My Anthem

Monday, January 03, 2011

FOR THE RECORD 2: I have just sent RPK an email demanding a retraction of an offending article he published ...



Dear Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK), and webadmin of

I further refer to your posting of my response to RPK's FALSE ALLEGATIONS against me (relating my personal role and also my role on behalf of, the article of which was subsequently also published by the New Straits Times (NST).

I waited a few days to see if you would retract these false allegations against me and to tender a PUBLIC APOLOGY to me, but thus far,I did not sight any.

From now about 2.40PM Monday January 3, 2011, I am giving you notice to RETRACT THE SAID OFFENDNG ARTICLE and TENDER A PUBLIC APOLOGY TO ME, in both your web portal, as well as in the NST, WITHIN THE NEXT 48 HOURS.

Your failure to abide by my request may see legal action being taken against you -- and/or other parties lending weight to spreading such allegations flowing from your offending article against me.

YL Chong, Desi


POSTSCRIPT added @5.55PM:

I've disabled COMMENTS for this post beause, based on the recent visitors on RPK-MCLM-Mercenaries topics, several commenters were clearly RPK diehard fans who cannot debate in a civil manner, and they are supporters of Malaysian CIVIL Liberties Movement, and their founder-Prez Haris Ibrahim and slieutenant Zorro claim to be CIVIL SOCIETY movers. Civil, my foot! I fear subversives will come in with IRRELEVANT or PROFANE comments, or even write "Seditious" or "Defamatory" comments purposely to get me or fellow Decent EsteemedReaders in trouble. -- YL Chong, Desi