My Anthem

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Half-past-6 is an over-rating for some!

When former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad ascribed the attribute of "half-past-six" to the current adminsitration under Pak Lah, I would tend to agree with the goode olde doctor of medicine with a qualifier -- there are some who are excellent, some good, and the rset, yes, half-past-6.

Undefortunately, there are among them to whom a half-past-6 rating is actually a compliment.

I believe here's one example, sighted buried somewhere (luckily) in the Star today ~~~ (the 'lucky' refers to the 'burial', not the subject, although I don't balme you IF you should deem that way!)~~~

men sought

PADANG BESAR: Perlis is inviting
bomohs, or medicine men, from the world over
to become counsellers for halway homes the state
government plans to build for drug addicts.

Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim said
"medicine men" from any part of the world, be it
Togo, India or elsewhere, were free to come to
Perlis to help out as counsellors.

He said they could use their skills to gyuide
the drug addicts back to the right path.

"They may have a different approach to help
drug addicts turn a new leaf," he said yesterday.

DESIDERATA: No wonder when the said subject offered to "mediate" between Dr Mahathir
and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, the Tun just dismissed him, adding on another barb that "that guy" was complaining back in the old days (words to this effect-lah).

I like a quote by Mark Twain -- mahpahs it's relevant here -- that says words to this effect~~~ It's better that one should keep his mouth shut that others think he's a fool, than to open the mouth to leave no doubt about the fact he's one!

Okay, let's see what Shahidan has said and implied.

That "bomohs" n some parts of the www had special skills Malaysia could adopt to rehabilitate our own addicts. Hey, if there were such experts-bomohs around, the whole wide world would have heard about it, the www would have recorded it, and that coiuntry would have a properous bomoh-ing industry, okay. Semuanya tak okay, MB?

And is the Perlis MB re-defining Human Resource and Immigration Department policies and priorites? Since when has a State been blessed with such authority -- or really has Pak Lah acknowledged his Federal administrators were half-past-6 and hence surrendered some jurisdiction and authority to the Perlis State Government?

I haven't read IT in the mainstream newspapers, who are all so obedient, and pliant, to the incumbent Gomen. My dear ER, have you?

PS: I reiterate that Pak Lah should do drastic surgery to remove those cancerous cells now affecting and infecting the main body politic of his Administration. The tradition that "old medicine" should now give rise to newer, more scientific minds just because of seniority and incumbenncy inherited from the olde regime should not remain an albatross around the people's government's neck.

Hey, each of us has only one neck, and we want to live to see Vision 20020 attained in our own lifetime. Hopefooly, with some bomohs help, we also can get to have a glimpse of V3030 on the horizon.

Hope spings eternal in the heart of an OPTIMIST.
And a half-past-7 poet is an enduring -- isIT spelt endearing? -- one...

PPS (No,, it's not Project Petaling Street, though I believe its anniversary is nigh, or isit over o'lady? No nu'es ... maybe someone is still dressing UP, or isIT down?)~~~

From The Star, page N4~~~

Wednesday June 21, 2006

Pak Lah: We don’t change policies indiscriminately

JAKARTA: The Malaysian Government does not change policies indiscriminately, says Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

“Whatever action we take, it is always rooted in facts and proper information,” he told a press conference yesterday. He said the issue of the Government “simply changing policies does not, and will not, arise”.

Abdullah was asked about Rengit assemblyman Ayub Jamil’s recent call to the Government to set up a commission on policy planning, implementation and strategy to prevent the country’s policies from being changed mid-stream.

The assemblyman cited agriculture as an example, where Majuternak was closed down at one time but now the emphasis was back on agriculture and rearing goats and cattle.

Abdullah was also asked if Petronas would increase the price of gas, but he declined to comment, saying he did not wish to speculate on the matter.

“What is important now is to ensure economic growth and that the economy runs smoothly,” he said.

DESIDERATA: I believ the Prime Minister means what he says, and says what he means, especially at an international forum. But when it comes to implementation, I don't know it's safe for the PM to assume those down the line observe the centre's policies -- in word and spirit!

Watch the State Warlords with their antics -- timber felled wantonly (Or isIT wandanly?), making nudist earlth colonies a doomsday delight for brother Landslides and Clifffalls burying lesser folks underneath tonnes of rubble, well extinguished, other than MB, CM and officals with mighty prefixes?

I don't know, me with my half-past-6 observations...

Pak Lah needs all our prayers, fellow citizens of NegaraKu, whetgher half-past 6, 7 or 8. And I'll stop at Eight because 8 is a lucky number. Also we'll leave 9 and 10 for the sext 14 yaers to aspire towards, yes?

Yours truly,
ever Optimistic Desi sinning off,
offering thee Teh-C minus the Su-gar, Sugar...
You're my Money gal...

Soly it's a short Post today because some of my ER
complained to some author-ities Desi is long-winded.
I'm rushing off for an AP to lower my BP
-- I hate Miss Ternomin! --
I'm CONsulting my SIN-seh:)

Bonus PPPS, can?

After a tip-off from mGf sssssspirits from Down Under, I offer thee a Rut Bir to go with this teAser, from one of my sweetest (no Sugar please, we art Oz!:) stars, who acted as my Interpreter at the United Nasiones~~~

Kidman, Urban
soothe paparazzi
with cold beer

SYDNET: Oscar-winning actress Nicole Kidman
and fiance Keith Urban used a very Australian
gift to soothe the paparazzi camped outside her
Sydney home yesterday ahaed of their expected
weekend wedding -- a case of cold beer.

Selfish is keeping the rest of the story for
himself, especially from the eyes of Howsy, mGf
based in lundun always on the lookout for SYTT.
(~~Saya Yang Tak Tahu~~):(


sweetspirits said...

Hiz Desi

Oh of course i am off topic here .
I c no mention of your Nicole Kid
getting married hehe. Just Joking
Logged by to say hi and share a smile " Hi :)
cheerz tcz

chong y l said...


How sweet of thee to remind Desi
I then paid her a visit
She offered me Rut Bir
All I could say wuz: aw, that's cute, my dear!:)

PPPS:Did a Promo on frontpage, thanks to your generous tip. Sssssspirits, my dear.:)

Fashionasia said...

half-past-six is my fav time bcoz its time to go homeeee!!!

ps. Congrats to Nicole!!
pps. we see a bulging tummy. Izzit beer or bb??

Howsy said...

Nicole is preggers lar! And it's a boy!

p.s. Uncle Desi now becoming my silent reader already? No more comments from you?

chong y l said...


I'm more hardwokking; i knock off at 1/2 past SEVEN!
We won't collide on the Hi-way~~!

Nicole, avvordin ti sext fellow, is preNON!
I wonder who did it!:(

chong y l said...

Howsy: lust time the phrase was deafening silence, or pin-number drop.

now it's Elegant! like Nicole, preggie or not;
Hey, will you be in Sidney Sat/Sun ah? we'll get a\2gether for domr silent goship!

Helen said...

My good fren whom I just had a talk about drug rehab (she used to work there) told me that a certain Calvary drug rehab centre in Johore has 100% recovery rate. Of course this was never reported in the papers because the centre was run by a Church...

chong y l said...


TYhat's the trouble with NegaraKU -- often the racist/religio lenses spoil everything!

Remember that poor businessman trying so hard to raise RM2million climbing Mt Everest. NO recognition at all from the blardy Gomen -- isIT a Gomen for ALL Malaysians, Pak Lah, pls Wake Up! -- on the ady his achievemnet was boroadcast worldwide, the stewpid Ministry of Youth&Sports was "flagging" off an A-team then "PEPARING" for the same t climb! Of course some Politikus climbed the bandwagon -- but this makes it worse by giving IT another "rcae" slant!

What's happening to NegaraKU, sisdar Helen, pls tell Desi, another sisdar FAshioonista says she wanna MIGRATE--I no she's "joking" only-lah!

There's nothing like HOME, even there are some holes in the ro-oo-of TOP, woof, wo-oo-of!:):)
Year of the Dog wat!:)

fishtail said...

"I reiterate that Pak Lah should do drastic surgery to remove those cancerous cells now affecting and infecting the main body politic of his Administration." I think he should also join one of those Bodyline or Trimline saloons, not to trim his own tummy, but to trim his giant sized cabinet.

chong y l said...


I do agree 100% with your advice -- Pak Lah overdid IT by XXL sizing the Cabinet -- partly he had to "reward" all the components (15! or isit 14 or 16 now?) in the BN afetr garnering 92% Parliamentary control.

Pak Lah should downsize by 50% IMMEDIATELY by using his prerogative as PM 9and BN chairman) because the increase in number had NOT seen any imrovement in performance the last 2-1/2 years! I also reiterate to go against tradition that each BN component head must be given a Cabinet post if he was elected to Parliment/Senate ... even corrupted ones?

Pak Lah, act fast before the GOoDwill runs dry...!

Arena Green said...

Still got goodwill left meh, Desi?? Last I checked around the neighbourhood, only hear not so printable words to describe his performance so far. If he continue like that, he can retire to Timbuktu and rear goats and cows very soon.

chong y l said...

anak merdeka:

The beatings of the heart are still not along a plateau yet -- the lust I surveyed (straw poll among my frens) -- several still give Pak Lah for some initiatives, esp in the copurts, to bring certain parties dating abck a decade or so, to account. Give-lah, grudgingly, some credit to Mr Nice Guy -- I know his elegant silence is becoming passe, but sometimes I "pity" him, he's surrounded by so much old baggage. One fellow journo Rocky says if Pak Lah were to apply the BIG whip, there won't be any cabinet members left! Wonder would PM draft some Bloggers eh? DESperate situations warrnt desPEATE measures, rite?
Anak M, I submit your nama to take over Fat Lady? And you give me enuf APs to get me my RM20million, cun?
One good submission deserves some CONmission, rite2? Hope ACA is not listening in!:(

Arena Green said...

Pak Lah is a good man. He's also in all probability a good father, grandfather, friend, neighbour and citizen. Maybe the job of PM is like a heavy chain upon his neck.

Unfortunately, since he deigned to sit on the hot seat, he has no choice but to perform and meet the expectations of the electorate within the timeframe given to him.

In particular, I find it sneaky that he has changed his slogan from "Work with me, Not for me" to "Support me and I will support you!"

Says QUITE a LOT about how much things have changed since 2004, don't you agree?

chong y l said...

anak merdeka:

We are seeing the "fruits" of 22 years of erosion -- of Executive, Legislature, Judiciary and Media -- Pak Lah's admin holds as much as 50% old baggage, so what sort of GO=STAN can one make but baby steps?

I don't know waht choice WE have? Pak Lah goes with all the shove initiated by the EX? You want the Najib guy to take over (et tu, Cassius! I won't even use Brutue on him, it's TOO kind!

So it's now UP to Citizen Can/cun to keep on pushing, egging him -- remind him about the GElection 2004 pledges...

The blardy Opposition parties must get their blardy acts together -- look at PAS playing up to the Gallery -- allowing non-members to contest under Da Moon, its pushing the Islamic Agenda (which coincides with Dr M's Islamic Malaysia wonder some PAS leaders want him as Oppo Super Leader, even withOUT an MP platform, are they GILA ke?

Malaysians at large must see the BIGGER PICTURE -- review the road we have travelled in those 22 yaers -- then the 2-1/2 yaers under Pak Lah -- have we made progress NORTH?

My answer is YES -- maybe the pace is NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
What are the constraints?
He need to put his foot down, we urge him...but can he survive the shoves? OR WORSE, MORE BRUTUS' STABS.

Ponder my fren, anak M, Howsy and Mave sm2, it's a PRETTY CONUNDRUM we face, yes?

PS: A BIG, BIG CANNON CAN BE MADE OUT OF THE SABAH IC CONUNDRUM, i wonder what DAP & PKR are so quiet on their fronts? Or isIT their backs?