My Anthem

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Three Little Ditties

The white man landed on the Americano shore in 177six
He saw a brown coloured woman out hunting naked in the wild
"Hey young lady give me that bow and arrow,
You ain't gonna hit the deer with a weapon so mild!"

He whipp'd out a gun slim and narrow
And with three aims downed a sparrow
A deer and a male injun about to hit the paleface
In his groin Cos the injun thought rightly he was being robbed
Of his terrortry and his daughter
Still very much a child

The white man left the corpse for the eagle flying overhead
He brought the brown princess back to his bed
And they had a heart meal of venison, a bird
And yo-ho-ho and a botol of rum
It's Christmas once agin,
They had a night of wild s'x in 177sex.

Thus was born the United States of America
From the unity of a convict from Great Britain
And the virginal orifices of the Aboriginal princesses
On whose brown tough bodies the white men maketh as mattresses

NB: Ditty knotty penned by Desi one Sundae moUrn
S'xty years plus a few months ago he was born
An accident in the long train of Mother Nature's course
Making history/herstory of malaisieAh a byte dark and morose

DESIDERATA: Am leaving for my CON BF if you would permit me,
and I'll be back in a jiffy to pen two other dirties
But should you wait in vain, don't blame Desi
It's awe written in the stars and stripes and the pant'ies

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