Yesterday I ended my post PART 12 of this running series on 1MDB with a sidely noted observation at my socialist BF corners like the Babu stall or the kopitaim that "...many ordinary Malaysians are praying for divine intervention". This is especially true of my "polytikus kakis" of the Buddhist faith, Christian too. Especially the term "KARMA" crops up in such rresigned acceptance that humanly, we have done all we can to get rid of the present CRUEL REGIME under a CLUELESSWAN of a CEO, now fondly referred by the US Department of Justice and the Atoorney-General as dat "MO1"!.
My response is usually along these lines: " Sdr/i...., Desi is not so patient, By the time that bugger and family are removed from NegaraKu (MalSia), I and You2, may not be around to celebrate. Yes, DIVINE INTERVENTION is only GOoD if NegaraKu does not go bankrupt first, causing MISERY in most Malaysian lives. We are at the ABYSS of a failed state -- an Asian Zimbabwe -- I hope that ending from Above happens sooner than later, God help us.Amen".
Yesterday, I highlighted TWO PARAS with 8Stars, here follows a RELEVANT RECALL:~~~~
TODAY, exactly a year ago, SARAWAK REPORT, via
Sarawak Report -
Bypass the ban visit our mirror sitereported thus:~~~~~~

ARREST WARRANT FOR THE PRIME MINISTER! - The Real Reason The Attorney General Was Fired - EXCLUSIVE!

Dumped before he could make his move? Gani Patail
The Attorney General was on the brink of bringing charges for corruption against the Prime Minister of Malaysia.
We have acquired the secret draft charge sheet documents, which Gani Patail was in the process of drafting.
They include a charge sheet for corrupt practices under Section 17 (a) of the MACC Act, allowing for punishment of a sentence of up to 20 years in prison under Section 24 of the Act.
In an unprecedented situation the person being charged was none other than the Prime Minister “Dato’ Seri Mohd Najib Bin Tun Abdul Razak” along with a company director, Dato’ Shamus Anuar Bin Sulaiman.
The explosive information hits Malaysia in the middle of a highly controversial visit by the British Prime Minister, who had been widely warned against making such a visit in the midst of Malaysia’ biggest political scandal in decades.
The documents, which were being worked in their final draft stages by the Attorney General, were sent to Sarawak Report following the sacking of Gani Patail and have now been verified by other senior parties.

Arrest Warrant for a Prime Minister!
The warrant cites that the Prime Minister and Shamsul Anuar and “another person still at large Nik Ariff Bin Faisla Kamil” on 26th of December 2014 at the AmIslamic Bank, Bangunan Ambank Group in Kuala Lumpur, as an agent of the Malaysian Government, namely the Prime Minister of Malaysia and special advisor of SRC International, did secretly obtain a sum of money amounting to RM27 million that was paid through the company Gandingan Mentari and Ihsan Perdana to “your account at AmPrivate Banking -1MY no 211201101880″ with the principal aim of obtaining a loan from Kumpulan Wang Persaraan pension fund.
“As such you have committed an offence under Section 17(1) of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Act of 2009, under which you can be punished according to Section 24 of the Act, to be read with Section 34″.The punishment cited at the base of the document is imprisonment of not more than 20 years and a fine not less than five times of the value of the bribe taken or RM10,000, whichever is higher.
Raiding Malaysia’s public pension fund KWAP!
The crime referred to has already been widely reported following exposes by Sarawak Report and the Wall Street Journal at the start of this month.We produced documents from the task force investigation into 1MDB, which showed that its former subsidiary SRC International (whose CEO is Nik Kamil) had made a number of payments into the Prime Minister’s personal accounts totalling millions of ringgit over a period from last December to this February.
The payments went through the companies Gandingan Menteri Sdn Bhd, of whom the Director was Nik Faisal Ariff Kamil (also wanted for questioning) and Ihsan Perdana Sdn Bhd, whose Director Shamus Anuar is also cited in the warrant.

The route of the money referred to in the charges
Criminal Breach of Trust
A second, alternative draft charge was being worked on by the Attorney General, which Sarawak Report has also obtained.
Criminal breach of trust – does not even need a warrant for arrest say experts
The second charge relates to the same act on the same day, but refers more specifically to the Prime Minister’s position of trust with regard to the company SRC. In English it reads:
In the Matter of Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court (Criminal Division)
Arrest Case No…………………………………………………
Draft First Charge
That you together with a person still at large, one Nik Faisal bin Kamil, on the 26.12.2014 at the AmIslamic Bank Bhd, Bangunan Anbank Group, No. 55 Jalan Raja Chulan, in the Federal Teritory of Kuala Lumpur, as agent(s) of the Government of Malaysia to wit the Prime Minister of Malaysia holding the post of Finance Minister as Special Advisor (Ameritus Advisor) to SRC International Sdn Bhd with common intention did corruptly receive a bribe in the sum of RM27 million from SRC International Sdn Bhd which was paid through Gandungan Mentari Sdn Bhd and Ihsan Perdana Sdn Bhd to your account with AmPrivate Banking – 1MY account No. 2112022011880 as an inducement to do an act or deed connected with the affairs of your principal to wit assisting in obtaining a loan of funds from Kumpulan Wang Persaraan (Incorporated) (KWAP) to SRC International Sdn Bhd. Therefore you have committed an offence under section 17(a) of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 punishable under section 24 of the said Act read together with section 34 of the Penal Code.
A conviction under section 24 would result in imprisonment up to 20 years and to a fine not less than 5 times the value of the bribe or RM10,000.00 whichever is the greater.
Police HQ Report No: IPJ/Rpt No: 252/2015
A close insider has now confirmed to Sarawak Report that Patail had arrived at his office on Monday morning expecting to finalise the extremely sensitive charges he was preparing against the Prime Minister, resulting from the investigations of the multi-agency task force into 1MDB.“He was finalising it. He went to his office and found he could not go in. Ali Bin Hamsa, the Chief Secretary to the Government, was waiting and he told him [the Attorney General, Abdul Gani Patail] that he was dismissed. He could not even get his papers.”Within hours of this secret drama at the heart of government, as all Malaysia knows, the Prime Minister had moved to effect what has been described as an attempted coup d’etat.

on the 10th floor of Bukit Aman last night – it is where all the
documents on white collar crime are kept…. a coincidence people are
Other known cabinet critics of the the 1MDB scandal have also been unceremoniously dismissed by the Prime Minister.
It has been also been announced that tomorrow’s meeting of the UMNO Supreme Council, representing the key leadership of the ruling party, has also been cancelled by the Prime Minister.
Now all Malaysia knows why the Prime Minister has moved to sack the countries top legal officers and top politicians.
In an irony of perfect timing the Prime Minister is now seeking to use the visit of Britain’s David Cameron as an endorsement of his unconstitutional move to hijack the State of Malaysia.

Endorsement by the UK of Malaysia’s ‘coup d’etat’?