Desi would just reproduce ONE PARA from The Star's report of
Thursday April 14, 2011 titled
RPK: I don’t believe PM’s wife was at Altantuya's murder scene
____________________________ Beginning of extract:
“I no longer accept the story. I think it's quite impossible. It can't be that the Prime Minister's wife would want to go to such a place; it's a jungle. I'm imagining, climbing up the hill, going into the jungle at night, at midnight, I think it's quite impossible,” he said in an exclusive interview with TV3 Group Editor Datuk Ashraf Abdullah in Perth, Australia, recently.
____________________________________________ Ends extract
DESIDERATA: I had once called RPK a "a liar and a coward" for concocting stories against me and refusing to retract them plus make an open apology in his blog, but he chooses to hyde away in London maintaining elegant silence with regard to my challenge, continues to lead high flying lifestyle via his MCLM funder/s (RM20million fallen from the UK sky izzit?) with a local Malaysian cohort named Haris Ibrahim, followed by a band of worshippers including a Zollo aka Dr Quack.
The extract from The STar report on page 2 today -- which was based on
interview aired through TV3's prime time news Buletin Utama last night -- shows that this blogger-in-exile believes all Malaysians were born only yesterday. Hey, we are NOT ALL STILL AT KINDERGARTEN!
He had written many posts at m2day along the same line close to what the Star also reported -- "Raja Petra said in the SD he made on June 18, 2008, he had stated that he received information from several individuals claiming that Rosmah was at the scene where Altantuya was murdered."
So some three years later, some light suddenly dawned on this famous, to his diehard supporters like Zollo-lah! (to Desi, it's NOTORIOUS!) blogger, and now, RPK, you suddenly GOSTAN-ed on your belief, izzit?!
As far as I am concerned, the Emperor's NEW Clothes were seen through since last year when I started to "discern" the mind games RPK was playing with some of us trained in journalism with a sens of newshound analysis and fair play. Let me just reprise on of these articles, first carried by Malaysian Chronicle:
(Bear with Desi while I knock off at 2.22pm while he hunts down the article, meanwhile, ENJOY the next item on Desi's menu, minus RPK's vile, also the poison from Zollo, Hawkeye, ShanghaiFish and that fishy MCLM President HarisIb! I wish all these worms would go DIG A HOLE, STAY THERE TO ENJOY MASSAGING EACH OTHER'S EGOS AS THEY PULL WOOL OVER DIEHARD RPK's FANS INCLUDING WAN "ANGELA OOI"-- FOR A FEW PIECES OF SILVER MORE.Amore, Oliver! -- Desi)
OK, belatedly reprised:
With friends like RPK, Haris Ibrahim, PKR doesn't need enemies
Sunday, 12 December 2010
YL Chong, Malaysia Chronicle
I recently wrote an article thinking aloud why Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) the blogger now-in-exile in Britain has been writing some articles highly critical of Parti Keadilan Rakyat, especially regarding its de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, but I tempered my concern with giving benefit of the doubt to the blogger now resident abroad that he might have been misinformed or disinformed by his cronies back home including civil rights lawyer-cum-blogger Haris Ibrahim.
My main criticism was that RPK had always written promoting Reformasi from 1998, marked by his outstanding role of director of FreeAnwarCampaign (FAC), and generally working in concert with opposition parties and non-governmental organisations(NGOs) towards change in government at the federal level. But recent writings had given rise to concern he was giving lots of ammunition to the ruling BN regime, especialy UMNO, to attack the Pakatan Rakyat. And today's New Sunday Times proves again my point -- its page 9 report shows that following the departure of former PKR deputy presidential candidate Zaid Ibrahim, RPK has become the "flavour of the month" of the MSM.
In fact, most Malaysians long to see the birth of a two-party/coalition system in this country -- surely a central message sent by the March 8, 2008 General Elections (GE12)? My contention is that PR consisting of PKR, DAP and PAS, now form the only viable alternative coalition able to topple the BN government in Putrajaya, and hence must be given a chance to prove themselves. I add that any third force, however well-intentioned, would only become a new impediment to PR's march on Putrajaya.
I have mentioned Haris in tandem with RPK because their efforts in moving civil society often are inter-connected in timing, and objectives, but whether by design or in revision of stands, the duo are caught flat footed in their contradictions when promoting their preferred candidate to take over PKR Zaid Ibrahim, and curently The Third Force in Malaysian politics.
I clearly recall that RPK, in elaborating on the third force, had stressed that it's NEVER meant to field any canidates in the forthcoming general elections, especially the GE13. Using the public-listed companies as an analogy, he said the third force would act like an auditor, to check the listed company's accounts and watch out for discrepancies, or waywardness by its directors and management chiefs. One point I would ask: The listed companies always appoint their own auditors who are qualified for this role, but whose mandate are this third force using to self-appoint themselves as auditors to the three components of the PR?
In fact, in my earlier article I had quoted Haris as saying the third force -- now birthing as Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement (MCLM) in London -- had identified some 30 men/women of integrity to stand as candidates in GE13, and some 20 had agreed to stand, and they would want DAP and PKR to allow these candiadtes to stand under their party banner, according to a Star report dated Nov 17, 2010. I had questioned why would these well established parties with their own selection criteria privatise such an important role to outside parties. This stance was also restated by leaders like PKR strategy director Tian Chua besides Dr Syed Husin.
This Third Force is neither third nor force, according to just retired PKR deputy president Dr Syed Husin Ali. In fact he sarcastically shared at a mew conference in conjunction with recent party Congress a "revealing" episode, relating that preceding the March 2008 elections, a representation was made to him to allow a Third Force candidate to stand under PKR banner. Syed Husin knew of this "guy" candidate quite well, so he told off the backers that they should have done a thorough background check and would have found that their nominee was a regular pub-goer who often ended up drunk.
Let me now reproduce the NST report dated December 12, 2010 in full, and I reiterate that the headline itself again proved my point that RPK is providing grist to the MSM to attack PKR and PR frontally, with banner headlines likely to be used by the UMNO campaigners cometh GE13.
'Some PR reps not fit to walk a dog'
KUALA LUMPUR: Raja Petra Kamaruddin has reiterated his disappointment at what he views as the lack of commitment to reforms by Pakatan Rakyat.
After virtually reprimanding his most recognisable political ally Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim at a London political forum on Oct 2 for not honouring campaign promises, the fugitive blogger wrote in his latest blog posting: "But what is Pakatan Rakyat's excuse? Pakatan Rakyat talks about reforms. But what reforms are they themselves introducing?
"They demand that Barisan Nasional reform. Should not Pakatan Rakyat demonstrate what it means by reforms by first of all reforming itself?
"In a nutshell, this is what I mean when I say that the Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement (MCLM) seeks to reform the political environment of Malaysia. Note that our target to push for reforms is not just Barisan Nasional but also Pakatan Rakyat.
"And I will continuously write about how things are done elsewhere and ask why we can't also do the same in Malaysia.
"And I will not accept the argument that we can't also do that because our skin is black, brown, cocoa or yellow and not white.
"It is not the external colour of our skin that determines advancement. It is our brain and how we utilise it that will."
At the Oct 2 Friends of Pakatan Rakyat Forum in London with Anwar, and now Parti Keadilan Rakyat vice-president Tian Chua, Raja Petra launched an attack on Pakatan's failure to implement "not a single one of the reform agenda contained in the People's Declaration".
He said this was an improved version of the Agenda of Change authored by Anwar in 1998.
According to Raja Petra, the People's Declaration was drawn up by what he termed as the civil society movement and was adopted by Pakatan parties as their manifesto for the March 2008 general election.
Three other non-Pakatan parties, too, embraced the People's Declaration, Raja Petra said.
He argued that the move and the spirited efforts of activists and bloggers like him had helped Pakatan gain seats. And now some 21/2 years after the election, not a single one of the reforms had been implemented.
As seen from the video recording of the event, Anwar had smiled approvingly when Raja Petra started addressing the forum but no longer smiled as the speech wore on.
Raja Petra offered not himself, but credible personalities from the civil society movement to be fielded as Pakatan candidates in the next general election.
As for some of the candidates fielded by Pakatan in 2008, Raja Petra, quoting his wife had said, "some of them, I can't even trust to walk my dog".
Raja Petra described them as an embarrassment.
(NST report ends here)
RPK asked in a reaction article to my piece titled "Why RPK is acting out (of character)" asked "Have I really changed?", and in a partial reply, I just said we all as individuals "grow up" with passing years, and that only the person himself or herself (including this writer!) would be able to answer truthfully if he/she has changed characterwise or with respect to the causes he/she once championed. But today, a month later, I conclude that RPK, your struggle has indeed changed direction, and you are treating PKR, and Anwar, as the enemy bigger than BN-UMNO. WHY?
So today when I opened up the New Straits Times, I wasn't surprised by the page 9 lead item headline; totally in character with his previous Oct 13's header: "Umno is Beginning to Look Better Than PKR"
So Pakatan Rakyat be forewarned that you would have to "review" your election strategies with the probable entry of MCLM or Third Force candidates, however you call them, now or revised because the promoters don't seem to know their directions and mandate. Maybe they will be strengthened by their well-linked ally Zaid Ibrahim -- in the next general elections?
The Rakyat/electorate must stay focused and united in rejecting a third, or fourth or fifth force; by contesting, they will only become "spoilers", siphoning off votes from the PR, hence benefiting the BN. Foremost on our mind must be to question where these sudden new forces get their monies from? Whose agenda are they really fighting for?
Who are you to act like a SUPRA-GOVERNMENT BODY just because you have drawn up a People's Declaration via the People's Parliament via Can an elite group meeting outside the country -- be it in London, Paris or Timbuktu, I care not -- totally a crowd of some 50 to 100 Malaysians carry the Malaysian fight for "A better Malaysia"? If you remain a cyber-voice writing pieces of concern for the homeland, I can live with that. But shortlisting candidates of impeccable character,playing a demi-god role? No, a BIG resounding No!
I end with a recollection of my criticism when it was made known that more than a decade ago, MCA leader Ng Yen Yen was a permanent resident of Australia when she was made a Senator. My stand then was,and still is, that I hold nothing against Malaysians having PR overseas, but I am firm that Yen Yen should NOT remain a Senator and continue to play active role in the country's politics as her loyalties were/are split. In fact, in passing, I too wrote a letter to the PM's Department too objecting to an Aussie PR being appointed as Editor-in-Chief of the Star, more or less on the same principle that one must not have any "conflict-of-interest" situation that often arises with high profile posts.
I too wish that Malaysians abroad who wish to play any significant role such as taking part in the country's elections by initiating or becoming Third Force candidates, or serving as a Cabinet minister, to return home to fight the battles. And help sincerely PR and the people's efforts to win the war for Putrajaya.
Why launch an MCLM in London, and announcing candidates to shove down the PR component parties throats? Maybe the BN regime under Najib Tun Razak will be more accomodating absorbing them -- hence the direct Barisan Nasional membership?
The UMNO leaders seem suddenly to become reform-minded, and so willing to co-opt Taiwan-returned graduate-rapper "Namewee" aka Wee Meng Chee -- why not also co-opt the 20 men of integrity nominated by Haris Ibrahim? I wonder if indeed we are seeing the emergence of The Third Force or The Third Farce?
- YL Chong is a reader and contributor to Malaysia Chronicle
AND NOW WITH APPRECIATION I carry the comment which just came in in the middle of the night/morn 24 from a commenter calling himself/herself "malayVoice":-
malayVoice has left a new comment on your post "The Third Force -- Or Is It The Third Farce?":
"Raja Petra Kamuruddin
To begin, Your Slogan to your blog “Source of Independent News” is but a laugh!!!! For your blog swears by The Most Lob-side news that is merely to promote you and your one-track mind
In response to your claim that you did not accused and implicate Dato Najib and Rosmah with the killing of Altantuya;
RPK, once and for all stop being a fake, you have been a phony all your life. You cannot be counted with the rest of your Malaysian, so you had to seek an attention seeking way out – write rubbish to get into the news."
From your days at VI you have been troublesome. It was your father’s influence that saw to your admission at VI never on merit. Then when you became a misfit among the brighter students, you turned into a frenzied attention-seeking maniac. And you ran into trouble at every nook and corner at school.
As an adult, your failure in life, again saw you turn into the same attention-seeking maniac. You began to hide behind the skirt of your wife to strike out al all others.
Everyone was wrong in your eyes except the failed megalomaniac in you. The history of Malaysian was wrong, Independence of Malaysia was wrong, May 13th accounts was wrong, Tun Dr Mahathir was wrong, Abdullah Badawi was wrong and then, Dato Najib is wrong, only Raha Retra is the righ one.
After having dragged Najib and Rosmah through the dirt now you come up that you never collaborated or character assinated by publishing degradotory article and printed false photographs of the PM.
So you are not merely a fake and a bluff but a traitor! - A traitor is one who would abandon and ditch his sons and daughters and run away to safety to save his own neck. One who runs not wanting to fight another day but to criticize from afar! One who saves his soul to live in comfort when financed my some greedy jealous zealot.
Posted by malayVoice to desiderata-ylchong
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