My Anthem

Friday, April 29, 2011

Fridae Childe's GreAtings to Catherine...

From a commoner to a Princess --Prince William is a damn'd lucky bloke. Desi wished he was born into Buckingham Palace. Nahmind, here's Desi's Friday Child's greAtings, ala-Matt Monro, to the Happy Couple -- may your best dreams come true tonight and wake up for bestA tomorrows in the days to cometh. Just to remind that their two pairs of dainty feel must feel the earth move sometimes, to listen to the common man's HEartbeat,HIs and LOs.

Catherine Middleton must be a Friday's Child, at least on her blissful day today! So this DESIcation of a Friday's child born to love greAting delivered cyberXXpress...wit' XoXo:):)

Desi also belatedly reports I received an Invite to the Wedding of the Century va emale -- but without return air ticket -- so I'm giving IT a miss. Maybe they will be more generous when the first childe cometh along, and they request Desi to be the little one's godFATHER. Hey, I assure the Brits I can sing the little fella to sleep easily with nursery rimes, and some Elvis, Cliff for lullabyes; throw in some koboi Hank Wiliams2! Yopu remembe I had wished for my second life to be born -- not in Londonderry Bridge half falling down! -- in Nashville, Tennysee.:)


Wednesday's child is a child of woe.
Wednesday's child cries alone, I know.
When you smiled, just for me you smiled,
For awhile I forgot I was Wednesday's child.

Friday's child wins at love, they say.
In your arms Friday was my day.

Now you're gone, well I should have known,
I am Wednesday's child, born to be alone.

Now you're gone, well I should have known,
I am Wednesday's child, born to be alone.

Wednesday's child, born to be alone

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