My Anthem

Saturday, June 03, 2006

CONtrasting Columnists ... (Part 2)


June 2, 2006 @ 10.50AM

A senior editor in The Star, WONG CHUN WAI in a Comment on page N25 on June 21, devoted HALF A PAGE to the subject. I wondered allowed then if you would spend RM1.20 for the rest of the cili crab/crap then as I reproduced only the first two paras for initial comment.

We need to be more marketable


MANY Malaysians have long complained about job vacancy advertisements that require applicants to have compulsory knowledge of written Chinese and spoken Mandarin.

For job-seekers who are only proficient in Bahasa Malaysia and English, such advertisements must be frustrating, particularly if they feel they are qualified for the jobs offered.


Wong CW only deliberated on the advertisement requiring Mandarin proficiency, taking after the big foot steps of Deputy Prime Minister whom he must really idolise. The same laments by Najib Tun Razak a few days ago regurgitated, expanded to cover international market palces like Saudi Arabia, Belgium, Switzerland, Sweden and Australia, okay nearer home Singapore, then China, Hong Kong and Taiwan -- but he alos never mentioned, not even ONCE, the other category of Advertisements inviting that only "BUMIPUTRAS ONLY NEED TO APPLY". Which must be at the back of your mind, NO?

This for someone second in line to the People's Paper's GEIC. Oh, I remember, he's a double Datuk, so it's possible he harbours Political ambitions. OR isit what you call another AP? APologist...
Therefore, journalism is far from someone's mind...
I rest my case. OR isIT RIP?
Like The Sarawak Tribune?

I would not cover more grounds except advise my ER to read Comments in Yesterday's Post to see the discussion from some ER; but I won't bring to Frontpage afrer a "re-look" in the tradition of the same columnist asking whether there should be a "re-look" at the proposed IPCMC in yet another column two days earlier. I won't digress there as many of you by now could have suffered an "overdose". BTW, you can still sign up to support the Malaysian Bar Council's campiagn to call on tyhe Government to set up the IPCMC, Promto! Visit, especially for the benefit of one See Fei ... See, I look out for my ER' interest/s!:)

On Gem2, I wish to echo one moo_t's one-word Comment: Bull's eye.Da Rationale is so plain to see that here is one
Writer who speaks her mind, Without Fear or Favour, some "trait" that is a dying one among Politikus, especially from with the Government ranks, except for a few rare Gems (my ER described him as among the "few good Men left in Parliament"...) like Sharir Samad, who earned the distinction of Voting in support of DAP's motion, and paid a heavy price for his Principled Stand. He had to resign his Backbenchers Club chairmanship.

Oh, where was I?
Reprising just three paras from Marina's "Fact or fiction?":

"Then there’s fact derided as fiction. Price hikes hurt people. Our universities are not fabulous. Lelaki Komunis Terakhir is a security threat. MPs seem to get away with anything. We are nowhere near solving our drug problem. Our mainstream papers don’t report all the news that’s fit to read.

No wonder people get confused. We seem to be living in parallel worlds. One is the hunky dory one where everything seems to be going great, where one can simply adapt one’s lifestyle to suit our shrinking wallets, convince ourselves that laws are just meant for bad people and not us, pat ourselves on our backs that we can endure any misery without having to demonstrate or protest like other people. Then there is the real one where people are really finding it hard to make ends meet, where we can see obvious corruption and abuse of position, where women really have a rotten deal, where segregation is becoming an increasing reality.

The worst fiction of all, and for some reason this is one bit of fiction that almost everybody believes, is that nothing can be done and we should resign ourselves to it. We could take that as fact and then have to live with the fiction that we are a democracy. I suppose over time we can make ourselves believe anything at all. "


DESIDERATA draws your attention to her LAST PARA ... which she termed as "the worst fiction of all" in NegaraKu. I totally concur. This scribe wrote about exactly the same condition which I term as an "dangerous affliction" just a few days earlier. Bear with me if I reprise~~~

"Some Blogosphere residents think there is a lot of SANDIWARA going on in Bolehland. And who's to dismiss them -- there has been lots of wayang, opera and shadow play going on for decades, year after year, so much so the citizenry has first become confused, then tired, then nonchalant, then RESIGNED TO IT ALL.

This is a dangerous affliction
. Being resigned to the fact ... that we can't do anything about it. Just stay on the sidewalk ..."

Because Desi is in a productive mood -- not dangerous nor the worst fiction/affliction of damned all! -- as today marks an auspicious occasion, I'd follow up with a Bonus Post shortly, or longly, whatever:)No pay rise in such harsh times, ne'er mind-lah, at least this hoRst provides some fodder...?

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