My Anthem

Wednesday, November 04, 2015

OLde poem RE-visited: fRiends

I woke  up pretty&early this mornin' because I went to hit the hay lust night earlier than usual, having roamed Furong town almost half-a-day lookin' for TWO RASCALS who each had kept ten copies of my "Midnight Voices" REPRINT for more than two years and just "disappeared" from SEremban town. I am also searching HI&LO&BEhold for a BIGGER Rascal who I used and paid for RM2,000 as service fee (in using his office as "TREAsurer") for wan BUM outing; on receipt of last big payment, he deducted an extra RM800 for himself, and then like MH370, vanished into thin air.

Wit' such f(R)iends around, DEsi sometimes wonders if he has been "too kind" to others, as I always give newer acquaintances BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT! TRusted and proven fRIends have oft reproached DEsi for being "Naive"; my response as always goes som'thin' like t'is: As an activist, I Need to interact with as many people as possible; also, we must "trust" that each "Rascal" who lets ye down would have made ye WISER,  yes!

IN meeting such LETDOWN MOments, I go back to my past writings to lift me up agin and here is ONE I Find SOLACE in:~~~

  • 09/27/14--21:23: Dreams Are Made of These...
  • fRiends who abide with Thee always
    in high and low tides
    through thick and thin -- especially through your nightmare woements
    cherishing tender  times as One
    dispersing the aches of a fall
    we are All in One and One for More...

    you made Desi's counting of fRiends on my two hands' fingers waver
    from a lo of 3 to a hi of se7en, my Lucky Number

    Thou art One who stays forever
    He/she inspires this little poem
    'Tho we have sometimes not kept in touch
    But words don't do justice enough
    to the genuine feelings we both know
    that beat Constantly
    in o u r heARTs
    in waking hours
    in less conscious moments
    in slumber nice or knot...
    we remember
    we will never drop the "R"
    in our  f R i e n d ship

    that's what we have destined ourselves
    when we stay in our precious isle


    DEAr ER (for ESteemedREaders lah, why you have to scratch thy head?):
    GoOD dae. mGf 4myGOoDfRiend ("GOoD" Writ thus as I define a goOd person as ONE WHO HAS "GOD" in him, her....however you deem GOD/ god/ gOD to be:). YL, DESi

    PS: I Spell "day" As "dae" as I recall wit' my mouth watering thinking' about downing banana-split "Sundae" in my teenage days at MILO Milk bar.)

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