My Anthem

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

You hardly get a GoOD CONversationalist nowadays...

ADVISORY: Some Da Desi Code used here. DDC is a play with words to entertain, if not my esteemed readers, at least myself. If there is no joy in blogging, why bother?

Another privilege I've constantly preached at the annual Bloggers Universe Malaysia -- and BUMmer is one who attends BUM regularly, you nit, if you still don't know! -- is that one can digress as much/mush as he likes at his own cyber-home, otherwise, what's the point eh? And that last question, my fRiend, is rhetorical Okay! But if you choose to respond, who am I to stop ye, yeah!in the psot title

is writ thus because in Desi's vocab, thou art a good person IF YOU HAVE "GOD" in Thee. CON in the chat room is a concession I give myself in engaging strangers =- even in a crowded bar-room where it's tehtarik, not whisky they serve in Furong! -- and ENJOYING the talk that follows, even if after some time, you realise the other party is a CONman or CONwoman; but at least you don't have to pay for his/her/inbetween's drink. In modern times like now -- though olde philosophers may counter we don't have a claim to modernity when our thoughts are so mundane and cliched -- Desi often feels lonesome and lonely in a clouded bar-room.

Often we resort to profanity to try win a debate, including an infamous botakhat and his worsheepers like wan Zollo. This wan sells himself as a "reformist" like the Anwaristas of the 1990s decade plus 2, but in the 2008 GE campaign trail/trial, he was proudly scissoring a life-long MCA membership card. I told aVoiz just Yesterday -- when all our troubles seem'd so far away -- that's the trouble with aJohnnny=cometh=lately. His quikkie reply: More than Alackeycoming latey, 'his Johnny could not rise to the occasion!:)

You wanna knoweth who this Voiz is?
Come down Serembanway, giving 24 notice and we will meet at Lingam's down Paul Street -- jest don't bring the CJ K! -- and Desi will buy the tehtarik, and thou payeth for the bestA kambing around my Peytonesque town. Kambing?

Why "Peytonesque" you dare aRsEk?
WellA, try flagging a new gal in Furong and C, Lo and Behel', the following moUrn thou becometh the story on everyone's lips, especially the YoungChics, at the wet market. Wet indeed, even on a greAt moUrn like now when I had downed the best Mamak mee cooked by a Chinoserie at FuYoong stall. Wanna jom? Bring a few greenbacks OK! I like Americanised malaysians who speak impeccable English like John Wayne or Gary Cooper. Okay,I'm of the sixties gene like on newly minted Datuk Din Merican who I chatted wit' lust night. No, I didn't call him Datuk -- I greAted him as Saudara. He was lucky I didn't subs "a" wit' an I! Aye, aye! says the gOod Lord, To err is human, to lust is Miss Devine.

May I end with

Man proposes,
God disposes.

(Long Pause, Desi dareth add:) Woeman exposes. I will justify this Tomollo when I receiveth my long awaited cheque for RM2,000. Ooops, take away one zelo, says the chinaman in me, Ae lord, I drank too much teh-C this moUrn! Forgive me if I sinneth, BUT WHO HAVEN'T? Even that bas.... who donned a white cloth once who came into Midnight Voice's abode and calling me a fRiend. I told him off: Just drop that "R", you are not oneOFmGf!:( (Scowl,howl, mowl, zowl:(:(


Among men, it seems, historically at any rate, that processes of co-ordination and disintegration follow each other with great regularity, and the index of the co-ordination is the measure of the disintegration which follows. There is no mob like a group of well-drilled soldiers when they have thrown off their discipline. And there is no lostness like that which comes to a man when a perfect and certain pattern has dissolved about him. There is no hater like one who has greatly loved. -- John -- knot Asman! -- Steinbeck, novelist, Nobel laureate (1902-1968)

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

I think that being a good conversationalist is combination of mindset and communication techniques. To be interesting you have to be interested. I did a blog of several very good conversation topics, let me know what you think thanks!