DO NOT COME DOWN.

Some AP (agent provocateur rush/es into Desi's space and prefaces with condemnations that Malaysians should not expect prices to come down as Government is already generous in subsidising our petroleum prices to the tune of billions.

And about a year ago, the PM did a weeping act lamenting that he could not spy a single blade of grass while looking down from a helicopter directed by Selangor MB to overlook the Bukit Cerakah Seri Alam agircultural park whose greenery and logs had been raped and raptured by crony businessmen.

A few days ago, the same Bukit Cerakah has become a Bukit Celaka with property development sneaked in not in the steal of the night -- daylight thuggery. The Arrogance of Power. That was the title of an article I wrote about Malacca, but that's another 1,001 (k)nights fable bringing us back to 15th/16th century.

"SEMUANYA OKAY" will continue to ring in our years.
"WE -- servants of you common folks -- live in only 'small' houses!" will be the mantra of elevcted BN repre3sentatives taking the cue of Dauk Zakaria Mad Deros.

And UMNO Prez will continue to dole out 60million like Santa Chaos dealing with spoilt brats from awe the 200-odd UMNO divisions -- Sarawak, quickly join the bangwagon or you will miss out the gravy, candy and goodies handed ou to the baddies!

I told Din the vcoutry will go on like this because luckily we have built a machine that's reached AUTO-PILOT MODE>

Pak Lah will still lead the BN, with big brother UMNO leading docile MCA-Welfare Associiate, MIC-key mouse and other component band majors after the Golden Jubilee Merdeka celebrations to be followed by euphoric Genreal Elections. Two-thirds control of Parliment by default because the Opposition parties cannot seem to get their acts together.

So Malaysians in the main remain masochistic -- crossing againstthe Dacing symbol, yet again! then lamenting (barking up the wrong tree or Bush?) about all the shortcomings of the Admin led by the 80-Winks Sleeping Beauty. I sometimes wonder if Malaysians in a minor way suffer from suicidal tendencies like the Americans? My esteemedreaders -- those who are registered to vote -- (See, not in Caps!), you tell Desi because you are part of this set!

I don't see any glimmer of light entering the dark room. That light at the end of the tunnel remains distant and elusive until some outside forces bang hard enough to make a few chinks in the (k)night's armour of darkness. Till that fairytale breakthrough cometh, Malaysians are doomed to remain mediocre, and half-past six.
An economy that is sliding as our neighbours move forward.(A GUEST BLOGGER's piece on CHINA serves as Companion essay today.)
A Malaysian mindset that's generally regressing because on a leadership in wanting of vision that allows other nations to pinch our sides and our brighest talents because we don't make them feel at home.

The floods will make streams that receive our commoners' tears which can't reach the leaders' hearts, so Mother Nature opens up the heavens to show some signs. Omens. People, take heed. Return to a Boy Scout's humble credo at the individual: BE PREPARED.

The Malaysian Story remains a
What A Missed Opportunity or
A Nation That Could Have Been Great.
Instead of
The Coming Of Age of Malaysia as a Developed Nation or
Malaysia Produces Not One, but Two Nobel Laureates.
(In Memoriam: Chiang Ti Meng...)


Anonymous said...


The kopi tarik was great, but the reality of our existence as citizens is not great. It is going to be a jinx year, 2007, as the floods are inflicting more damage and bringing more havoc on our landscape. Years of disregard for our environment is taking its toll.

Funds allocated for 9th Malaysian Plan will now have to be diverted to undertake major repairs to existing infrastructure in Johor and other states. At least Badawi can blame acts of God for stalling his National Mission, not just the bureaucrats.

Notice something is missing here: the politicians who are the root cause of all our social problems (corruption, etc) are always blameless. It always has to be someone else or something else.

There is little we can do to change the system, at least in the short term. Wer are trapped by a system that is 50 years old and cracking. The opportunity will come when it finally crumbles under its own hubris. When it finally crumbles, we are all the victims.

The Barisan Nasional will be re-elected while the Opposition which has no track record is in disarray. It will not get its act together, be KeADILan, or DAP. Forget PAS...they will take use down the road of Islamic theocracy, despite their new image of modernist Islamists.

Badawi understand how the system works. He knows he will be PM for as long as he wants by throwing money and handouts to his party members and create a mirage of prosperity. In addition, he controls the Election Commission and can rig the electoral roll and redesign the constituencies and use phantom votes. The system sucks, but that is democracy by the ballot box.

We will have more kopi tarik, Desi and still try to do our best as responsible citizens. But we never be suckered into believing things are going to change in Bolehland. BL is medicore right down to the turtles.--Din Merican

Anonymous said...

GREAT POST *clink clink*

LET's mIGRATE!!! canada dishes out passports quite liberally, they need us too :D

exaggeration tends to elicit evil.

when making claims, make sure it's the same. a drink a day, does not make him an alcoholic.

so tks x infinity for the 'good advice' on that faithful day. thus a crooked bridge was straightened.

but then again what laws govern cyberspace?

chong y l said...


we must collaborate on writings aMORE!:)

But no BN~umNO tree-step Cha-cha-cha!

Thanks for thy input, now the kopileft is Desi's!
Fair exchange I gift thee teh-See!

chong y l said...


Now "exaggeration tends to elicit evil" -- what's that awe about?

I don wanna both of us being titled UNpatriotic!

YOurs fatefoolly,
Teh-See-liau :(-liau),
where I spent 1-1/2years
with the boondogs.